IRC log of rif on 2008-11-04
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 15:46:29 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rif
- 15:46:29 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 15:46:39 [csma]
- zakim, this will be rif
- 15:46:39 [Zakim]
- ok, csma; I see SW_RIF()11:00AM scheduled to start in 14 minutes
- 15:47:19 [csma]
- Meeting: RIF Telecon 4 November 08
- 15:47:44 [csma]
- Chair: Christian de Sainte Marie
- 15:48:06 [csma]
- Agenda:
- 15:49:19 [csma]
- csma has changed the topic to: 4 November RIF agenda:
- 15:50:53 [csma]
- Regrets: DaveReynolds, Hassan Aït-Kaci, PaulVincent
- 15:51:40 [csma]
- agenda+ Admin
- 15:52:11 [csma]
- agenda+ Liaison
- 15:52:23 [csma]
- agenda+ Public comments
- 15:52:37 [csma]
- agenda+ Action review
- 15:52:53 [csma]
- agenda+ TF update (Core, PRD, PS)
- 15:53:39 [csma]
- agenda+ Core
- 15:53:51 [csma]
- agenda Publication plans
- 15:54:11 [csma]
- agenda+ Publication plans
- 15:54:48 [csma]
- agenda+ Test cases
- 15:55:09 [csma]
- agenda+ AOB (pick scribe!)
- 15:55:57 [StuartTaylor]
- StuartTaylor has joined #rif
- 15:58:11 [yuting]
- yuting has joined #RIF
- 15:58:52 [Zakim]
- SW_RIF()11:00AM has now started
- 15:58:58 [Zakim]
- +Sandro
- 15:59:01 [mdean]
- mdean has joined #rif
- 15:59:12 [Zakim]
- + +0122427aaaa
- 15:59:51 [Zakim]
- +Mike_Dean
- 16:00:47 [Zakim]
- +??P35
- 16:00:51 [Zakim]
- +[IBM]
- 16:01:03 [csma]
- zakim, ??P35 is me
- 16:01:03 [Zakim]
- +csma; got it
- 16:01:04 [StuartTaylor]
- zakim aaaa is me
- 16:01:08 [ChrisW]
- ChrisW has joined #rif
- 16:01:22 [StellaMitchell]
- StellaMitchell has joined #rif
- 16:01:25 [ChrisW]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:01:25 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Sandro, +0122427aaaa, Mike_Dean, csma, [IBM]
- 16:01:31 [ChrisW]
- zakim, [ibm] is me
- 16:01:31 [Zakim]
- +ChrisW; got it
- 16:01:36 [josb]
- josb has joined #rif
- 16:02:27 [StuartTaylor]
- zakim, +0122427aaaa is me
- 16:02:27 [Zakim]
- +StuartTaylor; got it
- 16:02:33 [Zakim]
- + +43.158.801.3aabb
- 16:02:33 [StuartTaylor]
- zakim, yuting is with me
- 16:02:33 [Zakim]
- +yuting; got it
- 16:02:36 [Zakim]
- +[IBM]
- 16:02:42 [Zakim]
- + +39.047.101.aacc
- 16:02:46 [Harold]
- Harold has joined #rif
- 16:02:47 [StellaMitchell]
- zakim, ibm is temporarily me
- 16:02:47 [Zakim]
- +StellaMitchell; got it
- 16:03:26 [Harold]
- zakim, who is on the phone.
- 16:03:26 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'who is on the phone', Harold
- 16:03:53 [ChrisW]
- no, cannot
- 16:04:15 [csma]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:04:15 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Sandro, StuartTaylor, Mike_Dean, csma, ChrisW, +43.158.801.3aabb, StellaMitchell, josb
- 16:04:17 [Zakim]
- StuartTaylor has StuartTaylor, yuting
- 16:04:47 [Gary_Hallmark]
- Gary_Hallmark has joined #rif
- 16:04:54 [csma]
- zakim, aabb is Harold
- 16:04:54 [Zakim]
- +Harold; got it
- 16:04:59 [LeoraMorgenstern]
- LeoraMorgenstern has joined #rif
- 16:05:17 [AxelPolleres]
- AxelPolleres has joined #rif
- 16:05:26 [Zakim]
- +LeoraMorgenstern
- 16:05:29 [csma]
- Axel, can you scribe?
- 16:05:49 [LeoraMorgenstern]
- zakim, mute me
- 16:05:49 [Zakim]
- LeoraMorgenstern should now be muted
- 16:05:56 [Zakim]
- + +1.503.533.aadd
- 16:06:20 [Gary]
- zakim, aadd is me
- 16:06:20 [Zakim]
- +Gary; got it
- 16:06:25 [Zakim]
- +??P43
- 16:06:52 [AxelPolleres]
- scribe: Axel Polleres
- 16:06:53 [csma]
- Scribe: axelPolleres
- 16:06:54 [sandro]
- zakim, ??P43 is AxelPolleres
- 16:06:54 [Zakim]
- +AxelPolleres; got it
- 16:06:58 [AxelPolleres]
- scribenick: AxelPolleres
- 16:07:10 [csma]
- zakim, next item
- 16:07:10 [Zakim]
- agendum 1. "Admin" taken up [from csma]
- 16:07:20 [AxelPolleres]
- Topic: Admin
- 16:07:38 [csma]
- Propose: to accept the minutes of Ocober 21
- 16:07:40 [csma]
- 16:07:40 [AxelPolleres]
- propoesd to accept minutes of 21 october
- 16:08:13 [csma]
- RESOLVED: to accept minutes of October 21st telecon
- 16:08:14 [AxelPolleres]
- no objections.
- 16:08:20 [StuartTaylor]
- StuartTaylor has joined #rif
- 16:08:41 [StuartTaylor]
- Zakim, StuartTaylor is with yuting
- 16:08:42 [Zakim]
- sorry, StuartTaylor, I do not recognize a party named 'yuting'
- 16:09:08 [csma]
- next item
- 16:09:11 [AxelPolleres]
- agernda amendments:
- 16:09:24 [AxelPolleres]
- rdf:text will be discussed with publ. plan.
- 16:09:38 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: anythinh new with owl?
- 16:09:49 [AxelPolleres]
- s/thinh/thing/
- 16:10:05 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: OWL wants to go to last call.
- 16:10:18 [AxelPolleres]
- ... that is why they push on rdf:text.
- 16:10:29 [AxelPolleres]
- ... current target Dec 1.
- 16:10:49 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: HSLS? adrian not here.
- 16:11:16 [AxelPolleres]
- ... I gave an update at TPAC on RIF and had some questions from HCLS.
- 16:11:43 [AxelPolleres]
- ... also Policy interest group was interested, but far from using RIF at this point.
- 16:11:54 [Zakim]
- +??P44
- 16:12:00 [AxelPolleres]
- ... anything relevant from ISWC/RR?
- 16:12:33 [ChrisW]
- I did not attend ISWC in the end
- 16:12:51 [AxelPolleres]
- Harold: Michael Kifer gave a joint keynote for RuleML & RR. (especially FLD)
- 16:13:08 [AxelPolleres]
- Gary: broadcast quality wasn't ideal.
- 16:13:45 [Zakim]
- -??P44
- 16:14:56 [AxelPolleres]
- Axel: RDB2RDF had a f2f at ISWC.
- 16:15:19 [Zakim]
- +??P44
- 16:15:27 [AxelPolleres]
- ... it is an XG, chaired by Ashok from Oracle.
- 16:15:46 [Zakim]
- -??P44
- 16:15:48 [ChrisW]
- action: axel to write an email to RDB2RDF on RIF
- 16:15:48 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-635 - Write an email to RDB2RDF on RIF [on Axel Polleres - due 2008-11-11].
- 16:17:32 [Gary]
- also, nulls are problematic (3 value logic)
- 16:17:41 [AxelPolleres]
- Sandro: I believe that RIF Core solved the RDB2RDF problem completely.
- 16:17:57 [AxelPolleres]
- axel: maybe not if aggregates are involved in the mappings.
- 16:18:18 [AxelPolleres]
- ... will send a mail to RDB2RDF inquiring about that.
- 16:18:36 [Zakim]
- +??P46
- 16:18:51 [ChrisW]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 16:18:51 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Sandro, StuartTaylor, Mike_Dean, csma, ChrisW, Harold, StellaMitchell, josb, LeoraMorgenstern (muted), Gary, AxelPolleres, ??P46
- 16:18:54 [Zakim]
- StuartTaylor has StuartTaylor, yuting
- 16:19:33 [AxelPolleres]
- (csma, can yyou repeat that?)
- 16:19:41 [ChrisW]
- zakim, ??P46 is AdrianP
- 16:19:41 [Zakim]
- +AdrianP; got it
- 16:20:07 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: met with Dave from XBRL
- 16:20:24 [ChrisW]
- mdean: u there?
- 16:20:24 [csma]
- next item
- 16:20:30 [AxelPolleres]
- Topic: Public comments
- 16:20:44 [Harold]
- 16:20:49 [sandro]
- s/met with Dave from XBRL/met with Dave Raggett from W3C about starting XBRL standards work/
- 16:21:05 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: there has been a mail from harold, see pointer.
- 16:21:37 [AxelPolleres]
- chris: my response ready to go unless objections.
- 16:22:40 [AxelPolleres]
- ... drafted another paragraph in relations to KIF and common logic in the overview of BLD.
- 16:23:04 [AxelPolleres]
- ... the two new paragraphs should be checked.
- 16:23:56 [csma]
- next item
- 16:24:08 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: nothing to add on public comments.
- 16:24:16 [AxelPolleres]
- ... Kowalski will be done by me.
- 16:24:28 [AxelPolleres]
- Topic: Action review.
- 16:24:43 [AxelPolleres]
- Action 633 on chris is continued
- 16:24:43 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 633
- 16:24:47 [LeoraMorgenstern]
- zakim, unmute me
- 16:24:47 [Zakim]
- LeoraMorgenstern should no longer be muted
- 16:25:05 [AxelPolleres]
- Action 632 on sandro ?
- 16:25:05 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 632
- 16:25:12 [mkifer]
- mkifer has joined #rif
- 16:25:23 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: that's done.
- 16:25:49 [StellaMitchell]
- that's done
- 16:25:53 [AxelPolleres]
- Action 631 on stella is done.
- 16:25:53 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 631
- 16:26:18 [AxelPolleres]
- 631 is pending review.
- 16:26:34 [AxelPolleres]
- Action 630 is continued
- 16:26:34 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 630
- 16:26:53 [AxelPolleres]
- Action 629 on stuart.
- 16:26:53 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 629
- 16:27:00 [AxelPolleres]
- ... is continued
- 16:27:20 [Zakim]
- +Michael_Kifer
- 16:27:25 [AxelPolleres]
- stuart: not clear what wher the differences.
- 16:27:31 [AxelPolleres]
- josb: check the changelog.
- 16:28:16 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: we need a snapshot on RDF+OWL.
- 16:28:41 [AxelPolleres]
- action 628 on Yuting.
- 16:28:41 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 628
- 16:29:06 [AxelPolleres]
- yuting: similar problem then stuart, I did a review in general, but will provide more details on differences.
- 16:29:20 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: yuting and stuart, sned your comments to the WG.
- 16:29:56 [AxelPolleres]
- action 626,627,629,630 continued.
- 16:29:56 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 626,627,629,630
- 16:30:04 [StellaMitchell]
- done
- 16:30:10 [AxelPolleres]
- action 624 on stella is done.
- 16:30:10 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 624
- 16:30:27 [AxelPolleres]
- action 625 on gary is continued.
- 16:30:27 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 625
- 16:30:57 [AxelPolleres]
- action 623 on chris is completed
- 16:30:57 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 623
- 16:31:12 [AxelPolleres]
- action 622 on chris continued.
- 16:31:12 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 622
- 16:31:42 [AxelPolleres]
- action 617 on chris continued as well
- 16:31:42 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 617
- 16:31:44 [LeoraMorgenstern]
- Sorry, both of my actions --- 614 and 588--- need to be continued.
- 16:31:54 [AxelPolleres]
- action 614 on leora on testcases is continued
- 16:31:54 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 614
- 16:32:36 [ChrisW]
- ChrisW - please complete your actions on time
- 16:32:43 [ChrisW]
- this is your first formal warning
- 16:32:46 [AxelPolleres]
- action 606 on Michael Kifer is almost done. last thing to be done... continued.
- 16:32:46 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 606
- 16:32:53 [Zakim]
- -Mike_Dean
- 16:32:56 [ChrisW]
- ok, Chris. Sorry about that
- 16:33:39 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: 606 is closed
- 16:33:59 [AxelPolleres]
- action 604 is continued.
- 16:33:59 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 604
- 16:34:01 [josb]
- where is the changelog in BLD?
- 16:34:10 [AxelPolleres]
- action 603 is done.
- 16:34:10 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 603
- 16:34:34 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: 603 can be closed we will discuss it later.
- 16:35:11 [AxelPolleres]
- action ??? on adrian done.
- 16:35:11 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - ???
- 16:36:18 [AxelPolleres]
- action 590 on adrian is done.
- 16:36:18 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 590
- 16:37:18 [LeoraMorgenstern]
- continued
- 16:37:21 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: action 590 is pending review.
- 16:37:27 [LeoraMorgenstern]
- (more complicated than it looks)
- 16:37:28 [AxelPolleres]
- action 592 is continued
- 16:37:28 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - 592
- 16:37:58 [AxelPolleres]
- leora: action 588 on leora is continued
- 16:38:17 [AxelPolleres]
- axel: action 582 is continued
- 16:38:40 [AxelPolleres]
- axel: action 581 is continued
- 16:39:05 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: action 579 is continued, will be done this week.
- 16:39:22 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: action 573 is continued.
- 16:39:47 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: action 565 is moved to Adrian.
- 16:40:04 [ChrisW]
- action: adrian to provide an ssh key to sandro for cvs access
- 16:40:04 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - adrian
- 16:40:20 [ChrisW]
- action: apaschke to provide an ssh key to sandro for cvs access
- 16:40:20 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - apaschke
- 16:40:42 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: all other actions continued, let's move to the pending review actions.
- 16:42:23 [AxelPolleres]
- adrian: currently not a member, but maybe I could participate via OMG.
- 16:42:46 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: if not possible we will discuss invited expert.
- 16:43:51 [AxelPolleres]
- jos: action 616 is waiting for reply by OWL.
- 16:44:41 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: talked to ian on that, datatype issue in OWL is difficult, they don't want to reopen it. would we have specific requests or would we go with theirs?
- 16:45:13 [AxelPolleres]
- josb: i inquired about some datatypes which only make sense in a specific XML document, which don't make sense for us.
- 16:45:34 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: they did not take it into account?
- 16:45:47 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: shall we signela them that we object last call?
- 16:46:13 [AxelPolleres]
- josb: I only said we shouldn't adopt them in RIF, and I don't see reasons for them in OWL
- 16:46:37 [sandro]
- id, idref, and entity.
- 16:46:38 [AxelPolleres]
- ... it was ID and IDREF and ENTITY
- 16:47:01 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: you sent it as a public comment.
- 16:47:07 [josb]
- 16:49:08 [AxelPolleres]
- discussion on whether we should object or not...
- 16:49:23 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: we can expect reply on jkos' public comment.
- 16:49:46 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: I will try to push them a bit to respond quickly.
- 16:50:31 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: was it the case that except the ID, IDREF and ENTITY data types we would be ok to adopt the others?
- 16:51:09 [AxelPolleres]
- axel: that would have impliucations on built-ins?
- 16:51:23 [AxelPolleres]
- josb: many are subtypes of types we have already.
- 16:51:55 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: wouldn't we need them for interoperatbility with OWL?
- 16:52:57 [AxelPolleres]
- josb: well, that depends on what conformance we want. strict vs. non-strict conformance clause. for SWC we don't have a conformance claus there, basically it is defined for any datatype.
- 16:53:30 [Zakim]
- +Mike_Dean
- 16:53:33 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: anything else on this question?
- 16:53:52 [csma]
- next item
- 16:54:00 [AxelPolleres]
- ... anything else regarding actions? no.
- 16:54:22 [AxelPolleres]
- topic: TF update (core, PRD,PS)
- 16:54:45 [Harold]
- 16:55:08 [AxelPolleres]
- harold: we have a lot of progress, everyone should have a look at it, we didn't have a telecon after it yet.
- 16:55:18 [AxelPolleres]
- ... we are close.
- 16:55:29 [AxelPolleres]
- ... to have a first WD.
- 16:55:55 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: my naive question to Core TF: Does core support unification?
- 16:56:16 [AxelPolleres]
- harold: that would mean core would not be a subset of PRD.
- 16:56:43 [AxelPolleres]
- ... if you only give it facts a la PRD though, nothing bad can happen.
- 16:57:03 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: if core is more general than PRD we must decide what to do.
- 16:57:27 [AxelPolleres]
- gary: no function symbols solves the problem probably, but we still need to do something on equalities.
- 16:57:52 [ChrisW]
- action: christian to open issue about unification in CORE and PRD being limited to pattern matching
- 16:57:52 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-636 - Open issue about unification in CORE and PRD being limited to pattern matching [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2008-11-11].
- 16:58:40 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: PRD TF will have concluding teleconf next week.
- 16:59:13 [AxelPolleres]
- ... next WD will be significantly improved. we still have to finalize gary's work on binding variables in the action part.
- 17:00:08 [AxelPolleres]
- gary: things are coming together nicely, we can talk about it after next week.
- 17:00:33 [AxelPolleres]
- chris: TF on PS is stalled, I got a flu.
- 17:01:18 [csma]
- next item
- 17:01:34 [csma]
- PROPOSED: Parameterize the conformance clauses of Core with safeness requirements "strict" and "none" (default: "none"). Closing ISSUE-70.
- 17:02:45 [csma]
- RESOLVED: Parameterize the conformance clauses of Core with safeness requirements "strict" and "none" (default: "none"). Closing ISSUE-70.
- 17:02:56 [AxelPolleres]
- topic: core
- 17:03:24 [ChrisW]
- rrsagent, pointer
- 17:03:24 [RRSAgent]
- See
- 17:03:37 [AxelPolleres]
- harold: dave found a terminology conflict with the word "strict"
- 17:03:51 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: i guess this is editorial.
- 17:04:18 [csma]
- next item
- 17:04:37 [AxelPolleres]
- topic: publication plan
- 17:04:57 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: let's start with SWC... everything seems ready, we just wait for the reviews.
- 17:05:17 [csma]
- q?
- 17:05:57 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: chris, stuart, yuting, until when can you review?
- 17:06:06 [AxelPolleres]
- sutart: mo or tue
- 17:06:22 [AxelPolleres]
- chris: by end of next week.
- 17:06:33 [yuting]
- for me, by this Saturday to review the swc
- 17:06:39 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: BLD? do we want to give out a new version?
- 17:06:57 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: I think we should call it WD, it is still LC.
- 17:07:10 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: comment period reopened then?
- 17:07:18 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: I guess yes.
- 17:07:36 [AxelPolleres]
- s/comment period/will the comment period/
- 17:08:10 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: we do have some editorial changes.
- 17:08:35 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: question is, is it freezable? harold?
- 17:09:03 [AxelPolleres]
- michael: I need to change the last section and adapt the changelog.
- 17:09:40 [AxelPolleres]
- chris: I added the 2 new paragraphs in overview and put the references, references still need to be added to references section.
- 17:10:35 [AxelPolleres]
- michael: what's the point in publishing now another draft?
- 17:10:50 [AxelPolleres]
- harold: that people don't read the old version.
- 17:11:35 [AxelPolleres]
- chris: new people might come along and find it and give more comments, but I don't feel strongly.
- 17:12:12 [AxelPolleres]
- ... I think we should publish after all issues are resolved.
- 17:12:41 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: shall we resolve that?
- 17:13:56 [AxelPolleres]
- sandro: latest version on the wiki is linked from the WD.
- 17:14:41 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: i would be confused to re-publish LC before CR
- 17:15:41 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: I buy this argument.
- 17:16:09 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: another thing we should have resolved is the result of the PS TF.
- 17:16:17 [AxelPolleres]
- ... before republishing BLD.
- 17:16:27 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: let's move to FLD.
- 17:16:32 [sandro]
- sandro: with the new open issues in BLD, yeah, I'm okay with no publishing it right now. Focus on DTB.
- 17:17:46 [AxelPolleres]
- michael: I hope to finish FLD by end of nov. gave a talk at RR on it, lot of interest, some people expressed interest to join the group.
- 17:18:47 [AxelPolleres]
- ... mid dec is realistic for next WD (if we freeze by end nov)
- 17:20:19 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: what about SWC, given the decision on BLD?
- 17:20:29 [AxelPolleres]
- ... shall we also postpone?
- 17:20:43 [ChrisW]
- schedule: new FLD WD probably by EOY
- 17:20:46 [AxelPolleres]
- ... nobody insists on publishing now.
- 17:21:07 [AxelPolleres]
- .... we can still freeze it.
- 17:21:38 [AxelPolleres]
- ... we have three actions to review it.
- 17:22:30 [AxelPolleres]
- ... we don't need the reviews now... actions 626,627,628,629 cancelled.
- 17:22:42 [AxelPolleres]
- ... but the reviews are still welcome.
- 17:23:38 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: DTB?
- 17:24:28 [AxelPolleres]
- axel: freezable version by two weeks frm now.
- 17:24:41 [AxelPolleres]
- ... moves publication to rather end of november.
- 17:24:48 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: core?
- 17:25:16 [AxelPolleres]
- harold: the unresolved issues could just become editor's notes.
- 17:25:36 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: when can we freeze as early as possible?
- 17:25:53 [AxelPolleres]
- harold: second half of november.
- 17:26:02 [AxelPolleres]
- chris: let's try to freeze in two weeks.
- 17:26:27 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: both core and dtb due nov 18th for freeze.
- 17:26:38 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: prd?
- 17:26:54 [AxelPolleres]
- gary: we can work two more weeks on that.
- 17:27:10 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: also due to nov 18 for freezing prd.
- 17:27:16 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: test cases?
- 17:27:54 [AxelPolleres]
- chrisw: actions?
- 17:28:01 [ChrisW]
- action: sandro to generate test case manifests
- 17:28:01 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-637 - Generate test case manifests [on Sandro Hawke - due 2008-11-11].
- 17:30:06 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: also nov 18 as due tate for test cases.
- 17:30:15 [AxelPolleres]
- csma: ucr?
- 17:30:21 [AxelPolleres]
- adrian: I got some comments.
- 17:30:51 [ChrisW]
- we need to extend the meeting by 5 mins
- 17:30:57 [AxelPolleres]
- ... should be ready nov 18th as well. we should discuss new requirements on next weeks agenda.
- 17:31:14 [ChrisW]
- action: christian put UCR on agenda for next week
- 17:31:14 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-638 - Put UCR on agenda for next week [on Christian de Sainte Marie - due 2008-11-11].
- 17:31:24 [ChrisW]
- PROPOSED: extend meeting by 5 mins
- 17:31:29 [ChrisW]
- RESOLVED: extend meeting by 5 mins
- 17:31:33 [AxelPolleres]
- topic: rdf:text
- 17:32:17 [csma]
- q?
- 17:32:31 [ChrisW]
- action: sandro to freeze rdf:text
- 17:32:31 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-639 - Freeze rdf:text [on Sandro Hawke - due 2008-11-11].
- 17:33:18 [josb]
- josb does
- 17:33:24 [sandro]
- csma: freeze rdf:text today, review by friday, FPWD next week.
- 17:33:52 [csma]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 17:33:52 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Sandro, StuartTaylor, csma, ChrisW, Harold, StellaMitchell, josb, LeoraMorgenstern, Gary, AxelPolleres, AdrianP, Michael_Kifer, Mike_Dean
- 17:33:56 [Zakim]
- StuartTaylor has StuartTaylor, yuting
- 17:34:15 [ChrisW]
- action: StuartTaylor to review rdf:text
- 17:34:15 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - StuartTaylor
- 17:34:22 [ChrisW]
- action: Stuart to review rdf:text
- 17:34:22 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-640 - Review rdf:text [on Stuart Taylor - due 2008-11-11].
- 17:34:46 [ChrisW]
- action: debruij2 to review rdf:text by friday
- 17:34:46 [trackbot]
- Sorry, couldn't find user - debruij2
- 17:34:58 [ChrisW]
- action: jdebruij2 to review rdf:text by friday
- 17:34:59 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-641 - Review rdf:text by friday [on Jos de Bruijn - due 2008-11-11].
- 17:35:15 [Zakim]
- -LeoraMorgenstern
- 17:35:19 [ChrisW]
- action: chris to review rdf:text
- 17:35:19 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-642 - Review rdf:text [on Christopher Welty - due 2008-11-11].
- 17:35:26 [Harold]
- As we discussed some time ago, DaveR's "OWL 2 RL in RIF" should also become a FPWD:
- 17:35:38 [Zakim]
- +LeoraMorgenstern
- 17:36:39 [AxelPolleres]
- harold: we should also talk about including OWL2 RL to RIF" as a published draft.
- 17:36:49 [AxelPolleres]
- adjourn
- 17:36:54 [Zakim]
- -AdrianP
- 17:36:55 [Zakim]
- -Harold
- 17:36:55 [Zakim]
- -LeoraMorgenstern
- 17:36:59 [Zakim]
- -StellaMitchell
- 17:37:00 [Zakim]
- -Gary
- 17:37:00 [Zakim]
- -Michael_Kifer
- 17:37:02 [Zakim]
- -StuartTaylor
- 17:37:02 [Zakim]
- -josb
- 17:37:04 [Zakim]
- -Mike_Dean
- 17:37:06 [csma]
- zakim, attendees?
- 17:37:06 [Zakim]
- I don't understand your question, csma.
- 17:37:07 [ChrisW]
- regrets: DaveReynolds Hassan Aït-Kaci PaulVincent
- 17:37:12 [ChrisW]
- zakim, list attendees
- 17:37:12 [Zakim]
- As of this point the attendees have been Sandro, Mike_Dean, csma, ChrisW, StuartTaylor, +43.158.801.3aabb, yuting, +39.047.101.aacc, StellaMitchell, josb, Harold, LeoraMorgenstern,
- 17:37:16 [Zakim]
- ... +1.503.533.aadd, Gary, AxelPolleres, AdrianP, Michael_Kifer
- 17:37:23 [ChrisW]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 17:37:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate ChrisW
- 17:37:54 [ChrisW]
- rrsagent, make logs public
- 17:38:44 [Zakim]
- -AxelPolleres
- 17:43:10 [Zakim]
- -ChrisW
- 17:43:11 [Zakim]
- -csma
- 17:43:16 [Zakim]
- -Sandro
- 17:43:17 [Zakim]
- SW_RIF()11:00AM has ended
- 17:43:18 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Sandro, Mike_Dean, csma, ChrisW, StuartTaylor, +43.158.801.3aabb, yuting, +39.047.101.aacc, StellaMitchell, josb, Harold, LeoraMorgenstern, +1.503.533.aadd, Gary,
- 17:43:20 [Zakim]
- ... AxelPolleres, AdrianP, Michael_Kifer
- 17:48:36 [csma]
- csma has left #rif