ACTION-387: Propose text for requirements for issue-45

Propose text for requirements for issue-45

Gerald Edgar
Due on:
October 13, 2009
Created on:
October 6, 2009
Related emails:
  1. Agenda: Distributed Meeting 2009-10-20 (from on 2009-10-19)
  2. Propose text for requirements for ISSUE-45 Action-387 - Completed (from on 2009-10-09)
  3. Re: Minutes 06 Oct 2009 (from on 2009-10-08)
  4. Minutes 06 Oct 2009 (from Sean.Mullan@Sun.COM on 2009-10-06)

Related notes:

The XML Security use Cases and Requirements document
( )
Section 3.3.3 states:

2. Any or all of messages may be signed and/or encrypted zero or more times in any order. Signatures and encryptions may overlap. A receiver must be able to properly verify signatures and decrypt data in the proper order (assuming access to the necessary secrets or trust points) based on nothing but the message.

3. It must be possible to determine whether the correct portions of the message have been signed and encrypted with the correct keys according to policy.

This addresses multiple or layers signatures expressed in ISSUE-45

Gerald Edgar, 9 Oct 2009, 22:30:49

Display change log.

Chair, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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