IRC log of fld on 2008-09-27

Timestamps are in UTC.

15:43:22 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #fld
15:43:22 [RRSAgent]
logging to
15:53:33 [ChrisW]
FLD open items
15:55:07 [ChrisW]
add aggregates
15:59:41 [Blaz]
Blaz has joined #fld
15:59:44 [josb]
josb has joined #fld
15:59:49 [DaveReynolds]
DaveReynolds has joined #fld
16:00:07 [mdean]
mdean has joined #fld
16:00:40 [Harold]
Harold has joined #fld
16:00:56 [ChrisW]
1) modules
16:00:59 [ChrisW]
2) aggregates
16:01:54 [Harold]
3) external (contingent on what we need in BLD)
16:02:12 [AxelPolleres]
AxelPolleres has joined #fld
16:06:59 [AxelPolleres]
Why does PRD use NmNot for Naf?
16:07:21 [AxelPolleres]
I think it should be fine if they use Naf.
16:08:36 [AxelPolleres]
If we talk about Naf in the body, what about Naf in the haed, Disjunction in the head?
16:09:25 [Harold]
"Equivalence of well-founded and stable semantics" (Francoise Gire):
16:09:27 [Harold]
16:14:30 [Harold]
Patricia Hill, John Lloyd: Gödel Programming Language (
16:15:50 [ChrisW]
Posible dialect (for testing FLD, as well as being potentially useful):
16:16:14 [ChrisW]
locally stratified neg + removing "unique context" requirement on contstants
16:29:39 [DaveReynolds_]
DaveReynolds_ has joined #fld
16:38:14 [ChrisW]
Proposal: have three dialects: BLD w/o negative guards, BLD w/o equality in the head, and BLD
17:00:15 [AxelPolleres]
Exists ?X ("^^rif:iri(?X) ) would be entailed, yes?
17:00:43 [AxelPolleres]
... in the example of sec 3.9.
17:04:55 [AxelPolleres]
So, the answer to the query Exists ?X ("^^rif:iri(?X) ) would be true, but there is no concrete instance for ?X which can be output as answer.
18:17:50 [DaveReynolds_]
DaveReynolds_ has joined #fld
18:26:35 [josb]
josb has joined #fld
18:33:24 [DaveReynolds_]
DaveReynolds_ has joined #fld
18:38:38 [Blaz]
Blaz has joined #fld
18:41:25 [sandro]
sandro has joined #fld
18:41:26 [AxelPolleres]
AxelPolleres has joined #fld
18:41:36 [sandro]
RRSAgent, pointer?
18:41:36 [RRSAgent]
18:41:45 [trackbot]
trackbot has joined #fld
18:41:45 [trackbot]
Sorry... I don't know anything about this channel
18:41:45 [trackbot]
If you want to associate this channel with an existing Tracker, please say 'trackbot, associate this channel with #channel' (where #channel is the name of default channel for the group)
18:42:04 [sandro]
trackbot, associate this channel with #rif
18:42:04 [trackbot]
Associating this channel with #rif...
18:42:15 [sandro]
18:42:15 [trackbot]
ISSUE-79 does not exists
18:42:20 [sandro]
18:42:20 [trackbot]
ISSUE-78 -- Which to make external: ATOMIC, ATOM, or ATOM|FRAME -- OPEN
18:42:20 [trackbot]
18:43:02 [ChrisW]
action: michael to update entailment definition to be for documents and revert rif:local semantics
18:43:02 [trackbot]
Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - michael
18:43:02 [trackbot]
Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. mkifer, msintek, merdmann)
18:43:11 [AxelPolleres]
18:43:13 [ChrisW]
action: mkifer to update entailment definition to be for documents and revert rif:local semantics
18:43:14 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-602 - Update entailment definition to be for documents and revert rif:local semantics [on Michael Kifer - due 2008-10-04].
18:43:29 [AxelPolleres]
18:43:34 [sandro]
jos: entailment will be for both documents and conditions.
18:43:47 [AxelPolleres]
18:44:32 [AxelPolleres]
18:44:46 [AxelPolleres]
18:45:48 [ChrisW]
issue: negative guards in DTB - is this another dialect?
18:45:48 [trackbot]
Created ISSUE-79 - Negative guards in DTB - is this another dialect? ; please complete additional details at .
18:48:10 [MichaelKifer_]
MichaelKifer_ has joined #fld
18:52:33 [sandro]
topic: issue-67
18:53:17 [sandro]
chris: who wants only fn:compare?
18:53:28 [sandro]
18:53:32 [sandro]
er 2
18:53:53 [sandro]
chris: who wants the added stuff?
18:53:56 [sandro]
5 or so.
18:58:36 [sandro]
chris: we'll have to take this back to the main group.
18:58:50 [sandro]
topic: issue-61
18:59:01 [sandro]
All DTB issues:
19:01:57 [sandro]
chris: this should have beenn closed as part of resolution at some past meeting.
19:04:57 [sandro]
Topic: operators on rif:text
19:05:19 [sandro]
DaveReynolds: I'd like equal, but not other compare....?
19:06:03 [AxelPolleres]
which functions should we have for rdf:text?
19:09:17 [AxelPolleres]
equal inequality might be useful.
19:10:18 [sandro]
Dave: Just define equality as equality of the lexical form.
19:11:00 [sandro]
ACTION: axel to discuss in rdf:text task force the including of certain functions and preficates, and name of extractor (eg func:lang-from-text)
19:11:00 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-603 - Discuss in rdf:text task force the including of certain functions and preficates, and name of extractor (eg func:lang-from-text) [on Axel Polleres - due 2008-10-04].
19:13:29 [sandro]
Dave: Just use string-equality on the lexical represtnation of rdf:XMLLiteral. It's just sugar for compare of string version (assuming there is one).
19:13:49 [sandro]
Axel: These is no cast from rdf:XMLLiteral to string.
19:13:53 [sandro]
Jos: Let's add one
19:13:59 [sandro]
19:14:07 [sandro]
DaveReynolds: +1
19:14:58 [sandro]
Axel: cast string to XMLLiteral, as well?
19:15:02 [sandro]
Sandro: I'd think so.
19:15:47 [AxelPolleres]
XMLLiteral to and from string conversions (casts) plus equals/not-equals
19:16:48 [sandro]
ACTION: Axel add text for casting to string and equal/not-equal, an (for discussion) from-string (which requires implementing XML canonicalization.
19:16:48 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-604 - Add text for casting to string and equal/not-equal, an (for discussion) from-string (which requires implementing XML canonicalization. [on Axel Polleres - due 2008-10-04].
19:17:19 [sandro]
Dave: Fiddling with XML at the string level isn't very useful --- we'd like nice XML support some day.
19:20:19 [AxelPolleres]
13) Editor's Note: No less-than-or-equal or greater-than-or-equal predicates are defined in this draft for durations, since there are no separate op:dayTimeDuration-equal nor op:yearMonthDuration-equalpredicates in [XPath-Functions], but only a common predicate op:duration-equal. Future versions of this working draft may resolve this by introducing new equality predicates pred:dayTimeDuration-equal and pred:yearMonthDuration-equal with restricted inten
19:20:19 [AxelPolleres]
PROPOSED: introduce a single predicate duration-equal that only evaluates to true if the arguments are both of the same duration subtype and equal.
19:25:41 [sandro]
Chris: How did we end up with BLD forcing only one arity per function/predicate?
19:26:29 [sandro]
Jos: There are two different ways to handle the semantics of this, and each had problems, and we wanted to be able to extend to FOL.
19:26:36 [sandro]
Chris: right, okay.
19:29:33 [sandro]
Axel: we've defined strings to be rdf:text's with an empty language tag.
19:31:00 [sandro]
Chris: Don't do that! I don't want every xs:string to also be an rdf:text.
19:31:20 [DaveReynolds]
19:44:02 [sandro]
Chris: rdf:text needs two builtins, one to get the string, one to get the language tag. And later we figure out what to do with casting.
19:44:09 [sandro]
RRSAgent, make minutes
19:44:09 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate sandro
19:45:21 [DaveReynolds_]
DaveReynolds_ has joined #fld
19:50:46 [said]
said has joined #fld
20:21:33 [Blaz]
Blaz has joined #fld
20:42:25 [Blaz]
Blaz has joined #fld