22:10:58 RRSAgent has joined #svg 22:10:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/02/18-svg-irc 22:11:00 RRSAgent, make logs public 22:11:00 Zakim has joined #svg 22:11:02 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 22:11:02 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 22:11:03 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 22:11:03 Date: 18 February 2009 22:11:14 zakim, remind us in 9 hours to go home 22:11:14 ok, ChrisL 22:11:27 rrsagent, this meeting spans midnight 22:12:37 Meeting: Annual Barbeque Outing 22:13:10 Chair: wooden item for sitting upon 22:13:52 ChrisL, new phone number is 02 9976 8721 22:14:20 thanks! 22:14:27 02? 22:14:39 sorry, +612 22:14:45 gotcha 22:14:45 not 02 22:14:51 new room, new countrycode 22:15:29 was the old troom not to your liking? insufficient sea views, perhaps? 22:15:44 the new room is *much* further away 22:22:15 Scribe: Cameron 22:22:19 ScribeNick: heycam 22:23:15 Topic: SVG 3D transforms 22:23:22 ED: anthony you were saying it's mostly done, ready for publication? 22:23:29 AG: the changes we talked about on tuesday i've started folding in 22:24:03 AG: i was going to add a bit more wording on how to handle the order of rendering and maybe put in the backface-visibility 22:24:10 CM: don't think we agreed to backface-visibilty yet 22:24:18 ED: don't need to put everything in yte 22:24:21 s/yte/yet/ 22:24:27 AG: the other thing is layeredGroup 22:24:54 AG: that can probably wait as well, can put in a comment that mention backface-visibility and layeredGroup as possible things to be added later 22:24:58 Dean's comments on Steve Zilles' objection http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-css-wg/2009JanMar/0104.html 22:25:07 DS: also put in the spec that we're seeking to converge with CSS on a single solution 22:25:22 AG: need to update the use cases document with a few points we made the other day 22:25:28 AG: openvg requirement 22:25:57 AG: and the general plan to have alignment between our's and CSS' 22:26:05 DS: they don't have a use cases and requirements document 22:30:38 AG: i've put together all my thoughts from tuesday and i'll draft up an email to send it to our list for review 22:30:40 DS: so it seems like you took a lot of stuff from theirs 22:30:41 AG: yes 22:31:28 ... we had an earlier proposal but we wanted to align more closely with theirs 22:31:43 ... so that implementors and users could have consistent functionality 22:32:15 CM: you'll have that draft mail ready for when? 22:32:25 AG: could be today 22:33:10 DS: any objections to publishing svg 3d transforms? 22:33:19 JW: no objections, but haven't got a good understanding of the module yet 22:40:09 We need to be sure that the CSS transform stuff fits with SVG transforms, when both are applied. Dean mentioned this in his email 22:41:42 RESOLUTION: We'll publish what we have currently for the SVG 3D Transforms module 22:43:15 ACTION: Anthony to prepare SVG 3D Transforms for publication 22:43:15 Created ACTION-2474 - Prepare SVG 3D Transforms for publication [on Anthony Grasso - due 2009-02-25]. 22:43:24 ACTION: Doug to prepare SVG 3D Transforms for publication 22:43:24 Created ACTION-2475 - Prepare SVG 3D Transforms for publication [on Doug Schepers - due 2009-02-25]. 22:43:40 RRSAgent, pointer? 22:43:40 See http://www.w3.org/2009/02/18-svg-irc#T22-43-40 22:44:48 Topic: Vector effects 22:44:58 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/modules/vectoreffects/master/SVGVectorEffectsPrimer.html 22:45:07 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/modules/vectoreffects/master/SVGVectorEffects.html 22:45:29 ED: starting with the primer 22:45:56 CL: i've started to explain in general terms about rendering order and combining stuff, how to make compound shapes 22:46:11 CL: there's a useful diagram with text-with-stroke 22:46:20 CL: where it looks ugly with the stroking on top, and nice with stroking behind 22:46:46 CL: then i summarise what vector effects can do 22:47:04 ... the basic idea is that in 1.1 and 1.2T, the default rendering order is fill then stroke then markers 22:47:11 ... always in that order, and exactly one stroke, etc. 22:47:19 ... the idea is to have a property on any shape that lets you modify that 22:47:34 ... so you can stroke/fill in different orders, multiple strokes, modify the shape of the stroke, convert the stroke to a path and then stroke it, etc. 22:47:56 ... one particular use case, which came from andreas neumann, for cartography is to have pieces of geometry and stitch them together 22:48:05 ... e.g. the border between france and belgium, you want to just render that border once 22:48:23 ... then i go through in the same order as the language spec giving a one or two sentence explanation of each primitive and a picture 22:48:32 ... so the first one is veStrokePath 22:48:46 ... i put a thick stroke on it and turn it into a path and then stroke it 22:49:09 DS: chris did you change the image for the previous example? 22:49:13 CL: yes i've done a bit of tidying up 22:49:29 JW: when you say the stroke is converted to a path, you mean the edges of the stroke become a path and then those edges are stroked themselves 22:49:31 CL: right 22:49:45 ... veStroke is a command to draw a stroke, but you can have multiple ones of them 22:49:55 ... in the example there are three of them 22:50:00 ... veReverse changes the orientation of a path 22:50:08 ... probably only useful in combination with something else, e.g. markers 22:50:27 ... any markers that are asymmetric and oriented automatically are flipped 22:50:33 ED: this could be useful for motion path as well? 22:50:35 CL: yes it could 22:50:42 DS: this would have effects on fill 22:50:44 CL: yes it would 22:51:04 DS: fill-rule="evenOdd" 22:51:26 CL: next one is veUnion 22:51:36 ... merges two shapes together 22:52:23 ... two drawings for that, two random shapes unioned 22:52:41 ... the other example is having a thick stroke, converted that to a stroke, then unioned them 22:52:45 ... so that's like an outset effect 22:53:22 DS: is that unioning the colours too? 22:53:25 CL: no it's just the shape 22:53:59 CM: do you think it's worth having an explicit veOffset primitive? 22:54:00 CL: maybe 22:54:12 ... i wonder whether inset/outset should be added 22:54:44 ... next is veIntersect, which does intersection 22:54:48 ... subtraction of shapes 22:55:27 ... hopefully that example makes it obvious what veIntersect is useful for 22:55:33 DS: would the fill-rule properties have an effect here too? 22:55:35 CL: yes they would 22:56:45 DS: one thing with fill-rule i've wanted is a third value that can fill all the interior of shapes 22:56:52 CL: if they were separate shapes you could do that with a union 22:57:02 DS: so basically take the outline, and fill everything inside (and still have strokes etc.) 22:57:36 CL: next one down is a veExclude 22:58:58 CL: you can do an "inside stroke" effect with it, i'll add an example for it 22:59:19 ... next are examples that are originally from peter sorotokin 22:59:47 ... let's move on to the language spec 23:00:23 DS: when reading in the language spec it talks about the default rendering order, i'd put a visual example of what is meant by that 23:00:50 http://dev.w3.org/SVG/modules/vectoreffects/master/SVGVectorEffects.html 23:01:09 CL: this is much more littered with ednotes 23:01:15 ... first is the vectorEffect element 23:01:22 ... you can use it like you use a filter 23:01:26 ... putting it in a 23:01:35 ... but also you can use it as a drawing primitive directly 23:01:43 ... so if you do want to hide it you need to put it into 23:01:54 ... it should be possible to do both 23:02:13 ED: you could put display:none on it and reference it from somewhere else 23:02:40 CL: there's a couple of attribute definitions 23:02:49 ... 'clipout', which doesn't have any examples 23:02:55 ... i need to look at that a bit more 23:03:01 ... most of this has been taken from the original 1.2 chapter 23:03:06 ... i've tried to tidy it up 23:03:26 ... as doug says, the default vector effect is there in this section 23:04:08 AG: i'll send in some comments about wording 23:04:44 CL: so this is an advantage compared to filter primitives, we say what happens when you have a "null" one 23:04:50 ... which is that there's no rendering 23:04:54 ... next section, there's a big ednote 23:05:15 ... so not all of these attributes are available on *all* vector effect primtiives 23:05:20 ... so i will redo this section 23:05:36 ... the definitions of these common attributes need to be here, but they're not all used on all primitives 23:05:52 ... i was looking in the filters chapter, there was the same kind of thing, e.g. x/y/width/height are used on lots of primtiives 23:05:57 ... i'll do that same editing here 23:06:15 DS: it might help people conceptualize this if you point out that the way this works is a bit like filters 23:06:23 ... it's like a graph of primitives 23:06:32 ... and it's similar in its syntax and way of defining effects 23:06:54 ED: some of the vector effects will be more expensive than others 23:07:09 DS: it'd be good to point out which ones are more expensive than others (for both vector effects and filter effects) 23:07:23 ED: there is some wording like that in the filters spec, but it's not really on everything 23:08:07 ED: would you like to see two classes of conforming UAs? 23:08:11 CL: i think it's more guidance for authors 23:08:12 DS: yes 23:08:28 CL: e.g. telling them that they shouldn't set the filter region to the whole canvas 23:08:42 ... the other ednote in this section is whether the attributes are animatable or not 23:08:52 ... some of them i made guesses, since it didn't say so in the 1.2 draft 23:09:12 CM: in the filters spec are in and in2 animatable? 23:09:18 ED: yes 23:09:29 so they should be animatable here also 23:09:34 ED: result is also animatable in the filters spec 23:09:59 CL: what's the diff between transform and transformPath? 23:10:04 s/CL/CM/ 23:10:08 CL: it's not immediately clear 23:10:26 ... one of them, transform, it basically pops you into a different coordiante space, does the operation, and then reverses the transformation 23:10:36 ... whereas transformPath, oddly named, just does a transform 23:10:54 ... so if you go up to the primer again, and look at the second diagram, with three hearts 23:11:04 ... the pink heart with the skewed blue stroke, that would be an example of transformPath 23:11:07 ... we can rename these two attributes 23:11:14 ... the idea is that most of the outputs of these primitives are paths 23:11:20 ... so all it's done is transform it 23:11:54 ... if you transformed it into something that's three times as wide, it would end up being thin 23:12:16 ... if transform it, stroke, then inverse transform it, the stroke ends up not being uniformly thick 23:13:13 ... next is veStrokePath 23:13:21 ... it takes the stroke and turns it into a path, basically 23:13:29 ... if you don't give it any params, it takes what the stroke would've been 23:13:39 ... but you can provide attributes on the element to give it different stroking 23:13:52 ... there are the usual things you can put on strokes, e.g. stroke-dasharray, stroke-width, et.c 23:14:03 ... in the original spec, these were defined with a bit of RNG 23:14:12 ... so far these are all the same as the correspondingly named property 23:14:17 ... do we need to allow the word inherit? 23:14:26 ... where you'd inherit from, the parent, wouldn't have useful values 23:14:39 CM: so these are attributes and not properties? 23:14:48 CL: if they're properties, then you can style them 23:15:00 ... but the disadvantage is that you'd have properties with same names but different sets of values 23:15:10 ... then you'd need to rename them to something else 23:15:33 ... the value of using a stylesheet isn't that high, imo 23:15:49 ED: if you use the same attribute names, it could be a bit tricky with parsing and mapping them to properties 23:15:53 ED: maybe we should rename the attributes? 23:16:05 CL: we could prefix them all with "ve" e.g. 23:16:23 CM: they're like the font attributes 23:16:38 CL: it puts a bit of work on the implementor, but i think it makes it more understandable for the author 23:16:51 CL: as it is now, they're the same (except for perhaps removing "inherit") 23:17:10 ... stroke-opacity was missing from the original spec, so i've added it here 23:17:33 ED: so veStrokePath produces an outline, how would opacity affect the outline? 23:17:39 CL: all of these attributes are controlling the stroke, then you're converting that to a path 23:17:47 ... there's a veStroke as well, which has all the same attributes on it 23:17:58 ... the properties are the ones pertaining to the stroke 23:18:20 ... e.g. if you had stroke-dasharray, each dash gets converted to subpaths 23:18:28 s/subpaths/a subpath/ 23:18:42 ED: if you have stroke-opacity:0.5, what effect would it have? 23:18:49 CL: it'd be the same as setting stroke-opacity:0.5 normally 23:18:59 ED: so it has no effect on the path, just how it's rendering? 23:19:20 CL: next is veSetback 23:19:27 ... it has a single attribute, a list of four lengths 23:19:34 ... i need to draw a diagram for this 23:19:47 ... imagine an arc with arrowheads 23:19:53 ... then you put a really thick stroke on the line 23:20:09 ... so parts of the line stroke come out past the arrowhead 23:20:23 ... so it puts it sets the path back 23:20:39 DS: so that's similar to the offset on paths 23:21:22 JW: why can't you set the origin of the maker to match the end of the stroke? 23:21:35 DS: they have to give numeric values, they can't say "put it at the end of the stroke" 23:21:49 ... they have to judge themselves what the right offset is 23:22:19 [doug draws] 23:27:12 JW: with setback you need to keep a track of the marker dimensions 23:27:25 ... perhaps easier is to say that the stroke is masked out by the marker, haven't thought that through though 23:27:42 CL: so you'd convert the stroke to a path, and convert the marker to a path, then use the union/exclusion operations 23:28:20 CM: there should be some simple thing to say "automatically draw the path up to the right point of the back of the marker" 23:29:02 CM: maybe markers should have two origin points (the front and the back of the arrowhead) 23:31:52 DS: i'd suggest marking veSetback as needing examination for use cases 23:36:00 CL: veAffine is next 23:36:09 ... it just moves the path, applies a transform to the path 23:36:24 ... veReverse, the diagram in the primer explains that 23:36:34 ... next, veJoin, don't have an example of that 23:36:39 ... it takes two paths and concatenates them 23:36:48 ... with an attribute that says whether to insert a lineto to join them 23:36:55 ED: with veAffine, would that apply 3d transforms? 23:37:07 CL: maybe veTransform would a better name than veAffine then 23:38:43 CM: maybe a third option for 'connect' to make the start point of the second path be the same as the end point of the first path 23:38:48 ... not sure of the use cases though 23:39:40 CL: next three 23:41:34 CM: the algorithms for some of these things might not be well known 23:41:40 CL: inkscape implements them, mostly 23:41:59 ... i'm wondering if these child elements should be in alphabetical order 23:43:21 CL: veFill is how you do your basic fill 23:43:24 ... it has the usual fill properties 23:43:36 ... in theory you could do multiple fills 23:44:25 ... the examples use these values "currentStrokeOpacity" etc., but they're not valid values yet 23:45:43 ... particularly useful here would be to allow markers to be painted with whatever the current stroke paint is 23:46:22 DS: if you have a marker with stroke green fill lime, and i want to change it to cornflowerblue/blue 23:46:27 CL: you want to do computations on the colour values? 23:46:33 DS: not necessarily 23:47:06 ... we could say that in the marker, give it keyword values 23:47:13 ... i often have different colours for the fill and the stroke 23:48:04 CM: is there a marker-opacity? 23:48:14 ED: no, but you can put opacity on the contents of the marker itself 23:48:57 ISSUE: We need to define the order of rendering for markers on a path 23:48:57 Created ISSUE-2229 - We need to define the order of rendering for markers on a path ; please complete additional details at http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/track/issues/2229/edit . 23:49:42 CM: there's a question there, is fill-rule needed on veFill? 23:50:07 CM: might be good to just include them all 23:50:26 CL: a question for marker 23:50:32 ... there is a marker shorthand 23:50:43 ... when we made attribute questions, we decided not to have attributes for shorthands 23:50:52 ... because attributes are unordered 23:51:10 ... if you said marker="blah" marker-start="foo" you wouldn't know which one wins 23:51:22 ... otoh people often do says marker:blah and put the same marker on everything 23:52:30 ED: in our implementation, you wouldn't look at the values until you need the cascaded values 23:52:33 ... so it shouldn't be a problem 23:52:58 CL: otherwise currently you have to repeat those three marker-* attributes 23:53:05 ... however some implementations allow you to do that 23:53:13 ... those implementations are inconsistent on which ones win 23:53:24 CM: same for @font i guess 23:53:32 ED: they're the only shorthands we have, i think 23:54:23 CL: veMarkerPath, this lets you convert a marker to the union of marker contents 23:54:39 CM: what happens to the styling of the shapes within the marker? 23:54:54 CL: the output it is a path 23:55:32 s/it // 23:55:40 ... most of these elements produce another path, some of them draw something 23:55:46 ... you'd need to use them in combination, often 23:56:04 ... vePath and vePathRef are interesting 23:56:11 ... vePath is a parent, with any number of vePathRef children 23:56:18 ... this is how you take 20 different paths and combine them all 23:56:28 ... in some cases you need to reverse them as well 23:56:59 CM: so you would define boundary paths, them reference them here 23:57:22 DS: as an aside, in firefox if you set stroke-opacity it doesn't do anything do the marker 23:57:27 ... setting fill-opacity doesn't do anything 23:57:30 ... setting opacity it does 23:58:25 CL: next is the vector-effect property 23:58:33 ... we've already used part of this in 1.2T, the non-scaling-stroke thing 23:58:52 CM: would you imagine introducing new keywords for more canned vector effects? 23:59:09 CL: so you can also specify "default", which is the plain vector effect 23:59:15 ED: in tiny the initial value is "none", rather than "default" 23:59:17 http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/painting.html#NonScalingStroke 00:00:18 CL: so we'll keep the value "none" and explain it means the default vector effect 00:01:03 ... next issue is that we have the default vector effect; what happens in 1.2T that doesn't implement markers? 00:01:21 ... can you use veMarker when you don't support markers? 00:01:23 ... is it a no-op 00:01:34 CM: is it likely that there will be implementations that do full vector effects but not markers? 00:01:36 CL: probably 00:02:05 CM: easiest would be to say that veMarker is a no-op, imo 00:02:31 CL: we could have language in there that says "if the host language supports marker, then..." 00:04:38 ... note here the definition of non-scaling-stroke 00:07:58 ED: ref(host) should be ref(svg) 00:08:21 CL: back to the examples in the primer 00:09:10 ... the second example is a fill pattern that doesn't scale 00:09:45 ... the third example is bogus, stroke-width-adjust doesn't appear anywhere else in the spec 00:10:17 ED: if you use stroke-width="nn%" 00:10:29 ... then just say that percentages there are resolved against the stroke-width on the original path 00:10:41 CM: i guess that's similar to font-size percentage resolution 00:10:53 CL: next is the example that was at the top of the document 00:11:07 ... next is the example making markers take the colour of the strke 00:11:10 s/strke/stroke/ 00:11:49 DS: this satisfies a longstanding problem with markers 00:12:12 ... could you change the opacity of the marker, or stroke-dasharray of the marker? 00:12:29 CL: markers can be arbitrarily complex 00:12:32 ... and markers can have markers 00:13:22 ... there's an example in the test suite where markers have markers 00:14:19 ... two more examples, one is the same as the preceding but a bit different 00:14:46 ... converts the fill/stroke/marker to a single path, and then paints it 00:14:53 ... you can see the example of this when using a gradient, e.g. 00:15:04 ... the last example shows vePath 00:15:29 ED: it'd be good to see an example of a map, to see if it's actually more compact 00:15:34 ... there's a lot of syntax with the vePath stuff 00:15:51 CL: with a large number of points in the paths, it'd be a win 00:16:20 ... the other thing here is that if you export the same thing multiple times, especially with paths reversed, you can sometimes get paths that don't fit together exactly 00:16:55 what was the nuber again? 00:17:27 +61 2 9976 8721 00:18:25 i got a receptionist 00:18:33 ok let me check 00:18:41 hmm 00:18:45 try again? the number should be right 00:21:37 CM: what would happen with events? 00:21:45 CL: you should be able to put event handles on these things that are drawn 00:23:19 ... same with symbol/use, what happens there? 00:23:26 ED: there's the SVGElementInstance tree objects 00:24:16 JW: why are we using xlink:href on these? 00:24:31 CL: because that's what we use everywhere 00:24:39 JW: how about dropping the xlink prefix here? 00:24:51 CL: if you want to suggest dropping xlink prefix everywhere, that'd be more reasonable 00:24:58 CL: but not just on the one 00:25:28 DS: for text, i think we should special case it to say that the stroke is by default behind the fill 00:25:41 CM: have a canned stroke-behind vector effect? 00:26:20 someone mentioned putting ve ona group? 00:26:21 ... so you could put vector-effect property on a group 00:26:29 CL: not sure that's supported currently 00:27:06 DS: we might like to say that the stroke is behind all of the text glyphs 00:29:47 "Each property may also have a specified value of 'inherit', which means that, for a given element, the property takes the same computed value as the property for the element's parent." 00:33:19 DS: it'd be useful to have an interface to get resulting path geometry from vector effects 00:35:36 DS: i couldn't figure out how to do variable stroke width 00:35:45 CL: i don't think you could with this, it might be possible to add it 00:35:54 DS: could be that we do it with some other mechanism than vector effects 00:36:09 CM: just add a new stroke property 00:36:32 http://www.inkscape.org/screenshots/gallery/inkscape-0.45-patternalongpath.png 00:36:33 CL: you could have something like a gradient definition 00:36:41 CL: to define the varying stroke width 00:36:49 CM: might be simpler to just have lists of numbers in properties 00:37:20 CL: the face one could be done with that gradient-like definition 00:37:35 CL: the snake one looks complex 00:38:22 CM: a brush element that can be referenced? 00:38:57 DS: there was an example of someone using an SVG font to make custom shapes, and then place the shapes along a path (with textPath) 00:39:15 object-on-a-path 00:40:50 CM: when will we publish this? 00:40:58 CL: i'd like to get these comments discussed today addressed 00:41:07 ED: it'd be nice to have some thought go in to the DOM aspects of htis 00:41:11 s/htis/this/ 00:41:19 ... there's nothing so far, but maybe there should be something 00:42:26 Topic: CSS transitions 00:42:47 http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-transitions 00:44:30 ED: i didn't find what happens when there's a mismatch between the number of transition-property and transition-duration properties 00:44:59 Topic: Back to vector effects for a minute 00:45:23 DS: alex adam asked what's the use case for union, intersect and include 00:45:33 ... he says, isn't that something that an authoring tool should do? 00:45:48 ... to me, the use case is that these things might change dynamically, they might be animated 00:45:58 ... or you're just constructing paths at run time 00:46:29 ... to me, that's the use case, but we should talk about the explicitly, and talk with the inkscape community to see if this is something that they want 00:46:36 CL: i'd like to have a draft out before libre graphics, and talk to those guys there 00:47:33 JW: it's a fair question, anyway 00:47:50 ED: perhaps different conformance classes, maybe for authoring tools 00:48:22 AG: the vector-effects property doesn't mention styling, but it has visual effects, should it go in CSS? 00:48:25 ED: it's a css property 00:48:26 AG: ok 00:49:06 Topic: CSS transitions 00:49:20 ED: so i couldn't find what happens when there is a mismatch 00:49:46 ... there's a table at the end that says animatable properties 00:49:52 ... why define in that spec which properties are animatable? 00:50:04 CM: maybe as an initial definition of which ones are animatable 00:50:17 ED: it misses out some SVG properties 00:50:35 ... also he leaves out a bunch of the ones that are keyword values 00:50:44 CM: in SVG all properties are animatable 00:51:45 ED: in 1.2T we have two properties that aren't animatable 00:52:37 ED: for the svg properties, it should just point to the svg spec to determine whether it is animatable 00:53:19 DS: maybe they just want a single place to list which properties are animatable, but maybe a tutorial is better for that 00:53:41 ED: for the css props that svg imports, i haven't checked the table to see if there are any mismatches in animatability 00:54:28 ED: this spec is quite simple, so my question would be is it useful to have this spec if css animations is also there? 00:54:43 ED: what's the point of making this spec simple if it doesn't address the use cases that css animations does? 00:54:53 DS: iirc, the transitions were meant to be really simple 00:55:16 ... there was some disagreement, that bert saw the use cases for transitions but not for animations (iirc) 00:55:31 ED: i would prefer that transitions becomes as simple as possible 00:56:26 ... i'm a bit worried about the animation of svg properties, and if the animation here will be different from the interpolation we use here and in smil 00:56:31 ... it's not that well defined what happens 00:57:27 ... you could say that it's overly complex to have cubic-bezier(), because it does specify a bunch of canned timing functions already 00:57:35 ... are those canned ones the ones that cover most use cases? 00:57:58 ... i suspect most people will use the canned ones 00:58:52 CM: how is the effect applied? override style sheet? or somewhere in the computation of computed value? 00:59:15 JW: i think it's basically the override style sheet 00:59:40 ... there is a property you can specify on elements to disable animation 00:59:47 ... that's in css animations 01:02:03 ... not clear on that 01:02:47 CM: animations doesn't really build on top of transitions 01:02:55 DS: it builds on the idea, but not the syntax or behaviour 01:04:46 ED: does it define "