12:03:18 RRSAgent has joined #pling 12:03:18 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/05/13-pling-irc 12:03:27 Zakim has joined #pling 12:03:40 zakim, this will be pling 12:03:42 ok, renato, I see P3P_PLING()8:00AM already started 12:04:37 Chair: Marco 12:04:46 Scribe: Renato 12:05:11 Topic: Previous Actions 12:06:06 Caary forward action for RI/RW about Media Annotations 12:07:33 action: RI/RW to followup with Media Annotations WG 12:08:13 Topic: other items 12:08:25 add Social Web XG to Liaisons list 12:08:44 IEEE policy workshop (to events) 12:09:10 Topic: Policies in Cloud Computing - Giles Hogden 12:09:50 CC new feature is pay for the resources that you need on demand 12:10:03 4 characterisitces 12:10:19 1 - scalability (up and down) 12:10:33 2 - abstracted resources, virtulisation 12:10:56 3 - shared resources 12:11:06 4 - services on demand (pay as u go) 12:11:21 (my spelling is poor!) 12:11:38 http://aws.amazon.com/solutions/case-studies/ 12:11:56 CC is really taking of.... 12:12:28 real demanding network services...games....financial services 12:12:48 study of security - risk assessment - for CC 12:14:08 http://wiki.enisa.europa.eu/index.php?title=A_user_perspective_on_Cloud_Computing_(i.e._SME) 12:14:20 scenario 1 - SME migrating from traditional to CC infrastructure 12:15:17 No 1 concern - confidentiality of the data 12:16:13 No 1 - availability 12:17:25 scenario 2 - ehealth 12:18:34 Scenario 3 - improve resilience - acceptable level of service provision (in the event of disaster etc...) 12:19:40 CC is ideal for a DoS attack! 12:19:59 Take down the entire cloud platform/users 12:20:33 ...policy related issues 12:20:49 authentication policies are less than optimal 12:21:06 eg Amazon gives one key (for all users) 12:21:17 http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/2009-02-01/SQSDeveloperGuide/ 12:21:45 new policy language for "simple q service" 12:22:49 How to stop CC users from mounting attacks? How to sandbox the individual users? 12:25:08 ISO27002 - IT Governance Std - mainly for those operating CC infrastructure 12:26:06 Mapping internal Governance polices to distributed services - that u don't own 12:26:38 Distributed services - which legal framework applies ? Depends on jurisdiction? 12:27:06 Edge-nodes in different jurisdictions 12:27:23 Audits hard as you have no audit trial.. 12:27:39 issues around liability... 12:28:16 http://www.appirio.com/ 12:28:24 passing the buck - outsourcing the outsourcers 12:29:45 Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a distributed queue messaging service 12:29:52 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Simple_Queue_Service 12:29:58 questions? 12:31:23 Amazon Simple Queue Service 12:31:24 Getting Started Guide (API Version 2008-01-01) 12:31:30 http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/2008-01-01/SQSGettingStartedGuide/ 12:32:47 Marco - plan to synchronise with other Cloud initiatives? 12:33:43 Giles; yes 12:34:09 Ashok - other companies involved in what? 12:34:54 Giles - the study includes 25 experts (from major companies...) eg HP, IBM etc 12:36:19 Giles - terms of reference paper (not public) 12:36:31 Giles - report will be public 12:36:56 Giles - missing expertise on privacy... 12:42:23 Jan - are there new issues here (eg privacy)? 12:42:39 Giles - "service on demand" is a new issue 12:43:50 Giles - most are new policy issues rather than technical 12:44:33 Thanks Giles for the Presentation...clap clap clap 12:45:06 Topic: PLING IG Note 12:45:28 Geolocation and privacy 12:46:47 Any ideas/contribution for W3C to take on in this area 12:47:01 Uni Milan - some related work 12:51:13 Create a new wiki page on this topic area - collect related works, projects etc 12:51:52 Topic: Review of Wiki activities 12:52:29 no added items 12:53:43 add a wiki page for GeoLocation...Cloud Computing 12:54:00 Topic: Liaisons 12:54:40 - +035850487aaaa 12:54:52 PICOS - in architectural phase 12:57:14 Social Web XG - teleconf just started 12:57:38 Topic: Events 12:58:04 Giles - offers the island of Crete! 12:59:00 Ashok - TPAC? 12:59:14 I have to go on time... 13:00:18 Topic: AOB 13:00:26 - +30281039aabb 13:00:52 next meeting 10 June 13:00:55 bye 13:00:58 zakim, bye 13:00:58 Zakim has left #pling 13:00:58 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Ashok_Malhotra, +035850487aaaa, +30281039aabb 13:01:10 rrsagent, make log public 13:01:15 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:01:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/05/13-pling-minutes.html renato 13:01:21 rrsagent, bye 13:01:21 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/13-pling-actions.rdf : 13:01:21 ACTION: RI/RW to followup with Media Annotations WG [1] 13:01:21 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/05/13-pling-irc#T12-07-33