ISSUE-173: Signature Properties specification does not state where the properties must be placed

Signature Properties specification does not state where the properties must be placed

XML Signature Properties
Raised by:
Frederick Hirsch
Opened on:
The Signature Properties specification defines signature properties to be used with XML Signature. The intent is that every property be placed within a ds:SignatureProperty element, contained within a ds:SignatureProperties element within ds:Object, according to XML Signature. This is not stated explicitly within the Signature Properties specification and should be.


Add new section 5 after section 4, Usage scenarios and Requirements. Renumber subsequent sections.

Define new section as follows:

5. Signature Properties Placement

The Signature Properties defined in this specification are intended to be used
with XML Signature [XML-Signature-11].

When a Signature Property element defined by this specification is used within an XML Signature it MUST be contained within a ds:SignatureProperty element.

This ds:SignatureProperty element MUST be contained within a ds:SignatureProperties element.

The ds:SignatureProperties element MUST contained within a ds:Object element within the ds:Signature element.

Related Actions Items:
Related emails:
  1. W3C Minutes for 2010-01-19 meeting (from on 2010-01-19)
  2. Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-19 v3 (from on 2010-01-19)
  3. Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-19 v2 (from on 2010-01-18)
  4. Agenda - Distributed Meeting 2010-01-19 (from on 2010-01-18)

Related notes:

No additional notes.

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Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 173.html,v 1.1 2017/01/10 16:24:45 carine Exp $