IRC log of bpwg on 2009-04-28

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:25:40 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #bpwg
13:25:40 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:25:42 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs public
13:25:42 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #bpwg
13:25:44 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be BPWG
13:25:44 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot; I see MWI_BPWG()9:30AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes
13:25:45 [trackbot]
Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference
13:25:45 [trackbot]
Date: 28 April 2009
13:25:49 [francois]
Regrets: jo, DKA, rob, kai, abel, nacho, SangwhanMoon, Bruce, Bryan
13:26:27 [francois]
13:28:39 [tomhume]
tomhume has joined #bpwg
13:29:22 [cgi-irc]
cgi-irc has joined #bpwg
13:29:25 [tomhume]
zakim, what is the code?
13:29:25 [Zakim]
the conference code is 2794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), tomhume
13:30:31 [Zakim]
MWI_BPWG()9:30AM has now started
13:30:38 [Zakim]
+ +2
13:30:44 [tomhume]
zakim, + +2 is me
13:30:44 [Zakim]
I don't understand '+ +2 is me', tomhume
13:30:48 [tomhume]
zakim, +2 is me
13:30:48 [Zakim]
+tomhume; got it
13:30:57 [EdC]
EdC has joined #bpwg
13:31:27 [Zakim]
13:31:52 [Zakim]
+ +0207881aabb
13:31:57 [Adam]
zakim, aabb is me
13:31:57 [Zakim]
+Adam; got it
13:32:30 [Zakim]
13:35:38 [miguel]
miguel has joined #bpwg
13:35:50 [Zakim]
13:35:54 [yeliz]
zakim, ??P12 is yeliz
13:35:54 [Zakim]
+yeliz; got it
13:36:07 [yeliz]
zakim, mute yeliz
13:36:07 [Zakim]
yeliz should now be muted
13:36:23 [Zakim]
13:37:53 [yeliz]
zakim, unmute yeliz
13:37:53 [Zakim]
yeliz should no longer be muted
13:38:13 [francois]
Scribe: yeliz
13:38:19 [francois]
Topic: mobileOK Checker
13:38:52 [jeffs]
jeffs has joined #bpwg
13:39:05 [yeliz]
francois: The reason this is topic is agenda, I made some changes in the library, most of the bugs are fixed
13:39:11 [Zakim]
+ +03491121aacc
13:39:19 [yeliz]
francois: thanks to Miguel and Abel
13:39:38 [yeliz]
Francois: there are a few minor enhancements in the pipeline
13:40:00 [yeliz]
Francois: there are some possible enhancements that could be done in the way resources are described
13:40:23 [Zakim]
+ +1.585.278.aadd
13:40:25 [yeliz]
Francois: Need to discuss on the mobileOK mailing list before we go ahead with those changes
13:40:37 [achuter]
zakim, +03491 is me
13:40:37 [Zakim]
+achuter; got it
13:40:41 [achuter]
zakim, mute me
13:40:41 [Zakim]
achuter should now be muted
13:40:46 [jeffs]
zakim, aadd is jeffs
13:40:46 [Zakim]
+jeffs; got it
13:40:49 [yeliz]
Francois: I just wanted to give an update on the status of mobileOK
13:40:55 [francois]
zakim, mute yeliz
13:40:55 [Zakim]
yeliz should now be muted
13:41:13 [francois]
Topic: Mobile Web Application Best Practices
13:41:18 [yeliz]
Topic: Web Applications Best Practices Document
13:41:27 [yeliz]
Francois: Adam updated the document
13:41:31 [francois]
-> new MWABP draft
13:41:32 [yeliz]
Adam: there is a new draft
13:41:51 [yeliz]
Adam: Thanks to Eduarda, it looks powerful, I will work on your comments, and then raise issues if
13:41:57 [yeliz]
Adam: something is not clear
13:42:03 [francois]
13:42:18 [jeffs]
should be able to finish up empirical tests of canvas & SVG this week
13:42:24 [yeliz]
Adam: There is one outsanding action: revisit...
13:42:46 [yeliz]
Adam: We can either go ahead and discuss them
13:43:33 [yeliz]
Adam: What we recommended as best practice is not recommended by security people
13:43:43 [yeliz]
Adam: looking forward to comments and feedback
13:44:19 [yeliz]
Francois: I think Eduardo had quite a lot of comments about this, any comment Eduardo?
13:44:24 [yeliz]
Eduardo: Not quite
13:44:40 [yeliz]
Eduardo: would be good to have more details about the argument
13:45:19 [francois]
-> resolutions on logins
13:45:22 [yeliz]
Adam: made recommendations on how formatted passwords, etc.. I don't think it is a good idea to have them presented differently on mobile Web
13:45:34 [yeliz]
Adam: we can either be silent on this or discuss it further
13:46:44 [yeliz]
Eduardo: Are you saying that we ignore the resolution and do something else?
13:47:10 [yeliz]
Adam: we can remain silent on the topic
13:47:47 [SeanP]
SeanP has joined #bpwg
13:47:54 [yeliz]
Francois: I think I like your suggestion, it is an important topic
13:48:09 [yeliz]
Adam: it's important to put BP in the user experience section
13:48:48 [yeliz]
Adam: we made some other changes to BP since then
13:49:05 [yeliz]
Adam: and now it talks about something slightly different
13:49:07 [Zakim]
13:49:14 [yeliz]
Eduardo: this is OK with me
13:49:45 [yeliz]
Adam: I haven't actually looked at the existing resolutions, but they don't match with the exitsing versions
13:49:56 [yeliz]
Adam: as they talk about some BPs that don't exist anymore
13:50:21 [francois]
ACTION: adam to draft a BP on login forms adapting previous resolutions on the topic for discussion
13:50:21 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-957 - Draft a BP on login forms adapting previous resolutions on the topic for discussion [on Adam Connors - due 2009-05-05].
13:50:22 [yeliz]
Adam: Waiting for feedback on the document, haven't addressed Eduardo's comments yet
13:50:28 [jsmanrique]
jsmanrique has joined #bpwg
13:50:42 [yeliz]
Eduardo: there are a couple of points that need clarification
13:51:04 [yeliz]
Eduardo: my comments don't invalidate BPs but mainly clarifications are required
13:51:13 [yeliz]
Adam: I will address them later
13:51:23 [yeliz]
Francois: I also have some minor comments and I will post them later
13:51:49 [yeliz]
Francois: I wonder if it would be good to publish a new draft, a working group draft
13:52:01 [yeliz]
Francois: the new document is way different from the one published in the past
13:52:12 [yeliz]
Francois: so it would be good to publish a new WG draft
13:52:21 [yeliz]
Adam: I think that would be good, yes from me
13:52:42 [yeliz]
Adam: looking forward to more comments from the community
13:52:57 [yeliz]
Francois: anybody against to publish a new WG draft?
13:53:32 [yeliz]
Eduardo: there are two BPs missing, would that be a problem in publising a draft?
13:53:50 [yeliz]
Francois: no, that won't be a problem, we will just put editorial note
13:54:32 [yeliz]
zakim, unmute yeliz
13:54:32 [Zakim]
yeliz should no longer be muted
13:54:47 [yeliz]
zakim, mute yeliz
13:54:47 [Zakim]
yeliz should now be muted
13:55:09 [francois]
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: add a placeholder for login BP in the current draft and publish the a new Working Draft of the Mobile Web Application Best Practices document based on the 17th April 2009 version.
13:55:29 [Adam]
13:55:31 [EdC]
13:55:33 [achuter]
13:55:34 [francois]
13:55:35 [miguel]
13:55:35 [yeliz]
13:55:43 [SeanP]
13:55:47 [yeliz]
Adam: I can publish it tomorrow
13:56:11 [yeliz]
Francois: I can do the necessary changes to move it to a WG draft
13:56:53 [yeliz]
zakim, unmute yeliz
13:56:53 [Zakim]
yeliz should no longer be muted
13:57:24 [yeliz]
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: add a placeholder for login BP in the current draft and publish the a new Working Draft of the Mobile Web Application Best Practices document based on the 17th April 2009 version.
13:57:31 [yeliz]
RESOLUTION: add a placeholder for login BP in the current draft and publish the a new Working Draft of the Mobile Web Application Best Practices document based on the 17th April 2009 version.
13:57:40 [yeliz]
zakim, mute yeliz
13:57:40 [Zakim]
yeliz should now be muted
13:58:05 [yeliz]
Francois: Jeff do you have any update on Canvas?
13:58:31 [yeliz]
Jeff: I haven't had any chance to complete it
13:58:41 [francois]
Topic: Mobile/Accessibility document
13:58:52 [achuter]
zakim, unmute me
13:58:52 [Zakim]
achuter should no longer be muted
13:59:03 [yeliz]
Francois: Alan posted a new email today
13:59:08 [francois]
-> Alan's latest email on the topic
13:59:15 [Zakim]
13:59:19 [yeliz]
13:59:27 [yeliz]
Francois:This is the latest version
13:59:45 [yeliz]
Francois: is the goal to publish a new WG draft and then a WG note?
14:00:04 [yeliz]
Alan: yes, that's the idea, idea is to get more feedback
14:00:08 [achuter]
14:00:23 [yeliz]
Francois: I suppose it is the EO position
14:00:31 [yeliz]
Francois: not many changes, right?
14:01:01 [yeliz]
Alan: The main change been that WCAG is required by all sites but not BP
14:01:11 [yeliz]
Alan: but then we updated that
14:01:22 [yeliz]
Francois: is there something that needs to be reviewed?
14:01:37 [yeliz]
Alan: only that parag. that compares WCAG and MWBP?
14:02:01 [yeliz]
Francois: I read it several times, and it looks OK to me
14:02:20 [yeliz]
Alan: take a resolution to be published as a Working draft
14:02:45 [yeliz]
Alan: I have implemented the changes EO asked for
14:02:55 [yeliz]
Alan: I think they need to vote as well
14:03:13 [yeliz]
EO: Education and Outreach WG
14:03:35 [yeliz]
Francois: If they say on Friday that they are OK with this version, we will go ahead and publish
14:04:30 [yeliz]
Francois: If Education and Outreach WG say on Friday that they are OK with this version, we will go ahead and publish
14:04:36 [francois]
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: pending EOWG approval, publish the latest version of "Relationship between Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)" as a last public working draft, with a view to issuing a WG Note shortly afterwards.
14:04:56 [EdC]
14:05:02 [achuter]
14:05:08 [Adam]
14:05:09 [jeffs]
14:05:10 [yeliz]
14:05:10 [francois]
14:05:11 [miguel]
14:05:11 [SeanP]
14:05:25 [yeliz]
RESOLUTION: pending EOWG approval, publish the latest version of "Relationship between Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)" as a last public working draft, with a view to issuing a WG Note shortly afterwards.
14:05:58 [yeliz]
Topic: Content Transformation
14:06:31 [francois]
-> fd's email on X-Device-* headers registration
14:07:48 [EdC]
14:08:08 [yeliz]
Francois: this requires Jo's approval
14:08:41 [yeliz]
Eduardo: regarding the formal definition, you put the whole thing, wouldn't be useful to put the corresponding ..
14:09:03 [Zakim]
14:09:17 [yeliz]
Francois: I agree, everyone would understand what it means, so I think you are right
14:10:07 [francois]
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: Properly define X-Device-* HTTP headers in the Content Transformation guidelines using references to the appropriate sections of RFC2616
14:10:13 [tomhume]
14:10:15 [EdC]
14:10:16 [francois]
14:10:16 [yeliz]
14:10:17 [SeanP]
14:10:17 [jeffs]
14:10:28 [yeliz]
RESOLUTION: Properly define X-Device-* HTTP headers in the Content Transformation guidelines using references to the appropriate sections of RFC2616
14:10:51 [yeliz]
Francois: not sure about the remaining topics
14:11:25 [EdC]
14:11:25 [francois]
-> Eduardo's proposal for an abstract for CT
14:12:02 [yeliz]
Francois: "same origin policy" requires other people to be able to discuss so I suggest we postpone this
14:12:16 [jeffs]
+1 on Francois' comment
14:12:26 [yeliz]
Francois: lets look at Abstract suggested by Eduardo
14:12:36 [SeanP]
14:12:39 [yeliz]
Francois: I think it is quite long
14:13:13 [yeliz]
Sean: reference to Web applications, I know what it means but it can be confusing
14:13:25 [yeliz]
Sean: usually people do transformation on simpler pages
14:13:44 [yeliz]
Sean: I think what Eduardo saying here is more than just simple Web pages, javascript involved, etc
14:13:57 [yeliz]
Sean: Web applications to me refers to Widgets
14:14:09 [yeliz]
Francois: what about saying "Web resources"
14:14:19 [yeliz]
Francois: Eduardo, what do you think about this?
14:14:30 [yeliz]
Eduardo: is there a standard terminology?
14:14:50 [yeliz]
Francois: yes, Web resources is the "standard" terminology
14:15:13 [yeliz]
Francois: need to find the exact definition for the record
14:15:15 [francois]
-> WebArch definition of the Web and resources
14:15:42 [yeliz]
Francois: this document refers to "Web resources"
14:16:45 [yeliz]
Francois: this needs to be discussed on the mailing list. Can we postpone the discussion to next week?
14:17:00 [yeliz]
Francois: so people have time to look at it and discuss on the mailing list
14:17:15 [francois]
Topic: Feature phones vs. Smartphone
14:17:23 [yeliz]
Topic: Feature phones vs. Smartphone
14:17:24 [francois]
14:17:24 [trackbot]
ISSUE-296 -- "feature phone vs. smartphone, which handsets will make large web traffic ?" -- OPEN
14:17:24 [trackbot]
14:18:02 [EdC]
I already sent something.
14:18:09 [yeliz]
Francois: Jonathan asked for comments on the mailing list, we will not discuss on the call
14:18:30 [yeliz]
Francois: is there anything that we can possibly discuss here about your comment Eduardo?
14:19:31 [yeliz]
Eduardo: are the results of this discussion will be used?
14:19:50 [yeliz]
Francois: the result will affect Web applications BP but not directly
14:20:06 [francois]
s/will affect/could affect/
14:20:49 [yeliz]
Eduardo: I would be interested to get an overview of the terminology from far East, since we have people here from Korea
14:21:23 [yeliz]
Eduardo: South Korea, and Japan, so it would be good to know about the developments there
14:21:41 [yeliz]
Francois: Please take a look at the document and send an email to the mailing list
14:21:48 [yeliz]
Francois: any other business?
14:22:06 [jeffs]
14:22:11 [yeliz]
Francois: Thanks for all attending
14:22:13 [Zakim]
14:22:14 [EdC]
bye, till next week.
14:22:16 [yeliz]
Zakim, unmute yeliz
14:22:16 [Zakim]
yeliz should no longer be muted
14:22:19 [Zakim]
14:22:20 [Zakim]
14:22:20 [Zakim]
14:22:22 [Zakim]
14:22:22 [miguel]
miguel has left #bpwg
14:22:28 [Zakim]
14:22:29 [Zakim]
14:22:33 [Zakim]
14:22:33 [jsmanrique]
14:26:35 [francois]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
14:26:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate francois
14:44:23 [francois]
Chair: francois
14:44:51 [francois]
zakim, who is on the phone?
14:44:51 [Zakim]
On the phone I see jsmanrique
14:45:01 [francois]
zakim, drop jsmanrique
14:45:01 [Zakim]
jsmanrique is being disconnected
14:45:03 [Zakim]
MWI_BPWG()9:30AM has ended
14:45:04 [Zakim]
Attendees were tomhume, Francois, +0207881aabb, Adam, EdC, yeliz, miguel, +03491121aacc, +1.585.278.aadd, achuter, jeffs, SeanP, jsmanrique
14:45:11 [francois]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
14:45:11 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate francois
15:00:55 [jo]
jo has joined #bpwg
15:04:16 [francois]
RRSAgent, bye
15:04:16 [RRSAgent]
I see 1 open action item saved in :
15:04:16 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: adam to draft a BP on login forms adapting previous resolutions on the topic for discussion [1]
15:04:16 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:04:20 [francois]
Zakim, byes
15:04:20 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'byes', francois
15:04:22 [francois]
Zakim, bye