ISSUE-11: How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served?


How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served?

Raised by:
Silvia Pfeiffer
Opened on:
An issue with any of our existing specs with fragments (#) that just occurred to me is: if the retrieval action only retrieves the specified segment, the browser has no way to figure out the length (start/duration) of the original resource. Maybe we need to introduce additional headers that would provide for that?
Related Actions Items:
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Related emails:
  1. RE: ISSUE-11 (Duration-header): How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served? (from on 2009-09-03)
  2. Re: ISSUE-11 (Duration-header): How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served? (from on 2009-09-02)
  3. RE: ISSUE-11 (Duration-header): How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served? (from on 2009-09-02)
  4. RE: ISSUE-11 (Duration-header): How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served? (from on 2009-08-26)
  5. Re: ISSUE-11 (Duration-header): How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served? (from on 2009-08-19)
  6. minutes of 2009-08-19 teleconference (from on 2009-08-19)
  7. RE: Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 19 August, Telecon 1200 UTC (from on 2009-08-19)
  8. Re: Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 19 August, Telecon 1200 UTC (from on 2009-08-18)
  9. Media Fragments Working Group: Agenda 19 August, Telecon 1200 UTC (from on 2009-08-18)
  10. Re: Fwd: [whatwg] Remove addCueRange/removeCueRanges (from on 2009-08-18)
  11. ISSUE-11 (Duration-header): How the UA knows the full media duration when only a fragment is served? (from on 2009-08-18)

Related notes:

This issue has been discussed during the 19/08/2009 telecon [1]. Yves confirmed that a normal HTTP response (206) to a HTTP range request will do the job. The wiki page [2], which was incomplete, has been updated. More precisely, the content-range header in the response will have as value something in the line of:

Content-Range: seconds 11.85-21.16/3600

indicating thus the total duration of the parent resource. The UA will be able to display the complete timeline of the resource.


Raphaël Troncy, 19 Aug 2009, 17:24:05

Display change log ATOM feed

Raphaël Troncy <>, Erik Mannens <>, Chairs, Yves Lafon <>, Thierry Michel <>, Staff Contacts
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
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