IRC log of rdfa on 2008-11-20
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:55:03 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rdfa
- 15:55:03 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:55:08 [Ralph]
- Meeting: RDF-in-XHTML Task Force
- 15:55:17 [Ralph]
- Agenda:
- 15:55:41 [Ralph]
- -> previous 2008-11-06
- 15:55:47 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, please make record public
- 15:57:05 [Ralph]
- Regrets: Michael
- 15:58:47 [markbirbeck]
- Will be two minutes late. :) (Just finished another call, and need to find a cup of tea. ;))
- 15:59:31 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has now started
- 15:59:32 [Zakim]
- +Ralph
- 15:59:56 [ShaneM]
- ShaneM has joined #rdfa
- 16:00:45 [Zakim]
- +ShaneM
- 16:00:46 [Zakim]
- -ShaneM
- 16:00:46 [Zakim]
- +ShaneM
- 16:01:03 [Steven]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 16:01:03 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; the call is being made
- 16:01:05 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 16:01:07 [msporny]
- Ralph doesn't go back... only forward.
- 16:01:29 [Steven]
- zakim, drop steven
- 16:01:29 [Zakim]
- Steven is being disconnected
- 16:01:30 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 16:01:49 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 16:02:39 [benadida]
- benadida has joined #rdfa
- 16:02:42 [Steven]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 16:02:43 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; the call is being made
- 16:02:44 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 16:02:59 [Zakim]
- +Ben_Adida
- 16:03:27 [msporny]
- zakim, I am +[IPCaller]
- 16:03:27 [Zakim]
- sorry, msporny, I do not see a party named '+[IPCaller]'
- 16:03:31 [Ralph]
- Chair: Ben
- 16:03:32 [msporny]
- zakim, I am IPCaller
- 16:03:32 [Zakim]
- ok, msporny, I now associate you with [IPcaller]
- 16:03:47 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Ben_Adida
- 16:03:50 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ShaneM
- 16:04:04 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ShaneM
- 16:04:06 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Ralph
- 16:04:11 [Ralph]
- Scribe: Ralph
- 16:06:12 [markbirbeck]
- Hey...thanks Ralph. And a chocolate biscuit too! Most kind.
- 16:06:19 [markbirbeck]
- zakim, code?
- 16:06:19 [Zakim]
- the conference code is 7332 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), markbirbeck
- 16:06:50 [Zakim]
- +markbirbeck
- 16:06:51 [Ralph]
- Ben: I was invited to talk with Interlab (Lawrence Livermore) alongside some Microformat folk,
- 16:06:54 [Ralph]
- ... had a lovely time
- 16:07:13 [Ralph]
- ... agreement that there was a place for both RDFa and Microformats
- 16:07:23 [Ralph]
- ... a range of stuff people want to express
- 16:07:59 [Ralph]
- ... use microformat vcard if it does what you want, use RDFa if you need to extend
- 16:08:34 [Ralph]
- ... that audience pretty quickly saw the need to add their own extensions
- 16:08:45 [msporny]
- 16:08:53 [Ralph]
- s/(L/(at L
- 16:08:55 [msporny]
- 16:09:14 [Ralph]
- Manu: Microformats is starting to markup their site in a style similar to W3C
- 16:09:47 [Ralph]
- Ben: get them to use RDFa in their specs :)
- 16:10:02 [Ralph]
- Ralph: yeah, embarass W3C into publishing RECs with RDFa by being second to do it ;)
- 16:16:21 [Ralph]
- next item
- 16:16:31 [Ralph]
- zakim, take up item 1
- 16:16:31 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Action Items" taken up [from Ralph]
- 16:16:47 [Ralph]
- ACTION: Ben to add forward pointer to old task force page to point to new TF page. [recorded in]
- 16:16:59 [Ralph]
- Ben: required writing a new task force page 'cause we didn't really have one
- 16:17:09 [benadida]
- old tf page -->
- 16:17:19 [benadida]
- new tf page -->
- 16:17:33 [Ralph]
- -- done
- 16:18:10 [Ralph]
- Ben: Michael had created a page, now cited from the new page, but it had too much detail for a TF home page
- 16:18:15 [Ralph]
- Manu: add a link to the wiki
- 16:18:35 [Steven]
- agenda+ Drupal
- 16:18:38 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Ben to add public-rdfa examples to wiki and think of slightly improved top-level organization [recorded in]
- 16:18:48 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Ben to put up information on "how to write RDFa" with screencast possibly and instructions on bookmarklet. [recorded in]
- 16:19:05 [Ralph]
- [DONE] ACTION: Manu to add test case for empty @about inside a chain [recorded in]
- 16:19:16 [Ralph]
- Manu: test case 120
- 16:19:33 [Ralph]
- -> Test Case #120: empty string "" is not equivalent to NULL
- 16:19:38 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Jeremy to demonstrate GRDDL with XHTML/RDFa once the NS URI is set up. [recorded in]
- 16:19:49 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Manu talk with Jamie McCarthy about an AskSlashdot piece [recorded in]
- 16:20:00 [Ralph]
- [DONE] ACTION: Manu to create two TCs to test fragment identifiers dropped during URI resolution against [base] [recorded in]
- 16:20:22 [Ralph]
- Manu: test cases 118 & 119
- 16:20:32 [Ralph]
- -> Test Case #118: Fragment identifiers stripped from BASE
- 16:20:44 [Ralph]
- -> Test Case #119: Fragment identifiers resolved correctly for subjects/objects
- 16:20:55 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Manu to write summary for Semantic Web Use Cases for Ivan. [recorded in]
- 16:21:02 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Manu write the perl code for Slashdot. [recorded in]
- 16:21:23 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Mark create base wizard suitable for cloning [recorded in]
- 16:21:48 [Ralph]
- Ben: should we look for more resources on this? some collaborators?
- 16:22:01 [Ralph]
- Mark: I volunteered for this action because I do have an old wizard for XForms
- 16:22:10 [Ralph]
- ... was originally written for a plug-in that required installation
- 16:22:27 [Ralph]
- ... we have a new project; Ubiquity XForms that's an ajax library
- 16:22:44 [Ralph]
- ... the wizard running in Ubiquity XForms would run on any browser
- 16:22:54 [Ralph]
- ... that's what I've been planning to do
- 16:22:57 [Ralph]
- ... just been swamped
- 16:23:16 [Ralph]
- Ben: I'd come across Ubiquity XForms while searching for something else
- 16:23:20 [Ralph]
- ... seems pretty cool
- 16:23:42 [Ralph]
- ... perhaps I might be able to help
- 16:24:01 [Ralph]
- Mark: happy to share what I have; may be a good way to learn XForms too
- 16:24:10 [Ralph]
- ... it's not a complex wizard
- 16:24:33 [Ralph]
- ... I used the FOAF RDF Schema in my old wizard, which I thought made this more useful
- 16:24:37 [Steven]
- Advert for Ben -
- 16:24:43 [Ralph]
- Ben: yes, nice to drive the whole thing from RDF
- 16:25:05 [benadida]
- ACTION: Mark to send Ben ubiquity related wizard stuff
- 16:25:48 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Mark write foaf examples for wiki [recorded in]
- 16:25:57 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Michael to create 'RDFa for uF users' on RDFa Wiki [recorded in]
- 16:26:03 [Ralph]
- [PENDING] ACTION: Ralph think about RSS+RDFa [recorded in]
- 16:26:13 [Ralph]
- Ben: RSS+RDFa came up at the Interlab talk
- 16:26:13 [markbirbeck]
- @Ralph:
- 16:26:40 [Ralph]
- s/@Ralph:/Ubiquity XForms
- 16:26:52 [Ralph]
- Ben: extensibility is important
- 16:27:06 [Ralph]
- Steven: I wrote something on one of Mark's wikis a while ago
- 16:27:10 [Ralph]
- ... but it disappeared
- 16:27:23 [Ralph]
- Mark: yeah, unfortunately I lost that wiki data due to spam
- 16:28:00 [Ralph]
- Manu: there's a lot of similarity between hAtom and SIOC
- 16:28:16 [Ralph]
- ... ought to be easy to write a tool to extract the SIOC triples and rewrite it as hAtom
- 16:28:24 [Ralph]
- ... use SIOC as the base syndication format
- 16:28:32 [Ralph]
- Ben: Atom is built to be extensible
- 16:28:43 [Ralph]
- ... so there's an interesting case to be made specifically for this use case
- 16:28:52 [Steven]
- [1]
- 16:28:52 [Steven]
- <
- 16:28:52 [Steven]
- l>
- 16:28:52 [Steven]
- [2] <>
- 16:29:18 [Ralph]
- Steven: ^ are the dead links
- 16:29:50 [Ralph]
- s/are/is
- 16:29:52 [Ralph]
- s/links/link
- 16:30:36 [Ralph]
- move to next item
- 16:30:37 [Zakim]
- agendum 2. "Test Cases" taken up [from Ralph]
- 16:30:42 [msporny]
- TC 116:
- 16:30:59 [Ralph]
- -> Test Case #116: Relative URLs must be resolved in resulting triples
- 16:31:15 [msporny]
- Title should be "XML Entities must be supported by RDFa parser"
- 16:33:43 [Ralph]
- Ralph: it's important that the MIME type of the document describing the expected results is clear. E.g. if it's XML then some re-encoding is needed
- 16:34:04 [Ralph]
- RESOLVED: test case 116 approved
- 16:34:16 [msporny]
- TC 117:
- 16:34:16 [Ralph]
- -- test 117
- 16:34:41 [msporny]
- Description should be: "This test case should strip the fragment from [base] when generating the subject of the triple."
- 16:35:07 [Ralph]
- Manu: oops, wrong test
- 16:35:20 [Ralph]
- ... 117 is Toby Inkster's test for reserved words in @property; a negative test
- 16:36:43 [Steven]
- More on rss+RDFa -
- 16:36:51 [Ralph]
- Manu: any other triples that shouldn't be generated? :)
- 16:37:17 [Ralph]
- Mark: Toby's wording suggested a specific triple shouldn't be generated
- 16:37:25 [Ralph]
- ... in fact, this test should generate _no_ triples
- 16:37:26 [Ralph]
- RESOLVED: test case 117 approved
- 16:37:31 [msporny]
- TC 118:
- 16:37:31 [Ralph]
- -- test 118
- 16:37:42 [msporny]
- Description should be: "This test case should strip the fragment from [base] when generating the subject of the triple."
- 16:39:00 [msporny]
- That description should replace the contents of the <p> tag
- 16:39:51 [Ralph]
- RESOLVED: test case 118 approved
- 16:40:01 [Ralph]
- -- test 119
- 16:40:12 [Ralph]
- -> Test Case #119: Fragment identifiers resolved correctly for subjects/objects
- 16:40:35 [Ralph]
- Mark: I'd like to see one with base in the body
- 16:41:03 [Ralph]
- ... the algorithm for @about="" needs to do the correct thing in both HEAD and BODY
- 16:41:10 [Ralph]
- Manu: could add another triple in the body in 118
- 16:41:37 [Ralph]
- s/see one/see a test
- 16:42:29 [msporny]
- <body>
- 16:42:29 [msporny]
- <div property="dc:contributor">Mark Birbeck</div> added this
- 16:42:29 [msporny]
- triple test.
- 16:42:29 [msporny]
- </body>
- 16:42:50 [Ralph]
- Manu: add this to 118
- 16:43:33 [msporny]
- 16:43:33 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:43:33 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:43:33 [msporny]
- "Test 0118" .
- 16:43:33 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:43:34 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:43:36 [msporny]
- "Mark Birbeck" .
- 16:43:38 [msporny]
- }
- 16:43:57 [Ralph]
- s/creator/contributor
- 16:43:58 [msporny]
- The full HTML should be this:
- 16:44:00 [msporny]
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- 16:44:00 [msporny]
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN"
- 16:44:00 [msporny]
- "">
- 16:44:00 [msporny]
- <html xmlns=""
- 16:44:00 [msporny]
- xmlns:dc="">
- 16:44:00 [msporny]
- <head>
- 16:44:02 [msporny]
- <base href=""></base>
- 16:44:04 [msporny]
- <title property="dc:title">Test 0118</title>
- 16:44:06 [msporny]
- </head>
- 16:44:08 [msporny]
- <body>
- 16:44:10 [msporny]
- <div property="dc:contributor">Mark Birbeck</div> added this
- 16:44:12 [msporny]
- triple test.
- 16:44:16 [msporny]
- </body>
- 16:44:18 [msporny]
- </html>
- 16:44:20 [msporny]
- The SPARQL should be this:
- 16:44:22 [msporny]
- 16:44:24 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:44:26 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:44:28 [msporny]
- "Test 0118" .
- 16:44:30 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:44:32 [msporny]
- <>
- 16:44:34 [msporny]
- "Mark Birbeck" .
- 16:44:36 [msporny]
- }
- 16:44:46 [msporny]
- Corrected HTML:
- 16:44:48 [msporny]
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- 16:44:48 [msporny]
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN"
- 16:44:48 [msporny]
- "">
- 16:44:50 [msporny]
- <html xmlns=""
- 16:44:52 [msporny]
- xmlns:dc="">
- 16:44:54 [msporny]
- <head>
- 16:44:56 [msporny]
- <base href=""></base>
- 16:44:58 [msporny]
- <title property="dc:title">Test 0118</title>
- 16:45:00 [msporny]
- </head>
- 16:45:02 [msporny]
- <body>
- 16:45:04 [msporny]
- <p>
- 16:45:06 [msporny]
- <div property="dc:contributor">Mark Birbeck</div> added this
- 16:45:08 [msporny]
- triple test.
- 16:45:10 [msporny]
- </p>
- 16:45:12 [msporny]
- </body>
- 16:45:16 [msporny]
- </html>
- 16:46:03 [Ralph]
- RESOLVED: test case 118 approved with addition of triple in body
- 16:46:20 [msporny]
- TC 119:
- 16:46:26 [Ralph]
- -- test 119
- 16:46:51 [Ralph]
- Manu: note @about as well as @href with an invalid fragment
- 16:47:03 [Ralph]
- ... I believe per the HTML spec that the last fragment identifier is the one that's used
- 16:47:13 [Ralph]
- Ben: how do browsers behave?
- 16:47:21 [Ralph]
- Mark: not sure you can rely on the browser behavior here
- 16:49:21 [Ralph]
- Ralph: I recommend that the test case cite the part of the spec you're relying on for the "#invalid#manu" resolution
- 16:49:33 [Ralph]
- s/spec/HTML spec/
- 16:50:40 [Ralph]
- Mark: I have a URI test suite that I'd built out of frustration a while ago
- 16:50:49 [Ralph]
- ... I believe I have an RFC-faithful implementation
- 16:50:51 [ShaneM]
- I get this: <> <> <>
- 16:51:06 [Ralph]
- ... and my implementation retains everything after the first '#'
- 16:51:21 [Ralph]
- ... the first '#' indicates "from here on you have a fragment identifier"
- 16:51:28 [Ralph]
- Shane: I agree with Mark
- 16:51:32 [Ralph]
- ... as does my implementation
- 16:51:57 [markbirbeck]
- 16:52:10 [Ralph]
- ... using a standard perl URI library, everything after the first embedded '#' is URI-encoded
- 16:52:20 [Ralph]
- ... kind of surprising; I didn't expect this
- 16:52:47 [markbirbeck]
- This is a test suite that uses all of the examples in the RFC.
- 16:52:49 [Ralph]
- Mark: the re-encoding isn't wrong
- 16:53:33 [Ralph]
- Ben: we need to be sure about the URI spec before we approve 119
- 16:53:33 [msporny]
- TC 120:
- 16:53:35 [Ralph]
- -- test 120
- 16:54:00 [Ralph]
- -> Test Case #120: empty string "" is not equivalent to NULL
- 16:55:37 [Ralph]
- RESOLVED: test 120 approved
- 16:56:05 [Ralph]
- close this item
- 16:56:32 [Ralph]
- zakim, take up item 4
- 16:56:32 [Zakim]
- agendum 4. "Q re: spec from Johan" taken up [from Ralph]
- 16:56:33 [ShaneM]
- email said: Step 7 and 9 create RDF triples using the [new subject] ( I assume these create statements are honored if the [new subject] is not null (same condition as on step 6).
- 16:56:58 [Ralph]
- Mark: the reported bug isn't quite correct but he did spot something
- 16:57:49 [Ralph]
- ... the question asked if there ought to be a guard against not having a new subject in other steps
- 16:57:58 [Ralph]
- ... but in fact the guard isn't needed in step 6 either
- 16:58:21 [Ralph]
- Shane: by the time you get to step 6 you will have a new subject
- 16:58:41 [Ralph]
- Mark: the step Johan is specifically referring to mentions @typeof, which will always be the case
- 16:58:59 [Ralph]
- ... the current guard is not at all necessary
- 16:59:03 [Ralph]
- Ralph: not harmful though?
- 16:59:19 [Ralph]
- Mark: right, I'd remove it in an errata just so it doesn't confuse anyone else
- 16:59:36 [Ralph]
- Shane: let's add it to the errata document now
- 17:00:53 [Ralph]
- ... I'll update errata and reply to the commenter
- 17:00:53 [Ralph]
- s/ter/tor
- 17:00:58 [ShaneM]
- ACTION: Shane to update the errata document to reflect that step 6 has extra text about a new subject - also respond to Johan who sent private mail, copying the task force.
- 17:01:25 [Ralph]
- Ben: next meeting in 2 weeks; 4 December
- 17:01:57 [Ralph]
- Mark: I have an almost-finished blog post on relating vocabularies; will finish that for discussion in 2 weeks
- 17:02:07 [Ralph]
- Ben: also look at @prefix writeup in the wiki
- 17:03:04 [Ralph]
- Mark: [rethinking test 119] I'm now thinking a fragment cannot contain '#'
- 17:03:25 [Ralph]
- ... though '?' and '/' are allowed back in fragment IDs
- 17:04:17 [Ralph]
- ... the reader should stop reading on the second '#'
- 17:04:26 [Ralph]
- ... that's my interpretation now
- 17:04:48 [Ralph]
- [adjourned]
- 17:05:25 [Zakim]
- -ShaneM
- 17:05:29 [Zakim]
- -Ralph
- 17:05:30 [Zakim]
- -[IPcaller]
- 17:05:30 [Zakim]
- -markbirbeck
- 17:05:48 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Ralph
- 17:05:58 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 17:06:21 [Zakim]
- SW_SWD(RDFa)11:00AM has ended
- 17:06:22 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Ralph, ShaneM, Steven, [IPcaller], Ben_Adida, markbirbeck
- 17:07:11 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Ralph
- 17:07:14 [Ralph]
- zakim, bye
- 17:07:14 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #rdfa
- 17:07:17 [Ralph]
- rrsagent, bye
- 17:07:17 [RRSAgent]
- I see 3 open action items saved in :
- 17:07:17 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Ben to add forward pointer to old task force page to point to new TF page. [recorded in] [1]
- 17:07:17 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 17:07:17 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Mark to send Ben ubiquity related wizard stuff [2]
- 17:07:17 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 17:07:17 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Shane to update the errata document to reflect that step 6 has extra text about a new subject - also respond to Johan who sent private mail, copying the task force. [3]
- 17:07:17 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in