13:00:52 RRSAgent has joined #egov 13:00:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/10/01-egov-irc 13:00:55 zakim, who is on 13:00:55 I don't understand 'who is on', jeffs 13:01:06 zakim, who is here 13:01:06 Rinke, you need to end that query with '?' 13:01:12 zakim, who is here? 13:01:12 sorry, Rinke, I don't know what conference this is 13:01:13 On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, Owen, jeffs, darobin, trackbot 13:01:18 zakim, this will be egov 13:01:18 ok, Rinke, I see T&S_EGOV()9:00AM already started 13:01:20 + +1.202.256.aacc 13:02:08 +??P9 13:02:15 - +1.301.455.aaaa 13:02:18 chris has joined #egov 13:02:20 - +1.202.256.aacc 13:02:29 + +7.233.aadd 13:02:30 zakim, aacc is me 13:02:30 sorry, Rinke, I do not recognize a party named 'aacc' 13:02:39 + +1.202.256.aaee 13:02:40 zakim, who is here? 13:02:41 On the phone I see kevin, ??P2, +1.509.464.aabb, ??P9, +7.233.aadd, +1.202.256.aaee 13:02:42 On IRC I see chris, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, Owen, jeffs, darobin, trackbot 13:02:44 + +1.301.455.aaff 13:02:58 + +1.202.488.aagg 13:03:43 zakim, who is here? 13:03:43 On the phone I see kevin, ??P2, +1.509.464.aabb, ??P9, +7.233.aadd (muted), +1.202.256.aaee, +1.301.455.aaff, +1.202.488.aagg 13:03:45 On IRC I see chris, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, Owen, jeffs, darobin, trackbot 13:04:11 - +1.202.256.aaee 13:04:26 zakim, aadd is me 13:04:26 +Rinke; got it 13:04:31 zakim, unmute me 13:04:31 Rinke should no longer be muted 13:04:49 zakim, ??P9 is me 13:04:49 +jeffs; got it 13:04:54 zakim, who is here? 13:04:54 On the phone I see kevin, ??P2, +1.509.464.aabb, jeffs, Rinke, +1.301.455.aaff, +1.202.488.aagg 13:04:57 On IRC I see chris, RRSAgent, Zakim, Rinke, Owen, jeffs, darobin, trackbot 13:05:01 kjetil has joined #egov 13:05:55 I've double-booked today, but I'll run a bit back and forth between the meetings 13:05:58 zakim, mute me 13:05:58 Rinke should now be muted 13:06:00 + +1.202.256.aahh 13:06:38 The network has proven to be a bit flaky here (Sicily), so I might drop out at some point 13:07:52 rrsagent, make records public 13:07:55 - +1.202.256.aahh 13:08:15 + +1.202.256.aaii 13:08:59 - +1.202.256.aaii 13:11:30 + +1.202.256.aajj 13:12:02 ocr has joined #egov 13:16:01 + +34.98.439.aakk 13:18:52 Rachel has joined #egov 13:21:13 q+ 13:21:57 zakim, unmute me 13:21:57 Rinke should no longer be muted 13:22:18 john has joined #egov 13:23:39 zakim, mute me 13:23:39 Rinke should now be muted 13:24:49 q- 13:28:45 NOTE: facilitator is on voice call but is not able to connect to IRC, assigned scribe(s) are absent, notes from this meeting will be posted by facilitator (via email?) outside of IRC channel 13:29:33 - +34.98.439.aakk 13:30:13 + +34.98.439.aall 13:40:13 I have to go, students hammering at door prior to class, please give my regrets to facilitator for me (as does not seem to be on irc) 13:40:27 -jeffs 13:40:28 -??P2 13:41:03 - +1.202.256.aajj 13:41:32 I need to go as well... bye 13:41:40 -Rinke 13:41:54 I proposed focusing on the specification of a standard way of citing legal authorities so that not only can they be referenced but also hyperlinked. 13:56:38 +josema 13:56:44 -kevin 13:56:47 - +1.202.488.aagg 13:56:49 - +1.509.464.aabb 13:56:50 - +34.98.439.aall 13:56:50 - +1.301.455.aaff 13:57:44 -josema 13:57:45 T&S_EGOV()9:00AM has ended 13:57:47 Attendees were kevin, +1.301.455.aaaa, +1.509.464.aabb, +1.202.256.aacc, +7.233.aadd, +1.202.256.aaee, +1.301.455.aaff, +1.202.488.aagg, Rinke, jeffs, +1.202.256.aahh, 13:57:49 ... +1.202.256.aaii, +1.202.256.aajj, +34.98.439.aakk, +34.98.439.aall, josema 13:57:57 Kevin asked that his apology be conveyed for the lack of a scribe today. I understand he plans to compile his notes. 13:58:08 T&S_EGOV()9:00AM has now started 13:58:14 + +0179372aaaa 14:03:19 - +0179372aaaa 14:03:21 T&S_EGOV()9:00AM has ended 14:03:21 Attendees were +0179372aaaa 15:48:30 Zakim has left #egov