14:57:22 RRSAgent has joined #RDB2RDF 14:57:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/09/05-RDB2RDF-irc 14:57:46 zakim, this will be rdb2rdf xg 14:57:46 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, Ashok 14:58:13 zakim, this is RDB2RDF 14:58:13 ok, Ashok; that matches INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM 14:58:33 chair: Ashok 14:58:48 meeting: RDB2RDF 14:59:57 +??P2 15:00:01 Hello Ashok 15:00:07 +Ashok_Malhotra 15:00:12 + +1.512.471.aaaa 15:01:47 juansequeda has joined #RDB2RDF 15:01:55 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:01:55 On the phone I see Andrew_Eisenberg, ??P2, Ashok_Malhotra, +1.512.471.aaaa 15:02:47 +[IBM_Watson] 15:04:14 + +1.408.504.aabb 15:04:53 + +1.213.542.aacc 15:07:34 Minutes from July 25 approved. 15:07:43 lma has joined #RDB2RDF 15:08:23 +??P11 15:09:21 f2f Oct 30 and 31 in Karlsruhe is confirmed. 15:09:30 Zakim, ??P11 is orri 15:09:30 +orri; got it 15:09:58 Action on Wolfgang to send out meeting logistics 15:10:25 + +1.937.775.aadd 15:10:29 Zakim, +1.213.542.aacc is me 15:10:29 +iv_an_ru; got it 15:10:50 Zakim, +1.512.471.aaaa is me 15:10:50 +juansequeda; got it 15:12:26 Cancel calls on Sept 26, Oct 3, 17 and 24 15:13:45 Action items: Ahmed started email thread 15:16:24 Ahmed asks about performance work 15:16:50 Chris Bizer is starting some work in this area 15:17:21 Ashok will forward to XG when he finds out more 15:17:37 Orri: Chris has a SPARQL benchmark 15:18:03 Mapping imposes some penalty but not much 15:19:27 Chris will circulate second revision of SPARQL benchmark within the next 20 days 15:19:50 Will mesaure triple store as well as 2 mapping approaches 15:20:16 Ashok: Are is getting mature 15:20:29 Orri: Certainly for piloy applications 15:21:30 s/piloy/pilot/ 15:21:54 http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/blog/ 15:22:18 Orri has blog with some performance numbers. See above. 15:23:40 Satya: No further progress on the literature survey 15:25:37 Orri will make presentation on performance numbers -- perhaps next week 15:25:54 Satya to remind xxx re. presentation 15:28:07 Satya will follow up with Asio/BBN folks re. presentation 15:34:10 Discussion of deliverables 15:34:45 BTW there should be one language for both RDB2RDF and RDF2RDB :) 15:35:28 RDB-121-RDF 15:35:43 1. Satya/Wofgang will convert wiki to a paper 15:36:50 2. Recommend to the W3C to start a WG to standardize a language for mapping RDB to RDF 15:37:12 Language will not be concerned with whether data is stored as RDF or accessed virtaully 15:38:01 Perhaps a simple/direct mapping version of the language as well as a more fully featured version allowing extensibility 15:38:13 Virtual access requires much more expressivity of the mapping language than just composing RDF dump. 15:38:56 +q 15:41:37 Ivan: We would need a mapping from simple syntax to complex syntax 15:43:46 There is also a performance tradeoff 15:44:42 Orri: We will need the SQL part to be extensible as well. Many systems have proprietary extensions that we would like to exploit 15:46:13 Cathy: If the extensibility string gets very complex it is hard to figure out what's going on 15:47:10 -iv_an_ru 15:47:41 - +1.408.504.aabb 15:48:12 Cathy: Does it have to be XML? 15:48:32 Ashok: You start from RDB Schema, right? 15:49:05 Orri: Writing as RDF instance data is very tedious 15:49:40 + +1.408.504.aaee 15:50:34 Orri: In favor human readable syntax rather than expressing parse tree as XML or RDF 15:52:04 Andrew: We could have 2 versions of the language -- human and machine readable and allow mapping between then. 15:52:36 By human readable we mean SPARQL-like not natural language 15:52:50 iv_an_ru owl:instanceOf dbpedia:HomoSapiens ==> I don't want to write XML or RDF, the notation should resemble SQL or a mix of SQL and SPARQL/TURTLE. 15:53:43 At the same time some vendors may decide to export/import descriptions of mappings in RDF form but that's not for initial version of the spec, I guess. 15:54:47 (conference system has disconnected me and do not connect again :( 15:55:32 Orri: I will create initial set of requirements 15:56:07 Orri: I would like some usecases 15:56:34 Can Cathy send a few representative queries 15:56:56 Cathy: I will do that 15:57:10 I'd like some usecases that are benchmarks as well, to ensure that we did not forget something important for performance of RDF Views. 15:57:11 - +1.937.775.aadd 15:58:16 3. Orri's note re. marking updated RDF graphs 15:58:54 Ashok: Not directly in line of the XG 15:59:36 orri: Useful for customizing triple-stores 15:59:56 Orri: Rocommends we wait on this 16:01:56 -Andrew_Eisenberg 16:01:57 -??P2 16:01:58 -orri 16:01:59 - +1.408.504.aaee 16:01:59 -juansequeda 16:02:00 -Ashok_Malhotra 16:02:00 -[IBM_Watson] 16:02:01 INC_RDB2RDF()11:00AM has ended 16:02:03 Attendees were Andrew_Eisenberg, Ashok_Malhotra, [IBM_Watson], +1.408.504.aabb, orri, +1.937.775.aadd, iv_an_ru, juansequeda, +1.408.504.aaee 16:02:44 Orri: The WG that is started should have something to say about this but perhaps the XG need not. 16:03:14 Ashok: So, let's withdraw this from the list of deliverables for the time being. 16:03:22 AOB? 16:03:34 End of XG Telcon 16:03:46 rrsagent, make logs public 16:04:01 zakim, list participants 16:04:01 sorry, Ashok, I don't know what conference this is 16:04:23 rrsagent, create minutes 16:04:23 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/09/05-RDB2RDF-minutes.html Ashok 18:16:00 Zakim has left #RDB2RDF