15:53:09 RRSAgent has joined #soap-jms 15:53:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/04/07-soap-jms-irc 15:53:11 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:53:11 Zakim has joined #soap-jms 15:53:13 Zakim, this will be SJMS 15:53:13 ok, trackbot; I see WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 15:53:14 Meeting: SOAP-JMS Binding Working Group Teleconference 15:53:14 Date: 07 April 2009 15:53:42 RolandMerrick has joined #soap-jms 15:54:37 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2009Apr/0008.html 15:54:44 Chair: Roland 16:00:31 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has now started 16:00:38 +Roland 16:01:02 Derek has joined #soap-jms 16:01:07 mphillip has joined #soap-jms 16:01:38 +Derek 16:02:16 eric has joined #soap-jms 16:02:51 +Yves 16:03:25 + +0196287aaaa 16:03:36 Yves has changed the topic to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2009Apr/0008.html 16:03:47 Zakim, aaa is mphillip 16:03:47 sorry, mphillip, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 16:03:54 Zakim, aaaa is mphillip 16:03:54 +mphillip; got it 16:03:56 +eric 16:05:18 scribe: mphillip 16:05:27 Topic: Actions 16:05:35 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/tracker/actions/open 16:06:08 Eric: No progress on action 32 16:06:24 Derek: No progress on action 68 16:06:47 Eric: no progress on action 70 (taken over by Eric a couple of weeks ago) 16:07:33 Roland: has reassigned to Eric 16:07:57 Roland: This is one of the final last-call comments 16:09:01 Eric: Sent follow up to Harald on IRI JNDI issue (action 73) - there was one question left - whether we prefix custom properties on the IRI 16:10:23 +alewis 16:10:26 Eric: 3 categories of JNDI properties - connection name, standard JNDI properties to establish the connection name, and custom properties relating to a JNDI provider 16:10:53 alewis has joined #soap-jms 16:11:37 Eric: We don't treat the name of properties the same (e.g. some have "jndi-" prefix) 16:12:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2009Mar/0019.html 16:13:32 Example: &jndi-com.sun.jndi.someParameter=someValue 16:14:17 Example: &jndiConnectionFactoryName=CONNFACT 16:15:07 Eric: Favour convention over consistency - "jndi-" prefix seems too verbose 16:15:49 Roland: Harald is asking whether we have considered consistent naming rather than strongly suggesting we change 16:16:17 Eric:The advantage of our current (inconsistent) scheme is that it is more concise 16:16:40 Roland: and the additional parameters will be uncommon 16:16:55 (i.e. the "jndi-" parms) 16:17:38 Roland: Suggest we write back stating that the common parameters will be kept without a prefix for brevity 16:18:34 Derek: Suggests changing "jndi-" to "jndiContextParameter" 16:18:53 jndiContextParameter-com.sun.foo=bar 16:18:55 for consistency with Binding spec. 16:19:31 Derek: Not as concise, but as we have said, this is the edge case 16:19:43 Roland: ...and it is consistent with WSDl 16:20:01 Roland: Agreed - this has some merit 16:20:50 Eric: Likes Derek's suggestion 16:21:01 Roland: Any disagreement ? 16:21:22 no-one disgreed with Derek's proposal 16:22:02 RESOLUTION: Eric to update the IRI spec, and write to Harald 16:22:48 Action: Derek to review the SOAP-JMS Binding spec to see if any changes are required for new jndi naming scheme 16:22:48 Created ACTION-79 - Review the SOAP-JMS Binding spec to see if any changes are required for new jndi naming scheme [on Derek Rokicki - due 2009-04-14]. 16:23:56 No progress on action 75 16:24:17 Amy: sent email to list on action 77 (precedence rules) 16:24:59 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2009Apr/0007.html 16:25:38 Amy: We need to be clearer that the environment can override the WSDL 16:27:08 Roland: We need to make it clear that when we resolve the URI in the WSDL, it is part of the precedence rules in the WSDL 16:27:44 Amy: Recommends the addition of the single sentence in the email to section 3.4.5 16:28:43 Roland: Does this also apply to WSDL2 ? 16:29:03 Amy: yes, but we handle WSDL 2 by referring to WSDL 1 16:32:04 Eric: The is a question "How do we know that a URI in the environment overrides the WSDL?" In TIBCO BusinessWorks, a SOAP/JMS WSDL can be overriden by the customer 16:32:54 Roland: Maybe need to strengthen the statements in 2.2 16:33:12 Amy: The environment includes JMS message 16:34:54 Roland: Maybe 2.2 is not correct. States that precedence is Environment, WSDL, URI. This is a confusing statement 16:36:18 Amy: We should explain that statement means the URI in WSDL. URI can come from WSDL, environment, or message. Presumably any ReplyTo URI in the message will trump any other value. 16:37:47 Amy: If we're not clear we should consider cutting text instead of adding some 16:38:19 Roland: Yes, we should drop the URI from section 2.2, because it is not clear where this URI comes from 16:39:00 (this is point 3 in section 2.2) 16:39:41 Action: Roland to remove point 3 (properties come from JMS URI) from section 2.2 16:39:42 Created ACTION-80 - Remove point 3 (properties come from JMS URI) from section 2.2 [on Roland Merrick - due 2009-04-14]. 16:39:52 Amy: Offers to review the changes 16:40:23 TOPIC: Last Call Comments 16:40:25 http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/soapjms/wiki/2009-01_LC_Comments#Comments 16:40:50 close action-78 16:40:50 ACTION-78 Chase acknowledgement of all our responses closed 16:41:04 Roland: Has chased up the comments per action 78 16:41:52 LC07 - waiting for Eric's action 16:42:02 LC09 - discussed today 16:42:45 LC08 - waiting for Dongbo to accept reply 16:43:22 Roland: If we can get these comments accepted, how long will it take to move to Candidate Recommendation 16:44:06 Yves: If we have made major changes we may need another Last Call - this needs to be reviewed 16:44:31 Yves: Would take another 2 weeks to get approval for CR 16:44:57 Roland: So good chance of getting to CR by end of April? 16:46:28 Roland: Please try to finish last call actions by next week 16:46:39 -eric 16:46:40 -Derek 16:46:42 -mphillip 16:46:43 -alewis 16:46:43 -Yves 16:46:45 -Roland 16:46:46 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has ended 16:46:47 Attendees were Roland, Derek, Yves, +0196287aaaa, mphillip, eric, alewis 16:46:53 Regrets: Phil 16:47:01 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:47:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/07-soap-jms-minutes.html mphillip 16:47:08 rrsagent, make minutes 16:47:08 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/07-soap-jms-minutes.html Roland 16:47:41 rrsagent, make log public 16:49:52 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/04/07-soap-jms-minutes.html Yves 16:51:33 Zakim, please part 16:51:33 Zakim has left #soap-jms 17:11:17 eric has left #soap-jms 17:21:12 mphillip has left #soap-jms