14:53:20 RRSAgent has joined #BioRDF 14:53:20 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/09/08-BioRDF-irc 14:54:40 agenda+ roll call [Kei] 14:54:50 agenda+ introduction [Kei] 14:55:15 agenda+ UMLS discussion [Kei] 14:55:37 agenda+ HCLS hosting [Matthias, Adrian] 14:55:56 agenda+ ideas of future work [All] 14:56:17 Eric, am I on the right track so far? 14:56:30 yup, great 14:58:34 eric, i will be scribe. 14:59:04 How do I capture multiple lines for one speaker without re-typing the name for each line? 14:59:09 I think there was a trick. 15:00:33 matthiassamwald: I'd loved to scribe 15:00:42 ... but how do i capture multiple lines 15:00:50 ericP: like that ^^^ 15:00:55 Zakim, this is the biordf call 15:00:55 sorry, kei, I do not see a conference named 'the biordf call' in progress or scheduled at this time 15:01:03 understood. 15:01:04 Huajun has joined #BioRDF 15:01:25 Zakim, this is biordf 15:01:25 kei, SW_HCLS()11:00AM is already associated with an irc channel; use 'move biordf to here' if you mean to reassociate the channel 15:01:26 cgolbrei has joined #BioRDF 15:01:48 Zakim, move BioRDF to here 15:01:50 ok, ericP; that matches SW_HCLS()11:00AM 15:01:51 +??P4 15:02:03 +??P7 15:02:26 holger_stenzhorn has joined #biordf 15:02:31 zakim, who is here 15:02:31 kei, you need to end that query with '?' 15:02:41 zakim, where is here? 15:02:41 sorry, kei, I do not understand your question 15:02:48 Zakim, who is here? 15:02:48 On the phone I see Kei_Cheung, ??P16, ??P17, ??P4, ??P7 15:02:49 On IRC I see holger_stenzhorn, cgolbrei, Huajun, RRSAgent, Zakim, matthiassamwald, kei, ericP 15:02:52 zakim who is here? 15:03:13 -??P7 15:03:53 matthias, did you call in? 15:04:11 technical diff 15:04:20 +??P12 15:04:32 christine 15:04:49 is the passcode HCLS or BIORDF? 15:04:53 Donald_Doherty has joined #biordf 15:04:56 BIORDF 15:04:57 +EricP 15:05:04 the pass code is biordf 15:05:07 the passcode is BIORDF 15:05:15 Zakim, who is speaking? 15:05:26 ericP, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Kei_Cheung (33%), EricP (14%), ??P16 (59%) 15:05:43 Zakim, please mute ??P16 15:05:43 ??P16 should now be muted 15:05:46 +Don_Doherty 15:06:19 Zakim, who is here? 15:06:19 On the phone I see Kei_Cheung, ??P16 (muted), ??P17, ??P4, ??P12, EricP, Don_Doherty 15:06:22 On IRC I see Donald_Doherty, holger_stenzhorn, cgolbrei, Huajun, RRSAgent, Zakim, matthiassamwald, kei, ericP 15:06:28 +??P24 15:06:37 AdrianPa has joined #BioRDF 15:06:59 give me one minute. 15:07:25 + +0493516aaaa 15:07:34 Zakim, aaaa is me 15:07:34 +AdrianPa; got it 15:07:44 Zakim, mute me 15:07:44 AdrianPa should now be muted 15:07:47 Zakim, ??P4 is holger_stenzhorn 15:07:47 +holger_stenzhorn; got it 15:08:01 rrsagent, make minutes 15:08:01 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/09/08-BioRDF-minutes.html kei 15:09:00 +??P25 15:09:13 Zakim, ??P24 is DanielRueben 15:09:13 +DanielRueben; got it 15:09:21 Zakim ??P25 is matthiassamwald 15:09:59 I can not see the link to the slides on the webpage 15:10:05 me neither 15:10:17 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Meetings/2008-09-08 15:12:26 Kei: Olivier sent his regrets. 15:12:48 Kei: He will hold his presentation in the next BioRDF call, in two weeks. 15:13:54 Kei: First, let me introduce myself 15:14:22 ... I have been involved in Semantic Web developments for more than 3 years, before the HCLSIG started. 15:14:45 ... My main interests are bioinformatics and database integration 15:15:23 holger_stenzhorn has joined #biordf 15:15:36 Huajun has joined #BioRDF 15:15:47 ... Let's start with the agenda. Please open the slides that are attached to http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Meetings/2008-09-08 15:16:53 ... First I would like to thank Susie for coordinating the last charter of the task force. She did a very good job. 15:17:33 ... I will talk about the near-term goals of the task force. 15:17:34 -> http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG_BioRDF_Subgroup/Meetings/2008-09-08?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=biordf_intro.pdf slides 15:17:58 ... I listed four near-term goals 15:18:12 ... "Enhance the HCLS KB. As part of the enhancement, we would like to incorporate new data sets that help the KB span from bench to bedside." 15:18:32 ... "Broaden the community of users who have skills to add data to the KB." 15:18:55 ... "Increase the value and use of the HCLS KB by identifying scientific use cases" 15:19:05 ... "Work on a human-friendly UI, explore 15:19:05 mechanisms for updating the data sources, and 15:19:05 adding new data sets. 15:19:25 ... " 15:20:02 -> http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/NOTE-hcls-kb-20080604/#rdfbundles HCLS KB sources 15:20:12 ... a list of datasets in the Neurocommons KB can be found at http://www.w3.org/TR/hcls-kb/ 15:20:53 ... The datasets were available in a variety of formats, some of them already were provided as RDF/OWL 15:21:10 ... But in most cases we needed to convert to RDF/OWL 15:21:27 ... During this process, we also created semantic links between datasets. 15:22:21 ... Once we have these ontologies loaded into these triplestores, applications can be developed. 15:22:34 q+ to mention query federation 15:22:50 Zakim, ??P4 is holger_stenzhorn 15:22:50 I already had ??P4 as holger_stenzhorn, ericP 15:22:59 Zakim, ack holger_stenzhorn 15:22:59 I see ??P4, ??P24, ericP on the speaker queue 15:23:06 ... The datasets we include will be driven by the needs of the scientists. 15:23:15 q+ 15:23:22 Zakim, unmute me 15:23:22 AdrianPa should no longer be muted 15:24:33 EricP: A federation approach would be better than an aggregation approach, which is not THAT different from warehousing. 15:24:51 Kei: (agrees) 15:24:57 q= 15:25:13 Adrian: Would it be a static or a dynamic integration? 15:26:09 Kei: In the warehouse approach, the datasources would be converted periodically and loaded into the triplestore from time to time. This might be associated with better performance for query. 15:26:26 ... In the federated approach, queries must be mapped to distributed sub-queries. 15:27:04 Zakim, mute me 15:27:04 AdrianPa should now be muted 15:27:09 Zakim, who is muted? 15:27:09 I see ??P16, AdrianPa muted 15:27:17 can u hear me? 15:27:20 ack ??P16 15:27:59 Huajun: As more datasets will be loaded, will there be a performance issue? 15:28:03 queue= 15:28:36 Kei: I cannot answer that accurately now. It depends on the queries. 15:31:12 Zakim, please mute ??P16 15:31:12 ??P16 should now be muted 15:31:26 Zakim, ??P16 is Huajun 15:31:27 +Huajun; got it 15:31:28 ... On with the agenda... Olivier will talk about the conversion of UMLS into RDF in the next telecon. 15:32:13 ... The reason for inlcuding the work on UMLS was motivated by the interest of many participants, e.g., interest in SNOMED, interest from the COI group... 15:32:56 ... UMLS is also important for bioinformatics, e.g., for network analysis and data mining. 15:34:23 Kei: Of course, there is an issue with licensing. 15:34:45 ... It is open-access within the US if you sign an agreement with NLM. 15:35:41 ... It might be a problem. 15:35:59 ... What are the licensing issues with SNOMED? 15:36:24 Holger: We are currently working with SNOMED, it is a problem here in Germany. 15:36:43 ... John Madden wanted to ask the people at SNOMED. We can give you an update when we find out more. 15:37:12 EricP: It might make it easier if we just require parts of SNOMED for certain projects. 15:37:51 Kei: Exploring those licensing issues could be an agenda item for someone in this group. 15:38:50 (Who is talking?) 15:40:30 Zakim, unmute me 15:40:30 AdrianPa should no longer be muted 15:40:38 Kei: Let's talk about hosting of the KB 15:41:05 ... The first was at Science Commons, the other at DERI. They were not exact mirrors, but close. 15:41:27 ... How do we migrate the data from the current to the new KB? 15:42:17 Zakim, mute me 15:42:17 AdrianPa should now be muted 15:42:22 Matthais: finished my PhD on SW and biomedical research and neurological research 15:42:33 M.. now working for DERI Ireleand 15:42:45 http://hcls.deri.ie 15:43:00 ....DERI agreed on hosting the knowledgebase at their site 15:43:20 ...DERI still has still this commitment 15:43:30 ...and to start projects in the HCLS area 15:43:54 ...cureently, quite good situation: we can probably use the DERI server for the next 2 years in our developments 15:44:12 Kei: what support can be given by DERI for the hosting? 15:44:34 Matthias: inofficial agreement, that we can use the DERI servers for the next 2 years 15:44:49 ...but it needs to get official agreement for that 15:45:03 ...but everybody gives me thumbs up 15:45:24 ...I have personally set up the current HCLS server at DERI and would continue that 15:45:45 ...the machine that the Virtuoso server is running on is quite good, a quad core with large memory 15:46:04 ...should be sufficient for supporting the data over the next 2 years 15:46:19 ...so that server can be the main hub for the data over the next 2 years 15:47:08 Kei: could relay that to the request to the HCLS chairs and get back to you 15:47:14 Matthias: that makes sense 15:47:25 Kei: so I will do that request 15:47:30 Zakim, unmute me 15:47:30 AdrianPa should no longer be muted 15:47:38 thanks, holger. will scribe again. 15:47:59 Kei: Adrian, could you describe your situation now. 15:48:18 Adrian: I will move to Berlin soon and be part of a new working group. 15:48:44 ... I keep on working on Rule Responder and Semantic Web for e-science. 15:49:08 ... So this would still be of interest. 15:49:24 ... But I am still negotiating with the institution in Berlin. 15:49:43 ... So I cannot commit anything at the moment. 15:50:16 ... I will try to get more details soon. 15:51:22 Zakim, mute me 15:51:22 AdrianPa should now be muted 15:51:41 matthiassamwald: re KB development, how will the HCLS KB sync with the Science Commons KB 15:51:46 ? 15:52:30 Kei: Unfortunately, I still don't know the official status of Science Commons in this charter. 15:53:37 ... We need to talk to Neurocommons and the HCLS chairs to build some consensus. 15:55:25 Kei: Last agenda item -- ideas for future work. 15:55:47 ... There is a wiki page about project ideas. 15:56:38 ... We should also define how we can interact with other task forces (e.g. clinical). 15:56:38 Huajun has joined #BioRDF 15:56:58 http://esw.w3.org/topic/HCLSIG/Project_Ideas/ 15:57:39 eric: i am most interested in projects that build on what we currently have. 15:57:50 ... and also 'bench to bedside' work. 15:58:41 ... we have some gaps in the KB that hinder interesting use cases. 15:59:56 kei: huajun proposed an integration of traditional chinese medicine data with western medicine. 16:00:10 ... i proposed 'wiki neuron'. 16:02:02 -DanielRueben 16:02:42 matthias: i plan to focus on semantic web technologies for (neuro-)cognitive science. 16:03:07 Kei: the next call will be in two weeks. 16:03:37 bye 16:03:45 -holger_stenzhorn 16:03:47 -Don_Doherty 16:03:47 -AdrianPa 16:03:48 -??P25 16:03:49 -EricP 16:03:50 -??P17 16:03:54 -Huajun 16:04:12 bye 16:04:25 -??P12 16:04:32 eric, are you still there? 16:04:40 on irc, yes 16:04:55 eric, you take care about rrsagent, right? 16:05:12 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:05:12 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/09/08-BioRDF-minutes.html ericP 16:05:22 thanks. bye! 16:05:24 RRSAgent, bye 16:05:37 holger_stenzhorn has left #biordf 16:05:40 RRSAgent, please make log world-visible 16:05:42 RRSAgent, bye 16:05:42 I see no action items