IRC log of swd on 2008-10-07

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:52:22 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swd
14:52:23 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:52:26 [TomB]
rrsagent, bookmark
14:52:26 [RRSAgent]
14:52:31 [TomB]
zakim, this will be swd
14:52:31 [Zakim]
ok, TomB; I see SW_SWD()11:00AM scheduled to start in 8 minutes
14:52:36 [TomB]
Meeting: SWD WG
14:52:40 [TomB]
Chair: Tom
14:52:57 [TomB]
14:53:05 [TomB]
14:53:13 [TomB]
Regrets: Antoine, JonP, Quentin, Daniel
14:53:31 [TomB]
rrsagent, please make record public
14:54:02 [Zakim]
SW_SWD()11:00AM has now started
14:54:09 [Zakim]
14:54:15 [TomB]
zakim, ??P8 is me
14:54:15 [Zakim]
+TomB; got it
14:58:25 [edsu]
edsu has joined #swd
14:58:54 [Zakim]
14:59:01 [edsu]
zakim, LC is edsu
14:59:02 [Zakim]
+edsu; got it
14:59:26 [Ralph]
Ralph has joined #swd
14:59:36 [Zakim]
14:59:41 [berrueta]
Zakim, Martin is me
14:59:41 [Zakim]
+berrueta; got it
14:59:58 [Zakim]
15:00:46 [Guus]
Guus has joined #swd
15:01:56 [marghe]
marghe has joined #swd
15:02:32 [Zakim]
15:02:34 [aliman]
aliman has joined #swd
15:02:48 [benadida]
benadida has joined #swd
15:02:54 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p40 is Margherita
15:02:54 [Zakim]
+Margherita; got it
15:03:47 [Zakim]
15:03:57 [Ralph]
Scribe: EdSu
15:04:19 [Zakim]
15:04:45 [Ralph]
15:05:34 [Zakim]
15:06:00 [seanb]
seanb has joined #swd
15:06:18 [edsu]
Topic: Admin
15:06:40 [edsu]
RESOLVED to accept minutes from Sep-30 telecon
15:07:06 [edsu]
RESOLVED: to accept minutes from Sep-30 telecon
15:07:22 [edsu]
TomB: Guus will chair next weeks meeting
15:07:37 [Zakim]
15:07:42 [edsu]
Topic: RDFa
15:07:43 [seanb]
zakim, ?P66 is me
15:07:43 [Zakim]
sorry, seanb, I do not recognize a party named '?P66'
15:07:52 [seanb]
zakim, ??P66 is me
15:07:53 [Zakim]
+seanb; got it
15:07:54 [Ralph]
-> record of 2-Oct RDFa TF telecon
15:08:10 [edsu]
ACTION: All to remind respective AC Reps to respond to RDFa Proposed Rec Call for Review [recorded in]
15:08:15 [edsu]
15:08:28 [edsu]
ACTION: Ben review RDFa Use Cases and propose transition to Group Note [recorded in]
15:08:31 [edsu]
15:08:48 [benadida]
draft -->
15:08:56 [edsu]
benadida: wanted to ask about moving to REC
15:09:22 [edsu]
... we've received comments, two required no change to the draft (typos, clarifications)
15:09:59 [edsu]
... since these are only typos there's no need for additional review, right Ralph?
15:10:06 [edsu]
Ralph: we can make editorial changes
15:11:04 [edsu]
TomB: is there a formal requirement to also record the editorial changes?
15:11:14 [edsu]
Guus: yes in the changes section
15:11:29 [edsu]
benadida: yes shane has done this, and included a diff
15:12:21 [edsu]
Ralph: i've submitted the request for transition, and we'll see when the necessary parties are available to discuss
15:12:57 [edsu]
... the last deadline for requesting publication is before next monday, before the the tpac meeting
15:13:00 [Zakim]
15:13:07 [edsu]
Guus: would be nice to publish the primer as a note at the same time
15:13:15 [Ralph]
s/before next/next
15:13:28 [JeremyCarroll]
JeremyCarroll has joined #swd
15:13:57 [JeremyCarroll]
Zakim, ??P10 is me
15:13:57 [Zakim]
+JeremyCarroll; got it
15:13:58 [edsu]
benadida: we haven't looked at the use cases in a while, and i wouldn't want to produce inconsistency ... but the primer will be ready for submission by the end of the week ... minor editorial changes
15:14:28 [edsu]
Ralph: that sounds like you are making a proposal that the group transition the Primer to a WG Note
15:14:46 [JeremyCarroll]
Zakim, unmute me
15:14:46 [Zakim]
JeremyCarroll should no longer be muted
15:14:53 [JeremyCarroll]
15:15:05 [edsu]
benadida: i didn't realize there was a transition to note, but if so yes
15:15:42 [edsu]
Guus: what is the most likely date for transition to REC?
15:15:55 [edsu]
Ralph: i would expect a decision at the end of this week
15:16:04 [edsu]
Guus: can we control the day of announcement?
15:16:22 [edsu]
Ralph: yes, but to meet next weeks publishing moratorium we need to do it before noon on monday
15:16:45 [JeremyCarroll]
Zakim, unmute me
15:16:45 [Zakim]
JeremyCarroll should no longer be muted
15:18:04 [edsu]
JeremyCarroll: a working draft is a work in progress, unfinished -- a working group note is a statement that the document is adequate
15:18:33 [edsu]
benadida: it's sufficiently completed that it could transition to Note (the Primer)
15:19:01 [edsu]
Guus: if there are editorial changes nobody is going to object
15:19:47 [edsu]
TomB: are we saying we need to delay?
15:20:12 [edsu]
benadida: i think that most people who read the press release won't notice ... we can transition Primer later
15:20:25 [edsu]
Ralph: what's your best guess about the changes to the Primer?
15:20:48 [edsu]
benadida: i think that the liklihood of the primer getting a couple new paragraphs is about 70%
15:20:55 [JeremyCarroll]
Jeremy: on RDFa call belief was that there was enough non-W3C material to play this role
15:21:09 [edsu]
... it's purpose is to get people interested and curious, will do a couple well focused paragraphs, no more than that
15:21:53 [JeremyCarroll]
I suggest we formally approve Primer for WG Note now, subject to confirmation next week
15:21:58 [edsu]
TomB: should we formulate a proposal to transition the syntax document to REC? leaving the Primer as a working draft?
15:22:43 [edsu]
... so can we approve the Primer working draft for note now?
15:22:44 [Guus]
+1 for Jeremy's proposal
15:23:34 [edsu]
Ralph: i'm comfortable with the proposal to transition the primer to note now
15:25:15 [edsu]
PROPOSED: the syntax editors use their judgement in correcting typos in preparation of recommendation version of RDFa Syntax
15:25:33 [JeremyCarroll]
15:25:34 [Ralph]
15:25:39 [JeremyCarroll]
Zakim, unmute me
15:25:39 [Zakim]
JeremyCarroll should no longer be muted
15:26:45 [edsu]
JeremyCarroll: what about the comment yesterday, regarding the colon ... looks like the sort of thing that could cause implementation difficulties
15:27:16 [Ralph]
-> "RDFa review ... too late, but maybe still helpful for the group" [Axel Polleres 2008-10-06]
15:27:33 [edsu]
JeremyCarroll: correcting an alignment between some english text and xml schema definitions ...
15:27:43 [edsu]
TomB: benadida you can take that into account?
15:27:51 [edsu]
benadida: sure, will get mark and shane to take a look
15:27:53 [JeremyCarroll]
15:28:06 [edsu]
RESOLVED: the syntax editors use their judgement in correcting typos in preparation of recommendation version of RDFa Syntax
15:28:56 [benadida]
PROPOSE that RDFa Primer in its last WD state, with some minor editorial edits at editors' discretion, be transitioned to Note.
15:29:05 [edsu]
PROPOSED: that the RDFa Primer, with some minor editorial changes at editors discretion be published as Working Group Note
15:29:23 [Ralph]
15:29:26 [edsu]
RESOLVED: that the RDFa Primer, with some minor editorial changes at editors discretion be published as Working Group Note
15:29:29 [edsu]
15:29:43 [edsu]
TomB: so where are use cases?
15:30:07 [edsu]
benadida: i wouldn't ask for this sort of discretion on the use cases ... no decision at this time
15:30:26 [edsu]
TomB: great progress here
15:30:32 [edsu]
Topic: Recipes
15:30:38 [edsu]
ACTION: Ralph/Diego to work on Wordnet implementation [of Recipes implementations] [recorded in]
15:30:42 [edsu]
15:31:11 [Ralph]
-> "Re: [Recipes] Open issues in Recipes" [Diego 2008-10-04]
15:31:32 [edsu]
TomB: there are some open and raised issues that Diego wrote about:
15:31:50 [edsu]
berrueta: except for 3 or 4 of the issues we can close without too much discussion
15:33:15 [edsu]
berrueta: i think we can close issue-16 through issue-30
15:33:29 [edsu]
TomB: can we give someone an action to record this in tracker?
15:33:30 [berrueta]
15:34:05 [edsu]
PROPOSED: resolved issue-16 through issue-23 and issue-58 are closed as per
15:34:57 [edsu]
Ralph: are you certain Carl's comments in ISSUE-18 have been resolved?
15:35:01 [edsu]
berrueta: yes
15:35:15 [edsu]
RESOLVED: resolved issue-16 through issue-23 and issue-58 are closed as per
15:35:59 [edsu]
ACTION: diego to close recipe issues issue-16 through issue-23 and issue-58 citing email
15:36:10 [edsu]
Topic: RDFa Metadata Note
15:36:33 [berrueta]
15:36:41 [edsu]
ACTION: Diego to update "Minimum RDFa metadata set for WG deliverables" draft in the wiki [recorded in]
15:36:45 [edsu]
15:36:58 [edsu]
TomB: is it ready to be reviewed?
15:37:14 [edsu]
berrueta: i think before a formal review, we may want to discuss some of the points in a telecon
15:37:26 [edsu]
TomB: lets add it to an upcoming telecon, and move on for today
15:37:30 [edsu]
berrueta: ok
15:37:36 [edsu]
Topic: SKOS
15:38:13 [edsu]
seanb: didn't we send email asking for feedback a while ago?
15:38:20 [edsu]
... didn't alistair do that?
15:38:43 [edsu]
ACTION: SKOS Reference editors to send mail asking for feedback from users [recorded in]
15:38:46 [edsu]
15:39:06 [edsu]
ACTION: Alistair enter Last Call issues from Erik Hennum's 28 June mail [recorded in]
15:39:09 [edsu]
15:39:36 [edsu]
15:39:47 [edsu]
ACTION: Ed to ask dbpedia to send a message in support of SKOS [recorded in]
15:39:50 [edsu]
15:40:15 [edsu]
TomB: that leaves us with the long list of issues, many of which we can just go down the list
15:40:47 [edsu]
seanb: i think a lot of these issues alistair and i can deal with, there are a couple that would merit some discussion to get people's input first
15:41:09 [edsu]
TomB: i thought we could quickly go through the easy ones
15:41:20 [edsu]
aliman: maybe we could focus on the trickier ones
15:41:26 [Ralph]
[note that the latest version of the RDFa-in-TR editor's draft is ]
15:41:26 [edsu]
TomB: sure, where would you like to start
15:41:49 [edsu]
seanb: issue-175 and issue-153 to do w/ the skos namespace
15:42:00 [aliman]
15:42:10 [aliman]
15:42:13 [GuusS]
GuusS has joined #swd
15:42:18 [GuusS]
15:42:28 [JeremyCarroll]
Zakim, unmute me
15:42:28 [Zakim]
JeremyCarroll should no longer be muted
15:42:33 [edsu]
seanb: tbl indicated he was not in favor of changing the namespace, and jeremy also indicated that he would've been opposed to changing the namespace
15:43:15 [TomB]
ack GuusS
15:43:28 [edsu]
JeremyCarroll: implementors using the namespace before REC do so at their own risk, so generally i would be against changing namespaces, whatever we do will leave someone unhappy, tbl's comment has more weight than mine, and if he wants to stick with the old one, lets stay with the old one
15:43:43 [edsu]
seanb: also a comment from simon about maintaining the old namespace
15:44:00 [edsu]
... there is the caveat that we are changing the semantics
15:44:37 [edsu]
GuusS: given the history of skos i don't agree w/ jeremy's point ... until a few years ago it wasn't clear this was going to be a REC track effort
15:44:55 [Ralph]
[I agree with Guus' point about the history of SKOS and the 2005 namespace]
15:45:01 [edsu]
... i have changed my opinion, after reading tim and simon's comments ... from pragmatic reasons it's more important to keep the namespace
15:45:19 [aliman]
I'm trying to find simon's mail...
15:45:20 [edsu] -> simon's comments
15:45:40 [edsu]
seanb: i would be in favor of keeping the same namespace
15:45:46 [edsu]
aliman: i'm leaning in the same direction
15:45:54 [Ralph]
"If you change the semantics at
15:45:54 [Ralph]
any point, my tools still work and always give the right answer
15:45:54 [Ralph]
according the published spec, it's up to the user to be aware of what
15:45:54 [Ralph]
the SKOS semantics entail. So for this reason I would be in favor of
15:45:54 [Ralph]
keeping the old namespaces and just changing the semantics.
15:45:55 [Ralph]
15:45:59 [Ralph]
15:46:04 [edsu]
TomB: do i correctly understand that retain skos:broader and change the semantics
15:46:30 [edsu]
q+ to ask about deprecated features
15:46:35 [JeremyCarroll]
15:46:42 [edsu]
15:46:48 [Ralph]
scribenick: ralph
15:46:59 [Ralph]
Ed: is there any concern about existing uses of skos:subject, etc?
15:47:11 [Ralph]
... that these will no longer resolve to anything?
15:47:25 [Ralph]
Guus: it's not a real problem; people could still use it
15:47:40 [Ralph]
... in OWL the decision was that people could use old terms and the tool should give a warning
15:47:46 [Ralph]
Sean: so no explicit deprecation?
15:47:54 [Ralph]
Guus: I prefer not to explicitly deprecate the old terms
15:48:12 [Ralph]
Sean: that's my position as well; don't deprecate
15:48:30 [Ralph]
Guus: could have a namespace change history in the documentation
15:48:45 [edsu]
scribenick: edsu
15:49:07 [edsu]
GuusS: for historic reasons it would be nice to note when things changed
15:50:07 [edsu]
TomB: did we ever take a decision to stop resolving the old documentation ...
15:50:56 [edsu]
Ralph: would you object to using the rdfs:description property to say in effect, this has been deprecated ... keep it in the namespace document, was in 2005 but not in standard SKOS?
15:52:01 [edsu]
TomB: we're talking about adding a short section to the Reference ... adding a new section and coming up with a policy for dealing w/ the deprecated terms feels like a fairly substantial change
15:52:25 [edsu]
GuusS: i think an appendix wouldn't be a major change
15:52:48 [edsu]
Ralph: i could see some concerns about removing things from a namespace document, but I don't know, we could argue that's part of the same question
15:53:13 [edsu]
TomB: could one of the editors write up this appendix?
15:53:20 [edsu]
seanb: i can do that
15:53:21 [JeremyCarroll]
Jeremy: reviewers have been asked specifically about ns change, if no one spoke up supporting it, thati indicates a lack of concern about old properties
15:53:31 [edsu]
Ralph: have we resolved to keep the old namespace?
15:53:54 [seanb]
+1 for Jeremy's point
15:54:29 [edsu]
GuusS: perhaps the editors could propose the resolution?
15:54:48 [edsu]
seanb: as a mechanism for this, could we propose this as a draft response to the issue?
15:55:25 [edsu]
GuusS: take the issues you think are significant, and address them together, and propose a solution
15:55:40 [Ralph]
-> 6-May F2F discussion of the namespace
15:56:22 [edsu]
ACTION: sean to propose resolutions to outstanding issues, bundling editorial issues where necessary
15:56:33 [edsu]
TomB: are there any other issues we can pick off?
15:56:47 [edsu]
seanb: there was ISSUE-135 which relates to labeling properties
15:57:11 [edsu]
15:57:29 [JeremyCarroll]
(yes please)
15:57:30 [edsu]
seanb: implementors are keen to have this relationship with rdfs:label
15:58:01 [edsu]
... a while ago i looked through the mailing list and couldn't find a whole lot, found one frmo tbl about tabulator, but was wondering if we could get something clearer from implementors
15:58:06 [JeremyCarroll]
I'll ask Holger
15:58:13 [edsu]
GuusS: you could a message from me or one of my people
15:58:24 [JeremyCarroll]
and me
15:58:43 [edsu]
ACTION: Guus to give concrete implementation examples of the use of rdfs:label w/ SKOS
15:58:57 [edsu]
s/Guus/Guus and Jeremy/
15:59:06 [JeremyCarroll]
15:59:15 [edsu]
GuusS: there are good reasons for keeping it
15:59:46 [edsu]
aliman: this is also higlighted in his analysis ... don't know if this is a problem that will go away with owl2
15:59:57 [edsu]
TomB: we've reached the top of the hour
16:00:13 [edsu]
GuusS: sean, alistair i'll be around for another 10 minutes to discuss other issues
16:00:25 [Ralph]
zakim, list attendees
16:00:25 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been TomB, edsu, berrueta, Ralph, Margherita, Ben_Adida, aliman, Guus_Schreiber, seanb, JeremyCarroll
16:00:34 [Zakim]
16:00:39 [Zakim]
16:00:40 [Zakim]
16:00:46 [Zakim]
16:00:46 [marghe]
marghe has left #swd
16:01:12 [Ralph]
16:01:22 [Zakim]
16:02:09 [aliman]
16:02:19 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'please draft minute', Ralph. Try /msg RRSAgent help
16:02:20 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Ralph
16:04:28 [edsu]
16:10:31 [TomB]
16:16:10 [TomB]
16:16:40 [TomB]
"RDF provides a predefined rdf:value property to describe the main value (if there is one) of a structured value."
16:16:58 [edsu]
aliman, seanb i forgot to mention that michael panzer at OCLC had some comments that i think may have slipped through your sieve?
16:19:54 [TomB]
q+ to point out the discussion of rdf:value convention in the 2004 Recommendation RDF Primer
16:20:09 [TomB]
16:23:11 [Zakim]
16:23:13 [Zakim]
16:23:13 [Zakim]
16:23:19 [edsu]
edsu has left #swd
16:23:42 [Zakim]
16:23:44 [Zakim]
SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended
16:23:45 [Zakim]
Attendees were TomB, edsu, berrueta, Ralph, Margherita, Ben_Adida, aliman, Guus_Schreiber, seanb, JeremyCarroll
16:24:20 [seanb]
seanb has left #swd
17:34:54 [JeremyCarroll]
JeremyCarroll has joined #swd
18:22:11 [Ralph]
rssagent, bye
18:22:24 [Ralph]
rrsagent, bye
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
I see 10 open action items saved in :
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: All to remind respective AC Reps to respond to RDFa Proposed Rec Call for Review [recorded in] [1]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ben review RDFa Use Cases and propose transition to Group Note [recorded in] [2]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ralph/Diego to work on Wordnet implementation [of Recipes implementations] [recorded in] [3]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: diego to close recipe issues issue-16 through issue-23 and issue-58 citing email [4]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Diego to update "Minimum RDFa metadata set for WG deliverables" draft in the wiki [recorded in] [5]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: SKOS Reference editors to send mail asking for feedback from users [recorded in] [6]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Alistair enter Last Call issues from Erik Hennum's 28 June mail [recorded in] [7]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Ed to ask dbpedia to send a message in support of SKOS [recorded in] [8]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: sean to propose resolutions to outstanding issues, bundling editorial issues where necessary [9]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Guus to give concrete implementation examples of the use of rdfs:label w/ SKOS [10]
18:22:24 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
18:22:34 [Ralph]
zakim, bye
18:22:34 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #swd