16:07:09 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 16:07:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/11/13-hcls-irc 16:07:11 Zakim, who is here? 16:07:11 sorry, mscottm, I don't know what conference this is 16:07:12 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, matthias_samwald, kei, Jun, mscottm, ericP 16:07:12 Zakim, this is hcls 16:07:12 ok, ericP; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM 16:07:25 hi, i am only listening (sitting in a public place) 16:07:39 +EricP 16:07:44 i have pretty bad static as well 16:07:46 Zakim, who is here? 16:07:46 On the phone I see +1.617.395.aacc, TNBhat, +0186528aadd, Kei_Cheung, +1.312.041.aaee, +, Marc_Schroeder, EricP 16:07:54 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, matthias_samwald, kei, Jun, mscottm, ericP 16:08:26 topic: introductions 16:08:42 KevinDoyle: i'm from Teranode 16:08:53 ... we have a product that uses Oracle's triple store 16:08:54 + +1.781.662.aagg 16:09:11 Susie has joined #hcls 16:09:35 ... i serve as an interface between customer (so i know their applications) and developers 16:10:43 topic: flybase [Jun] 16:11:03 flyweb 16:11:23 s/flybase/flyweb/ 16:12:28 http://users.ox.ac.uk/~zool0770/presentations/2008_11-13_HCLS_Call.pdf 16:13:11 ericP has changed the topic to: HCLS Telecon - flyweb: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~zool0770/presentations/2008_11-13_HCLS_Call.pdf 16:14:27 http://openflydata.org/flyui/build/apps/imagemashup2/ 16:15:12 i see both 16:24:59 mscottm: you have a lookup for overloaded gene names. is that local? 16:25:09 ... so you have all synonyms available? 16:25:29 Jun: yes, quite authoritative within the Dres community 16:26:28 slide: [SPARQL queries] 16:27:08 jun: sparql tools with 8M [triples? records?] were too slow on case-insensitive searches so we down-cased everything 16:27:25 slide: [The RDF data sources] 16:27:44 Jun: we used d2rq 16:28:07 ... we were conservative so we could impose minimal semantic interpretations 16:28:32 chris mugall 16:28:37 mungall 16:29:08 ... Chris Mungall published one with much more semantic interpreation 16:30:27 kdoyle has joined #HCLS 16:30:36 slide: [SPARQLite Protocol] 16:30:45 Jun: streaming was very important to our app 16:30:54 ... otherwise we ran into memory limitations 16:31:43 ... we want to eliminate killer queries (including CONSTRUCT) 16:32:04 slide: [Lessons] 16:32:48 Jun: we find the unified RDF approach easier, but saw no overwhelming reason we couldn't use conventional tooling 16:33:12 ... but RDF proved easier when we had to connect to another data source (an RDB) 16:38:57 mscottm has joined #hcls 16:40:53 unbounded 16:42:45 OPTIONAL { ... ?x } FILTER (!BOUND(?x)) 16:43:56 ericP: was streaming sparql getting around a protocol limitation, or an implementation limitation 16:44:03 jun: implementation 16:44:09 ericP: what were your killer queries? 16:44:13 jun: will send 16:44:32 mscottm: what's the cost and challenge to cloud computing for this? 16:44:54 ... you said text matching was expensive 16:45:02 ... e.g. identifier completion? 16:45:06 Amazon EC2 pricing: http://aws.amazon.com/ec2/#pricing 16:45:18 jun: we don't want to do too many LIKE queries -- leave that to user 16:45:53 ... text completions is lower priority than adding data sources to flyweb 16:46:26 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:46:26 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/11/13-hcls-minutes.html ericP 16:46:33 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 16:47:32 kei: is the use case focused on developmental biology, and will you expand the biological domain? 16:47:45 jun: yes, and we are looking for opportunities to do so 16:48:06 kei: are you considering other gene expression data, e.g. microarray? 16:48:28 jun: yes, the @@X and @@Y databases have microarray data 16:48:58 flyatlas 16:49:05 ... we'll have some microarray data 16:49:23 ... for instance, we'll integrate flyatlas into the next release of flyweb 16:50:17 http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/hcls/ 16:50:19 topic: f2f [mscottm] 16:51:01 mscottm: f2f was at the W3C TPAC in mandelieu FR. allowed us to geek with other folks 16:51:20 someone needs to mute his/her phone. 16:51:25 Zakim, who is talking? 16:51:35 matthias_samwald, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.312.041.aaee (14%), +1.781.662.aagg (5%) 16:52:14 ... break-out session focused on integrating Bio2RDF with the LODD project 16:54:04 -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/F2F/2008-10_F2F HCLS IG face2face agenda 16:56:20 topic: Summary of ISWC 16:57:15 -Marc_Schroeder 16:57:43 that was actually me. had to leave the call. 16:59:22 topic: Outreach Update [SusieS] 16:59:56 Susie: SemTech conf is accepting abstracts for spring 2009 17:00:15 -> http://www.semantic-conference.com/ SemTech 17:00:47 Susie: if we get enough proposals, we could get our own track 17:01:02 ... i'll be a cochair for bio.... next year 17:01:11 ... interested in improvement feedback 17:01:24 ... working with CDISC and HL7 17:01:55 s/bio..../bio ontologies sig at ISMB/ 17:02:09 - + 17:02:10 -TNBhat 17:02:11 -Kei_Cheung 17:02:12 - +0186528aadd 17:02:13 - +1.617.395.aacc 17:02:13 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 17:02:13 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/11/13-hcls-minutes.html ericP 17:02:16 - +1.781.662.aagg 17:02:25 - +1.312.041.aaee 17:02:30 -EricP 17:02:32 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 17:02:33 Attendees were +1.617.395.aaaa, +1.312.041.aabb, +1.617.395.aacc, TNBhat, +0186528aadd, Kei_Cheung, +1.312.041.aaee, +, Marc_Schroeder, EricP, +1.781.662.aagg 19:02:27 Zakim has left #hcls