12:58:30 RRSAgent has joined #egov 12:58:30 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc 12:58:32 RRSAgent, make logs public 12:58:32 Zakim has joined #egov 12:58:34 Zakim, this will be EGOV 12:58:34 ok, trackbot, I see T&S_EGOV()9:00AM already started 12:58:35 Meeting: eGovernment Interest Group Teleconference 12:58:35 Date: 29 April 2009 12:58:42 zakim, who's here? 12:58:42 On the phone I see +1.512.305.aaaa, [IPcaller] 12:58:43 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Sharron, Jake, kevin, Daniel_Bennett, josema, trackbot 12:58:54 + +1.202.731.aabb 12:59:22 Owen has joined #egov 12:59:31 zakim, aaaa is Sharron 12:59:31 +Sharron; got it 12:59:48 +[CTIC] 12:59:56 + +1.202.319.aacc 12:59:57 zakim, [CTIC] is me 12:59:57 +josema; got it 13:00:40 davemc has joined #egov 13:01:16 Good Morning all 13:01:35 zakim, aacc is probably Owen 13:01:35 +Owen?; got it 13:01:39 zakim, who's here? 13:01:41 On the phone I see Sharron, [IPcaller], +1.202.731.aabb, josema, Owen? 13:01:42 On IRC I see davemc, Owen, Zakim, RRSAgent, Sharron, Jake, kevin, Daniel_Bennett, josema, trackbot 13:01:51 + +1.202.527.aadd 13:01:52 202-319 is Daniel 13:02:18 +??P20 13:02:22 zakim, aabb is Daniel_Bennett 13:02:22 +Daniel_Bennett; got it 13:02:35 zakim, aadd is Suzanne 13:02:35 +Suzanne; got it 13:02:44 zakim, ??P20 is Dave 13:02:44 +Dave; got it 13:03:03 regrets+ Oscar 13:03:19 topic: review of open issues (and actions) 13:04:09 + +1.703.994.aaee 13:04:38 zakim, aaee is Ken 13:04:38 +Ken; got it 13:05:28 john has joined #egov 13:06:15 all, see: http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/track/issues/open 13:06:26 + +0203334aaff 13:06:41 zakim, aaff is john 13:06:41 +john; got it 13:08:40 scribe: josema 13:10:39 kevin: met BSA, government reps from some vendors, at meeting at The White House 13:11:02 ... good discussion, interest in our work, BSA submitted comments already 13:11:54 ... Beth Noveck asked people in the room if they were participating in this W3C work 13:12:10 ... heard it was received as they should work with us 13:13:16 ... also Bev keeping us in the forefront 13:13:57 ... I also participated in TWB/OASIS workshop on April, 17th 13:14:20 s/topic: review of open issues (and actions)/topic: update on activities 13:14:38 ... people from several countries, some african countries 13:15:01 ... all discussions about standards referring to W3C work 13:15:23 suzanne: great news, I appreciate hearing that 13:15:34 topic: review of open issues (and actions) 13:16:23 issue list: http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/track/issues/open 13:17:41 ISSUE-1 13:18:03 @@Semantic agreement in advance facilitates all exchanging parties to have a common understanding of the meaning of the data exchanged ISSUE-1@@ 13:18:25 q+ 13:18:34 ack john 13:18:56 [comments in @@ come from editor's draft] 13:20:56 Owen +1 13:21:15 owen: as much agreement in advance as possible is good 13:21:41 ... [scribe missed comment] 13:22:21 Daniel: I don't think this is a requirement but a best practice 13:23:08 Daniel, I agree it is a best practice 13:23:18 john: I like the wording, can live with that 13:23:42 zakim, who's noisy? 13:23:53 josema, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Daniel_Bennett (9%), josema (14%), Ken (24%) 13:23:57 From my perspective, the key point is to publish the names and plain-language definitions of each element regardless of how many people may or may not agree. 13:25:20 RESOLVED: close ISSUE-1 13:27:30 trackbot, close ISSUE-2 13:27:30 ISSUE-2 Open Government Data Definition closed 13:27:45 trackbot, close ISSUE-1 13:27:46 ISSUE-1 is it necessary to agree upon the semantics in advance? closed 13:28:00 trackbot, open ISSUE-2 13:28:00 Sorry, josema, I don't understand 'trackbot, open ISSUE-2'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 13:28:41 ISSUE-2 13:28:59 [john tries to cut himself in two...] 13:29:06 lol 13:29:48 agreed. let's not be too academically perfect. 13:31:28 [suzanne suggest to review authoritative references and highlight the common thing] 13:31:37 q+ 13:31:45 see some at: http://razor.occams.info/pubdocs/2009-02-28_TCamp_Data_Standards.pdf 13:32:11 a definitive reference would be it's own working group 13:32:17 s/suggest/suggests 13:33:08 suzanne: if there's no formal and definitive definition we should point to what is available 13:33:52 ... but get to just one could take us a lot of time 13:34:07 agree with 7 / 8 of those listed 13:34:25 no 8 is troublesome 13:34:30 ack j 13:34:34 ack john 13:35:13 john: be careful not to enter the OSS vs. proprietary sw discussion 13:35:48 also be careful to avoid the "free software" versus "open Source" lexicon 13:35:49 ... we should point to what people mean as OGD, not endorse any 13:35:58 suzanne: make situation awareness 13:36:18 dave: could even be a subgroup in the new charter 13:37:44 ACTION: kevin to deal with ISSUE-2 along this line 13:37:44 Created ACTION-55 - Deal with ISSUE-2 along this line [on Kevin Novak - due 2009-05-06]. 13:38:20 ISSUE-2: see ACTION-55 13:38:20 ISSUE-2 Open Government Data Definition notes added 13:38:46 It is not necessary to get into the debate over open source versus proprietary software in order to outline the attributes of open *data*. 13:39:06 ISSUE-3 13:39:11 I vote to close this... 13:39:29 kevin: propose to leave it as is and close it 13:40:01 suzanne: agree 13:40:34 ... it could be a good ting to add to an appendix or glossary 13:41:28 s/ting/thing 13:41:49 [also on ISSUE-26 on having a glossary] 13:42:08 suzanne: should we add a glossary? 13:42:27 jose: I'd like to if someone takes responsibility 13:42:38 daniel: +1, maybe using wiki approach 13:43:15 ACTION: Sharron to start glossary related to ISSUE-26 13:43:15 Created ACTION-56 - Start glossary related to ISSUE-26 [on Sharron Rush - due 2009-05-06]. 13:43:25 ISSUE-26: see ACTION-56 13:43:25 ISSUE-26 glossary to be added to the document? notes added 13:43:44 ken has joined #egov 13:44:11 close ISSUE-26 13:44:11 ISSUE-26 glossary to be added to the document? closed 13:44:41 ISSUE-2, glossary will hold this 13:44:45 close ISSUE-2 13:44:45 ISSUE-2 Open Government Data Definition closed 13:44:50 close ISSUE-3 13:44:50 ISSUE-3 spelling of eGovernment closed 13:46:30 he is right 13:46:54 ISSUE-4 13:47:28 jose: I would add it 13:48:22 q+ 13:48:24 Daniel: [on issue in US around this and re-selling datasets] 13:48:42 ack john 13:48:54 ... potential issue, don't think we should say governments should do this 13:49:09 john: not say it's desirable but ack it as approach 13:49:46 owen: US FOIA says gov should maintain data in formats requested ?? 13:50:32 dave: sounds like we are discussing packaging rather than data at this point 13:51:02 I agree with John 13:51:39 The E-FOIA amendments are available at http://www.usdoj.gov/oip/foia_updates/Vol_XVII_4/page2.htm 13:52:06 ACTION: john to write a paragraph to add this one 13:52:06 Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - john 13:52:06 Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. jwonderl, jsherida) 13:52:20 ACTION: jsherida to write a paragraph to add this one 13:52:20 Created ACTION-57 - Write a paragraph to add this one [on John Sheridan - due 2009-05-06]. 13:52:40 ISSUE-4: see ACTION-57 13:52:40 ISSUE-4 Raw Data or Bulk Data downloads should be added to OGD section notes added 13:59:08 [discussions on approach in EU and US] 13:59:21 [on how to reference, how this can be or not mandated by govs] 13:59:56 [this is an issues doc; we should highlight it as an issue[ 14:00:16 ISSUE-5 14:00:55 owen: should W3C recs be in FEA TRM? 14:01:11 [nothing heard] 14:01:15 owen: yes 14:02:10 daniel: let them be able to reference it, not say they should reference it 14:03:06 owen: it's the technical _reference_ model not the technical _mandate_ model 14:03:48 suzanne: we are writing a doc that have potential to turn into set of guidelines 14:04:11 ... TRM way of reference is one way but what about other countries? 14:04:42 kevin: we should be broad 14:05:15 Kevin +1 : Broad, but flexible 14:05:24 ... I don't think we'll have a pretty clear view yet 14:05:45 suzanne: issues can turn into oportunities for future work 14:05:51 +1 14:05:53 s/oportunities/opportunities 14:05:57 Suzanne +1 14:06:16 -Suzanne 14:06:18 It would be good if the "data" contained in "standards" (like W3C Recommendations) were readily referenceable in national TRMs. 14:06:18 [suzanne leaves call] 14:07:36 ISSUE-5, go ahead with broad but flexible approach 14:09:01 close ISSUE-19 14:09:01 ISSUE-19 The mention of human readable format using HTML seems unclearly focused closed 14:10:30 close ISSUE-27 14:10:30 ISSUE-27 remove negative reference to PDF closed 14:11:58 dave: fine with replacement text on both 14:13:14 [reviewing accessibility issues] 14:13:30 jose: added everything to the doc, fine with me, they are the experts 14:13:39 kevin: anything controversial? 14:14:14 kevin +1 14:14:16 sharron: I'm in both groups, nothing controversial, just making a better distinction 14:16:36 close ISSUE-6 14:16:37 ISSUE-6 open standards to achieve participation and engagement closed 14:19:43 [all fine with accessibility related changes] 14:21:27 ISSUE-7 14:21:47 [distinction between sw and data stds?] 14:23:43 q+ 14:25:07 chair: john, kevin 14:25:16 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:25:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-minutes.html josema 14:25:19 I'm enjoying the discussion 14:26:14 ack john 14:26:48 [level you _need_ to achieve vs. level you _want_ to achieve] 14:27:24 [on policy need to have higher degree of interop e.g. on geospatial data] 14:27:31 John +1 14:27:52 [we don't need everything to interop with everything from a gov perspective] 14:28:53 close ISSUE-7 14:28:53 ISSUE-7 achieving interoperability should be done through standardization closed 14:29:09 -Dave 14:29:15 davemc has left #egov 14:29:51 -Ken 14:31:15 jose: several on adding pointers and examples can be already closed, it's being done 14:31:21 kevin: +1 14:31:23 john: +1 14:31:44 ACTION: josema to close those ISSUES that have been integrated in the doc already 14:31:44 Created ACTION-58 - Close those ISSUES that have been integrated in the doc already [on José Manuel Alonso - due 2009-05-06]. 14:32:18 sharron: will the structure of the document change significantly to improve narrative ?? 14:32:25 ... I can volunteer to help with that 14:33:25 ISSUE-10: yes 14:33:25 ISSUE-10 creation of an executive summary for C-level audience notes added 14:34:12 ACTION: kevin to develop exec summary and abstract 14:34:12 Created ACTION-59 - Develop exec summary and abstract [on Kevin Novak - due 2009-05-06]. 14:34:31 ACTION: sharron to help develop exec summary and abstract 14:34:31 Created ACTION-60 - Help develop exec summary and abstract [on Sharron Rush - due 2009-05-06]. 14:37:20 ISSUE-11: add them to glossary, too 14:37:20 ISSUE-11 abbreviations like API, PSI etc. needs to be explained the first time and more tweaks to abbreviations might be needed notes added 14:37:51 [when producing the glossary take into account the abbreviations] 14:37:59 close ISSUE-11 14:37:59 ISSUE-11 abbreviations like API, PSI etc. needs to be explained the first time and more tweaks to abbreviations might be needed closed 14:39:11 ISSUE-15, ISSUE-17, daniel working on it, will deliver text tomorrow 14:39:40 ISSUE-17: Daniel, more of a philosofical rather than technical but I'll call out 14:39:40 ISSUE-17 safe to play notes added 14:40:53 ISSUE-18 14:41:08 josema: not sure what to do with this one, not easy 14:41:25 kevin: I think we should be broad and flexible again 14:41:36 daniel: we should be very careful 14:41:47 john: it's a hard question 14:44:43 kevin: should we have a list? 14:44:50 john: it can be problematic 14:44:54 josema: +1 14:44:57 daniel: +1 14:46:31 ISSUE-18: use Web content from WCAG2.0, referencing from document as a whole where needed 14:46:31 ISSUE-18 should more non W3C standards be added? notes added 14:48:33 ACTION: sharron to review document with ISSUE-18 in mind 14:48:33 Created ACTION-61 - Review document with ISSUE-18 in mind [on Sharron Rush - due 2009-05-06]. 14:48:42 ISSUE-18: see ACTION-61 14:48:42 ISSUE-18 should more non W3C standards be added? notes added 14:49:50 ISSUE-22 14:50:12 Daniel: we should add something saying that debate and dialogue is important and should be added 14:50:27 sharron: +1 14:51:24 ACTION: daniel to provide replacement text to add ISSUE-22 14:51:24 Created ACTION-62 - Provide replacement text to add ISSUE-22 [on Daniel Bennett - due 2009-05-06]. 14:52:56 close ISSUE-25 14:52:56 ISSUE-25 more good practice around URIs and URLs closed 14:54:53 great job josema! 14:55:06 This conference is in overtime; all ports must be freed 14:58:35 [all review already proposed schedule and agree] 14:59:13 -Owen? 14:59:14 -Sharron 14:59:16 ADJOURNED 14:59:25 -Daniel_Bennett 14:59:27 -john 14:59:43 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:59:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-minutes.html josema 14:59:50 zakim, who's here? 14:59:50 On the phone I see [IPcaller], josema 14:59:51 On IRC I see ken, john, Zakim, RRSAgent, Sharron, Jake, kevin, Daniel_Bennett, josema, trackbot 14:59:58 -[IPcaller] 15:00:01 zakim, list attendees 15:00:01 As of this point the attendees have been +1.512.305.aaaa, [IPcaller], +1.202.731.aabb, Sharron, +1.202.319.aacc, josema, Owen?, +1.202.527.aadd, Daniel_Bennett, Suzanne, Dave, 15:00:04 ... +1.703.994.aaee, Ken, +0203334aaff, john 15:00:06 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:00:06 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-minutes.html josema 15:00:18 -josema 15:00:19 T&S_EGOV()9:00AM has ended 15:00:20 Attendees were +1.512.305.aaaa, [IPcaller], +1.202.731.aabb, Sharron, +1.202.319.aacc, josema, Owen?, +1.202.527.aadd, Daniel_Bennett, Suzanne, Dave, +1.703.994.aaee, Ken, 15:00:22 ... +0203334aaff, john 16:03:32 Sharron has left #egov 16:19:02 zakim, bye 16:19:02 Zakim has left #egov 16:19:05 rrsagent, bye 16:19:05 I see 9 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-actions.rdf : 16:19:05 ACTION: kevin to deal with ISSUE-2 along this line [1] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T13-37-44 16:19:05 ACTION: Sharron to start glossary related to ISSUE-26 [2] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T13-43-15 16:19:05 ACTION: john to write a paragraph to add this one [3] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T13-52-06 16:19:05 ACTION: jsherida to write a paragraph to add this one [4] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T13-52-20 16:19:05 ACTION: josema to close those ISSUES that have been integrated in the doc already [5] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T14-31-44 16:19:05 ACTION: kevin to develop exec summary and abstract [6] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T14-34-12 16:19:05 ACTION: sharron to help develop exec summary and abstract [7] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T14-34-31 16:19:05 ACTION: sharron to review document with ISSUE-18 in mind [8] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T14-48-33 16:19:05 ACTION: daniel to provide replacement text to add ISSUE-22 [9] 16:19:05 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2009/04/29-egov-irc#T14-51-24