16:09:23 RRSAgent has joined #html-wg 16:09:23 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/16-html-wg-irc 16:09:24 zakim, close item 1 16:09:24 agendum 1, publication, closed 16:09:26 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 16:09:27 2. review tracker [from ChrisWilson] 16:09:29 zakim, take up item 2 16:09:29 agendum 2. "review tracker" taken up [from ChrisWilson] 16:09:47 Zakim, call Mike-Mobile 16:09:47 ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made 16:09:48 +Mike 16:09:51 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:09:55 tracker: http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/agenda 16:09:56 Title: Input for Agenda Planning for the HTML Weekly - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:10:19 masinter has joined #html-wg 16:10:20 Zakim, who's on the phone? 16:10:20 On the phone I see Julian, Sam, ChrisWilson, anne, Cynthia_Shelly, Mike 16:10:22 scribe: anne 16:10:29 chair: ChrisWilson 16:10:31 trackbot, start meeting 16:10:32 zakim, call masinter 16:10:32 I am sorry, masinter; I do not know a number for masinter 16:10:33 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:10:35 Zakim, this will be HTML 16:10:35 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started 16:10:36 Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference 16:10:36 Date: 16 April 2009 16:10:42 Topic: Publication 16:10:51 AvK: I was wondering about the status publication. 16:11:00 RS: Now html5-diff is done I think we should ask MS. 16:11:03 CW: Ok. 16:11:09 created an action-119 on mike to publish diffs and spec 16:11:51 +Masinter 16:11:52 MS: I think we can do it Tuesday 16:12:00 CW: Great! 16:12:20 action-111? 16:12:20 ACTION-111 -- Sam Ruby to work on process issues re: summary -- due 2009-04-09 -- OPEN 16:12:20 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/111 16:12:21 reviewing tracker: 16:12:21 Title: ACTION-111 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:12:55 Topic: Sam Ruby's actions 16:12:59 q+ 16:13:04 ack j 16:13:10 agenda? 16:13:15 SR: for ACTION-111 and ACTION-99 there was little interest on the topics so I plan on closing them 16:13:30 JR: I'm interested in the profile attribute. What kind of input are you looking for? 16:13:42 s/closing them/closing them if there's no interest within three weeks 16:14:03 SR: Robert Sayre was supposed to writing text for this and that is three months ago now. 16:14:05 agenda+ public-pfwg-comments list / facilitating ARIA comment submission/discussion 16:14:11 action-99? 16:14:11 ACTION-99 -- Sam Ruby to review @profile -- due 2009-04-09 -- OPEN 16:14:11 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/99 16:14:12 SR: Losing hope that this works out. 16:14:13 Title: ACTION-99 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:14:21 JR: Can I write spec text? 16:14:25 SR: Not sure if that's sufficient. 16:14:41 s/is three/is approaching three/ 16:14:41 SR: Though if there's hope we can get consensus on that, sure 16:15:01 LM: The action items are very informative 16:15:15 SR: There's extensive discussion on the mailing list 16:15:21 LM: I guess those aren't linked 16:15:37 SR: We're missing sufficient interest 16:16:01 LM: I'm not sure it's clear to everyone that that's the critical path 16:16:04 SR: I'll make it clear 16:16:08 LM: That's great then 16:16:15 CW: I'm fine with that; move on? 16:16:18 SR: Ok 16:16:24 action-103? 16:16:24 ACTION-103 -- Lachlan Hunt to register about: URI scheme -- due 2009-04-09 -- OPEN 16:16:24 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/103 16:16:26 Title: ACTION-103 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:16:29 q+ 16:16:30 there's lots of interest in the features, need to be clear to the people that are interested in the feature that this is the criticla path 16:16:34 ack j 16:16:53 julian: there has not been a new draft submitted yet 16:16:54 Topic: about URL scheme 16:17:00 JR: no draft has been submitted 16:17:09 CW: I believe LH was travelling and just got back 16:17:15 CW: I'll ping him 16:17:16 s/no draft/no new draft/ 16:17:44 action-105? 16:17:45 ACTION-105 -- Sam Ruby to should arrange a meeting between chairs of HTML WG and XHTML2 WG to ensure there is a plan for coordination of vocabularies to avoid incompatibilities. -- due 2009-04-09 -- OPEN 16:17:45 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/105 16:17:46 Title: ACTION-105 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:17:55 Julian, they coordinate 16:18:06 Topic: XHTML2 + HTML 16:18:19 SR: I think the ball is in the court of Steven Pemberton and co 16:18:30 SR: So I'm pushing this back a couple of weeks 16:18:32 again, emails discussing this action are not linked from action, is this a tracker problem? 16:18:33 CW: Ok 16:18:44 action-108 16:18:46 action-108? 16:18:46 ACTION-108 -- Larry Masinter to report back on the TAG's work on versioning wrt HTML -- due 2009-04-16 -- OPEN 16:18:46 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/108 16:18:47 masinter, are there emails? 16:18:50 Title: ACTION-108 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:18:55 Topic: TAG work on versioning 16:19:07 LM: topic scheduled for the next meeting 16:19:15 action-105 +1week 16:19:25 LM: any thoughts on what the TAG could do that would be useful? 16:20:18 LM: the current draft from the TAG regarding a general framework might not always apply cleanly to HTML 16:20:31 CW: I would like to understand what the TAG thinks, what they'd recommend 16:20:36 CW: for versioning in HTML 16:20:43 LM: specifically? 16:21:00 CW: Right now I feel like there's a lot of discussion regarding versioning and patterns around versioning 16:21:16 CW: there's probably a feeling that the patterns don't necessarily apply to HTML 16:21:20 This is the topic for the next TAG call today 16:21:26 CW: wanting to have one HTML; those two things are in conflict 16:21:35 CW: I believe that versioning is a really good thing in any language 16:21:44 CW: that's not a general consensus here, certainly 16:21:52 LM: what qualities of versioning do you think is missing? 16:22:01 LM: what is that you don't have that you want? 16:22:11 LM: need more elaboration of the problem 16:22:30 CW: I want it to be clear that when I answer that question the "you" is Chris Wilson and not the HTML WG 16:23:04 CW: the general problem with how we define HTML today; if HTML5 becomes a Rec and we realize we did something poorly we will cause rampant compatibility problems if we change implementations 16:23:39 CW: there are a whole bunch of versioning mechanism that will address that but also cause their own problems 16:24:09 CW: e.g. create a whole new element or feature 16:24:38 I think the general idea of 'versioning' is that you include some indicator of version in the current language that will allow current processors to deal appropriately with future languages and recognize that they don't understand or can process appropriately this future content. The main thing is to categorize or predict the kinds of future content that current implementations should avoid or react to in some appropriate way. What are 16:24:38 those categories? 16:24:40 CW: or specify very specific versions e.g. 5.0.3 16:24:58 CW: somewhere in between would work 16:25:18 ^ "somewhere in that spectrum will be our solution" 16:25:25 sorry 16:25:38 s/somewhere in between would work/somewhere in that spectrum will be our solution/ 16:25:56 LM: The difficult thing is figuring out what changes we want to allow for. 16:26:23 LM: E.g. we indicate the current version in the document and current and future implementations will react differently to that somehow 16:26:52 giving you a flavor of the general approach, and hoping to use HTML versioning as a good example 16:27:01 CW: Having the TAG consider the whole spectrum of strategies and providing feedback on what would be best would be good 16:27:36 LM: What's versioning anyway? Provide a indicator of the version in the document and future implementations will react to that in a certain way. 16:28:03 LM: Some extensions might require plug-ins, some might not require browser implementations at all. 16:28:20 CW: I'm happy to listen to other people 16:28:23 Using Raman's deconstruction of features as "platform features" vs "language features" 16:28:50 CW: I think the idea of not having a version is the idea that HTML is lasting platform 16:29:07 Version indicators in HTML have included DOCTYPE, namespaces, adding new elements, attributes, new APIs, Javascript indicators of versions, MIME types, .... 16:29:15 CW: The idea of writing HTML in 2035 and having it still be usable in implementations of 2020 16:29:22 CW: I don't think that will work 16:29:24 are there more kind of 'version indicators' or things that current processors can recognize? 16:30:04 CW: I meant that the other way around 16:30:24 content written at time X should be usable in browsers built at X+Y, and also the converse 16:30:35 CW: I.e. writing content in 2020 still being usable in 2035 without having to implement lots of versions of HTML 16:30:48 CW: I think that's the goal of some people however I'm sceptical that it's going to work 16:31:08 CW: However large and smart the group is I don't think they can foresee all implications 16:31:17 Content written in 1995 still works in 2009 16:32:01 LM: [...] that older readers can still read from newer writers in some way 16:32:14 LM: i.e. current readers deal with future content; that's hard 16:32:27 LM: the other way, future readers can read current content 16:32:50 AvK: why is that needed? content from 95 still works in 2009? 16:32:53 cshelly has joined #html-wg 16:33:13 LM: that's because you have doctype switching 16:33:23 AvK: ok, that's from 99, since then we haven't done anything like that 16:34:34 AvK: I would find it interesting if the TAG looked at this from a historical perspective rather than a framework perspective. E.g. look at CSS and HTML in more detail 16:35:43 CW: in 2005 we were still able to play with doctype switching 16:35:46 standards mode vs. quirks mode history is really useful 16:35:57 CW: in 2006 we switched things and got more issues 16:36:06 is this written up somewhere? this is really useful 16:36:21 CW: we get the same ability to switch things based on HTML5 nodes 16:36:34 masinter, http://hsivonen.iki.fi/doctype/ has info on DOCTYPE switching 16:36:35 Title: Activating Browser Modes with Doctype (at hsivonen.iki.fi) 16:37:18 AvK: fyi: IE is quite different from all other browsers here. In other browsers quirks mode is just a fixed amount of differences 16:37:49 agreed: IE has a higher bar for compatibility version-over-version than other browsers. 16:37:55 thanks, this is very helpful 16:38:05 CW: do you feel you have enough to go on? 16:38:16 LM: we have an agenda but I wanted to explicitly ask this group 16:38:33 LM: it's important that the TAG does things that are useful for the W3C WGs; not sure that's always been the history 16:38:46 SR: do we have a new date? 16:38:52 dsinger has joined #html-wg 16:38:52 CW: I assume next week 16:38:56 LM: I can report next week 16:39:06 CW: ok 16:39:23 LM: I see this as an ongoing conversation 16:39:24 DanC_lap has joined #html-wg 16:40:03 action-114? 16:40:03 ACTION-114 -- Cynthia Shelly to report progress on ARIA TF -- due 2009-04-16 -- OPEN 16:40:03 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/114 16:40:05 Title: ACTION-114 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:40:08 Topic: ARIA TF 16:40:46 CS: Meeting two weeks; next one tomorrow; making slow progress. People are making progress on the various action items. 16:41:02 CS: Waiting for someone from Opera and Apple. Pretty sure about Opera, less confident about Apple. 16:41:17 CS: Maybe push this report of three weeks so I can report after the meeting? 16:41:19 CW: ok 16:41:25 action-115 16:41:28 action-115? 16:41:28 ACTION-115 -- Michael(tm) Smith to set up WBS for HTML WG participants to @@ reTPAC 2009 -- due 2009-04-16 -- OPEN 16:41:28 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/115 16:41:30 Title: ACTION-115 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 16:41:46 Topic: TPAC 2009 WBS form 16:41:49 MS: still not done 16:42:09 AvK: wasn't there a deadline? 16:42:11 action-115 due tomorrow 16:42:12 ACTION-115 Set up WBS for HTML WG participants to @@ reTPAC 2009 due date now tomorrow 16:42:12 MS: internal use 16:42:20 CW: I replied weeks ago that we did want to have a meeting 16:42:28 CW: was enough interest on the telcon back then 16:42:43 CW: so we met that deadline 16:43:15 any other items? 16:43:26 RRSAgent, draft minutes 16:43:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/16-html-wg-minutes.html anne 16:43:41 -anne 16:44:16 Zakim, take up agendum 3 16:44:16 agendum 3. "public-pfwg-comments list / facilitating ARIA comment submission/discussion" taken up [from MikeSmith] 16:44:32 zakim, close agendum 2 16:44:32 agendum 2, review tracker, closed 16:44:33 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 16:44:34 3. public-pfwg-comments list / facilitating ARIA comment submission/discussion [from MikeSmith] 16:53:59 adele has joined #html-wg 16:56:23 action: Michael(tm) to talk with Michael Cooper and PFWG about possibility of better facilitating comments on ARIA spec 16:56:23 Created ACTION-120 - Talk with Michael Cooper and PFWG about possibility of better facilitating comments on ARIA spec [on Michael(tm) Smith - due 2009-04-23]. 16:56:57 -Mike 16:56:58 -Cynthia_Shelly 16:56:58 -Julian 16:56:59 -ChrisWilson 16:56:59 -Sam 16:57:01 -Masinter 16:57:01 HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended 16:57:03 Attendees were Julian, Sam, ChrisWilson, anne, Cynthia_Shelly, Mike, Masinter 16:57:08 rrsagent, make minutes 16:57:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/16-html-wg-minutes.html ChrisWilson 16:57:09 Title: HTML Weekly Teleconference -- 16 Apr 2009 (at www.w3.org) 17:02:04 gavin_ has joined #html-wg 17:14:13 Lachy has joined #html-wg 17:21:28 anne has left #html-wg 17:25:17 anne has joined #html-wg 17:57:54 ChrisWilson has joined #html-wg 18:02:05 rubys has left #html-wg 18:04:36 asbjornu has left #html-wg 18:19:27 ChrisWilson has joined #html-wg 18:22:25 dbaron has joined #html-wg 18:46:26 Lachy has joined #html-wg 18:53:02 heycam has joined #html-wg 19:00:00 MichaelC has joined #html-wg 19:10:58 asbjornu has joined #html-wg 19:30:23 tlr has joined #html-wg 20:22:37 Lachy has joined #html-wg 20:56:56 heycam has joined #html-wg 21:14:04 gavin has joined #html-wg 21:43:00 Sander has joined #html-wg 21:57:40 planet: Couches in Browsers <11http://www.toolness.com/wp/?p=580> 22:57:53 billmason has left #html-wg