12:16:40 RRSAgent has joined #eiif 12:16:40 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/30-eiif-irc 12:16:55 Zakim has joined #eiif 12:17:10 zakim, this will be eiif 12:17:10 ok, renato; I see INC_EIIF XG()9:00AM scheduled to start in 43 minutes 13:00:06 INC_EIIF XG()9:00AM has now started 13:00:09 +??P17 13:00:13 + +1.425.392.aaaa 13:00:15 - +1.425.392.aaaa 13:00:15 + +1.425.392.aaaa 13:00:52 + +1.978.371.aabb 13:01:19 + +1.858.566.aacc 13:01:27 +??P21 13:02:13 + +1.703.607.aadd 13:05:48 topic: Framework Document 13:06:46 -??P21 13:08:51 +??P9 13:16:15 + +1.519.957.aaee 13:20:22 some orgs not replyig to request for info 13:21:34 not clear if these EM systems are implemented at all 13:25:41 Systems listed in the Framework report 13:26:14 letter from EIIF to help in the next phase 13:30:58 Use Charter text as letter to generate requests 13:31:40 action: rebecca to draft letter 13:37:42 action: hillman to complete missing people use case 13:39:33 apply gap analysis to W3 use case 13:41:46 challenges of integrating standards 13:41:56 overlap in standards 13:45:08 services 13:47:12 will be part of the missing people use case....bridge to final report 13:49:46 what standard are relevant to W3 use case? 13:57:14 action: chamindra - standards for W3 14:07:39 - +1.425.392.aaaa 14:08:37 action chamindra to work on Final report 14:09:14 action: rebecca to do final edit of Framework Report 14:09:25 iscram conf 14:09:46 chamindra to talk about EIIF at Standards session at ISCRAM 14:15:23 - +1.519.957.aaee 14:15:24 - +1.858.566.aacc 14:15:24 - +1.978.371.aabb 14:15:26 - +1.703.607.aadd 14:15:26 -??P9 14:15:34 -??P17 14:15:35 INC_EIIF XG()9:00AM has ended 14:15:37 Attendees were +1.425.392.aaaa, +1.978.371.aabb, +1.858.566.aacc, +1.703.607.aadd, +1.519.957.aaee 14:16:45 zakim, bye 14:16:45 Zakim has left #eiif 14:16:53 rrsagent, make log public 14:16:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:16:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/30-eiif-minutes.html renato 14:17:11 rrsagent, bye 14:17:11 I see 4 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/30-eiif-actions.rdf : 14:17:11 ACTION: rebecca to draft letter [1] 14:17:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/30-eiif-irc#T13-31-40 14:17:11 ACTION: hillman to complete missing people use case [2] 14:17:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/30-eiif-irc#T13-37-42 14:17:11 ACTION: chamindra - standards for W3 [3] 14:17:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/30-eiif-irc#T13-57-14 14:17:11 ACTION: rebecca to do final edit of Framework Report [4] 14:17:11 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/30-eiif-irc#T14-09-14