15:57:27 RRSAgent has joined #BioRDF 15:57:27 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/12/15-BioRDF-irc 15:57:37 Zakim, this will be BioRDF 15:57:37 ok, kei; I see SW_HCLS()11:00AM scheduled to start in 3 minutes 15:57:53 agenda+ introduction [Kei] 15:58:18 agenda HCLS KB update [Matthias, Adrian] 15:58:34 agenda+ HCLS KB update [Matthias, Adrian] 15:58:53 agenda+ Query Federation [Eric, Adrian, Rob] 15:59:07 agenda+ SMW telconf Summary [Kei] 15:59:16 Jun has joined #biordf 15:59:30 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:59:30 agendum 1. "introduction" taken up [from Kei] 15:59:32 mscottm has joined #biordf 16:00:31 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has now started 16:00:38 +Kei_Cheung 16:00:57 +??P11 16:01:26 Zakim, ??P11 is mscottm 16:01:26 +mscottm; got it 16:01:45 rfrost has joined #BioRDF 16:02:31 +??P15 16:04:06 + +0186528aaaa 16:04:24 scribenick Rob 16:04:25 AdrianP has joined #BioRDF 16:05:35 +??P19 16:05:37 Zakim, who is here 16:05:37 kei, you need to end that query with '?' 16:05:51 Zakim, P19 is me 16:05:51 sorry, AdrianP, I do not recognize a party named 'P19' 16:05:53 Zakim, who is here? 16:05:55 On the phone I see Kei_Cheung, mscottm, ??P15, +0186528aaaa, ??P19 16:05:58 On IRC I see AdrianP, rfrost, mscottm, Jun, RRSAgent, Zakim, kei, ericP 16:06:04 Zakim, ??P19 is me 16:06:05 +AdrianP; got it 16:06:12 Rob is on the phone as well 16:06:53 I may be ??P15 16:07:11 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/HCLS_KB_Thoughts 16:07:27 Zakim, ??P15 is rfrost 16:07:27 +rfrost; got it 16:08:22 kei: URL contains set of potential set of hcls kb thoughts to discuss, distilled from email thread over past week 16:08:47 Zakim, +0186528aaaa is Jun 16:08:47 +Jun; got it 16:10:01 matthiassamwald has joined #biordf 16:10:36 kei:Agenda:first a short intro, then hcls kb review, then query federation discussion, then summary of last ontolog semantic media wiki telcon, finally Q&A/discussion 16:10:55 + +1.416.511.aabb 16:11:36 Zakim, +1.416.511.aabb is matthiassamwald 16:11:36 +matthiassamwald; got it 16:12:19 mattias: looking into optimizing performance of triple store; having trouble with certain queries 16:12:40 ..problems with denial of service attacks 16:13:00 ..especially queries that don't include the named graph in the query 16:13:02 kei: would like URL of kb site 16:13:47 kei: not exactly clear on kb content - would like to see list of datasets that have been loaded 16:14:06 ..would be nice to see list in order to write SPARQL queries 16:14:32 matthais: has neurocommons content, no additional contents 16:14:43 q+ 16:15:16 DERI HCLS KB SPARQL endpoint: http://hcls.deri.org:8080/sparql 16:15:42 test 16:16:10 http://neuroweb.med.yale.edu/senselab/ 16:16:20 DERI HCLS KB web page: http://hcls.deri.org (down momentarily) 16:16:30 adrian: AllegroGraph installed, has loaded some data, need to open a port so that it is accessible via SPARQL Protocol externally, not yet accessible 16:16:56 http://agraph.franz.com/allegrograph/ 16:16:59 +EricP 16:17:28 Description of the datasets in the Neurocommons KB (which is at the moment all we have on the DERI endpoint): http://neurocommons.org/page/Bundles 16:17:42 kei: interesting to compare the different triple store technologies as part of HCLS KB effort 16:18:04 ..this comparison will be helpful to the community 16:18:39 ..what are the unique features of each? (Virtuoso & AllegroGraph) 16:19:14 ..support for graph operations - e.g. finding protein in a graph with high connectivity 16:19:36 AllegroGraph supports Named Graphs for Weights 16:19:42 eric: Oracle may help for that 16:20:05 q+ 16:20:15 and social network analysis, e.g. http://agraph.franz.com/support/documentation/current/reference-guide.html#header3-68 16:21:12 Oracle's engine was designed initially for graphs (e.g. maps queries). likely the best topology analysis suppport 16:21:16 scott: federation may be an issue when you add multiple types of triple stores 16:21:48 DARQ or SimWEB 16:21:58 AllegroGraph has a Sesame SPARQL interface 16:22:40 support federation over any set of SPARQL accessible triple stores 16:23:08 q+ 16:23:09 eric: virtuoso already has federation to some degree - expensive, makes local caches 16:24:28 q+ 16:24:32 ..two problems: user directs federations (indicates location of data, not as difficult), user does not direct federation (does not provide location of graphs, more difficult) 16:25:04 1+ 16:25:07 rob: DARQ and SimWEB are in the later category (support arbitrary queries and automatically decompose) 16:25:12 q- 16:25:29 federation support by AllegroGraph 16:25:30 +1 on supporting user directed federation to start 16:25:30 http://agraph.franz.com/support/documentation/current/federation-tutorial.html 16:25:51 -> http://www.w3.org/2004/10/04-pharmaFederate/ an experiment in making the user separate the federated sources 16:28:14 adrian/kei: will use a rule layer on top of the triple stores to handle the federation of the queries 16:28:35 the rule layer is executed within a middleware framework 16:29:41 kei: will any triple store technologies allow people to publish RDF data as linked data? 16:29:45 q+ to say that the two objectives, automatically federationg vs. directed federation, are steps in the same pipeline 16:30:27 matthais: Univ. of Berlin has a service that will publish RDF as linked data 16:31:03 Pubby: http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/pubby/ (exposes resources in a SPARQL endpoint as "linked data") 16:32:17 scott: try federated query using just Virtuoso before executing over multiple distributed SPARQL endpoints 16:33:02 eric: worked with Virtuoso for Banff demo on queries over SQL repos 16:34:15 yeah, one of the sources was something that i'd stuck in a nearby MySQL db 16:34:33 kei: how soon will the AllegroGraph repo be externally accessible? 16:35:23 adrian: they need to open externally accessible port; will be delayed by holidays - so, likely beginning of Jan 16:36:20 kei: need to identify which data sets we want to store in which repos and how the federated queries will be executed over those data sets 16:36:33 ..start with the Banff demo data sets? 16:37:16 eric: start with relational data and expose as RDF 16:37:51 jun: what is the goal of the HCLS KB? Public service? 16:38:56 kei: good questions; what can be done depends on interest and resources of group; demo is the short term goal 16:39:13 ..can look to incorporate datasets from drug group 16:39:50 ..providing a stable public service is different level of effort; can consider that after we get past the demo stage; will depend on level of resources 16:40:02 ..don't know that we have enough resources to do both 16:40:34 PDSP Ki 16:41:21 scott: issue when creating queries on PDSP: trying to find substances with high affinities; encountered naming differences on key property in the query 16:41:53 ..PDSP was one of the databases that Matthais integrated last year; this issue was never fully resolved 16:42:36 kei has joined #BioRDF 16:42:39 ..would be a good idea to go back and make certain that this naming issue is understood/resolve and that a similar issues are not encountered integrating other dbs 16:42:56 kei: believes the issues has been resolved 16:43:24 ..does not know the technical details but they have done work to query across multiple datasets including PDSP 16:44:00 ..how much do we want to try and standardize URIs/naming across datasets when we look at the query federation issue 16:44:15 scott: sounds like good news 16:45:39 kei: going to summarize the ontolog telcon on the SMW that was held last Thurs 16:45:43 Zakim, mute me 16:45:43 AdrianP should now be muted 16:46:00 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Meetings/2008-12-15?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smw_telconf_summary.pdf 16:46:01 http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2008_12_11 16:47:12 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Meetings/2008-12-15?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=smw_telconf_summary.pdf 16:47:43 [slide 2] 16:50:28 kei: first talk was on SMW by lead engineer 16:50:37 .. was a high-level overview of SMW 16:51:45 ..second talk covered a variety of SMW extensions developed by Yaron Koren: Semantic Forms, Semantic Drilldown, Semantic Results Forms, Semantic Google Maps, compound queries/data transfer 16:51:59 my impression is that most folks who use SMW use Halo 16:52:16 ..third talk was on the Halo extension (funded by Vulcan, implemented by Ontoprise) 16:52:56 ..Ontoprise delivers the Halo extension as SMW+ which includes the Halo extensions and some others (e.g. semantic forms) 16:53:27 ..forth talk was on a rules prototype in SMW 16:53:49 ..fifth was on a SMW extension to support purple numbers 16:54:33 ..last main talk was on concept modeling in SMW via templates 16:54:52 ..one lightning talk on "Ask the Wiki" 16:55:46 There will be another talk on 1/22/2009: http://ontolog.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ConferenceCall_2009_01_22 16:56:00 note, as far as i know, there are no stand-alone paths for ont development in SMW; all require stepping through protogé for the actual modeling 16:56:03 Semantic Wiki Applications & Use Cases (1): vertical applications 16:56:15 the wiki is mostly used for posting change requests 16:57:05 Zakim, unmute me 16:57:05 AdrianP should no longer be muted 16:57:35 (I cannot participate via audio anymore, noise office environment...) 17:00:42 -Jun 17:00:47 (sorry, have to go) 17:02:42 kei: how might semantic wikis intersect with hcls kb scenario? 17:03:10 rob: could have a use case where a semantic wiki is use to extend/customize the content of the hcls kb 17:03:20 kei: can explore that scenario more offline 17:03:52 ..interesting to look at using wikis for query construction/execution 17:04:55 bye 17:05:05 -AdrianP 17:05:07 -Kei_Cheung 17:05:48 -matthiassamwald 17:05:50 rfrost has left #BioRDF 17:06:12 -rfrost 17:08:24 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:08:24 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/12/15-BioRDF-minutes.html kei 17:08:36 RRSAgent, please make long world-visible 17:08:36 I'm logging. I don't understand 'please make long world-visible', kei. Try /msg RRSAgent help 17:08:51 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 17:45:40 -mscottm 17:45:45 -EricP 17:45:46 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 17:45:47 Attendees were Kei_Cheung, mscottm, AdrianP, rfrost, Jun, matthiassamwald, EricP