11:55:35 RRSAgent has joined #pling 11:55:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/08-pling-irc 11:55:49 rrsagent, please set log public 11:55:59 zakim, this will be PLING 11:55:59 ok, rigo; I see P3P_PLING()8:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes 11:56:07 zakim, code? 11:56:07 the conference code is 75464 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), rigo 11:56:46 Which countries are +33 and +44 11:56:46 agenda: http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/2009-04-08 11:57:00 +33 is France and +44 is UK 11:57:15 rigo has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://www.w3.org/Policy/pling/wiki/2009-04-08 11:57:36 Frank_W has joined #pling 11:58:52 Hallo Frank 11:58:54 Ashok_Malhotra has joined #pling 11:58:59 Hi Ashok 11:59:08 'morning 11:59:24 or afternoon for you! 12:00:04 P3P_PLING()8:00AM has now started 12:00:12 + +49.615.1.aaaa 12:00:39 Hallo Rigo 12:00:55 +Kevin 12:00:58 - +49.615.1.aaaa 12:00:59 + +49.615.1.aaaa 12:01:10 zakim, Kevin is really Rigo 12:01:10 +Rigo; got it 12:01:25 Hallo Frank, Du warst einfach der erste 12:01:27 + +0519957aabb 12:01:31 ja 12:01:41 zakim, aabb is Renato 12:01:50 +Renato; got it 12:01:53 +Ashok_Malhotra 12:02:17 zakim, call thomas-skype 12:02:21 ok, tlr; the call is being made 12:02:25 +Thomas 12:02:39 zakim, I am thomas 12:02:41 zakim, mute me 12:02:42 + +358.504.87aacc 12:02:50 ok, tlr, I now associate you with Thomas 12:02:52 zakim, aacc is hannes 12:02:54 Thomas should now be muted 12:02:54 zakim, aacc is Hannes 12:02:55 zakim, +49.615.1.aaaa is Frank 12:03:08 +hannes; got it 12:03:11 sorry, rigo, I do not recognize a party named 'aacc' 12:03:15 +Frank; got it 12:04:44 zakim, who is here? 12:04:44 On the phone I see Frank, Rigo, Renato, Ashok_Malhotra, Thomas (muted), hannes 12:04:47 On IRC I see Ashok_Malhotra, Frank_W, RRSAgent, Zakim, rigo, tlr, renato 12:04:54 Renato? 12:05:25 Hi 12:05:51 +Renato 12:06:08 zakim, who is here 12:06:08 rigo, you need to end that query with '?' 12:06:14 zakim, who is here? 12:06:14 On the phone I see Frank, Rigo, Renato, Ashok_Malhotra, Thomas (muted), hannes 12:06:16 On IRC I see Ashok_Malhotra, Frank_W, RRSAgent, Zakim, rigo, tlr, renato 12:06:55 ack t 12:06:58 zakim, mute me 12:06:58 Thomas should now be muted 12:09:01 +??P12 12:09:16 zakim, ??P12 is Marco 12:09:20 +Marco; got it 12:09:52 scribenick: rigo 12:09:55 scribe: rigo 12:10:15 A Media annotations: 12:10:38 RI: there is now a requirements working draft, there is an ontology for media objects 12:11:14 ... problem we had with looking at XMPP was that it just represented the ususal stuff 12:11:24 ...what is the link to the rights information 12:11:39 ...looked into it and saw nothing about rights information 12:11:45 ...got back to them 12:11:54 ...no help from that document 12:12:07 ...we need to decide what to do next 12:12:21 ...what problem they try to solve 12:13:50 RW: suggest to get some issue to them and make sure it is recorded in issue tracker and wait for them to hit the next obstacle to take our request into account 12:13:56 RI: ok 12:14:39 Action: Renato and Rigo to draft request to Media Annotations WG on http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-media-annot-reqs-20090119/ 12:16:01 zakim, mute me 12:16:01 sorry, Frank_W, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 12:17:04 zakim, Frank is Frank_W 12:17:04 +Frank_W; got it 12:18:05 B: Social Networking Workshop 12:18:22 RI: Incubator of social networking keeps gaining speed 12:18:50 ...expect to get a lot of attention from them in the future as there are important policy questions to solve 12:18:54 It would be good if some of us were able to join the XG 12:19:26 ...look also at workshop report: http://www.w3.org/2008/09/msnws/report.html 12:19:49 RI: special attention to PLING: http://www.w3.org/2008/09/msnws/report.html#Privacy 12:20:04 ...became now part of the incubator group 12:20:28 ...there PLING can play a major role in shaping XGs response to policy issues of social networks 12:20:56 ...scheduled to come together next week, will have more information by then 12:22:29 rigo: primelife active in social network space 12:22:32 ... internal W3C meeting ... 12:22:36 ... need broad coordination ... 12:22:48 ... decent work in chartering; XG charter looked well ... 12:22:52 ... had to be filled out ... 12:23:10 ... people present have different expertise frmo PLING folks ... 12:23:15 ... need interaction; major challenge for future ... 12:23:55 RI: lot of overlap with Primelife, so PLING could be a bridge and make sure they move into the right direction 12:24:16 RI: will send call for participation on the list 12:24:32 HT: has someone have an overiew 12:24:38 RI: about XG? 12:24:57 HT: should comment on some aspects, but too fuzzy 12:25:22 RI: PLING has to step up addressing them, showing solutions 12:25:28 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/socialweb/charter 12:25:33 q+ 12:26:00 ack t 12:26:40 tlr: core charter is not to reinvent wheel, but make some state of situation 12:27:03 zakim, mute thomas 12:27:03 Thomas should now be muted 12:27:07 ...opportunity to have the landscape description intended also contain privacy isssue 12:27:31 HT: would not know what to because it is such a large field 12:28:01 RI: planning of the charter , there were lots of detailed charters, some very specific about privacy 12:28:08 ...should be on the wiki 12:29:04 RI: will send link later to mailing-list 12:29:20 ========================================= 12:29:28 RRSAgent, pointer? 12:29:28 See http://www.w3.org/2009/04/08-pling-irc#T12-29-28 12:29:43 RI: one comment made with XG 12:30:12 ...PLING is planned to go until June 2009, so need to discuss extension 12:30:57 RW: continue if we have commitment from chairs 12:31:11 ========================================= 12:31:50 How can the TAG help us? 12:31:55 ashok? 12:32:35 AM: TAG is thinking about how to make the web better 12:32:55 ...one of the problems keeps coming up is privacy, access, policy, security 12:33:14 ... they are thinking about what to do and they are asking us on help what to do 12:33:34 ...they can do a number of things, start WG, start XG, publish whitepaper 12:33:50 ...can work with other SDOs like oasis openID 12:34:07 ...it is an open offer. We are to think about what we would like to address 12:34:26 ...what would be helpful? 12:34:44 RI: comments 12:34:55 HT: what is the specific context? 12:35:24 q+ to note that helping with community building might be the best thing here 12:35:37 AM: TAG is thinking about how to help people in this area 12:35:48 ...would like this area addressed, question is how 12:36:12 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/ 12:37:26 HT: asking for feedback from all WGs is a bit much 12:37:44 AM: but we are a group of experts, what is our point of view 12:37:48 ...personal view 12:37:52 q? 12:38:35 HT: have experience only in location, and want that people implement and deploy privacy solutions 12:39:20 ack t 12:39:21 Thomas, you wanted to note that helping with community building might be the best thing here 12:39:45 HT: recent interaction, with W3C was not that good about geopriv 12:40:02 AM: would you like to have something more formal 12:40:35 TLR: there is a complex tradeoff, geolocation privacy Hannes is referring too 12:40:52 ...TAG needs some broader concept 12:41:16 ...important to know what one doesn't know and TAG should take a facilitating approach 12:41:51 ...had a WS security in London, advance notice to AC will come in some time about follow up work 12:42:06 ...useful to have TAGs view and opinion 12:42:23 ...aim would be the security review of the Web as we know it 12:42:31 zakim, mute me 12:42:31 Thomas should now be muted 12:42:41 ...may be a more specific 12:42:51 +1 to the IAB comparison 12:42:52 ...focus 12:43:26 HT: TAG more like IAB, more general, just saying privacy important 12:43:53 ...if it goes specific, there are a million reasons why it doesn't apply 12:43:57 q+ 12:44:02 ack t 12:44:20 zakim, who is making noise? 12:44:31 tlr, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Marco (5%), Thomas (86%) 12:44:41 -Marco 12:44:42 tlr: useful guideance that may involve TAG, 12:45:17 recent example, cross site request forgery TAG would have helped 12:45:28 HTTP WG just said it is a non issue 12:45:56 ...it is possible to have such a high level view of web architecture that the actual issues are invisible 12:46:05 ...lacking very much current 12:46:30 zakim, mute me 12:46:30 Thomas should now be muted 12:46:46 ...a number of arch questions to address, e.g. widget uris where we lacking a connection between concrete problems and architecture 12:47:24 HT: if you want to do serious examination on why implementationn is going, you have to scope down 12:47:43 ...only a very small subset of what you have been talking about 12:48:13 What role does "policy" play in the "Semantic Web Layer Cake"? 12:48:20 http://www.w3.org/2004/Talks/0412-RDF-functions/slide4-0.html 12:48:23 zakim, unmute me 12:48:23 Thomas should no longer be muted 12:48:25 HT: as a starting point, who would write that down 12:48:56 tlr: HT, you are correct that low level documents are the more useful ones 12:49:40 ...but also high level needed, but there is always this tension, what low level WG is thinking and what the TAG's view is 12:49:48 zakim, mute me 12:49:48 Thomas should now be muted 12:49:52 ...so the TAG is right to keep out of the details mostly 12:50:28 HT: following project @ MIT would produce whitepaper on security and privacy, 12:50:39 but the "TAG Findings" are all very low low level stuff.... 12:50:45 ...was difficult to come into generalization 12:51:24 A latter new cake: 12:52:32 ack t 12:52:59 HT: after meeting with geolocation WG, geopriv is also under way to revise 12:53:20 ...one architecture document, still draft, 12:53:25 tlr: pointer!! 12:53:34 zakim, mute me 12:53:34 Thomas should now be muted 12:54:38 AM: collecting Whitepaper is good idea 12:54:58 ack t 12:55:02 ...tlr please write email to TAG about security issue from London Workshop 12:55:21 zakim, mute me 12:55:21 Thomas should now be muted 12:55:24 tlr: will have to talk to team-contact, either through me or through DanC 12:55:41 RI: will not solve this challenge on this agenda, 12:55:56 s/team-contact, either through me or through DanC/team-contact (DanC) anyway; you'll hear either from me directly or from Dan/ 12:56:15 ...opportunity for us to report and demystifying and provide a roadmap forward for W3C 12:56:22 ...to have a group note 12:56:43 ============================================= 12:56:47 RRSAgent, pointer? 12:56:47 See http://www.w3.org/2009/04/08-pling-irc#T12-56-47 12:57:42 RI: only few minutes left, just running over the long standing remaining items 12:57:58 ..will add "whitepapers" to wiki to collect 12:58:19 ...liaisons?... 12:58:28 ...nothing special here? 12:58:29 nothing new from me, beyond what I just said 13:00:25 RI: ODRL Workshop in Nancy in October 13:01:01 ... it will be colocated with an IFIP conference 13:01:27 9th IFIP Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society on 23-25 Sep 2009. 13:01:36 http://i3e2009.loria.fr/ 13:01:41 zakim, please draft minutes 13:01:41 I don't understand 'please draft minutes', rigo 13:01:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:01:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/08-pling-minutes.html tlr 13:02:07 RI: F2F meeting this year 13:02:26 ...we decided not to meet on TPAC... 13:02:39 ...more flexible this year 13:03:23 AM: I will be at TPAC, if we aren't gonna meet there, it will be difficult to travel, especially if not in US 13:03:58 -hannes 13:04:40 =============================== 13:05:41 adjourned 13:05:50 too early :) 13:06:23 wanted to note that suggestion for F2F locations and agenda have to be continued on the mailing-list 13:06:36 next meeting is 13 May 2009 13:07:00 regrets for 13 may, will be following a WG f2f by phone 13:07:01 -Ashok_Malhotra 13:07:02 rrsagent, draft minutes 13:07:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/08-pling-minutes.html tlr 13:07:04 -Rigo 13:07:06 -Frank_W 13:07:07 -Renato 13:07:09 -Thomas 13:07:11 P3P_PLING()8:00AM has ended 13:07:12 Attendees were Rigo, +0519957aabb, Renato, Ashok_Malhotra, Thomas, +358.504.87aacc, hannes, Marco, Frank_W