12:56:28 RRSAgent has joined #eiif 12:56:28 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/08/21-eiif-irc 12:56:33 not yet 12:56:56 can u take notes again in this channel? 12:57:21 sure 12:57:30 what conferences? 12:57:39 list 12:57:59 zakim, what coonferences 12:57:59 I don't understand 'what coonferences', renato 12:58:29 zakim, what conferences do you see? 12:58:29 I see WAI_(AGE TF)8:00AM, INC_EIIF XG()9:00AM active 12:58:31 also scheduled at this time are UW_UWA()9:00AM, Team_Global(review)8:00AM, W3C_(W3F_TF)8:00AM 12:58:52 zakim, this is INC_EIIF 12:58:52 ok, renato; that matches INC_EIIF XG()9:00AM 13:00:48 +??P5 13:01:07 +Olle 13:01:29 +??P8 13:05:09 +??P13 13:09:34 Minutes: 13:09:53 - First following up on action itesm 13:10:08 - Hillman still awaiting data from the red cross 13:10:29 - Hillman the peoplefinder data to the wiki 13:11:54 - NIEM model was posted by Hillman onto the WIKI. There is aspects that is relevants in disaster management 13:12:57 A) Hillman will look into the aspects of NIEM that are relevant for Emergency Management. Situation Awareness, Resource Management and Credentialling are focus areas 13:16:24 Other actions were done 13:16:31 - F2F meeting was cancelled 13:16:52 - Octavia did not respond on his task so Renato will take that item 13:19:22 - There was a query on the population 13:22:00 +??P15 13:22:31 A) Share a format for the martix mapping stucture - Chamindra 13:23:13 A) Textual description of the model - Mandana 13:24:32 A) First cut of missing people model - Hillman 13:25:21 A) Send Sahana schema on missing people to list - Chaindra 13:35:08 A) Review the framework diagram and send an update to the group - Renato 13:42:01 -??P15 13:43:18 A) Look at framework documents to post it to the list - All 13:44:31 +??P15 13:45:18 - Framework is a strawman which gives a roadmap of what can be done 13:46:51 - Possibly look at a different term such as conceptual framwork for the document 13:52:54 -??P15 13:55:15 - Have in the state of the art report a link to the wiki with a summary report 13:56:01 - Include the state-of-the art summary in the final report with a reference to the wiki 14:13:43 -??P5 14:13:45 - +1.425.392.aaaa 14:13:53 -??P13 14:14:09 zakim, bye 14:14:09 leaving. As of this point the attendees were +1.425.392.aaaa, Olle 14:14:09 Zakim has left #eiif 14:14:17 rrsagent, make log public 14:14:27 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:14:27 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/08/21-eiif-minutes.html renato 14:14:35 rrsagent, bye 14:14:35 I see no action items