20:56:58 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 20:56:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2009/01/22-wai-wcag-irc 20:57:03 rrsagent, make log world 20:57:07 meeting: WCAG 20:57:56 agenda: http://www.w3.org/mid/824e742c0901161416m2fb45561h9c634c936a65216c@mail.gmail.com 20:58:14 agenda+ Life after Rec 20:58:22 agenda+ Post-Rec Charter 20:58:34 agenda+ Proposal for handling WCAG 2 questions and issues 20:58:49 agenda+ Meeting Schedule 20:59:31 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has now started 20:59:38 +David_MacDonald 20:59:42 zakim, call cooper-mit 20:59:43 ok, MichaelC; the call is being made 20:59:44 +Cooper 21:00:55 + +1.410.757.aaaa 21:01:18 zakim, +1.410 is Drew_LaHart 21:01:18 +Drew_LaHart; got it 21:01:38 regrets: Roberto_Scano 21:02:05 +??P7 21:02:11 Ben_ has joined #wai-wcag 21:02:21 zakim, ??P7 is mbertoni 21:02:21 +mbertoni; got it 21:02:44 Sofia has joined #wai-wcag 21:03:33 Loretta has joined #wai-wcag 21:03:39 +??P8 21:03:40 -??P8 21:03:46 Drew has joined #wai-wcag 21:03:46 +Alex_Li 21:03:51 + +1.415.373.aabb 21:04:11 zakim, +1.415 is Sofia_Celic 21:04:11 +Sofia_Celic; got it 21:04:15 zakim, mute me 21:04:15 mbertoni should now be muted 21:04:38 +??P8 21:04:54 zakim, ??P8 is Gregg_Vanderheiden 21:04:54 +Gregg_Vanderheiden; got it 21:04:59 zakim, Gregg has Ben_Caldwell 21:05:00 +Ben_Caldwell; got it 21:05:18 greggvanderheiden has joined #wai-wcag 21:05:18 David_MacDonald has joined #wai-wcag 21:05:23 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid 21:05:55 +Tim_Boland 21:06:33 + +1.301.668.aacc 21:07:02 agenda? 21:07:09 Tim has joined #wai-wcag 21:07:11 zakim, +1.301 is Bruce_Bailey 21:07:11 +Bruce_Bailey; got it 21:08:04 Topic: life after Rec 21:08:08 zakim, take up item 1 21:08:08 agendum 1. "Process for responding for questions directed at editors" taken up [from MichaelC] 21:08:10 scirbe: Tim 21:08:16 scribe: Tim 21:08:27 +??P11 21:08:38 zakim, ??P11 is Bengt_Farre 21:08:38 +Bengt_Farre; got it 21:10:52 need to renew charter 21:11:01 maintaining understanding doc 21:11:21 Post Rec Tasks: http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=Post_Recommendation_Tasks 21:12:27 +[Microsoft] 21:13:20 q+ 21:13:34 ack MichaelC 21:14:53 work in TSDTF within WCAG scope 21:15:14 ack me 21:16:44 collaborate with ERTWG via the TSDTF in their efforts to create a test suite for evaluation tools 21:20:01 rellero has joined #wai-wcag 21:20:19 updated Post Rec Tasks in wiki -> http://trace.wisc.edu/wcag_wiki/index.php?title=Post_Recommendation_Tasks 21:21:08 -Cynthia_Shelly 21:21:54 rellero_ has joined #wai-wcag 21:22:25 +[IPcaller] 21:22:41 zakim, [IPcaller] is Roberto_Ellero 21:22:41 +Roberto_Ellero; got it 21:23:51 extent of collaboration with other organizations on future work (re: WCAG outreach) 21:24:28 work with PFWG on ARIA techniques 21:25:19 -Roberto_Ellero 21:25:38 +[Microsoft] 21:26:08 +??P1 21:26:31 zakim, ?PP1 is Roberto_Ellero 21:26:31 sorry, rellero_, I do not recognize a party named '?PP1' 21:26:41 04 01zakim, ?P1 is Roberto_Ellero 21:26:57 promoting WCAG2.0 is important 21:27:21 04 01zakim, ?P1 is Roberto_Ellero 21:27:46 ack Cynthia 21:27:49 ack c 21:28:14 q+ 21:28:30 application notes and adding more techniques (including scripting) 21:28:32 ack d 21:28:38 04 01zakim, ??P1 is Roberto_Ellero 21:29:13 rscano has joined #wai-wcag 21:29:45 +??P3 21:29:56 zakim, I am Roberto_Scano 21:29:57 sorry, rscano, I do not see a party named 'Roberto_Scano' 21:30:04 zakim, ??P3 is Roberto_Scano 21:30:04 +Roberto_Scano; got it 21:30:09 zakim, I am Roberto_Scano 21:30:09 ok, rscano, I now associate you with Roberto_Scano 21:30:22 04 01zakim, ??P1 is Roberto_Ellero 21:30:26 checklists to measure WCAG2.0 understanding 21:30:53 04 01zakim, ?PP1 is Roberto Ellero 21:31:08 zakim, ??P1 is Roberto_Ellero 21:31:08 +Roberto_Ellero; got it 21:31:08 make it easier to submit techniques/ideas 21:33:52 outreach efforts needed (for example to governments) 21:34:30 +??P16 21:36:35 tools for outreach needed (public relations, workshops, media, etc.) 21:36:53 agree 21:37:18 may involve collaboration with EO 21:38:08 WCAG2.0 being examined in conjunction with 508 refresh 21:38:56 we will also start a review of italian law (hope in february) for conform to WCAG 2.0 21:39:08 q+ to ask if we need "train the trainer" resources, even workshops 21:39:18 ack MichaelC 21:39:18 MichaelC, you wanted to ask if we need "train the trainer" resources, even workshops 21:39:36 ack m 21:40:17 zakim, who is making noise? 21:40:28 Ben_, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: mbertoni (4%) 21:40:44 mute mbertoni 21:40:47 zakim, who is making noice 21:40:47 I don't understand 'who is making noice', David_MacDonald 21:40:47 zakim, mute me 21:40:48 mbertoni should now be muted 21:41:04 people have written books after specs in other WGs 21:42:15 zakim, who's making noise? 21:42:26 David_MacDonald, listening for 10 seconds I could not identify any sounds 21:42:26 focus on techniques/testing tools in this group 21:44:03 online seminar to promote understanding in addition? 21:44:54 zakim, unmute me 21:44:54 Roberto_Scano should no longer be muted 21:45:53 agree 21:46:16 promote understanding of guidelines/techniques 21:46:47 zakim, who is on the phone 21:46:47 I don't understand 'who is on the phone', Loretta 21:48:51 have list of things we can do (prioritize list?) 21:48:54 q+ to ask if we want to resurrect the break-out teams to do tasks, and have plenary meetings less, as maybe we don't need to make consensus decisions as much 21:49:20 ack MichaelC 21:49:20 MichaelC, you wanted to ask if we want to resurrect the break-out teams to do tasks, and have plenary meetings less, as maybe we don't need to make consensus decisions as much 21:52:06 -Roberto_Ellero 21:52:42 tasks related to items on list 21:54:47 have TSDTF come to WCAG and report 21:56:23 make survey of different tasks and ask for participation 21:56:35 ..also time commitment/resources 21:57:43 third-party techniques important 21:58:22 q+ 21:58:50 ack David 21:59:47 and create a VPAT-like for the other technologies? 21:59:48 how to open WCAG to other technologies 22:00:37 with approval of W3C? 22:02:21 should recruit more potential WG members to work on tasks in future 22:02:37 Topic: handling WCAG2 questions and issues 22:03:00 process needed for handling questions/issues 22:03:31 editorial items send to MC 22:04:02 other questions should be answered and documented 22:05:15 additional items may relate to understanding doc - filed as issues? 22:07:00 may involve overhead but keeping WG connected 22:08:31 other category is technical support 22:08:53 point to forums in these cases 22:12:07 ..preferably neutral forums 22:12:16 a ning :-) 22:15:03 ack Bruce 22:15:13 -Drew_LaHart 22:15:35 use gl list 22:16:35 gl list needs to focus on wg activities 22:19:38 quality of support may be issue on external lists 22:21:57 frequency of meetings - how often? 22:22:09 depends on results of survey 22:23:44 need mechanism for keeping energy going into work to do (also need deadlines for motivation) 22:24:36 next meeting Feb 5 22:24:57 my birthday :D 22:25:12 ACTION: MC to create draft WCAG charter for review 22:25:37 ACTION: Loretta to create survey of activity areas 22:26:10 -Alex_Li 22:26:11 -??P16 22:26:16 bye 22:26:19 -Bengt_Farre 22:26:24 bye :) 22:26:31 -Tim_Boland 22:26:39 -mbertoni 22:27:16 -Roberto_Scano 22:27:37 rscano has left #wai-wcag 22:28:13 -Sofia_Celic 22:30:23 -Loretta_Guarino_Reid 22:30:24 -Cooper 22:30:24 -Bruce_Bailey 22:30:25 -David_MacDonald 22:30:26 -Gregg_Vanderheiden 22:30:27 -Cynthia_Shelly 22:30:27 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has ended 22:30:28 Attendees were David_MacDonald, Cooper, +1.410.757.aaaa, Drew_LaHart, mbertoni, Alex_Li, +1.415.373.aabb, Sofia_Celic, Ben_Caldwell, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Tim_Boland, 22:30:31 ... +1.301.668.aacc, Bruce_Bailey, Bengt_Farre, Cynthia_Shelly, Roberto_Ellero, Roberto_Scano 22:50:59 Ben_ has left #wai-wcag