08:05:09 RRSAgent has joined #wam 08:05:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-wam-irc 08:05:22 RRSAgent, make log Public 08:05:32 ScribeNick: ArtB 08:05:35 Scribe: Art 08:05:37 Chair: Art 08:05:43 Meeting: Widgets F2F Meeting 08:05:49 Date: 25 Feb 2009 08:06:37 Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2008/webapps/wiki/WidgetsParisAgenda 08:07:30 RRSAgent, make minutes 08:07:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-wam-minutes.html ArtB 08:07:50 Benoit has joined #wam 08:09:34 Present: Art, Andy, Claudio, Ivan, Fabrice, Rainer, Mark, David, Arve, Benoit, Marcos 08:12:38 Present+ Mike(IRC) 08:12:39 abraun has joined #wam 08:12:50 arve has joined #wam 08:14:01 Topic: tags? 08:14:08 AB: what is the status Ivan? 08:14:41 Ivan: I considere that closed in that the modes can be used to address my use cases 08:17:43 Topic: Focus & widgets management; by Marcin 08:17:52 mpriestl has joined #wam 08:17:58 AB: not clear if this info was more FYI or formal comments for the LCWD 08:18:18 Arve: I think this is more informational i.e. this is how Access addresess window modes 08:18:41 MC: right; the QVGA proposal for example isn't something we want to do 08:19:22 Arve: the methods in his email are mostly covered in our A&E spec 08:19:46 AB: do we need to follow-up? 08:19:59 Arve: there are no questions there 08:20:31 ... if he feels strongly about his model being reflected in our model, he should make specific proposals for the Editor 08:20:43 AB: I think that is a reasonable proposal 08:21:31 ACTION: Marcos respond to Marcin and ask him to make specific proposals if he has any 08:21:32 Created ACTION-302 - Respond to Marcin and ask him to make specific proposals if he has any [on Marcos Caceres - due 2009-03-04]. 08:21:50 Topic: Window Modes 08:22:14 MP: want to discuss what goes into the P&C based on our consensus from yesterday 08:22:34 AB: yesterday's minutes are: http://www.w3.org/2009/02/24-wam-minutes.html 08:22:54 Arve: not sure we will know until the new specs are available to review 08:25:22 fabrice has joined #wam 08:26:01 RRSAgent, make minutes 08:26:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2009/02/25-wam-minutes.html ArtB 08:26:08 q+ 08:28:00 MP: re width and height property; in some cases you may want to use a different values depending on the mode 08:28:54 MP: what goes in the modes spec? 08:29:04 MC: just the definitions of the 4 modes 08:30:34 [ Arve sketches a "live" proposal of the syntax ... ] 08:33:28 claudio has joined #wam 08:33:55 [ Marcos to drop in IRC this proposal ... ] 08:33:57 Marcos has joined #wam 08:34:00 mode = "one of the modes" 08:34:00 width = "csspx" 08:34:01 height = "csspx" 08:34:04 min-height = "csspx" 08:34:05 min-width = "csspx" 08:34:07 max-height = "csspx" 08:34:09 max-width = "csspx" 08:34:11 resize = "true|false" 08:34:18 ... 08:34:26 /> 08:34:46 MP: the definitions of the modes spec will then define what these mean? 08:34:50 Arve: yes, that's the idea 08:36:05 BS: how does one define a widget that works for both mobile and desktop? 08:36:11 Arve: would define two veiwports 08:36:29 Billy has joined #wam 08:37:00 MP: but some modes don't use height and width 08:37:20 Arve: then for some modes they wouldn't be needed 08:37:28 AB: or ignored if present 08:37:42 BS: what about orientation of the device? 08:37:52 Arve: that's handled by CSS 08:38:28 Present+ Josh(IRC) 08:38:49 Present+ Billy 08:39:08 MikeSmith has joined #wam 08:39:24 Arve: if a widget doesn't fit in a viewport e.g. on a mobile, the UA could provide zoom 08:40:26 so, a WUA is required to provide zoom? 08:40:34 timeless: no 08:42:06 Arve: we go with CSS pixels in the spec 08:42:26 ... with the expectation that eventually UAs will likely do some zooming 08:45:08 AB: Mark, are you asking for some details about what goes in the P&C spec and the other two new specs proposed? 08:45:34 MP: I understand what goes into the two new proposed specs but not clear about what goes in P&C 08:46:05 Present+ Mohammed 08:49:16 ajbraun has joined #wam 08:50:11 ACTION: Marcos report back to the WG ASAP regarding your ability to be the Editor of the two new specs proposed and discussed on Feb 24 08:50:11 Created ACTION-303 - Report back to the WG ASAP regarding your ability to be the Editor of the two new specs proposed and discussed on Feb 24 [on Marcos Caceres - due 2009-03-04]. 08:51:04 MC: I wonder if some of the attributes proposed above can be handled by CSS 08:51:18 Arve: what if an imple doesn't support CSS 08:53:27 AB: I think we've hit the point of dimminishing returns on this 08:53:41 MC: give us a week and we'll put forward a proposal 08:54:17 Topic: Settings a View Mode; Benoit 08:54:34 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009JanMar/0248.html 08:56:00 BS: in my email I enumerate various modes we need 08:56:15 ... Settings is one mode we need but we haven't discussed 08:56:57 ... think the developer would want a consistent and convenient way to define/modify settings 08:57:17 MC: I'm warming to this idea a little 08:57:28 ... e.g. could right-click and get to this info 08:57:38 Arve: I disagree vehemently 08:57:58 ... this is ultimately about being able to display some specified content in a specific way 08:58:34 ... your solution implies pointing at a completely diff document or firing some event or allowing the WUA to genearte a UA based on a scheme with some prefs 08:58:52 BS: If I build a widget want a config view for it 08:59:03 Arve: how is that diff than any other state? 08:59:19 ... how is settings different than refresh, for example 09:00:56 [ MC demos Dashboard and the "I" key used to get to the widget's settings ... ] 09:01:45 s/Settings a View Mode/Proposal for a "Settings" View Mode/ 09:03:33 MC: can imagine using some of the new CSS3 Modules e.g. Transforms (2d, 3d), Transitions, etc. 09:04:31 DR: something like Fring service isn't useful until it is configured 09:04:41 Arve; well that's a broken service 09:05:22 DR: my point is there is a use case for using a widget's settings without first instantiating the widget 09:05:45 Arve: this seems more about a widget being able to handle online or offline 09:06:56 AB: I'm not seeing a lot of support for this 09:07:44 ... One way fwd - after the two new specs are out and P&C spec updated to reflect the new specs, then Benoit can submit a proposal if his use case can't be addressed 09:07:52 BS: yes, that's OK with me 09:08:19 ... I did want to discuss this mode and we've done that 09:12:05 AB: any other topics related to Window Modes? 09:12:07 [ None ] 09:12:58 Topic: 09:14:34 AB: what's the best place to start? 09:14:49 MP: we should start with MC's latest e-mail 09:15:42 AB: here is MP's 2nd proposal: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009JanMar/0505.html 09:16:41 AB: MC then responded on Feb 22 with: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webapps/2009JanMar/0517.html 09:17:15 MP: the semantics of the network attribute is not clear 09:17:55 MP: want author to be able to enumerate the white-listed hosts 09:18:14 ... However, there are some use cases where that list will not be know in advance e.g. a RSS reader 09:18:46 ... We need an "escape" mechanism for these use cases 09:20:46 s// Element/ 09:21:08 [ We review strawman proposal by Arve ... ] 09:21:16 element security optional 09:21:16 element access multiple 09:21:16 element "protocol" multiple 09:21:16 cdata 09:21:16 element "host" multiple 09:21:18 cdata 09:21:20 element "port" multiple 09:21:21 cdata 09:21:23 element "path" multiple 09:21:25 cdata 09:21:28 element "content" 09:21:29 attribute "plugin" value = "yes|no" 09:22:46 Arve: the idea is a widget would be restricted to those access methods that are explicit in the config file 09:23:23 MP: BONDI has done some related work but using a URI with pattern matching 09:23:49 ... VF would like to move that functionality from BONDI spec to W3C spec 09:24:03 arve, btw, why not just have 09:24:31 what do you mean by it? 09:24:32 arve, every other spec on the planet is moving towards that, since you have the host,port,scheme tuple you might as well tag along 09:24:34 anne 09:24:37 anne: mind joining the call and explaining it? 09:24:54 (it's just syntax so I don't think worth it) 09:24:57 ? 09:25:02 that's worth it* 09:25:32 http://example.org:81/ rather than putting scheme, host and port into separate elements 09:26:03 the strawman looks like it's likely to fail 09:26:10 drogersuk has joined #wam 09:26:30 anne: got URI schemes for ssh, telnet, xmpp, raw sockets, udp? 09:26:33 Arve: with widgets, there isn't really an origin 09:26:50 arve: there is a bad one for ssh and telnet 09:27:10 MC: that's one reason we need a different URI scheme for widgets 09:27:13 anne, can I take over microsoft? 09:27:20 see my example above? 09:27:35 protocol: https ; host: google.com, yahoo.com, ask.com; path: search/ 09:28:13 MC: need to also specify subdomains 09:28:32 MC: FWIW, this is like an inverse of CORS 09:29:18 MP: having multiple hosts associated with a single scheme and path is problematic 09:30:32 Reverse the two strings given for the request host and the host specified for the directive (directive host). Do a case-insensitive character by character comparison of the strings. If a mismatch is found before the end of the directive host string is reached, and the last two characters in the directive host string are not the character sequence '.*', consider the request host to not be a match. If there are characters left to parse in the request host, and the last 09:30:33 characters of the directive host were the wildcard sequence '.*' consider the host a match. 09:30:54 Arve: I'm not totally opposed to a URI scheme 09:31:09 MC: what proposal is that? 09:31:17 Arve: the one from Anne above 09:31:36 cgi-irc has joined #wam 09:31:43 ... with a few modification 09:32:07 element uri multiple 09:32:26 Anne, do you still have any funky syntax in CORS for selecting subdomains (i.e., *.example.com) ? 09:32:36 . attribute src 09:33:16 [ Arve begins a new strawman proposal ... ] 09:33:29 09:34:38 Arve: need wildcards on path and subdomains 09:35:10 Marcos, no, just origins 09:35:12 *.google.com 09:35:33 google.com 09:35:36 so, nothing like what arve has above 09:35:43 right anne 09:35:47 you gave up on that 09:36:11 is there a document that outlines what this security proposal is proposed to solve? 09:36:18 MP: BONDI allows wildcards in subdomains and paths 09:36:33 Anne, it's for cross domain request. 09:36:45 as perfomed when no origin is available 09:36:59 /cats 09:36:59 thus, the widget can access all of 09:37:16 /cats/siamese.html 09:37:16 /cats/ 09:37:16 /catsoup 09:37:35 Marcos, does it affect e.g.