Mapping table


The following mappings are to be update by editors.

Please update the last "Testted" column.

This column enables to track the ma properties for which there is a mapping to the format and if it is used  (implemented) or not used in your RDF file for that format.
Please indicate in your format for each property:
- "Yes" if the ma property has a mapping to your format and it is used in your RDF example.
- "No" if the ma property has a mapping to your format but if it *not used* in your RDF example.
- "N/A" if the ma property does not have a mapping to your format

This will enable to fulfill the CR exit criteria introduced by the Director

Each format listed in the testsuite for Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 has at least one example file covering a subset or all of the properties of the core vocabulary of the Media Ontology available for each format (e.g some formats may not have a mapping to all the properties core set; for example the "MP4" format does not have a property mapping to the "identifier" property of the core vocabulary of the Media Ontology). For formats providing an example using only a subset of the properties of the core vocabulary, the missing properties will be highlighted in the corresponding mapping tables.

Table of contents

1- Mapping tables to media metadata formats

  1. CableLabs 1.1
  2. DIG
  3. Dublin Core
  4. EBUCore
  5. EXIF
  6. ID3
  7. IPTC
  8. LOM
  9. MediaRSS
  10. MPEG7
  11. OGG
  12. QuickTime
  13. SMTPD
  14. TTML
  15. TVA
  16. TXFeed
  17. XMP
  18. YouTube

2- Mapping tables for the media container formats

  1. 3GP
  2. Flash / FLV
  3. Flash / F4V
  4. MPEG4 (MP4)
  5. MOV(Quicktime)
  6. OGG
  7. WebM