19:48:14 RRSAgent has joined #wai-wcag 19:48:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/10/23-wai-wcag-irc 19:48:19 RRSAgent, do not start a new log 19:48:25 RRSAgent, make log world 19:48:30 zakim, this will be WAI_WCAG 19:48:30 ok, Ben; I see WAI_WCAG()3:00PM scheduled to start 48 minutes ago 19:48:36 Meeting: WCAG Weekly Telecon 19:49:21 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-gl/2008OctDec/0022.html 19:49:30 Chair: Gregg_Vanderheiden, Loretta_Guarino_Reid 19:49:35 ScribeOptions: -scribeOnly 19:52:04 Regrets: Tim_Boland, Christophe_Strobbe, Roberto_Scano 19:52:15 does anyone know if there's a Zakim number in France? 19:52:47 agenda+ Announcements, Questions, and Updates 19:52:59 agenda+ Additional Issues for 23 Oct 2008 19:53:13 agenda+ Miscellaneous Proposals for 21 Oct 2008 19:53:24 agenda+ Advance to Proposed Recommendation? 19:54:00 cynthia, it's in the agenda + (France) 19:58:58 rellero has joined #wai-wcag 19:59:08 bengt has joined #wai-wcag 19:59:37 Sofia has joined #wai-wcag 19:59:46 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has now started 19:59:54 +??P0 20:00:00 +??P2 20:00:03 zakim, ??P0 is BengtFarre 20:00:03 +BengtFarre; got it 20:00:05 -BengtFarre 20:00:05 +BengtFarre 20:00:11 +Alex_Li 20:00:15 zakim, ??P2 is Ben_Caldwell 20:00:15 +Ben_Caldwell; got it 20:00:24 zakim, Alex_Li has Sofia_Celic 20:00:24 +Sofia_Celic; got it 20:00:25 +??P3 20:00:36 zakim, ??P3 is Roberto_Ellero 20:00:36 +Roberto_Ellero; got it 20:00:37 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:00:44 zakim, Ben has Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:00:44 'Ben' is ambiguous, Ben 20:00:46 greggvanderheiden has joined #wai-wcag 20:00:53 +David_MacDonald 20:01:00 zakim, Ben_Caldwell has Gregg_Vanderheiden 20:01:00 +Gregg_Vanderheiden; got it 20:01:06 Andi has joined #wai-wcag 20:01:15 +??P6 20:01:32 zakim, ??P6 is Katie_Haritos-Shea 20:01:32 +Katie_Haritos-Shea; got it 20:01:51 +MichaelC 20:02:06 David_MacDonald has joined #wai-wcag 20:03:21 +Cannes 20:03:36 + +1.301.668.aaaa 20:03:43 Loretta has joined #wai-wcag 20:04:01 zakim, +1.301.668.aaaa is Bruce_Bailey 20:04:01 +Bruce_Bailey; got it 20:04:18 +Loretta_Guarino_Reid 20:05:53 -MichaelC 20:06:01 +Cooper 20:06:03 -Roberto_Ellero 20:06:10 zakim, Cannes is Cynthia_Shelley 20:06:10 +Cynthia_Shelley; got it 20:06:20 -Cooper 20:07:09 scribe: David_MacDonald 20:07:13 +??P3 20:07:35 + +1.617.219.aabb 20:08:01 awk has joined #WAI-WCAG 20:09:03 -Michael 20:09:12 +Cooper 20:10:32 zakim, close agendum 1 20:10:32 agendum 1, Announcements, Questions, and Updates, closed 20:10:33 I see 3 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 20:10:34 2. Additional Issues for 23 Oct 2008 [from Ben] 20:10:37 zakim, take up agendum 3 20:10:37 agendum 3. "Miscellaneous Proposals for 21 Oct 2008" taken up [from Ben] 20:10:39 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:11:50 +Andi_Snow_Weaver 20:11:55 +[IPcaller] 20:12:22 Zakim, [IPcaller] is Roberto_Ellero 20:12:22 +Roberto_Ellero; got it 20:12:25 scribe: awk 20:18:16 zakim, Cynthia_Shelley is Cynthia_Shelly 20:18:16 +Cynthia_Shelly; got it 20:21:30 TOPIC: Issue 2662: Conforming Alternate Version, Note 4 20:23:41 ack cy 20:24:35 ack br 20:26:13 ack a 20:28:48 q+ 20:30:28 q- 20:30:47 Issue is tabled. 20:32:21 q+ 20:33:00 q+ 20:33:44 q- 20:33:50 +??P11 20:33:55 -Cynthia_Shelly 20:34:28 zakim, ??P11 is probably Cynthia_Shelly 20:34:28 +Cynthia_Shelly?; got it 20:34:59 q- 20:36:29 Topic: Retain 5:1 Contrast Ratio for SC 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) 20:42:59 q+ 20:43:09 ack b 20:53:30 -Roberto_Ellero 21:01:29 cshelly has joined #wai-wcag 21:02:44 Makoto has joined #wai-wcag 21:03:23 q+ to say this was supposed to deal with default presentation, not configurable colors 21:04:36 +[IPcaller] 21:04:40 zakim, [IPcaller] is Makoto_Ueki 21:04:40 +Makoto_Ueki; got it 21:06:54 4.5: Andrew, Andi, Bruce, Alex 21:07:34 5: David, Ben, Katie, Sofia, Gregg, Cynthia 21:07:44 No opinion: Michael, Bengt, Loretta 21:13:14 RESOLUTION: keep the contrast ratio at 5:1 21:13:34 q+ 21:13:56 Topic: Clarification of SC 3.3.5 (Help) 21:13:58 q+ 21:15:41 ack c 21:15:41 cshelly, you wanted to say this was supposed to deal with default presentation, not configurable colors and to 21:15:55 ack g 21:16:51 q+ 21:19:30 Resolution: Add note to definition of context-sentitive help. "Note: Clear labels can act as context-sensitive help." 21:19:55 Topic: Issue 2671: Statement of partial conformance 21:22:13 RESOLUTION: accepted as amended 21:22:25 Topic: Issue 2672: Described in a way that users can identify 21:28:30 RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended 21:29:00 Topic: Issue 2673: Partial conformance and conformance requirement 5 21:30:19 q+ 21:30:29 ack g 21:30:31 ack d 21:35:10 Resolution: Acepted as amended 21:36:38 Topic: Issue 2674: Must links to other media warn users? 21:41:00 Clicking on links or tabs in a tab control is activating the control, not changing the setting of that control. 21:43:29 Resolution: Accepted as amended 21:43:44 Topic: Issue 2675: Interference with screen reader 21:44:16 RESOLUTION: Accepted as amended 21:44:28 Topic: Issue 2676: Must captions be resizable? 21:47:19 q+ 21:47:59 ack c 21:49:48 RESOLUTION: accepted as amended 21:50:22 Topic: implementation feedback on SC 1.2.6 Sign Language 21:50:57 RESOLUTION: keep SC 1.2.6 21:51:06 TOPIC: Clarification of SC 2.4.1 (Bypass Blocks) 21:51:45 RESOLUTION: retain original language 21:52:01 Topic: Question on SC 3.1.4 (Abbreviations) 21:52:32 Resolution: leave open 21:53:45 link to other survey, please? 21:53:59 Topic: Proposed Rewording of SC 1.4.7 Low or No Background Audio 21:55:50 RESOLUTION: accepted as amended 21:56:01 Topic: Issue 2624: URI vs URL 22:07:48 -David_MacDonald 22:08:45 zakim, who is on the phone? 22:08:45 On the phone I see BengtFarre, Ben_Caldwell, Alex_Li, Katie_Haritos-Shea, Bruce_Bailey, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Cooper, +1.617.219.aabb, Andi_Snow_Weaver, Cynthia_Shelly?, 22:08:48 ... Makoto_Ueki 22:08:48 Alex_Li has Sofia_Celic 22:08:49 Ben_Caldwell has Gregg_Vanderheiden 22:10:24 David_MacDonald has joined #wai-wcag 22:10:55 +David_MacDonald 22:11:13 RESOLUTION: revert to old decision and keep URI 22:11:58 -BengtFarre 22:12:11 Topic: Accessibility Support of Uses of Technologies 22:12:59 Topic: Review draft implementation report 22:16:22 q+ 22:16:42 q+ to say I don't know what change to make to the implementation report re Andi's comment 22:17:10 Loretta has joined #wai-wcag 22:20:12 q+ 22:20:16 q+ 22:21:30 q+ to say Judy wrote these questions not to guide discussion with Steve & Tim, or as a FAQ for them, but to help us frame our thoughts. We shouldn't necessarily remove any of them; feedback from the group helpful. 22:21:36 +Katie_Haritos-Shea.a 22:21:38 ack me 22:21:38 MichaelC, you wanted to say I don't know what change to make to the implementation report re Andi's comment and to say Judy wrote these questions not to guide discussion with Steve 22:21:42 ... & Tim, or as a FAQ for them, but to help us frame our thoughts. We shouldn't necessarily remove any of them; feedback from the group helpful. 22:21:44 -Katie_Haritos-Shea 22:21:51 queue jumper! 22:22:16 q+ to get back in queue 22:31:00 q- 22:33:29 Topic: Accessibility Supported Q&A 22:33:38 ack d 22:35:46 Reports have been mailed out. Has everyone received the email? 22:35:53 q+ to say, "uses seem more granular. techniques often make use of multiple uses." 22:36:02 ack cs 22:37:20 ack b 22:37:20 Ben, you wanted to say, "uses seem more granular. techniques often make use of multiple uses." 22:38:45 Q: what is the relationship between techniques and uses? 22:39:39 David_MacDonald_ has joined #wai-wcag 22:40:05 A: uses are the subset of techniques that rely on on accessibility support in user agents and AT to provide functionality to users with disabilities. Accessibility supported uses are those uses that actually work with a 22:40:08 with AT 22:40:42 q+ to say the silverlight one looks ok structurally, just needs more of the uses filled in with information about how the use actually works 22:41:16 q+ to say the PDF one looks ok in principle but I see no information about what the technology-specific techniques are, so would not be able to determine "here's what I can do" from the info I see there 22:41:54 q+ to say the PDF one also refers to uses of test files but can't see the files, so it's hard to evaluate that aspect 22:42:10 ack me 22:42:10 MichaelC, you wanted to say the silverlight one looks ok structurally, just needs more of the uses filled in with information about how the use actually works and to say the PDF 22:42:13 ... one looks ok in principle but I see no information about what the technology-specific techniques are, so would not be able to determine "here's what I can do" from the info I 22:42:18 ... see there and to say the PDF one also refers to uses of test files but can't see the files, so it's hard to evaluate that aspect 22:44:46 q+ to say I will favor including them in the report if my issues are addressed, just want to point out that they would be static and soon outdated and you'd have to be ok with that (we'll say as much in the report) 22:45:13 ack me 22:45:13 MichaelC, you wanted to say I will favor including them in the report if my issues are addressed, just want to point out that they would be static and soon outdated and you'd have 22:45:16 ... to be ok with that (we'll say as much in the report) 22:46:13 q? 22:46:14 q? 22:47:24 q+ 22:50:19 ack da 22:50:19 ack d 23:00:55 A: uses are the subset of techniques that rely on on accessibility support in user agents and AT to provide functionality to users with disabilities. Accessibility supported uses are those uses that actually work with a 23:02:56 -Cynthia_Shelly? 23:05:37 cshelly has joined #wai-wcag 23:05:55 fargin' Orange... lost my connection. did you get teh updated text? 23:06:17 is this it? 23:06:19 A: uses are the subset of techniques that rely on on accessibility support in user agents and AT to provide functionality to users with disabilities. Accessibility supported uses are those uses that actually work with a 23:06:21 +[IPcaller] 23:06:27 nope, that was the old text 23:06:30 I'll try again... 23:06:35 didn’t get the new text then 23:08:39 A: techniques are ways of makign content accessible to users with disabilities, including but not limited to the techniques documented in the WCAG 2.0 Techniques document. Uses are the subset of techniques that rely on accessibily support in user agents and AT in order to provide that functionality. Accessibility supported uses are those uses that have been tested and proven to work with assistive technology. 23:12:53 RESOLUTION: Incorporate MSFT and Adobe accessibility support reports, with the indication that they are 'in progress'. 23:15:14 yes, "shown" is better 23:15:47 scribe: 23:18:55 - +1.617.219.aabb 23:19:34 scribe: David_MacDonald 23:20:31 Note 1: For the purpose of determining conformance, an alternative to part of a page's content is considered part of the page when the alternative content is obtainable directly from the page, e.g., a long description. 23:22:49 +Andrew_Kirkpatrick 23:28:26 Note 1: For the purpose of determining conformance, alternatives to content are considered part of a page when the alternatives can be obtained directly from the page. 23:35:15 +Alex_Li.a 23:35:42 Note 1: For the purpose of determining conformance, alternatives to content are considered part of a page when the alternatives can be obtained directly from the page. 23:37:58 MichaelC_ has joined #wai-wcag 23:38:12 +Cooper.a 23:38:46 -Cooper 23:41:16 Resolution: accept ammended conformance, Section 2 Note 1: For the purpose of determining conformance, alternatives to content are considered part of a page when the alternatives can be obtained directly from the page. 23:41:59 Resolution: accept 2662 as amended 23:43:05 -Alex_Li 23:45:31 Resolution: accept Q & A document as amended. 23:46:06 zakim, close this item 23:46:06 agendum 3 closed 23:46:07 I see 2 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 23:46:08 2. Additional Issues for 23 Oct 2008 [from Ben] 23:46:11 zakim, close agendum 2 23:46:11 agendum 2, Additional Issues for 23 Oct 2008, closed 23:46:12 I see 1 item remaining on the agenda: 23:46:13 4. Advance to Proposed Recommendation? [from Ben] 23:46:18 zakim, take up agendum 4 23:46:18 agendum 4. "Advance to Proposed Recommendation?" taken up [from Ben] 23:46:59 We request to transition WCAG 2.0 to proposed recommendation. 23:48:04 -Andrew_Kirkpatrick 23:48:16 Resolution: Request to transition WCAG 2.0 to Proposed Recommendation 23:54:03 Resolution: Mutual appreciation day approved 23:54:25 -[IPcaller] 23:54:26 -Alex_Li.a 23:54:27 -Cooper.a 23:54:28 -Bruce_Bailey 23:54:28 -David_MacDonald 23:54:29 -Makoto_Ueki 23:54:29 -Andi_Snow_Weaver 23:54:31 -Ben_Caldwell 23:54:32 -Loretta_Guarino_Reid 23:54:34 -Katie_Haritos-Shea.a 23:54:36 WAI_WCAG()3:00PM has ended 23:54:37 RRSAgent, pointer? 23:54:37 See http://www.w3.org/2008/10/23-wai-wcag-irc#T23-54-37 23:54:38 Attendees were BengtFarre, Sofia_Celic, Roberto_Ellero, Andi_Snow_Weaver, David_MacDonald, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Katie_Haritos-Shea, MichaelC, Bruce_Bailey, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, 23:54:41 ... Cooper, Michael, +1.617.219.aabb, Cynthia_Shelly, Cynthia_Shelly?, Makoto_Ueki, [IPcaller], Andrew_Kirkpatrick, Alex_Li, Cooper.a 23:54:42 greggvanderheiden has left #wai-wcag 23:56:14 yep 23:56:43 Present: Bengt_Farre, Sofia_Celic, Roberto_Ellero, Andi_Snow_Weaver, David_MacDonald, Gregg_Vanderheiden, Katie_Haritos-Shea, MichaelC, Bruce_Bailey, Loretta_Guarino_Reid, Ben_Caldwell, Michael_Cooper, Cynthia_Shelly, Makoto_Ueki, Andrew_Kirkpatrick, Alex_Li 23:56:45 RRSAgent, bye 23:56:45 I see no action items