13:43:50 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 13:43:50 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/08/06-xhtml-irc 13:43:56 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 13:43:56 sorry, kaz, I don't know what conference this is 13:44:10 zakim, this will be XHTML 13:44:10 ok, kaz; I see IA_XHTML2()9:45AM scheduled to start in 1 minute 13:44:12 zakim, call kazuyuki-617 13:44:12 ok, kaz; the call is being made 13:44:12 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has now started 13:44:14 +Kazuyuki 13:44:24 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Aug/0004.html 13:44:54 Meeting: XHTML2 WG Weekly Teleconference 13:44:56 + +04670855aaaa 13:45:13 Roland has joined #xhtml 13:45:28 Chair: Roland 13:45:37 Zakim: +04670855aaaa is Tina 13:45:40 Zakim, call shepazu 13:45:40 ok, shepazu; the call is being made 13:45:42 +Shepazu 13:46:12 +Roland 13:46:34 rrsagent, make minutes 13:46:34 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/08/06-xhtml-minutes.html Roland 13:46:40 +Gregory_Rosmaita 13:46:42 rrsagent, make log public 13:46:49 alessio has joined #xhtml 13:47:02 +ShaneM 13:47:08 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 13:47:47 +??P4 13:47:56 zakim, ??P4 is Alessio 13:47:56 +Alessio; got it 13:48:14 Steven_ has joined #xhtml 13:48:28 zakim, who is here? 13:48:28 On the phone I see Kazuyuki, +04670855aaaa, Shepazu, Roland, Gregory_Rosmaita, ShaneM, Alessio 13:48:30 On IRC I see Steven_, ShaneM, alessio, Roland, RRSAgent, Zakim, kaz, oedipus, shepazu, Tina, Steven, Lachy 13:48:39 zakim, dial steven-617 13:48:39 ok, Steven_; the call is being made 13:48:41 +Steven 13:49:51 scribe: Steven 13:49:58 rrsagent, make minutes 13:49:58 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/08/06-xhtml-minutes.html Steven_ 13:50:40 Roland: My regrets for the next 4 weeks 13:50:50 Topic: DOM 3 Events and XML Events 2 13:51:04 Roland: We want them to align 13:51:19 ... Doug can you update us on DOM 3 Events? 13:51:26 cbottoml has joined #xhtml 13:51:40 Doug: Having reviewed XML Events 2, I didn't see any incompatibilities 13:51:52 ... but it is good to coordinate 13:52:01 ... we have changed mutation events a bit 13:52:25 ... Mozilla are not going to implement certain mutation events 13:52:42 ... so there is no consensus on them 13:53:00 q+ to say that he has a question to pose on behalf of the PFWG on the @order attribute as long as shepazu is here 13:53:13 Roland: We have no dependencies on the mutation events, but what is the problem? 13:53:24 Doug: I'm sorry, I don't have that to hand 13:54:04 ... but it is something that requires a significant change, and performance hit for browsers 13:54:12 Roland: Are these new events? 13:54:25 Doug: No, also in DOM 2, so we may be deprecating them 13:54:27 q- 13:54:52 ... SVG Tiny has a problem with them too 13:55:01 ... because of performance hit 13:55:11 Lachy has left #xhtml 13:55:27 ... so there is a challenge of finding something that has consensus 13:55:41 Doug: We are also planning on defining event ordering 13:55:41 q+ to say question from PFWG - "Does mixing roles and ids with targetrole and targetid for @order OK, or does it pose problems, and if so what problems?" (i am supposed to be asking this as a "babe in the woods" and not a member of XHTML2 WG 13:56:06 Doug: Also changing the key identifiers 13:56:23 ... a better model for providing values for key identifiers 13:56:40 ... also an order for event firing 13:56:59 ... but I saw no clash iwth XML Events 2 13:57:50 Steven: XML Events is just a syntactic binding to DOM Events, so it would be bad if there was a clash 13:58:06 Roland: Have you dealt with the I18N problems with key events? 13:58:31 Doug: We are working on it 13:58:41 q+ to discussion how this might effect the XHTML Access module 13:59:05 ... including the issues of shifting characters 13:59:10 ... to upper case 13:59:36 Doug: I do have a couple of minor comments on XML Events 2; I will send them in 14:00:02 Roland: We want to go to last call really soon; what is the status of DOM 3 Events? 14:00:08 Doug: Q1 for CR 14:00:29 ... I wouldn't make a dependency on DOM 3 14:00:37 Roland: Well, we want namespaced events 14:01:10 Doug: The WHAT WG are trying to get me to remove namespaced events 14:01:31 ... but that hasn't happened 14:01:53 Shane: I think it should be changed from QNames to CURIEs 14:01:57 q+ 14:02:21 Doug: Unlikely 14:03:29 SP: independent of qnames and curies - Dom3 uses event space and event name - 2 are never combined into URI as such; up to syntax, not Dom3 - would be surprised if you have to mention curies; whichever you use, they will work identically 14:03:41 Shane: I disagree 14:04:09 ... at processing level it is a URI 14:04:38 SP: never combined into single URI - always separate - qnames better solution 14:05:01 Steven: But you have a namespace, and an event name; they never get combined into a URI, so QNames are a better choice if you have to use them at all 14:05:18 Doug: There are a couple of non-namespaced events 14:05:35 q- 14:05:54 s/non-/new non-/ 14:06:07 Doug: We want to go to CR at latest Q1 2009 14:07:25 ... so where is your implementer base? 14:07:36 Steven: XForms would where we expect them to come first 14:08:03 SP: use case for "while" being able to delete all elements in a tree that match a certain condition 14:08:12 Doug: Where is the use case for your while= in XML Events 2? 14:08:19 zakim, who is making noise? 14:08:27 Steven: Being able to delete all noeds that match a certain condition 14:08:30 oedipus, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +04670855aaaa (13%), Alessio (94%), Shepazu (69%) 14:08:46 zakim, mute alessio 14:08:46 Alessio should now be muted 14:09:24 + +1.914.255.aabb 14:09:49 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080620/#section-listener-element 14:10:00 Doug: We are trying to make the target phase more visible 14:10:35 Roland: The default phase is for compatibility with the old version 14:11:17 zakim, aaaa is Tina_Holcombe 14:11:17 +Tina_Holcombe; got it 14:11:59 zakim, Tina_Holcombe is Tina_Holmboe 14:11:59 +Tina_Holmboe; got it 14:13:50 zakim, unmute me 14:13:50 Alessio should no longer be muted 14:13:58 Doug: The reasons for the handlers wasn't clear 14:14:24 Steven: To allow people to be able to use something already defined wihtout having to invent it themselves (as with XML Events 1) 14:14:26 XML2 Events will eventual break out into Handler, Listener, and Script module 14:14:32 ack me 14:14:32 oedipus, you wanted to say question from PFWG - "Does mixing roles and ids with targetrole and targetid for @order OK, or does it pose problems, and if so what problems?" (i am 14:14:35 ... supposed to be asking this as a "babe in the woods" and not a member of XHTML2 WG 14:15:16 Gregory: About access key; is there a problem with roles and ids? 14:15:55 ... I think the current solution is a good one, but we want confirmation 14:16:12 Doug: I don;t see where it would cause a problem 14:16:17 s/;/'/ 14:16:40 Shane: You can only have one or the other, not both 14:16:53 rrsagent, make minutes 14:16:53 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/08/06-xhtml-minutes.html Steven_ 14:17:10 Doug: Well, one is ignored if you have both 14:17:14 Shane: Right 14:17:27 targetrole is ignored if both are specified. 14:17:59 Gregory: Thanks, I'm glad we agree 14:19:58 Greg: With @order, we want people to be able to go through primary content, and then secondary content and so on. 14:20:13 Shane: And where do you start? 14:20:27 Doug: Document order from the current focus 14:20:38 Shane: Doesn't that clash with @order 14:20:44 s/order/order?/ 14:20:54 Doug: I need to think about that 14:22:02 ... if I want to tab from my current focus, 14:22:25 ... then without @order then the next in document order is selected 14:22:39 ... with @order, then it goes to the first in the list 14:23:33 SP: stateless - regardless of current state, defaults back to same? 14:23:45 SP: if in a b carry on going to other bs 14:24:30 SM: possible to make stateless if defined "if no item that would be selected has focus currently, start with first one in document order, otherwise find next one in navigation order 14:24:47 Doug: This allows for a richer way to navigate 14:24:55 DS: jump to Bs with mouse, when in there, can keyboard navigate the Bs 14:24:59 ... jump to the Bs and then navigate around them 14:25:26 Shane: Also solves the problem of what happens with a DOM mutation 14:25:38 Steven: Absolutely 14:25:45 Shane: I will write this up 14:25:57 ... I am editing the document now 14:26:21 Roland: When will you publish your next draft, and what stage will it be at? 14:26:26 Doug: It will be a WD 14:26:33 ... in a month or so 14:26:46 ... we are working on SVG at the moment 14:26:57 ... so I don;t think I can do it this month 14:27:03 s/;/'/ 14:27:39 ... and there are still some unsolved problems 14:27:54 Roland: Thanks, we will keep in touch 14:27:55 thank you very much, shepazu 14:28:11 Doug: One other thing 14:28:55 ... no, I'll send it by email 14:29:02 [Doug leaves] 14:29:02 - +1.914.255.aabb 14:29:08 -Shepazu 14:29:18 zakim, aabb is Doug_Schepers 14:29:18 sorry, oedipus, I do not recognize a party named 'aabb' 14:29:33 Topic: M12N 14:30:01 Roland: Any news? 14:30:52 Steven: I haven't scratched the surface of my email since I got back last night. I'll keep you in touch 14:31:21 Topic: Access 14:31:23 Roland_ has joined #xhtml 14:31:30 Shane: I looked at the comments 14:31:50 ... related to the DOM 3 Events issues 14:32:08 i18n comments start at: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Aug/0006.html 14:32:28 ... the issue is that @key is inadequate 14:32:33 key attribute inadequate: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Aug/0007.html 14:32:53 ... and I'm not sure that there is a right answer. We took it over from HTML4 14:32:58 "The term 'access key' seems to be used to refer to the value of the key attribute in one part of this section, and to a key on a physical keyboard in other places." 14:33:20 Roland: We should work on a way to deal on the problem 14:33:27 s/ on / with / 14:33:35 I also raised a similar point, and I think you should use the keyIdentifier 14:33:51 Shane: I'm not sure there is a solution 14:34:02 PF's Proposed Requirements for Access/Accesskey in HTML5: http://esw.w3.org/topic/PF/XTech/HTML5/AccesskeyRequirements 14:34:31 SP: what do people do in japan with keyboard shortcuts? idea is use a key that matches a character 14:34:31 Roland: Multiple key depressions in Japanese 14:34:47 RM: keys don't generate kanji characters - part of character 14:35:12 Kaz: We use ascii characters for shortcuts 14:35:46 Shane: There are also some editorial comments 14:35:50 "It isn't clear that this section has taken into account the potential difference between key codes and the characters that may result from a key press on a given keyboard. It seems to assume that the character on a key cap == the key code identifier == the character produced by pressing that key == the character that is the value of the key attribute." - http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Aug/0008.html 14:36:29 Shane: I still need to work on the policy of evolution of modules 14:37:22 input "nihon" -(Imput Method software converts it to)-> "日本" 14:37:49 thought we agreed to 3 modules from Events: Handler, Listener, and Script 14:38:16 Topic: CURIEs 14:38:33 Roland: We had an email from Noah 14:38:57 Steven : I see that the TAG can't respond on our timescale 14:39:34 Shane: Didn't we ask for last call comments in May? 14:39:57 ... I think we should extend our timeline to accomodate them 14:40:05 ... even though we asked 5th May originally 14:40:34 Shane: The TAG wasn't on our original list 14:40:50 Steven: No, we didn't thinkl CURIEs had architectural ramifications 14:40:59 s/thinkl/think/ 14:41:08 Shane: But we should wait 14:41:24 Steven: Agreed 14:41:30 +1 14:42:20 Steven: Their FtF is September, ours October, so we can accomodate them with no pain 14:42:32 plus 1 14:42:41 Topic: AOB 14:43:05 Steven: You're away for 4 weeks, so have a good holiday 14:43:28 enjoy your well-earned rest, rolland 14:43:32 -ShaneM 14:43:36 -Gregory_Rosmaita 14:43:38 -Roland 14:43:39 -Tina_Holmboe 14:43:40 [ADJOURN] 14:43:40 -Kazuyuki 14:43:44 -Alessio 14:43:45 Roland_ has left #xhtml 14:44:01 -Steven 14:44:02 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has ended 14:44:04 Attendees were Kazuyuki, +04670855aaaa, Shepazu, Roland, Gregory_Rosmaita, ShaneM, Alessio, Steven, +1.914.255.aabb, Tina_Holmboe 14:44:11 rrsagent, make minutes 14:44:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/08/06-xhtml-minutes.html Steven_ 14:44:25 alessio has left #xhtml 15:32:46 ShaneM has left #xhtml 15:37:21 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 15:38:00 ShaneM has left #xhtml 16:03:41 kaz has left #xhtml 17:02:59 Zakim has left #xhtml 17:37:21 rrsagent, please part 17:37:21 I see no action items