ACTION-897: Confirm whether two implementations from one author are ok for DEREncodedKeyValue and KeyInfoReference specifically

Confirm whether two implementations from one author are ok for DEREncodedKeyValue and KeyInfoReference specifically

Thomas Roessler
Due on:
August 21, 2012
Created on:
August 14, 2012
Related emails:
  1. Draft minutes 28 August 2012 (from on 2012-08-28)
  2. Agenda - Distributed Meeting 28 August 2012 (from on 2012-08-27)
  3. Draft minutes 21 August 2012 (from on 2012-08-21)
  4. Agenda - Distributed Meeting 21 August 2012 (from on 2012-08-20)
  5. Updated XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Report and remaining open XML Signature 1.1 interop items (from on 2012-08-14)
  6. Draft minutes 14 August 2012 (from on 2012-08-14)

Related notes:

[fjh]: we need an answer to this question before scott does any work on a second implemention

14 Aug 2012, 14:17:36

[fjh]: tlr has confirmed that two implementations from one author are not acceptable

28 Aug 2012, 14:47:57

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