15:41:39 RRSAgent has joined #backplane 15:41:39 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/03/03-backplane-irc 15:41:43 rrsagent, make logs public 15:41:54 Meeting: RWAB telecon, March 3 15:41:57 Chair: wiecha 15:42:07 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2009Mar/0001.html 15:58:39 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has now started 15:58:46 +[IBM] 15:58:51 zakim, [IBM] is wiecha 15:58:51 +wiecha; got it 16:00:58 unl has joined #backplane 16:01:14 zakim, code? 16:01:15 the conference code is 7922 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), unl 16:03:09 +unl 16:03:54 +John_Boyer 16:04:28 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2009Mar/0001.html 16:06:04 jackjansen has joined #backplane 16:06:08 zakim, dial steven-617 16:06:08 ok, Steven; the call is being made 16:06:10 +Steven 16:06:23 zakim, code? 16:06:23 the conference code is 7922 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), jackjansen 16:06:29 zakim, who is here? 16:06:29 On the phone I see wiecha, unl, John_Boyer, Steven 16:06:30 On IRC I see jackjansen, unl, RRSAgent, Zakim, wiecha, Steven 16:06:59 +??P0 16:07:09 zakim, p0 is me 16:07:09 sorry, jackjansen, I do not recognize a party named 'p0' 16:07:19 zakim, ??p0 is me 16:07:19 +jackjansen; got it 16:07:27 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2009Mar/0001.html 16:07:47 John_Boyer has joined #backplane 16:10:01 scribe: John_Boyer 16:11:15 Charlie: reviews agenda, suggests discussing AC issue first 16:11:51 Charlie: Steven can you tell us a bit more about the structure/content of the meeting? 16:12:11 Steven: still very vague, still just day1, day2... 16:12:40 Charlie: We saw an agenda that said "Future of XHTML2/XForms..." 16:13:11 Steven: Only a draft; nothing confirmed. But Philippe heard I was going and added me to a panel 16:13:47 zakim, mute me 16:13:47 unl should now be muted 16:13:49 Charlie: Are there preparatory readings we could send out so people are refreshed on work we've presented in the past on ubiquity 16:14:22 Steven: Are you suggesting getting it sent out in the package of W3C materials? 16:14:56 Charlie: Any mechanism to alert people to the possibilities we convey. 16:15:15 Charlie: Maybe we should talk about those points, e.g. there is a cool way of supporting XML on the client 16:15:54 Charlie: And that this opens up possibilities of supporting XML vocabularies that we hadn't thought of supporting on the web anymore 16:16:10 Steven: I really think we need to take emphasis away from the web as being only HTML 16:16:29 Charlie: This is why I've been pushing ODF, XBRL etc. 16:17:28 Steven: This whole battle is about the browser vendors trying to take back control because they're being asked to do a lot of things they may not want to do, so they're putting everything into HTML so they don't have do support broader extensibility 16:18:11 Charlie: TimBL seemed quite excited about our approach at last TPAC 16:18:49 Steven: Shouldn't centralize all the power in one group and then saying anything that goes in the browser is in their group. We need design done by domain experts. 16:20:38 Charlie: What do others think? 16:22:13 John: Very pleased with progress of ubiquity in proving out that something like xforms can be delivered on the web, but have really also been advocating other presentational vocabularies like ODF and SMIL etc. to show that we can deliver W3C client technologies on the web without being limited by the browser vendors 16:22:59 Charlie: Need to solidify what markup vocabularies could really be supported. Also need to identify what are our pain points in delivering these technologies. 16:23:20 Jack: But the html group is really developing a closed operating system. 16:23:34 Jack: our extensibility story goes against that 16:24:01 Jack: you have to be careful to ask for an extension framework, not just specific extensions. 16:24:20 Jack: Problem is that we already have that, namespaces in HTML, and we know what they think of that 16:25:00 Charlie: But there may be an API level we can talk about. 16:25:26 Charlie: Look at the decorator.js mechanism in Ubiquity. It has lots of browser differences to make that happen. 16:26:07 Jack: but we are still at the research phase. We can really only do xforms right now; as we work on SMIL I'm sure there will be pain points 16:26:22 Jack: ubiquity loader is a candidate, but it is not mature enough to standardize yet 16:26:42 Jack: we don't have a clear enough idea yet what a generalized decorator/loader should do 16:27:24 Charlie: But when is the time to open the conversation about using the browser in this way as opposed to closing it 16:27:54 Charlie: I guess you're saying that leave it at that because if we have a more specific list then it might be limiting 16:28:41 Charlie: Is that the consensus? 16:29:18 John: I like the idea of just presenting the general approach, but we need to mention a couple of examples just to give an idea what we're talking about 16:29:54 Jack: what ubiquity does now is use stuff like stylesheets to attach behaviors to elements. 16:30:19 Jack: The big advantage there, over a loop on startup, is that stuff that is created dynamically after startup also gets the same behaviors. 16:30:34 Charlie: declarative creation of structure *and* behaviors 16:31:03 XBL does the same too. If it ever becomes interoperable it makes our life much easier 16:31:51 Charlie: I pushed that (XBL) at TPAC to the point where Chris Lilley took a poll. response from browser vendors was interesting but not high on list 16:32:32 Charlie: Is there some politics around XBL. Is it the X? 16:32:49 Steven: It takes power out of the browser makers hands. 16:32:56 Jack: but how is that different from javascript 16:33:16 Ad=o1gl 16:33:23 Steven: Well, I agree. But you have to code javascript. XBL makes things *a lot* easier 16:33:47 Steven: Also, browser makers have a lot invested in CSS, but it's an old technology that needs to be replaced. 16:34:09 Jack: My problem with XBL is that any docs you can find on it as three levels of meta 16:34:32 Jack: I have the *feeling* I could do wonderful things with it, but it's hard to tell from the docs 16:34:50 Charlie: I found the original XBL 1 docs to be compelling concrete stuff 16:35:20 Charlie: I thought this was the direction we were going to go with ubiquity 16:35:44 John: I thought MarkB said we would need to write an XBL implementation to get ubiquity to webkit anyway 16:36:05 Charlie: I found a javascript XBL implementation on the web. will post link after meeting 16:36:33 Charlie: the above would be a great takeaway 16:37:02 Charlie: More narrowly on the XHTML2 and XForms topic, some will ask who is using it. 16:37:26 Charlie: list market segments 16:38:08 Charlie: enterprise space, open standard office document space, embedded device controller space (xerox), consumer space (yahoo mobile) 16:39:00 Charlie: consumer mainly mobile device space, which is important 16:39:45 -unl 16:40:33 Charlie: Yahoo is positioning itself as intermediary between content provider and consumer (they factor out the complexities of device adaptation) 16:41:08 Charlie: That's a high value service, and XForms is a key technology from an authoring point of view 16:41:34 Charlie: OK but lets move on. We can address the topic of open versus closed browser 16:41:43 Topic: Jack update on SMIL 16:41:49 Jack: nothing in last two weeks 16:41:57 Charlie: Hey that's not 20 seconds 16:42:14 Jack: I ... haven't ... done ... anything ... in ... last ... two ... weeks 16:42:42 Charlie: will your UI elements be forms controls? 16:42:45 Jack: no 16:43:12 Jack: a control inherits its relevance from the model 16:43:32 Charlie: Yes but then that means when the control becomes relevant, it gets an event xforms-enabled, which can make it start a player 16:44:08 Jack: I was thinking that each object would have a relevance object, and the implementation of that object would depend on the language. 16:44:40 Charlie: But why do that? The machinery is already there. Why not just declare yourself to inherit the control behaviors from ubiquity and you're done 16:45:14 Jack: Have to think about it. A practical reason is that I want to use the loader and decoration stuff from ubiquity, but right now I don't depend on the xforms implementation and I kind of like that 16:45:37 Charlie: Now we get to the point of asking how much backplane kool-aid Jack is willing to drink 16:46:17 Jack: Well, I kind of assume that the ubiquity substrate will be separated out from xforms, whereas relevance is xforms-specific 16:47:01 Charlie: But now we get to the question of what is xforms. We did an analysis of xforms and found that a fair bit of it was more backplane-esque 16:47:58 Charlie: not suggesting you turn to XForms UI controls like select1, but the MVC lifecycle and the concept of eventing is more generally applicable than just xforms. 16:48:24 Charlie: single node binding, nodeset binding, model item property notifications should be spun as a backplane technology 16:50:45 John: So the nodeset binding is an example where we're saying that the backplane is more powerful than just the decorator mechanism 16:51:25 John: With nodeset binding, you have a declarative way of saying that more stuff needs to show up in the page dynamically, and then the decorator works with that to add the behaviors dynamically. 16:52:07 Jack: Want to make sure we factor out relevance to make it clear there are hooks. 16:52:49 Charlie: One packaging of SMIL as a MIP-aware control would be a good value-add, and could then help refine understanding of technical requirements for generalization 16:53:47 Charlie: Mark Birbeck would like to correspond with you, Jack, to talk about SMIL and its relationship to ubiquity. He sees it as a really good example to show the general approach we're pursuing. 16:53:52 http://www.xero.com/ 16:53:58 Topic: Scenarios 16:54:44 A site that deals with data and sophisticated presentation of the same. 16:55:06 It looks like an online Quicken 16:56:47 Charlie: Mark raised this site as a way to show richer graphics for ubiquity xforms, but it is also a good example of richer mediatypes and web services access 16:57:23 Charlie: So the scenario is a collaborative financial planning/tracking team room 16:57:45 Charlie: Multiple users members of a family, financial planner, backend services working together. 16:58:02 Charlie: Family has to make decisions, buy and sell 16:58:29 Steven: It's a really good scenario because lots of changes can occur declaratively based on what the user choose. 17:00:02 John: To use the buzzword, this is beginning to show the applicability of XForms to mashups. 17:00:25 John: A regular mashup has spaghetti wiring. The architecture here is more hub and spokes 17:00:29 -Steven 17:00:32 -wiecha 17:00:33 -jackjansen 17:00:37 Oh, regrets next week 17:00:41 k 17:00:41 XHTML2 Vftf 17:00:45 np 17:00:50 Also, 17:00:59 I'm talking at Mozcamp NL this week 17:01:01 on XForms 17:01:06 willmention Ubiquity 17:01:15 cool...check with mark, he has an interactive talk 17:01:20 s/will/will / 17:01:21 John: Different mashup components communicate with each other but they do so through a central model that is responsible for sending synchronization events (change update events) to the other compoents 17:01:21 done in the browser with live ubiquity examples 17:01:42 -John_Boyer 17:01:43 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has ended 17:01:45 Attendees were wiecha, unl, John_Boyer, Steven, jackjansen 17:01:58 rrsagent, make minutes 17:01:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/03-backplane-minutes.html John_Boyer 17:02:10 good advice 17:02:12 thanks 17:03:12 rrsagent, make minutes 17:03:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/03/03-backplane-minutes.html John_Boyer 17:03:17 rrsagent, bye 17:03:17 I see no action items