16:57:35 RRSAgent has joined #html-wg 16:57:35 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/01/29-html-wg-irc 16:57:37 RRSAgent, make logs public 16:57:39 Zakim, this will be HTML 16:57:39 ok, trackbot, I see HTML_WG()12:00PM already started 16:57:40 Meeting: HTML Weekly Teleconference 16:57:40 Date: 29 January 2009 16:57:59 +Julian 16:58:02 -ChrisWilson 16:58:04 +ChrisWilson 16:58:39 Zakim, call Mike-Mobile 16:58:39 ok, MikeSmith; the call is being made 16:58:41 +Mike 16:59:16 Zakim, who's on the phone? 16:59:16 On the phone I see ChrisWilson, Julian, Mike 17:01:05 regrets+ smedero 17:01:08 +Masinter 17:01:20 oedipus has joined #html-wg 17:01:48 deane has joined #html-wg 17:01:59 GJR offers aural regrets - has a nasty respiratory infection but will be here in IRC 17:02:02 +??P6 17:02:08 +DanC 17:02:13 Zakim, I am ??P6 17:02:13 +Lachy; got it 17:02:14 regrets+ GJR 17:02:23 masinter has joined #html-wg 17:03:36 agenda? 17:03:47 Joshue has joined #html-wg 17:03:53 agenda+ review open issues 17:04:08 agenda+ review pending review items 17:04:20 agenda+ review overdue action items 17:04:37 agenda+ ask for additional agenda items 17:04:39 do you want to discuss the authoring guide today? 17:05:06 action-34? 17:05:06 ACTION-34 -- Lachlan Hunt to prepare "Web Developer's Guide to HTML5" for publication in some way, as discussed on 2007-11-28 phone conference -- due 2009-01-22 -- OPEN 17:05:06 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/34 17:05:07 Title: ACTION-34 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:05:09 yup. That's action-34, showing up as overdue. 17:05:41 Need a scribe? 17:05:45 Any volunteers 17:05:54 zakim, choose a victim 17:05:54 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Masinter 17:05:55 Bueller... Bueller... Bueller... 17:05:56 scribenick Lachy 17:06:11 agenda? 17:06:23 zakim, take up item 4 17:06:23 agendum 4. "ask for additional agenda items" taken up [from ChrisWilson] 17:06:23 scribenick: Lachy 17:06:35 Anyone have anything to discuss today that's not in the tracker? 17:06:45 q+ 17:06:59 ack oedipus 17:07:03 yeeees? 17:07:08 how to log my D for DIALOGUE proposal -- issue, bug, what? 17:07:18 GJR: If Sam gets here, I wouldn't mind a discussion of argumentation style on the mailing list 17:08:01 s/GJR/Larry 17:08:13 s/GJR:/Larry:/ 17:08:21 ARIA already has aria-dialog deployed and dialog is a programmatic term, dialogue is a homonym, D is cleanest solution 17:08:46 oedipus: Add an issue, and since you've made the proposal, I would add an item to collect feedback with an end date - at that point, we should review and hand over to editor if we have consensus 17:08:55 s/item/action item/ 17:08:57 + +1.519.378.aaaa 17:09:12 Zakim, aaaa is MurrayM 17:09:12 +MurrayM; got it 17:09:55 zakim, close item 4 17:09:55 agendum 4, ask for additional agenda items, closed 17:09:56 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:09:57 1. review open issues [from ChrisWilson] 17:09:59 zakim, take up item 1 17:09:59 agendum 1. "review open issues" taken up [from ChrisWilson] 17:10:04 ChrisWilson: i am not on the issue logging team anymore - how to add? 17:10:40 Topic: ISSUE-65: HTML 5 spec update after 10 June 2008 17:10:50 rubys has joined #html-wg 17:10:55 CW: DanC, please get Gregory added to the issue logging system 17:11:09 Topic: ISSUE-65: HTML 5 spec update after 10 June 2008 17:11:12 CW: I had an action to send mail to WG about issuing a new WD 17:11:21 I raised an objection 17:11:22 CW: Everyone in agreement about new WD 17:11:26 ChrisWilson: thank you 17:11:33 dbaron has joined #html-wg 17:11:48 Larry: I raised an objection on the mailing list 17:12:03 +Shepazu 17:12:10 Larry: I want the spec to be held to the same level of concensus as Mike's proposal 17:12:18 +[Mozilla] 17:12:30 Zakim, [Mozilla] has David_Baron 17:12:30 +David_Baron; got it 17:12:49 LH: The difference is that HTML5 has already been through FPWD status, and had a WG vote 17:13:06 Larry: I think a new version needs more concesus than the previous 17:13:53 new features shouldn't be added until they are agreed 17:13:54 CW: I'd like to think new WD's would increase the level of concensus 17:14:33 CW: 2 options: 1. publish HTML5 now as another WD, 2. Send another poll to the group 17:14:48 LH: Opposed to doing another poll 17:15:02 Larry: you could also publish over my objection. 17:15:24 I prefer option 1 17:16:03 I support option one 17:16:14 I believe we have sufficient concensus to publish then. 17:16:14 DanC: yeah, I can 17:16:31 q+ to ask what would the poll ask - release or no? 17:16:38 sufficient agreement, perhaps? 17:16:44 IETF uses 'rough consensus' 17:16:44 there's not much that needs to be done as far as the HTML5 draft.. it's already ready to publish 17:16:44 DanC: I think you're making a decision over someone's objection. I don't think we have concensus 17:16:50 s/concensus/support 17:17:18 The process document is also pretty clear that concensus != unanimity. 17:17:24 yup 17:17:27 we do not have unanimous consensus, Larry did object. 17:17:31 q? 17:17:32 "sufficient support" works. 17:17:47 s/sufficient concensus /support support/ 17:17:55 http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/policies.html#Consensus 17:17:57 Title: 3 General Policies for W3C Groups (at www.w3.org) 17:18:01 ack oed 17:18:01 oedipus, you wanted to ask what would the poll ask - release or no? 17:18:07 ah 17:18:14 yes, I think that would effectively be the question 17:18:19 Though I guess it does define consensus as without objection. 17:18:37 yes, concensus != unanimity, but it implies that there are also no objections 17:19:04 okay. I declare a rathole, will try not to use term concensus, move on. :) 17:19:31 +1 publish diff doc as well 17:19:37 concensus == everyone can live with it (I think) 17:19:40 [fyi] another poll is a waste of time; we shouldn't be afraid to publish, because the introductary verbiage says: this is a work in progress, and other disclaimers -- let the public see what has been done and let them (and the WG) react to the new draft 17:19:45 +1 also to diff doc 17:19:50 MS: We should also publish Anne's Differences doc 17:19:53 plus 1 to DIFF doc 17:19:54 oedipus, I think the feeling is that a poll isn't really cost effective, as you said. 17:20:03 i have no objection to publishing the diff doc 17:20:05 consensus = sufficient support and no objections. consensus is valued but not required for W3C WG decisions. 17:20:09 s/concensus/consensus/g 17:20:49 CW: Do we need to get additional support, or consider it publishable? 17:21:03 DanC: I think we have enough support to publish 17:21:14 JOC: I also don't mind publishing the differences doc 17:21:28 i'm strongly in favor of publishing the diff document, even if the document itself weren't published 17:21:46 RESOLVED: to publish the HTML 5 spec and the diff document 17:21:59 issue-59? 17:21:59 ISSUE-59 -- Should the HTML WG produce a separate document that is a normative language reference and if so what are the requirements -- OPEN 17:21:59 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/59 17:22:00 Title: ISSUE-59 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:22:00 ACTION: MikeSmith to publish the spec and diff 17:22:00 Created ACTION-101 - Publish the spec and diff [on Michael(tm) Smith - due 2009-02-05]. 17:22:03 ACTION: Mike publish update of html5 spec and "differences from html 4" 17:22:03 Created ACTION-102 - Publish update of html5 spec and \"differences from html 4\" [on Michael(tm) Smith - due 2009-02-05]. 17:22:15 close action-102 17:22:15 ACTION-102 Publish update of html5 spec and \"differences from html 4\" closed 17:22:42 action-77 17:22:42 Topic: ISSUE-59 (normative-language-reference) 17:22:55 action-77? 17:22:55 ACTION-77 -- Michael(tm) Smith to lead HTML WG to response to TAG discussion and report back to TAG -- due 2009-01-23 -- PENDINGREVIEW 17:22:55 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/77 17:22:56 Title: ACTION-77 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:23:08 (action-77 is a sort of placeholder here) 17:23:51 CW: Let's defer this discussion about publishing HTML5: The Markup Langauge till next week 17:24:25 [fwiw] plus 1 to publishing HTML5: The Markup Language in tandem with the PWD and the diff doc 17:25:28 CW: Does anyone think we can do anything productive today on this topic? 17:25:33 not me 17:25:37 no 17:25:42 probably not 17:26:05 [fwiw] this is one case where i don't mind executive decision by fiat 17:26:35 JOC" +1 also to publishing the HTML 5 The Markup Language with the PWD and diff doc also 17:26:44 issue-54 and action-91? 17:26:51 issue-54? 17:26:51 ISSUE-54 -- tools that can't generate -- OPEN 17:26:51 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/54 17:26:52 Title: ISSUE-54 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:26:54 action-91? 17:26:54 ACTION-91 -- Sam Ruby to propose 'legacy-compat' and report on feedback -- due 2009-01-29 -- OPEN 17:26:54 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/91 17:26:55 Title: ACTION-91 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:26:56 Topic: ISSUE-54 (doctype-legacy-compat): tools that can't generate 17:27:13 I think it it time to turn the feedback received over to the editor 17:27:27 we seem to have a number of options that nobody can find an issue with 17:27:37 all use SYSTEM, most use about: 17:27:44 i'm not sure the precondtions have been met 17:27:50 beyond that, I'd like to leave it to the editors discretion 17:27:56 the "about:" URI scheme registration isn't complete 17:27:56 masinter, what preconditions? 17:28:06 it's in progress, but hasn't been finished 17:28:13 we can certainly review whatever is selected before publishing 17:28:24 define finished in this context? 17:28:48 Larry: The registration hasn't been submitted to IANA yet 17:28:54 or has it? 17:28:54 ... for about: URI 17:28:55 q+ 17:28:58 ack J 17:29:31 I am ok with it going into a draft with the understanding that an IANA registration will be pursued 17:29:41 (I suggest Larry or Julian take an action to track registration) 17:29:44 Julian: I'm not sure the completion state of registration is a show stopper 17:29:51 i agree it isn't 17:31:03 Larry: The IETF has a process that needs to be followed, and should be registered first. But I'm fine with putting it in tentatively 17:31:20 q+ 17:31:21 +1 move ISSUE-54 (doctype-legacy-compat) to PENDINGREVIEW (i.e. hand it to the editor) contingent on registration of about: 17:31:22 CW: I think either Larry or Julian should take an action to track the progress of registration 17:31:23 ack j 17:31:32 Julian: I think Lachlan is an author 17:31:41 There is other stuff that is spending IANA registration, FWIW. 17:31:57 LH: I am 17:32:29 should take less than a month, because it is 'expert review' 17:32:50 ACTION: Lachlan to track registration of about: URI scheme 17:32:50 Sorry, couldn't find user - Lachlan 17:32:58 xover has joined #html-wg 17:33:01 ACTION: Lachy to track registration of about: URI scheme 17:33:01 Sorry, couldn't find user - Lachy 17:33:04 Sam, it sounds like you can go ahead and pass off to editor on action-91. 17:33:07 wtf? 17:33:12 laplink has joined #html-wg 17:33:19 ACTION: Lachlan to track registration of about: URI scheme 17:33:19 Sorry, couldn't find user - Lachlan 17:33:19 will do 17:33:40 trackbot, status? 17:34:51 hyatt has joined #html-wg 17:35:05 Lachy: Dan's action-72 isn't due until tomorrow, and he's not quite done, so we'll discuss next week. 17:35:25 DanC: I think Hickson's proposal of 20 Dec satisfies all concerned re table headers; I just want to dot a few i's and cross a few t's, then I'll send the "are we all agreed?" msg 17:35:38 It looks like no further actions on open issues are due. 17:35:50 action-78? 17:35:50 ACTION-78 -- Larry Masinter to suggestion text for 1.5.4 Relationship to Flash, Silverlight, XUL and similar proprietary languages -- due 2009-01-14 -- PENDINGREVIEW 17:35:50 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/78 17:35:51 Title: ACTION-78 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:36:04 Topic: 1.5.4 Relationship to Flash, Silverlight, XUL and similar proprietary languages 17:37:09 LH: There was a proposal sent to mailing list to revise section 1.5.4. Hixie said he'd get to it about Q3 this year 17:37:16 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2009Jan/0238.html 17:37:18 Title: Re: ACTION-78: Suggestion text for 1.5.4 from Ian Hickson on 2009-01-20 (public-html@w3.org from January 2009) (at lists.w3.org) 17:37:49 (I'm looking at 0238 and I don't see proposed text) 17:38:01 there wasn't proposed text. But a clear explanation of the problem 17:38:10 Zakim, who is noisy? 17:38:12 Hixie should be capable of writing text that matches the feedback 17:38:17 oh. then I can't evaluate whether I like it. never mind. 17:38:21 dbaron, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Lachy (19%), MurrayM (5%), ChrisWilson (84%) 17:38:45 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2009Jan/0218.html 17:38:46 Title: Re: ACTION-78: Suggestion text for 1.5.4 from Lachlan Hunt on 2009-01-19 (public-html@w3.org from January 2009) (at lists.w3.org) 17:38:58 that's the mail from me that identified the problem 17:39:15 DanC: I'm willing to work with Lachlan to come up with something mutually agreeable 17:39:47 LH: Why can't Hixie do it when he get's to it? 17:39:54 DanC: I want it done before Q3 17:40:00 CW: Leave Hixie's time for more valuable things 17:40:18 I'm OK with Q3 17:40:19 action-78? 17:40:19 ACTION-78 -- Larry Masinter to work with Lachlan on text for 1.5.4 Relationship to Flash, Silverlight, XUL and similar proprietary languages -- due 2009-02-05 -- OPEN 17:40:19 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/78 17:40:20 Title: ACTION-78 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:40:53 action-78? 17:40:54 ACTION-78 -- Larry Masinter to work with Lachlan on text and heading for 1.5.4 Relationship to Flash, Silverlight, XUL and similar proprietary languages -- due 2009-02-05 -- OPEN 17:40:54 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/78 17:40:55 Title: ACTION-78 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:41:06 zakim, close item 1 17:41:06 agendum 1, review open issues, closed 17:41:07 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 17:41:08 2. review pending review items [from ChrisWilson] 17:41:11 zakim, take up item 2 17:41:11 agendum 2. "review pending review items" taken up [from ChrisWilson] 17:41:30 zakim, close item 2 17:41:30 agendum 2, review pending review items, closed 17:41:31 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 17:41:32 3. review overdue action items [from ChrisWilson] 17:41:34 zakim, take up item 3 17:41:34 agendum 3. "review overdue action items" taken up [from ChrisWilson] 17:41:41 action-34? 17:41:41 ACTION-34 -- Lachlan Hunt to prepare "Web Developer's Guide to HTML5" for publication in some way, as discussed on 2007-11-28 phone conference -- due 2009-01-22 -- OPEN 17:41:41 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/34 17:41:42 Title: ACTION-34 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:41:52 http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/ 17:41:53 Title: HTML 5 Reference (at dev.w3.org) 17:41:54 s/DanC: I'm willing/Larry: I'm willing/ 17:42:04 Topic: Authoring guide 17:42:53 http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/#introduction 17:42:54 LH: I started a major edit today, breaking in to three sections 17:42:55 Title: HTML 5 Reference (at dev.w3.org) 17:42:55 hyatt has joined #html-wg 17:43:24 LH: 1) getting started with HTML, 2) syntax, and 3) vocabulary and apis 17:43:50 LH: Take a look at the introduction, which should help clear up misconceptions about what it will contain 17:44:22 (I'd prefer that came with some motivation... this claims to be a reference in the intro... I guess the motivation can go in a separate document...) 17:46:15 DanC: if you dont' put this in, it will still show up. 17:46:27 http://dev.w3.org/html5/html-author/examples/example01.html 17:46:28 Title: Example 01 (at dev.w3.org) 17:46:52 LH: the syntax section will discuss this more 17:47:20 perhaps put in a fwd ref, once the syntax section is done 17:47:20 (I'm still interested to give it a try without the fwd ref) 17:49:06 http://www.opera.com/company/education/curriculum/ 17:49:07 Title: Opera: Web Standards Curriculum (at www.opera.com) 17:49:51 Lachy, I'm glad you're making progress; sorry I'm coming across a little negative; it's partly frustration that I haven't made as much progress. 17:49:54 zakim, close item 3 17:49:54 agendum 3, review overdue action items, closed 17:49:55 I see nothing remaining on the agenda 17:50:14 move to adjourn? 17:50:25 DanC, I don't mind. Feel free to elaborate on your issues on the mailing list 17:50:30 ADJOURNED. 17:50:32 sam please call me 17:50:36 -Julian 17:50:38 -[Mozilla] 17:50:48 -Shepazu 17:50:55 zakim, who is on the phone? 17:50:55 On the phone I see ChrisWilson, Mike, Masinter, Lachy, DanC, MurrayM 17:50:55 larry, it may be a few minutes... but I will 17:51:15 -Masinter 17:51:24 trackbot, statue? 17:51:24 Sorry, MikeSmith, I don't understand 'trackbot, statue?'. Please refer to http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/irc for help 17:51:25 Title: IRC Trackbot (at www.w3.org) 17:51:37 trackbot: status? 17:52:00 I'd like Ian to be added to the trackbot list 17:52:12 ACTION: LachlanHunt to track registration of about: URI scheme 17:52:12 Sorry, couldn't find user - LachlanHunt 17:52:19 action: Lachlan track registration of about: URI scheme 17:52:19 Sorry, couldn't find user - Lachlan 17:52:22 even if he doesn't directly interact with the tool, we should track who is doing the work not who is tracking who is doing the work 17:52:23 trackbot, status 17:52:45 Joshue has left #html-wg 17:52:51 action: Dan for Lachlan track registration of about: URI scheme 17:52:51 Created ACTION-103 - For Lachlan track registration of about: URI scheme [on Dan Connolly - due 2009-02-05]. 17:53:22 Zakim, drop Mike 17:53:22 Mike is being disconnected 17:53:23 -Mike 17:54:08 -MurrayM 17:54:13 action-103? 17:54:13 ACTION-103 -- Dan Connolly to track registration of about: URI scheme -- due 2009-02-05 -- OPEN 17:54:13 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/103 17:54:14 Title: ACTION-103 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:54:43 action-103? 17:54:43 ACTION-103 -- Lachlan Hunt to track registration of about: URI scheme -- due 2009-02-05 -- OPEN 17:54:43 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/103 17:54:44 Title: ACTION-103 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:55:07 model: action-103 due XXX 17:55:59 oedipus, I haven't looked at the D thingy; are you pretty confident there are others in the WG that want to track it? 17:56:02 action-103? 17:56:02 ACTION-103 -- Lachlan Hunt to track registration of about: URI scheme -- due 2009-03-05 -- OPEN 17:56:02 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/actions/103 17:56:03 Title: ACTION-103 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org) 17:56:04 -Lachy 17:56:07 -ChrisWilson 17:56:40 I'd like to think the D thingy can be worked out between you and the editor without escalating 17:57:29 rubys2 has joined #html-wg 18:01:00 Zakim, drop me 18:01:00 DanC is being disconnected 18:01:01 HTML_WG()12:00PM has ended 18:01:03 Attendees were ChrisWilson, Julian, Mike, Masinter, DanC, Lachy, +1.519.378.aaaa, MurrayM, Shepazu, David_Baron 18:11:55 deane has left #html-wg 18:12:20 Lachy has joined #html-wg 18:35:49 hyatt has joined #html-wg 18:39:43 adele has joined #html-wg 18:41:09 adele has joined #html-wg 19:27:03 rubys has joined #html-wg 20:14:12 rubys has joined #html-wg 20:24:29 Zakim has left #html-wg 21:12:23 rubys has joined #html-wg 21:36:34 Sander has joined #html-wg 21:56:03 rubys has joined #html-wg 22:06:59 Like designers, if you give a programmer a problem with parameters, they’ll apply every bit of genius they have to solve it in the best possible way. If you tell them how to do it, you’ll suffer the wrath of an angry God. -- http://powazek.com/posts/1655 22:07:02 Title: Derek Powazek - Programmers are Tiny Gods (at powazek.com) 22:26:10 sryo has joined #html-wg 22:27:03 heycam has joined #html-wg 22:48:46 Jirka2 has joined #html-wg 22:52:05 Jirka2 has left #html-wg 23:01:54 billmason has left #html-wg 23:12:57 mjs has joined #html-wg 23:35:20 http://blog.mozilla.com/seth/2009/01/28/mozilla-dtd-files-caveat-emptor/ 23:35:23 Title: seths blog » Blog Archive » Mozilla DTD files, caveat emptor (at blog.mozilla.com) 23:39:10 aroben_ has joined #html-wg 23:39:14 heycam has joined #html-wg 23:52:02 karl, I don't understand how quoting the description of a Working Draft No Longer In Development from the process document is relevant to the intention of Working Draft still in active development that claims normativity, to reach a recommendation? 23:59:34 rubys has joined #html-wg