IRC log of emotion on 2008-08-21

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:49:52 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #emotion
13:49:52 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:50:16 [marc]
marc has changed the topic to: Emotion Incubator discussions
13:50:28 [marc]
agendum+ Future of EMOXG
13:50:35 [marc]
agendum+ Next meetings
13:50:53 [marc]
agendum+ XML discussion continued: scale value requirements
13:51:03 [marc]
zakim, this will be INC_EMOXG
13:51:04 [Zakim]
ok, marc; I see INC_EMOXG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes
13:59:06 [Zakim]
INC_EMOXG()10:00AM has now started
13:59:13 [Zakim]
13:59:22 [marc]
zakim, I am ??P4
13:59:22 [Zakim]
+marc; got it
13:59:49 [Zakim]
+ +39.011.291.aaaa
14:00:14 [marc]
zakim, aaaa is Enrico
14:00:14 [Zakim]
+Enrico; got it
14:00:17 [Enrico]
Enrico has joined #emotion
14:01:28 [felix]
felix has joined #emotion
14:01:33 [Zakim]
+ +39.63.aabb
14:02:11 [marc]
zakim, aabb is Catherine
14:02:11 [Zakim]
+Catherine; got it
14:02:36 [catherine]
catherine has joined #emotion
14:02:47 [Zakim]
14:03:33 [felix]
zakim, Felix_Burkhardt is felix
14:03:33 [Zakim]
+felix; got it
14:05:11 [catherine]
14:05:45 [marc]
14:06:21 [marc]
next item
14:09:06 [catherine]
Marc explains the 3 possibilites for the future of EMOXG (stop, continue as its own working group, join the multimodal interaction as a sub-group)
14:10:34 [catherine]
all the participants of today meeting agree on the 3rd option (join MM interaction as a sub-group)
14:12:12 [catherine]
ask in the mailing list if there are other opinions on this issue
14:16:23 [marc]
next item
14:17:01 [Enrico]
Thursday 4 September, 14:00 UTC
14:17:08 [Enrico]
Thursday 18 September, 14:00 UTC
14:17:17 [Enrico]
Thursday 2 October, 14:00 UTC
14:18:30 [catherine]
next phone meetings: 4 sept, 2PM UTC; 18 sept 2PM UTC; 2 Oct 2PM UTC
14:18:54 [felix]
i will attend the f2f only on the friday 24th
14:20:33 [marc]
next item
14:20:34 [catherine]
Marc: ask the participants who can come to the meeting in Cannes
14:21:57 [marc]
14:30:18 [Zakim]
+ +035321425aacc
14:30:45 [cgi-irc]
cgi-irc has joined #emotion
14:30:47 [marc]
zakim, aacc is Dylan
14:30:47 [Zakim]
+Dylan; got it
14:31:10 [cgi-irc]
14:33:03 [catherine]
Marc presents the different issues regarding scales specification: numerical and linguistic
14:35:06 [catherine]
Enrico: proposes to restrict the linguistic values to 5. pb of subjectivity arises with using higher number of linguistic scales
14:44:20 [marc]
unipolar scale:
14:44:24 [marc]
... +
14:44:26 [marc]
... ++
14:44:28 [marc]
... +++
14:44:31 [marc]
... ++++
14:44:35 [marc]
... +++++
14:52:30 [cgi-irc]
unipolar scale:
14:52:33 [cgi-irc]
14:52:35 [cgi-irc]
14:52:38 [cgi-irc]
14:52:44 [cgi-irc]
14:52:47 [catherine]
Some conclusions were made: we tend to prefer 5 numbers for verbal cateogry
14:53:01 [cgi-irc]
14:53:58 [catherine]
open issue to be discussed: use abstract scale or linguistic scale
14:54:51 [marc]
14:54:52 [marc]
<dimensions set="Arousal-and-Valence">
14:54:52 [marc]
<arousal value="very much" confidence="0.9"/>
14:54:52 [marc]
<valence value="slightly positive" confidence="0.3"/>
14:54:52 [marc]
14:54:52 [marc]
14:58:49 [marc]
14:58:49 [marc]
<action-tendencies set="Frijda">
14:58:50 [marc]
<approach activation="(unipolar scale)"/>
14:58:50 [marc]
<avoidance activation="(unipolar scale)"/>
14:58:50 [marc]
<being-with activation="(unipolar scale)"/>
14:58:50 [marc]
14:58:52 [marc]
14:58:55 [marc]
14:59:06 [catherine]
Regarding sub-element of Core 3, 4, ...: need to verify the values (eg appraisal dimensions) from a repository
15:00:07 [catherine]
Core 5: we should stick to values
15:00:07 [marc]
15:00:07 [marc]
<intensity value="(unipolar scale)"/>
15:00:07 [marc]
15:00:19 [marc]
15:00:19 [marc]
<intensity value="0.1" confidence="0.8"/>
15:00:19 [marc]
<category set="everyday" name="boredom" confidence="0.1"/>
15:00:20 [marc]
15:01:26 [catherine]
Core 6: Intensity should be a separate element rather than an attribute
15:02:04 [catherine]
Confidence: use same type of scale
15:02:41 [felix]
15:02:46 [Zakim]
15:02:46 [Zakim]
15:02:48 [Enrico]
15:02:56 [Zakim]
15:03:18 [cgi-irc]
15:03:42 [cgi-irc]
15:07:10 [catherine]
Meeting: Emotion Incubator meeting
15:07:44 [catherine]
Chair: marc
15:08:02 [catherine]
Scribe: catherine
15:08:03 [marc]
Present: Catherine, Felix, Enrico, Dylan, Marc
15:08:12 [marc]
Regrets: Ian, Bill, Bjoern, Paolo
15:08:22 [catherine]
ScribeNick: cath
15:08:46 [catherine]
ScribeNick: catherine
15:08:57 [marc]
rrsagent, make logs public
15:09:10 [marc]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:09:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate marc
15:11:42 [Zakim]
15:11:44 [Zakim]
15:11:46 [Zakim]
INC_EMOXG()10:00AM has ended
15:11:46 [marc]
zakim, bye
15:11:46 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #emotion
15:11:47 [Zakim]
Attendees were marc, +39.011.291.aaaa, Enrico, +39.63.aabb, Catherine, felix, +035321425aacc, Dylan
15:11:50 [marc]
rrsagent, bye
15:11:50 [RRSAgent]
I see no action items