IRC log of mw4d on 2008-09-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

11:22:57 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #mw4d
11:22:57 [RRSAgent]
logging to
11:23:03 [steph]
zakim, this iwll be mw4d
11:23:03 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'this iwll be mw4d', steph
11:23:08 [steph]
zakim, this will be mw4d
11:23:08 [Zakim]
ok, steph; I see UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM scheduled to start in 37 minutes
11:23:29 [steph]
Meeting: MW4D IG bi-monthly teleconference
11:23:34 [steph]
Chair: Stephane
11:27:09 [Raphael]
Raphael has joined #mw4d
11:47:29 [Jacob]
Jacob has joined #mw4d
11:52:21 [jeffs]
jeffs has joined #mw4d
11:52:35 [jeffs]
11:53:21 [Raphael]
11:53:23 [Zakim]
UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM has now started
11:53:30 [Zakim]
11:54:39 [steph]
11:54:47 [steph]
zakim, code ?
11:54:47 [Zakim]
the conference code is 6493 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), steph
11:54:54 [steph]
zakim, ??p0 is jeffs
11:54:54 [Zakim]
+jeffs; got it
11:55:37 [Zakim]
11:55:47 [JosephMichiels]
JosephMichiels has joined #mw4d
11:55:57 [steph]
zakim, ??p1 is Steph
11:55:57 [Zakim]
+Steph; got it
11:56:54 [steph]
11:57:35 [steph]
Hello Joe
11:59:42 [steph]
Regrets: Ken
11:59:54 [Zakim]
+ +035850558aaaa
11:59:58 [JosephMichiels]
12:00:08 [steph]
zakim, aaaa is Lauri
12:00:08 [Zakim]
+Lauri; got it
12:00:48 [Jacob]
Hi guys
12:01:04 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
12:01:04 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
12:01:14 [steph]
Hi Jacob
12:01:18 [Zakim]
12:01:21 [Zakim]
+ +41.22.730.aabb
12:01:40 [steph]
zakim, aabb is Raphael
12:01:40 [Zakim]
+Raphael; got it
12:01:57 [steph]
zakim, IPcaller is Joe
12:01:57 [Zakim]
+Joe; got it
12:02:40 [Zakim]
+ +41.22.770.aacc
12:02:50 [steph]
zakim, aacc is Jacob
12:02:50 [Zakim]
+Jacob; got it
12:03:29 [steph]
12:04:17 [steph]
Topic: Introduction
12:04:28 [steph]
Joe: 5am in seattle
12:04:41 [steph]
following the group since a while
12:05:16 [steph]
joe: university of wsahington since 2 years
12:05:25 [steph]
12:05:38 [steph]
interested in the group mission
12:06:02 [steph]
Lauri: company ?
12:06:17 [steph]
Joe: independent working at university of washington
12:07:13 [steph]
Raphael: will do next time
12:07:30 [steph]
12:07:55 [jeffs]
jeffs is scribing now
12:08:03 [steph]
12:08:41 [steph]
Topic:approval of last meeting minutes
12:09:27 [Raphael]
I may be away during next meeting
12:09:36 [Raphael]
will take notes for next one
12:09:44 [Raphael]
12:09:52 [renjish]
renjish has joined #mw4d
12:09:54 [steph]
REsolution: minutes approved
12:09:54 [jeffs]
jeffs has joined #mw4d
12:10:08 [jeffs]
12:10:13 [steph]
stephane: next meeting september 15 and october 6
12:10:32 [steph]
Topic: reivew of action items
12:10:37 [jeffs]
Agenda Item: review of action items
12:11:01 [jeffs]
Item: Renjish to write a scenario around the vision
12:11:14 [jeffs]
Topic: Renjish to write a scenario around the vision
12:11:31 [steph]
12:11:32 [Zakim]
12:11:41 [steph]
zakim, ??p6 is renjish
12:11:41 [Zakim]
+renjish; got it
12:11:44 [jeffs]
Renjish sent in a paragraph, Stephane is reviewing
12:12:43 [jeffs]
we will review and comment for next mtg
12:13:07 [jeffs]
Topic: Stephane to initiate discussion about Wiki usage on the mailing list
12:13:50 [jeffs]
12:13:54 [jeffs]
Topic: stephane to publish august 4 minutes on the mw4d homepage
12:13:57 [jeffs]
12:14:10 [jeffs]
Topic: stephane to send information about the w3c technical plenary
12:14:14 [Zakim]
+ +1.336.413.aadd
12:14:26 [steph]
zakim, aadd is Evan
12:14:26 [Zakim]
+Evan; got it
12:14:39 [jeffs]
a few people have indicated they will be at W3 F2F
12:15:05 [steph]
Lauri also comming
12:15:11 [Jacob]
Is there a last date to confirm participation?
12:15:48 [jeffs]
Lauri, Jeff, & Steph are confirmed to attend W3C and we will make a F2F happen, at least informally
12:16:39 [jeffs]
Steph: could meet 20 Oct for an hour, then Monday
12:16:46 [jeffs]
zakim unmute me
12:16:53 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
12:16:53 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
12:18:12 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
12:18:12 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
12:18:40 [jeffs]
discussion of when people will be there so we can arrange F2F
12:20:02 [jeffs]
steph: we should avoid monday & tuesday... suggests thursday or friday
12:20:08 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
12:20:08 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
12:20:41 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
12:20:41 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
12:20:52 [jeffs]
Steph: will try to set up friday slot
12:21:13 [steph]
12:21:22 [jeffs]
ACTION: Steph to find room for mtg on thurs or fri
12:21:40 [steph]
ACTION:Steph to investigate and find a slot for thursday or friday and organize a dinner
12:22:18 [steph]
12:22:57 [JosephMichiels]
zakim, mute me
12:22:57 [Zakim]
sorry, JosephMichiels, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
12:23:12 [jeffs]
zakim, who is on
12:23:12 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'who is on', jeffs
12:23:18 [steph]
Topic: Wiki discussion
12:23:22 [steph]
zakim, who is here ?
12:23:22 [Zakim]
On the phone I see jeffs (muted), Steph, Lauri, Joe, Raphael, Jacob, renjish, Evan
12:23:24 [Zakim]
On IRC I see jeffs, renjish, JosephMichiels, Jacob, Raphael, RRSAgent, Zakim, steph
12:23:29 [jeffs]
TOPIC: wiki discussion
12:23:35 [steph]
12:24:15 [jeffs]
steph: have reorganized wiki, asking people to review it, has been adding information
12:24:39 [jeffs]
steph: important to keep track of and post about events re this domain
12:25:20 [jeffs]
steph: encouraging group to post items to the wiki & to share information via email to the group
12:25:44 [jeffs]
steph: he can be point of contact to establish access
12:26:32 [steph]
12:26:53 [Raphael]
12:26:58 [steph]
ack raphael
12:27:33 [jeffs]
Raphael: pointing out possible duplicative pages on wiki which could be combined
12:27:52 [jeffs]
Raphael: any limitations on what should go on wiki?
12:28:27 [jeffs]
Raphael: notices he gets blocked if he clicks too often... possible problem with "surge protection" on wiki?
12:28:45 [jeffs]
Steph: send him directly the error message, so he can debug
12:28:47 [Raphael]
12:29:26 [jeffs]
Steph: has done some recombination to simplify & eliminate empty/duplicative pages
12:29:50 [jeffs]
Steph: in future, may rearrange wiki as pages grow
12:30:24 [Raphael]
12:30:43 [steph]
ack raphael
12:31:08 [jeffs]
Raphael: suggests tools to share bookmarks like
12:32:17 [jeffs]
discussion of bookmark sharing tools
12:33:21 [jeffs]
Steph: does not know tools & any advantages over wiki pages with links
12:33:24 [Raphael]
this is one example:
12:34:03 [jeffs]
Raphael: likes tagging of links with keywiords/phrases
12:34:22 [jeffs]
12:35:10 [jeffs]
Steph: will look at using this tool
12:35:38 [jeffs]
ACTION: Steph will examine bookmark sharing tools that use keywords
12:35:54 [jeffs]
Raphael & Steph: discussion of various possible tools
12:36:42 [renjish]
12:36:42 [renjish]
i think this has similar functions
12:37:02 [Raphael] is a collection of 370 bookmarks
12:37:06 [Raphael]
12:37:14 [jeffs]
jeffs: many possible tagging tools, steph can evaluate and post recommendations
12:38:21 [jeffs]
TOPIC: Roadmap Document
12:38:23 [cgi-irc]
cgi-irc has joined #mw4d
12:38:42 [steph]
type "/nick lauri"
12:39:35 [jeffs]
Steph: good work done on "vision" document, now time to move on to "Roadmap" document to plan work for next 10 months or so
12:40:31 [jeffs]
Steph: wants to discuss w group beginning this document; at end of this mtg he will establish new wiki page for this
12:41:37 [jeffs]
Steph: objectives for the document: 1) what technologies are available, & 2) access issues for each technology plus service knowledge & tools needed for each technology
12:41:55 [jeffs]
Steph: asking for opinions & feedback on how to start this work
12:42:02 [jeffs]
12:42:09 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
12:42:09 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
12:43:06 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
12:43:06 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
12:43:19 [jeffs]
Jeff: maybe first put up list of technologies
12:43:51 [jeffs]
Jeffs: then we can go through the list indicating who has expertise in each area, then they can prepare para or two
12:44:32 [jeffs]
Steph: either start w list of technologies or start with list of different challenges and see how each tech fits
12:45:17 [steph]
12:45:50 [jeffs]
Evan: he & his colleagues are compiling a list of technologies
12:46:36 [jeffs]
Evan: also what existing projects and pilot programs have succeeded and failed in the past few years
12:46:59 [stef]
stef has joined #mw4d
12:47:27 [Raphael_]
Raphael_ has joined #mw4d
12:47:51 [jeffs]
Steph: perhaps we can mix the 2 approaches, with a) list of technologies & b) list what has been done so far & challenges
12:48:05 [Raphael_]
12:48:12 [jeffs]
12:48:54 [jeffs]
12:49:16 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute
12:49:16 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'unmute', jeffs
12:49:19 [stef]
ack raphael
12:49:22 [stef]
ack jefffs
12:49:23 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
12:49:24 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
12:49:36 [stef]
Jeff: it doesn't matter ot me
12:49:42 [stef]
12:49:55 [stef]
starting point is important
12:49:59 [stef]
list technologies
12:50:02 [stef]
list of challenges
12:50:23 [stef]
and see how we can sort and match
12:50:34 [stef]
raphael: wiki format ?
12:50:37 [stef]
jeffs: sure
12:50:59 [stef]
12:51:06 [stef]
starting as quickly as possible
12:51:15 [stef]
Steph: +1
12:51:20 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
12:51:20 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
12:51:49 [jeffs]
Steph: proposes mixed approach to deal with initial list as like a "brainstorming" session list
12:52:24 [jeffs]
Steph: question for group: any other dimensions for the brainstorming process?
12:52:41 [jeffs]
Steph: question for group: any volunteers to start the process
12:52:44 [JosephMichiels]
12:52:56 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
12:52:56 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
12:52:58 [jeffs]
12:53:13 [stef]
12:53:15 [renjish]
12:53:32 [stef]
Jeff: i will go ahead and volunteer and start the process
12:53:38 [stef]
ack jeffs
12:53:46 [renjish]
I can start on the technologies
12:53:48 [stef]
ACTION:STeph =tot start the roadmap page
12:53:49 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
12:53:49 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
12:54:02 [stef]
ack Josephmichiels
12:54:18 [jeffs]
s/ACTION:STeph =tot/ Action Steph to
12:54:27 [stef]
joe: i can surely contributes to both challenges and technology
12:54:29 [stef]
12:54:34 [stef]
ack renjish
12:54:47 [stef]
renjish: will contribute on the tech part
12:56:23 [jeffs]
TOPIC: Any Other Business
12:56:26 [renjish]
can we set a tentative deadline for this document?
12:56:32 [renjish]
a rough deadline
12:57:25 [jeffs]
Steph: 2 objectives a) state of the art in existing techs, b) identify challenges
12:58:15 [jeffs]
Steph: brainstorming part maybe 1 - 1.5 month timeline to get a solid start with specific topics
12:58:34 [renjish]
I think max 2 months would be fine
12:59:04 [jeffs]
Steph: any otehr business before we close the call?
12:59:12 [jeffs]
12:59:15 [renjish]
12:59:18 [renjish]
one question
12:59:18 [Raphael_]
thank you
12:59:24 [renjish]
12:59:25 [jeffs]
Steph: no other business, so thanks and goodby
12:59:32 [Zakim]
12:59:38 [Jacob]
12:59:40 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
12:59:40 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
13:00:49 [stef]
13:00:59 [renjish]
is it ok to have the framework done by end of this WG's period?
13:01:02 [jeffs]
Steph in response to Renjish: will probably refine "Vision" document with results of "brainstorming"
13:01:27 [renjish]
13:01:42 [renjish]
13:01:44 [jeffs]
Steph: perhaps can finish "framework" completed sooner
13:01:58 [Zakim]
13:01:59 [Zakim]
13:02:00 [Zakim]
13:02:01 [Zakim]
13:02:02 [Zakim]
13:02:04 [Zakim]
13:02:04 [Zakim]
UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM has ended
13:02:05 [Jacob]
- jacob
13:02:05 [Zakim]
Attendees were jeffs, Steph, +035850558aaaa, Lauri, +41.22.730.aabb, Raphael, Joe, +41.22.770.aacc, Jacob, renjish, +1.336.413.aadd, Evan
13:04:53 [stef]
rrsagent, make log public
13:04:57 [stef]
rrsagent, make minutes'
13:04:57 [RRSAgent]
I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes'', stef. Try /msg RRSAgent help
13:04:59 [stef]
rrsagent, make minutes
13:04:59 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate stef
13:13:02 [Raphael_]
Raphael_ has left #mw4d
13:27:38 [Zakim]
UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM has now started
13:27:45 [Zakim]
+ +0239236aaaa
13:29:40 [stef]
zakim, drop aaaa
13:29:40 [Zakim]
+0239236aaaa is being disconnected
13:29:41 [Zakim]
UW_MW4D IG()8:00AM has ended
13:29:41 [Zakim]
Attendees were +0239236aaaa
14:33:50 [stef]
stef has left #mw4d
15:33:51 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #mw4d