IRC log of rif-prd on 2008-10-07
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 16:58:13 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #rif-prd
- 16:58:13 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 16:58:33 [csma]
- Meeting: RIF-PRD telecon Oct 7
- 16:58:39 [csma]
- Chair: Christian de Sainte Marie
- 16:58:53 [Zakim]
- SW_RIF(PRD)1:00PM has now started
- 16:58:55 [Zakim]
- +??P2
- 16:59:00 [csma]
- Agenda:
- 16:59:43 [csma]
- csma has changed the topic to: 7 Oct RIF-PRD telecon; agenda:
- 17:00:31 [Zakim]
- +??P3
- 17:00:32 [Zakim]
- -??P3
- 17:00:32 [Zakim]
- +??P3
- 17:00:52 [ChanghaiKe]
- ChanghaiKe has joined #rif-prd
- 17:01:02 [csma]
- zakim, ??p3 is me
- 17:01:02 [Zakim]
- +csma; got it
- 17:01:12 [Zakim]
- +Paul_Vincent
- 17:01:18 [csma]
- zakim, ??p2 is ChanghaiKe
- 17:01:18 [Zakim]
- +ChanghaiKe; got it
- 17:01:58 [Hassan]
- Hassan has joined #rif-prd
- 17:02:01 [PaulVincent]
- PaulVincent has joined #rif-prd
- 17:02:31 [csma]
- agenda+ Organisation (telecon day/time, etc)
- 17:02:48 [PaulVincent]
- scibenick PaulVincent
- 17:02:48 [csma]
- agenda+ Actions in PRD
- 17:02:59 [Zakim]
- +StuartTaylor
- 17:03:08 [PaulVincent]
- scribenick: PaulVincent
- 17:03:14 [csma]
- agenda+ Principles, scope and priorities
- 17:03:24 [Zakim]
- +Gary
- 17:03:30 [csma]
- agenda+ AOB
- 17:03:39 [Gary]
- Gary has joined #rif-prd
- 17:04:22 [csma]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 17:04:22 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see ChanghaiKe, csma, Paul_Vincent, StuartTaylor, Gary
- 17:05:28 [PaulVincent]
- scribe: PaulVincent
- 17:06:25 [Hassan]
- mute me
- 17:06:52 [csma]
- ack st
- 17:07:03 [csma]
- zakim, stuarttaylor is hassan
- 17:07:03 [Zakim]
- +hassan; got it
- 17:07:34 [csma]
- next item
- 17:08:15 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: check if dayofweek and timeofday is OK: any complaints
- 17:08:31 [PaulVincent]
- CK: OK if we keep to 1hr
- 17:09:54 [csma]
- next item
- 17:10:00 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: keep DOWeek and TODay
- 17:11:11 [PaulVincent]
- CK: is this bind - need strawman
- 17:11:24 [ChanghaiKe]
- do is left as it is, we use bind instead to bind new variable to a new frame
- 17:11:35 [PaulVincent]
- Action: GH to propose bind
- 17:11:57 [Gary]
- did anybody get a chance to read
- 17:12:47 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: other actions include modify, execute, ...
- 17:13:02 [Hassan]
- q+
- 17:13:09 [Gary]
- q+
- 17:13:10 [csma]
- ack has
- 17:14:32 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: assign is finer grained than assert (cf Java)
- 17:14:49 [ChanghaiKe]
- q+
- 17:14:52 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: remove and add object in assert/retract is not atomic
- 17:15:05 [PaulVincent]
- GH: assert can also be at the slot level
- 17:15:10 [csma]
- (bind ?x object(attr->?x) do(assign ?x value))
- 17:15:32 [csma]
- do(assert(object(attr->Value)))
- 17:16:46 [Gary]
- clarification - assert is only at the slot level
- 17:17:12 [ChanghaiKe]
- what does this mean? do we assert a whole object?
- 17:17:15 [Gary]
- - or you can assert a predicate
- 17:17:28 [csma]
- Assert(?o[attr->value])
- 17:18:31 [Gary]
- all - please look at
- 17:18:58 [csma]
- Forall ?x (?x#FooBor) If condition then assert(?x[attr->value)
- 17:20:10 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: this is nonstandard notation
- 17:20:41 [csma]
- Assert(frame|atom)
- 17:20:51 [csma]
- New Var Class
- 17:22:27 [Hassan]
- q+
- 17:23:12 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: proposed to use new for new objects and assert for updates
- 17:23:31 [csma]
- ack gary
- 17:24:00 [PaulVincent]
- GH: see PRD spec draft
- 17:24:18 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: aside: looking at doing same for conditions
- 17:26:00 [csma]
- q?
- 17:26:01 [PaulVincent]
- GH: trying to combine operational and model theory
- 17:27:16 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: this has not been done before so id of concern
- 17:28:41 [Hassan]
- q-
- 17:28:43 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: overloading of assert is dangerous
- 17:30:07 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: PR engines assert objects not predicates
- 17:30:33 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: assert is for facts (as is retract) in PR engines...
- 17:31:40 [csma]
- ack changh
- 17:32:37 [PaulVincent]
- CK: difference between propositional logic vs object logic
- 17:33:46 [PaulVincent]
- CK: assert into WM is the whole object - but this could be a bunch of triples in a single transaction
- 17:34:09 [Hassan]
- yes CK - this is what I meant by granularity
- 17:36:10 [PaulVincent]
- GH: we don't have any semantics for object based behavior
- 17:36:35 [PaulVincent]
- GH: ... need to reuse frames etc from core
- 17:37:18 [Hassan]
- q+
- 17:37:27 [PaulVincent]
- Main issue if translating OUT OF PRD ie recombining frames etc into object operations
- 17:37:45 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: issue is one of serialization to map from objects to frames
- 17:37:59 [csma]
- ack hassan
- 17:38:40 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: issue is we need to be clear: choice is to assert triples that correspond to obj fields
- 17:40:08 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: Example: JRules asserts an object with field values: serialized into XML means all values?
- 17:40:30 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: ... yes this is a series of asserts
- 17:41:29 [ChanghaiKe]
- JRules asserts an object at once
- 17:41:36 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: Also need to avoid ambiguity
- 17:42:58 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: why no remove
- 17:43:10 [PaulVincent]
- GH: ... this is retract
- 17:43:19 [csma]
- q?
- 17:43:21 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: which was an issue for MK
- 17:45:34 [Hassan]
- can you post it?
- 17:45:36 [PaulVincent]
- GH: See example 2.1.1 in
- 17:46:16 [PaulVincent]
- Action: CK to create an assert and assign object from JRules
- 17:47:53 [Gary]
- s/2.1.1/2.11
- 17:47:57 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: needs to be atomic or not?
- 17:48:26 [PaulVincent]
- HAK: issue is of event in between the assert operations - atomic means its locked for the transaction...
- 17:48:38 [PaulVincent]
- +1 to HAK's concern
- 17:48:48 [ChanghaiKe]
- +1 to HAK concern
- 17:49:37 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: Is there a semantic issue here ie can an engine have an interrupt in an retract-assert vs modify
- 17:50:01 [ChanghaiKe]
- I can give an example
- 17:50:04 [PaulVincent]
- GH: does this apply for fine-grain assert/retract
- 17:50:50 [PaulVincent]
- CK: example: truth maintenance system
- 17:50:55 [ChanghaiKe]
- if temp > 120 then maintain alarm on network element
- 17:51:24 [PaulVincent]
- CK: if I remove temp then TMS would deduce larm not to be maintained
- 17:51:53 [PaulVincent]
- Of course this is the engine semantics, not the language ...
- 17:53:46 [PaulVincent]
- CSMA: remove value not object - is this still the same?
- 17:54:03 [PaulVincent]
- CK: ... but I can't remove the sensor (ie a.temp)
- 17:55:08 [PaulVincent]
- GH: retract ([predicate|frame|object])
- 17:55:39 [csma]
- ?x: Device if ?x[value > 120] then assert(?x[alarm->True])
- 17:56:38 [PaulVincent]
- Do we need to prefix/postfix assert/retract ops with a marker eg external(object operation)
- 17:56:44 [Hassan]
- +1 with CK
- 17:56:46 [csma]
- ?x: Device if ?x[value > 240] and ?x[alarm->True] then Modify(?x[alarm->critical]
- 17:57:16 [PaulVincent]
- Note to CSMA: we are 5mins to end of call...
- 17:59:09 [PaulVincent]
- CK: paper exists that explains differences ?
- 17:59:29 [PaulVincent]
- Action: CK to find appropriate paper reference or example
- 18:01:03 [ChanghaiKe]
- 18:02:01 [Zakim]
- -hassan
- 18:02:03 [Zakim]
- -Gary
- 18:02:16 [Zakim]
- -ChanghaiKe
- 18:02:35 [Zakim]
- -Paul_Vincent
- 18:02:36 [Zakim]
- -csma
- 18:02:37 [Zakim]
- SW_RIF(PRD)1:00PM has ended
- 18:02:39 [Zakim]
- Attendees were csma, Paul_Vincent, ChanghaiKe, Gary, hassan
- 18:02:54 [csma]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 18:03:01 [csma]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 18:03:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate csma
- 18:06:16 [csma]
- csma has left #rif-prd