ACTION-168: Contribute additional text for transform note, to make clear what this document gets at
Contribute additional text for transform note, to make clear what this document gets at
- State:
- closed
- Person:
- Scott Cantor
- Due on:
- January 21, 2009
- Created on:
- January 14, 2009
- Associated Product:
- Canonical XML Version 2.0
- Related emails:
- Agenda: Distributed meeting 2009-02-03 (from on 2009-01-30)
- ACTION-168: Intro text for Transforms/C14N note (from on 2009-01-26)
- Draft minutes: xmlsec face-to-face 14 January 2009 (from on 2009-01-22)
Related notes:
No additional notes.
Display change log.