15:00:05 RRSAgent has joined #hcls 15:00:05 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-hcls-irc 15:00:07 /invite RRSAgent #hcls 15:00:13 Zakim, this will be hcls 15:00:13 ok, ericP, I see SW_HCLS()11:00AM already started 15:00:33 + +1.781.662.aabb - is perhaps SusieStephens? 15:00:43 AGibson has joined #hcls 15:00:45 +Kingsley_Idehen 15:00:46 John_M has joined #hcls 15:00:56 matthias_samwald has joined #hcls 15:01:03 HelenC has joined #hcls 15:01:11 + +1.425.445.aacc 15:01:14 +Sofia_Celic 15:01:26 +??P15 15:01:26 Jun has joined #hcls 15:01:30 kidehen has joined #hcls 15:02:04 +Kei_Cheung 15:02:09 +Rinke 15:02:28 +Helen_Chen 15:02:38 + +0186528aadd 15:02:42 +??P33 15:02:53 kei has joined #HCLS 15:03:05 Hello, Colin here, about to ring up. 15:03:06 zakim, ??P15 is matthias_samwald 15:03:06 +matthias_samwald; got it 15:03:06 Zakim, please dial ericP-office 15:03:07 ok, ericP; the call is being made 15:03:07 +EricP 15:03:22 Zakim, please disconnect ericP 15:03:22 EricP is being disconnected 15:03:24 -EricP 15:03:30 + +1.847.832.aaee 15:03:33 I need to step out for a brief moment and will be back in one minute 15:03:34 + +03120689aaff 15:03:39 + +1.919.681.aagg 15:03:51 +??P40 15:04:21 zakim, who is talking? 15:04:21 + +0122342aahh 15:04:26 +EricP 15:04:31 matthias_samwald, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +1.604.628.aaaa (92%), SusieStephens? (57%), Kingsley_Idehen (15%), +0186528aadd (17%), ??P33 (63%), 15:04:34 ... ??P40 (18%) 15:05:04 zakim, +1.919.681.aagg is John_M 15:05:04 +John_M; got it 15:05:37 zakim, mute | 61# | Mute my phone 15:05:37 I don't understand 'mute | 61# | Mute my phone', mscottm 15:05:46 Zakim, temporarily mute ??P33 15:05:46 ??P33 should now be muted 15:05:58 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:05:58 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose +03120689aaff 15:06:02 ??P33 should now be unmuted again 15:06:20 zakim, unmute | 60# | Unmute my phone 15:06:20 I don't understand 'unmute | 60# | Unmute my phone', mscottm 15:06:33 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:06:33 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose SusieStephens? 15:06:42 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:06:42 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose ??P40 15:07:06 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:07:06 On the phone I see +1.604.628.aaaa, SusieStephens?, Kingsley_Idehen, +1.425.445.aacc, Sofia_Celic, matthias_samwald, Kei_Cheung, Rinke, Helen_Chen, +0186528aadd, ??P33, 15:07:10 ... +1.847.832.aaee, +03120689aaff, John_M, ??P40, +0122342aahh (muted), EricP 15:08:13 Zakim, +1.604.628.aaaa is MarkW 15:08:13 +MarkW; got it 15:08:26 oops 15:08:33 seems like i misidentified 15:08:59 Zakim, matthias_samwald is really Ted 15:08:59 +Ted; got it 15:09:34 Zakim, Zakim ??P40 is Yimen 15:09:34 I don't understand 'Zakim ??P40 is Yimen', ericP 15:09:39 Zakim, ??P40 is Yimen 15:09:40 +Yimen; got it 15:09:55 queue= 15:10:20 Zakim, who is here? 15:10:20 On the phone I see MarkW, SusieStephens?, Kingsley_Idehen, +1.425.445.aacc, Sofia_Celic, Ted, Kei_Cheung, Rinke, Helen_Chen, +0186528aadd, ??P33, +1.847.832.aaee, +03120689aaff, 15:10:23 ... John_M, Yimen, +0122342aahh (muted), EricP 15:10:24 On IRC I see kei, kidehen, Jun, HelenC, matthias_samwald, John_M, AGibson, RRSAgent, Zakim, Susie, mscottm, cbatchel, ericP 15:10:40 Zakim, Sofia_Celic is really mscottm 15:10:42 +mscottm; got it 15:11:00 Zakim, +1.847.832.aaee is Mary 15:11:05 michel has joined #HCLS 15:11:06 +Mary; got it 15:11:14 Zakim, +1.425.445.aacc is Mary 15:11:22 Zakim, who is here? 15:11:25 +Mary; got it 15:11:32 On the phone I see MarkW, SusieStephens?, Kingsley_Idehen, Mary.a, mscottm, Ted, Kei_Cheung, Rinke, Helen_Chen, +0186528aadd, ??P33, Mary, +03120689aaff, John_M, Yimen, 15:11:34 ktolle has joined #hcls 15:11:38 ... +0122342aahh (muted), EricP 15:11:46 On IRC I see michel, kei, kidehen, Jun, HelenC, matthias_samwald, John_M, AGibson, RRSAgent, Zakim, Susie, mscottm, cbatchel, ericP 15:12:29 Zakim, pick a scribe 15:12:35 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose MarkW 15:12:58 Zakim, ??P33 AndrewGibson 15:12:58 I don't understand '??P33 AndrewGibson', ericP 15:13:13 Zakim, ??P33 is AndrewGibson 15:13:13 +AndrewGibson; got it 15:13:21 Meeting: HCLS 15:13:24 Scribe: ericP 15:13:38 zakim, q- 15:13:38 I see +0122342aahh, ??P33 on the speaker queue 15:14:08 agenda+ intros 15:14:08 agenda+ f2f agenda 15:14:08 agenda+ iswc tutorial 15:14:08 agenda+ NCBO workshop 15:14:09 agenda+ outreach [scottm] 15:14:20 Zakim, take up first agendum 15:14:20 I don't understand 'take up first agendum', ericP 15:14:32 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:14:32 agendum 1. "intros" taken up [from ericP] 15:14:45 +??P10 15:14:46 MarkW: services on the semantic web 15:14:56 zakim, ??P10 is michel 15:14:57 +michel; got it 15:14:58 MaryK: diagnostic intelligence 15:15:06 ... managing entity for SNOMED CT 15:15:31 HelenC: researcher for Agfa 15:15:52 ... interested in knowledge management/decision support 15:16:00 June: oxford 15:16:10 ... modeling scientific discourse 15:16:24 ted basher: consulting firm 15:16:40 ... interested and bioinformatics and Sw 15:16:52 yimin: just joined Lilly 15:17:04 ... worked with allen recter 15:17:34 queue= 15:17:40 Zakim, unmute AndrewGibson 15:17:40 AndrewGibson should no longer be muted 15:18:15 Andrew: Univ AMS 15:18:49 ... working with a KB targeting proxyzone 15:18:57 ..peroxisome 15:19:02 ... interested in semweb tech, particularly OWL 15:19:16 s/proxyzone/peroxisome/ 15:19:36 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:19:36 agendum 2. "f2f agenda" taken up [from ericP] 15:19:52 COI: working on end-to-end demo 15:20:17 BioRDF [Kei]: 2 presentations: 15:20:43 ... .. Olivier [NLM] - UMLS-to-OWL conversion 15:20:48 zakim, mute cbatchel 15:20:48 sorry, cbatchel, I do not know which phone connection belongs to cbatchel 15:21:09 ... .. talk on BioPortal 15:21:19 ... talks were complementary 15:21:39 ... for next call, invited two groups to talk about domain-specific ontologies 15:22:35 Susie: and DERI has agreed to host the HCLS KB 15:22:57 Zakim, +0122342aahh is cbatchel 15:22:57 +cbatchel; got it 15:23:04 ericP, thanks 15:23:18 LODD [Susie] 15:23:31 cbatchel, sorry we missed you in the introductions! 15:23:41 Susie: applying LOD principles to drug data 15:23:49 ... some folks doing literature searches 15:23:55 Maybe we can introduce Colin at the next 'break' in the agenda 15:24:32 ... folks charactarizing the datasets technically, legally, logistically, and for currency 15:24:51 ... identifying use cases for what we can do when drug data is linked together 15:25:11 ... expect to anchor identifiers in dbpedia 15:25:37 topic SWAN/Sioc 15:25:59 Susie: integrating SWAN and SIOC ontologies. had call on Monday 15:26:24 matthias_samwald: agreed to examine schemas and ontologies for the representation of citations 15:26:46 ... this week, investigating whether we can use the bibliographic ontology 15:26:54 Susie: next call tomorrow 15:27:01 topic Terminology 15:27:29 John_M: transitioning Sesamy repository to a new server at Duke 15:27:55 ... should include a better interpretation of SNOMED CT, using SKOS 15:28:15 ... IHSTO (owns SNOMED) having meeting next week in Denmark 15:28:47 -Yimen 15:28:52 ... hope to get clarification of what data can be distributed to countries with no SNOMED license 15:29:25 ... Mary working on XForms platform on pathologies DB 15:29:47 ... expect to use GRDDL to go from XForms reps to RDF 15:30:04 mscottm: tell us more about this XForms platform 15:30:29 John_M: built on Orbion (Van Der List et all) 15:30:48 ... they have an open source model (do consulting for food money) 15:30:55 ... it's server-side xforms 15:31:10 ... services the forms with some AJAX 15:31:22 ... don't need an XForms-capable browser to use the forms 15:31:54 ... also have an alpha xforms desinger 15:32:05 ericP: endpoing to play with? 15:32:31 John_M: have an alpha one with dummy data and schemas 15:32:44 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/F2F/2008-10_F2F 15:32:46 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:32:46 agendum 3. "iswc tutorial" taken up [from ericP] 15:32:58 Zakim, take up agendum 2 15:32:58 agendum 2. "f2f agenda" taken up [from ericP] 15:33:08 Susie: agenda getting more concrete 15:33:22 -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/F2F/2008-10_F2F HCLS f2f 15:33:34 topic: introductions 15:34:04 colin bacholder: interested in representing chemical compounds and [] on the SW 15:34:16 topic f2f agenda 15:34:19 topic: f2f agenda 15:34:43 Susie: expecting a talk from Charlie Mead about what HL7 is/will be 15:35:02 ... will get updates on OWL2, RIF 15:35:29 specimen xforms: http://tarski.duhs.org:8080/orbeon/fr/orbeon/builder/test/FA0B9FECFD76D0E8DF6A809D7C9E18D8/ 15:35:35 ... a section on outreach (karen meyers will present on available resources/techniques) 15:35:53 ... EricN will give us an update on what he hears 15:35:59 ... updates on the task forces 15:36:15 ... discuss linkage points between the tasks 15:36:26 ... please register ASAP 15:36:57 ericP, s/[]/journal articles/ (but maybe this ties in with SIOC) 15:37:04 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2008/ TPAC registration 15:38:42 -> http://www.w3.org/Help/Account/?check=1 register for a public account 15:39:00 -> http://www.w3.org/2004/01/pp-impl/38539/join join HCLS 15:39:26 -> http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2008/ register for the TPAC 15:39:53 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:39:53 agendum 3. "iswc tutorial" taken up [from ericP] 15:39:55 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ISWC2008/Tutorial 15:39:57 Susie: set speakers for the ISWC tutorial 15:40:15 ... slides et all available on the ISWC wiki page 15:40:26 -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ISWC2008/Tutorial HCLS ISWC wiki page 15:40:27 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-10-02_Conference_Call 15:40:33 Zakim, take up next agendum 15:40:33 agendum 3 was just opened, ericP 15:40:38 Zakim, take up agendum 4 15:40:38 agendum 4. "NCBO workshop" taken up [from ericP] 15:40:58 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-10-02_Conference_Call?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NCBO_clinical_phenotype_ont.pdf 15:41:27 kei: workshop happened last month 15:41:49 ... HCLS well represented: Chimezie and Tim Clark 15:42:51 ... more details about the talk on the workshop overview slides 15:43:05 -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Meetings/2008-10-02_Conference_Call?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NCBO_clinical_phenotype_ont.pdf workshop overview slides 15:43:18 HelenC has joined #hcls 15:43:22 kei: i am involved with BrainPharm 15:43:57 ... captures links between neuronal level and the disease level 15:44:14 ... integrating data not just from databases, but from different levels 15:44:44 ... that's why BrainPharm related to the theme of this WG 15:47:38 is whining about a symptom considered a sign? 15:47:56 LOL 15:50:08 Zakim, who is here? 15:50:08 On the phone I see MarkW, SusieStephens?, Kingsley_Idehen, Mary.a, mscottm, Ted, Kei_Cheung, Rinke, Helen_Chen, +0186528aadd, AndrewGibson, Mary, +03120689aaff, John_M, cbatchel 15:50:11 ... (muted), EricP, michel 15:50:12 On IRC I see HelenC, ktolle, michel, kei, kidehen, Jun, matthias_samwald, John_M, AGibson, RRSAgent, Zakim, Susie, mscottm, cbatchel, ericP 15:50:32 q+ to ask about state of clinical standardization 15:50:33 Zakim, +03120689aaff is MarcoRoos 15:50:34 +MarcoRoos; got it 15:50:46 Zakim, mute MarcoRoos 15:50:46 MarcoRoos should now be muted 15:55:50 -michel 15:59:56 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 15:59:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-hcls-minutes.html ericP 16:00:03 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 16:00:41 Zakim, take up next agendum 16:00:41 I see a speaker queue remaining and respectfully decline to close this agendum, ericP 16:00:46 q? 16:00:49 q- 16:00:51 http://www2009.org/ in Madrid, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid co-hosting 16:00:53 Zakim, take up next agendum 16:00:53 agendum 3. "iswc tutorial" taken up [from ericP] 16:00:59 Deadline for workshop proposals: Oct. 10 16:01:16 http://www.swat4ls.org/ 16:01:36 Susie: Scott will be presenting at swat for lifesci (next meeting) 16:01:40 Call for SWAT4LS papers extended until Oct. 13 16:01:48 Andrea Splendiani, Albert Burger, Paolo Romano, Adrian Paschke, and Michael Schroeder have organized the "Semantic Web Applications and Tools for Life Sciences" (SWAT4LS) workshop. 16:01:53 This workshop intends to be a follow up of the successful NETTAB 2007 workshop (see http://www.nettab.org/2007/ 16:02:02 It will be held at the UK National e-Science Center (NeSC) in Edinburgh on next 28 November 2008 (one day only). 16:02:05 ... asked for presenters at CHI february 26-27 16:02:11 http://www.tri-conference.com/ 16:02:23 -> http://www.tri-conference.com/ tri conference home page 16:03:03 s/next meeting/to be covered in the next meeting/ 16:03:09 -Mary 16:03:18 -John_M 16:03:31 bye! 16:03:38 - +0186528aadd 16:03:39 -Rinke 16:03:47 gotta go, thanks 16:03:55 matthias_samwald has left #hcls 16:03:58 -SusieStephens? 16:04:04 OK, off now, many thanks 16:04:07 -cbatchel 16:04:07 cbatchel has left #HCLS 16:04:41 HelenC, can you stay around for a few to work on COI stuff with me? 16:06:07 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:06:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/10/02-hcls-minutes.html ericP 16:07:43 -MarkW 16:07:55 -Mary.a 16:10:17 Zakim, unmute MarcoRoos 16:10:17 MarcoRoos should no longer be muted 16:13:49 q+ 16:14:05 Zakim, ack MarcoRoos 16:14:05 I see AGibson on the speaker queue 16:14:30 q+ 16:16:00 Zakim, ack AGibson 16:16:00 I see kidehen on the speaker queue 16:19:55 -EricP 16:20:16 519-746-2900 X 3185 16:20:46 -Kingsley_Idehen 16:20:48 -Ted 16:20:48 -Helen_Chen 16:21:02 kidehen has left #hcls 16:21:04 -Kei_Cheung 16:21:06 -mscottm 16:21:06 -MarcoRoos 16:21:13 eric, my extension is 3186 16:21:15 michel has left #HCLS 16:21:16 -AndrewGibson 16:21:18 SW_HCLS()11:00AM has ended 16:21:19 Attendees were +1.781.662.aabb, Kingsley_Idehen, Kei_Cheung, Rinke, Helen_Chen, +0186528aadd, EricP, John_M, MarkW, Ted, Yimen, mscottm, Mary, AndrewGibson, michel, cbatchel, 16:21:22 ... MarcoRoos 16:21:55 HelenC, oops, just called dave wilson 16:29:12 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLS/ClinicalObservationsInteroperability 17:13:19 ./tests/execute_HealthCare1 t.rq -s http://hospital.example/DB/ -q | mysql -u root DiabeticPatientsDataSet --table 17:19:18 http://www.w3.org/2008/04/SPARQLfed/ 17:20:58 make tests/execute_HealthCare1 17:22:07 set PWD=.