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The Web Applications WG's Widgets group will have a f2f meeting in Paris France February 24-26 2009. This is the agenda page for that meeting. The meeting will be hosted by Orange/FT.
Meeting Logistics
- Voice Conference Bridge = +1.617.761.6200, ID is 9231#; only used when needed
- IRC channel = #wam; irc.w3.org:6665
- Dates = 24-26 February 2009
- Time = 09:30 - 17:30
- Location = Orange Labs - France Telecom; 38-40 rue du General Leclerc, 92794 Issy Les Moulineaux cedex 9; Paris France
- Meeting Room = TBD - Benoit to supply information
- Scribe: Every WG member will scribe some part of the meeting
Meeting Registration
All attendees must register via the meeting's [registration page].
Paris Information
Please see Benoit's Orange/FT Facility and Hotel information regarding the Orange/FT meeting facility and recommended hotels.
- Widgets 1.0: Packaging and Configuration
- Widgets 1.0: Digital Signature
- Widgets 1.0: APIs and Events
- Widgets 1.0: Updates
The primary objective of the meeting is to advance the Widgets 1.0 specification suite by discussing and resolving open issues.
The overall scheduling of the topics is loose, in that only a few of the agenda items have pre-defined time slots to accommodate meeting with other groups.
We will attempt to close all open issues by the end of the meeting. Therefore, please be prepared to comment on: a) all of the Open Issues explicitly identified in the specs and b) the open Widgets issues in the Issues Database. Closing issues before the meeting is preferred.
If you have any related WebApps Open Actions, please close them before the meeting.
Packaging and Configuration spec
- Localization and Internationalization
- Issue #80 - Runtime localization model for widgets; raised by Josh Soref
- proposal by Mark Priestly
- response by Josh Soref; must handle "/" prefix for all resources
- What about locale subtag?; raised by Jere Kapyaho
- Base folder and resolution of relative paths; raised by Francois Daoust
- I18N comments (from I18N Core WG); raised by Addison Phillips
- Issue #80 - Runtime localization model for widgets; raised by Josh Soref
- Window Modes; Multiple Modes and Multiple Content elements
- Strawman requirements for widget (view/display/window) modes; by Mark Priestly
- A revised proposal on window modes; by Mark Priestly
- Each mode should have a different <content> element; raised by Benoit Suzanne
- What about different <content> tags; CSS @media is too heavyweight; use multple <content> tags instead; raised by Ivan De Marino
- How do we have Widgets with multiple modes; raised by Ivan De Marino
- Focus and widgets management; by Marcin Hanclik
- P&C Dependencies on Widgets Digital Signatures spec
- Step 4 of Section 7.2 - issue raised by Mark Priestly;
- Step 5 of Section 7.2 - issue raised by Mark Priestly and issue raised by Art Barstow
- Media type declarations; MIME; etc.
- <media> element proposal; by Marcos Caceres
- Content-Type Processing Model; see also RFC draft abarth-mime-sniff by Adam Barth
- File extension to MIME mapping; proposal by Marcos Caceres for new <type> element to specify mapping
- MIME types for packaged content; Larry Masinter - every file in the package needs an explicit MIME type
- MIME type Registration; section 5.10
- <access> Element
- <access> element comments; by Mark Priestly;
- Response by Marcos Caceres
- new proposal; by Mark Priestly
- Issue #82 - potential conflict between the XHTML <access> and Widget <access> element
- Other Comments and Issues
- <feature> default; raised by Kai Hendry
- <icon> element ISSUE: what if it's a vector and no size is given?
- <preference> element proposal; by Art Barstow
- Review any other Last Call comments
- Testing
- Widgets test suite repository
- Who is doing what and by when?
- Resources regarding testing (from Dom Hazael-Massieux) - this is FYI information regarding testing
- Publication plans
- Implementation and Candidate plans
Digital Signature spec
- Signature Properties
- Flesh out details of the proc model for multiple signatures; proposal by Mark Priestly
- Issue #19 - Widgets digital Signatures spec does not meet required use cases and requirements
- Issue #81 - ECDSAwithSHA256 as required algorithm in place of DSAwithSHA256?
- Red Block Issues in the spec
- Issue: anything on CRL syntax; Section 5.1 X.509 Certificate format
- Issue: anything on OCSP syntax, including KeyInfo; Section 5.1 X.509 Certificate format
- Issue: this URI is subject to change; Section 5.2 Signature Properties
- Issue: these usage URIs are subject to change, place-holder; Section 5.2 Signature Properties
- Issue: ECDSAwihSHA256 required by 1.1, no DSAwithSHA256; Section 7.1
- Issue: MAY, MUST NOT, for interop?; Section 7.1 Signature Algorithms
- Issue: MAY, MUST NOT, for interop?; Section 7.2 Digest Algorithms
- Issue: MAY, MUST NOT, for interop?; Section 7.3 Canonicalization Algorithms
- To Be Written
- Section 6.3 X.509 Certificate Processing
- Section 6.4 CRL and OCSP Processing - is this complete?
- Publication plans
- What specific actions must be addressed before a new WD can be published?
- What is the target date for next publication?
API and Events spec
- Widget API Set/GetPreferences vs. HTML5 Key/Value Pairs Storage; see also HTML5 Storage Interface
- Issue #16 - Do widgets need their own URI scheme?
- Red Block Issues in the spec
- HTML Dependency; Section 3.1
- identifier attribute; Section 7.3; Issue: how does an author access the widget's id as declared in the config document? Also, what happens if this is not unique? How is uniqueness assured?
- currentIcon attribute; Section 7.4; Issue: need to define how this icon is initially derived. This was in the Packaging spec, but no more. The above definition seems incomplete, what does "current" mean in this context.
- name attribute; Section 7.8; Wondering if we should rename this widgetname to avoid confusion with window.name.
- width attribute; Section 7.11; Issue: need to define cases where the has been implicitly resized by the user agent, or explicitly resized by other means.
- preferences attribute; Section 7.13; This feature is at Risk. We are still discussing if we should use HTML5's Storage to achieve this.
- setPreferences() method; Section 7.14; Issue: INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERR is not defined as extending DOM3Core's DOMException interface. Need to define it here or throw a predefined exception type.
- setPreferences() method; Section 7.14; This feature is at risk. We are still discussing if we should use HTML5's Storage to achieve this. Please send us feedback.
- hide() method; Section 7.16; Issue: Does hiding change the window mode? Need to define "input event".
- show() method; Section 7.17; Issue: Does showing change the window mode or cause onmodechange to fire? This is under-defined. What happens if the widget is visible but off screen?
- onbeforeupdate Callback; Section 7.19; Should we add a checkForUpdate() method? which requests that the widget engine check if an update is available by using the Widget Update spec?
- Publication plans
Updates spec
- Update and Digital Signature model; model proposed by Marcos Caceres
- Red Block Issues in the spec
- Section 2 TBW; TBW: Goals of this specification. A brief overview of the architecture, and some background and motivation for its creating. Related specifications (namely OMA-DL) and justification as to why this is needed.
- widgetupdate element; Section 4.3; ISSUE: should widget user agents verify this with a HEAD request to the potential update?
- UUD Acquisition; Section 5.; TBW: This section will describe how to formulate HTTP requests and deal with authentication and content negotiation. Widget user agents will be expected to handle HTTP response codes and redirects. User agents will also be expected to cache certain information, etc. This section will also discuss confirmation of installation via POST to the notify URI.
- UUD Processing; Section 6.; TBW: This section will describe how to process a UDD.
- Need to define the term invalid UDD; Section 6.1
- Processing Model TBW; Section 6.2; # TBW: Need to extract the text content ignoring any invalid nodes not defined in this document. However, need to align this with the i18n model so that is allowed (or whatever solution we end up using).
- Section 7. TBW - Potential update verification and installation process
- Section 8. TBW - Post install
- Publication plans
Tuesday, Feb 24
- Introductions, logistics
- Member confidentiality
- Agenda tweaking
- Prioritize topics
- Begin working on topics
Wednesday, Feb 25
- Continue working on topics list ...
- 14:00-17:30 - Widgets Digital Signature spec - see DigSig topic list above.
Thursday, Feb 26
- Continue working on topic list ...
- 13:30-15:30 - Scott Wilson and others to discuss EU projects implementing Widgets specs.
- Claudio: outcomes from the Future of Social Networking Workshop
- Marcos: Widgets Landscape Document publication plans
- F2F meeting before 2-6 November 2009 TPAC Meeting Week in Santa Clara, California US?
- See Consider a temporary reduction in frequency of Group face-to-face meetings; by Steve Bratt