13:53:25 RRSAgent has joined #emotion 13:53:25 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/07/31-emotion-irc 13:53:37 zakim, this will be INC_EMOXG 13:53:37 ok, marc; I see INC_EMOXG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 7 minutes 13:55:04 agenda+ briefly review list of initial spec suggestions that have materialised 13:55:20 agenda+ start discussing Links to the rest of the world spec suggestions 13:56:38 Hi marc 13:56:47 Hi Zakim 13:57:20 :-) 13:57:48 INC_EMOXG()10:00AM has now started 13:57:55 +??P3 13:58:15 Zakim, I am +??P3 13:58:15 sorry, Ian, I do not see a party named '+??P3' 13:58:16 +??P4 13:58:35 + +049892892aaaa 13:58:35 can you hear me? 13:58:46 zakim, I am ??P4 13:58:46 +marc; got it 13:59:16 zakim, I am aaaa 13:59:16 +Bjoern; got it 13:59:17 Ian, I cannot hear you 13:59:21 can you hear? 13:59:26 + +035321425aabb 13:59:37 new mic same old problems 13:59:46 why is this always so difficult?! 14:00:14 can you connect via plain old phone? 14:01:11 felix has joined #emotion 14:01:16 zakim, who is online? 14:01:16 I don't understand your question, marc. 14:01:23 zakim, who is here? 14:01:25 On the phone I see ??P3, marc, Bjoern, +035321425aabb 14:01:31 On IRC I see felix, RRSAgent, Zakim, Bjoern, Ian, marc, Dylan, trackbot 14:02:05 Hi Felix 14:02:13 +Paolo_Baggia,Laura_Ricotti 14:03:17 paolo has joined #emotion 14:03:32 zakim, who is here? 14:03:32 On the phone I see ??P3, marc, Bjoern, +035321425aabb, Paolo_Baggia,Laura_Ricotti 14:03:34 On IRC I see paolo, felix, RRSAgent, Zakim, Bjoern, Ian, marc, Dylan, trackbot 14:03:38 hi marc 14:03:51 Ian, any chance to have your voice? 14:03:54 zakim, Paolo_Baggia,Laura_Ricotti is Paolo_Baggia,Enrico_Zovato 14:03:54 +Paolo_Baggia,Enrico_Zovato; got it 14:04:03 zakim, who is here? 14:04:03 On the phone I see ??P3, marc, Bjoern, +035321425aabb, Paolo_Baggia,Enrico_Zovato 14:04:04 felix, can you join on the phone please? 14:04:09 On IRC I see paolo, felix, RRSAgent, Zakim, Bjoern, Ian, marc, Dylan, trackbot 14:04:13 zakim, aabb is Dylan 14:04:23 +Dylan; got it 14:04:48 zakim, ??P3 is Ian_Wilson 14:04:53 +Felix_Burkhardt 14:04:55 +Ian_Wilson; got it 14:05:09 zakim, who is here? 14:05:11 can hear 14:05:12 On the phone I see Ian_Wilson, marc, Bjoern, Dylan, Paolo_Baggia,Enrico_Zovato, Felix_Burkhardt 14:05:22 On IRC I see paolo, felix, RRSAgent, Zakim, Bjoern, Ian, marc, Dylan, trackbot 14:05:27 trying now 14:05:42 zakim sees my phone though? 14:05:46 hmm 14:07:17 Scribe: marc 14:07:22 ScribeNick: marc 14:07:40 next item 14:08:14 ok, last mic was also broken! 14:08:23 brand new mic now.. 14:09:12 3rd mic!! 14:09:48 all contributions have materialised except for Meta 1, Meta 2 and Global 0 14:09:56 so I suggest to re-distribute these 14:10:12 volunteers? 14:10:33 I can do meta 1 14:10:49 Enrico volunteers for meta 2 14:11:09 Felix volunteers for Global 0 14:11:55 ... by 15 August 14:12:14 next item 14:12:49 General remarks: 14:12:59 The main question for things that are not directly related to emotion/affect is: shall we specify them ourself or advise the use of similar xml specifications (make or buy)? 14:13:31 arguments to use existing specifications: 14:13:47 It is not core to Emotion, so not worth us inventing something new 14:14:06 Many specifications exist 14:14:15 Using a format from one of our "neighbors" will help foster closer integration of our groups / standards 14:14:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2008Jul/att-0006/00-part 14:15:56 html is a ML to format docs in browsers [2]. 14:16:19 SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) smil is a markup to format streaming media shows [3]. 14:16:45 EMMA (Extensible MultiModal Annotation Markup Language) emma is a markup describe multimodal interaction [4]. 14:17:53 I suggest to look at InkML for the sampling mechanism 14:20:26 Ian: suggests not to re-invent the wheel, but use other elements where they exist and are not specific to emotion 14:20:56 Ian: asks how commonly used SMIL or EMMA are 14:21:20 Paolo: describes use of EMMA with speech server for semantic recognition results for call centers etc. 14:21:47 ... but original idea was to use in multimodal environments, and only few projects currently seem to do that. 14:22:34 Ian: asks what people think of using html:a element 14:22:57 Felix: states that the element has too many attributes that we don't need 14:23:34 ...so suggestion by Christian Peter to reuse the names of elements/attributes from existing languages but not the actual elements/namespaces. 14:23:43 Ian: so that becomes a third option. 14:24:27 14:24:35 14:27:34 agrees with "target" over src 14:27:38 MArc: asks if we can use "target" rather than "src" because it seems to make more sense 14:28:00 Paolo: if we reuse the element, we should also reuse the attribute names 14:28:20 ... if we invent our own element, then we are free to choose names 14:28:41 i like URI 14:28:48 yeah why? 14:28:58 ... in SSML they had "audio", now switch to "media", and the attribute can be called either "src" or "uri" 14:29:02 Marc: likes "uri" 14:29:08 Dylan01 has joined #emotion 14:29:23 Ian: is "uri" maybe a protected keyword? it seems odd that no-one uses that. 14:29:26 Bjoern does not consider URI intuitive... 14:30:10 devans6 has joined #emotion 14:30:40 Ian: it seems we like Christian's idea 14:30:53 Dylan01 has joined #emotion 14:30:53 Björn: it seems we want to re-use things but not completely stick to them. 14:32:03 So we could use this as a guideline for the detailed discussion: being inspired by existing specs but only use what we really need. 14:33:11 Why do we need the mime type? 14:33:35 Paolo: it brings us the type of data that the URI points to 14:33:49 Felix: it will be very important for automatic processing, and everybody now has it 14:34:07 maybe that's true 14:34:35 agrees it adds value, as long as it stays optional 14:34:39 Felix agrees 14:35:08 Ian: that brings up an important point: which things are mandatory and which are optional. 14:35:53 last time we tried this (with the HUMAINE EARL) we ended up having everything optional. 14:36:08 Ian: so every tag should have at least one mandatory attribute. 14:36:32 we certainly have to leave several items optional, non-the-less... 14:37:39 So felix and ian can work out a concrete example on that basis. 14:37:52 Can we move on to Links 2? 14:38:00 Felix presents. 14:38:28 This also covers Core 8 "Emotion timing". 14:39:15 Felix: again, we should take the best of EMMA and SMIL that is useful for us, but not take everything. 14:40:42 14:40:56 14:41:11 14:41:25 14:41:33 emma:time-ref-anchor-point="start" 14:41:54 emma:offset-to-start="2s" /> 14:42:50 emma:time-ref-anchor-point="end" 14:43:07 emma:offset-to-start="0" /> 14:43:14 14:43:54 also prefers intuitive dates. 14:44:38 I find absolute time in milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 unintuitive 14:44:49 ... definitely I would like to avoid mixing these with human-readable times. 14:45:10 Enrico: agrees 14:45:16 -Felix_Burkhardt 14:45:18 Felix: couldn't we just leave that to the user 14:45:56 +Felix_Burkhardt 14:46:02 Ian: my feeling is we do not need to refer to dates 14:46:15 ... but it shoudl be fine to tie our annotation to a zero-point 14:46:43 ... so we need only relative times, not absolute times. 14:47:06 Ian: also, I think we shouldn't use "30s" etc., because it is not machine-readable. 14:47:44 thinks that absolute times might make sense for us in a surveillance application? 14:47:51 Paolo: in EMMA, there are both kinds of timing, absolute and relative 14:48:34 ... but in the end, having absolute timing was not actually useful for emma. 14:48:55 http://www.w3.org/TR/SMIL3/smil-timing.html#Timing-ClockValueSyntax 14:49:07 50:00:10.25 = 50 hours, 10 seconds and 250 milliseconds 14:50:10 Felix: I don't see the need to force our users into a specific way of describing time 14:50:18 ... it is not relevant for emotion 14:50:58 Marc: this is an example of a very general point: interoperability. 14:51:40 Dylan: for what I can see, we are fine with relative time, e.g. since the start of a video 14:52:16 Bjoern sees applications for absolute time: broad scale media retrieval, surveillance, ... 14:52:42 Felix: emotional diary would need absolute time 14:52:49 Dylan: disagrees 14:54:42 The question to me is, how complicated do we want to make this? 14:54:59 We see with EMMA how complicated it becomes when we want to make it powerful. 14:55:07 Felix: time is running up 14:55:17 Ian: let's continue discussing via the mailing list. 14:55:55 Links 3: semantics of links 14:55:58 Ian presents. 14:56:27 Ian: felix made the point that this is similar to our discussion on categories. 14:57:25 Ian: we may have too many custom sets if we allow people to bring in their own categories of semantics of links. 14:58:26 ... I would suggest to distinguish clearly between the actual link and its semantics. 14:58:36 ... they are conceptually distinct. 15:01:52 -Paolo_Baggia,Enrico_Zovato 15:03:20 We need to think about the relation between the three requirements (can we have a time wihtout a link, etc.) 15:03:55 Ian: in a concrete example, which attributes are optional, which are mandatory, what depends on what etc. 15:04:48 Felix: concrete examples will be more complex 15:04:58 Where should this be discussed? 15:05:26 Felix: let's have this in the public list, this is the heart of the matter. 15:05:59 agrees 15:07:44 Björn: suggests the f2f in Cannes is the time to discuss details, 15:07:53 ... lets try to raise all issues by then. 15:08:21 Let's continue by email. 15:08:22 good bye 15:08:22 -Dylan 15:08:24 -Bjoern 15:08:26 -Ian_Wilson 15:08:27 bye 15:08:29 -Felix_Burkhardt 15:08:32 quit 15:08:35 logout 15:08:40 -marc 15:08:42 INC_EMOXG()10:00AM has ended 15:08:43 Attendees were +049892892aaaa, marc, Bjoern, +035321425aabb, Paolo_Baggia,Enrico_Zovato, Dylan, Felix_Burkhardt, Ian_Wilson 15:08:58 Chair: Marc, Felix, Ian (changing) 15:09:17 Meeting: working meeting on EmotionML spec 15:10:04 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-emotion/2008Jul/0007.html 15:10:58 Present: Dylan, Ian, Bjoern, Paolo, Enrico, Felix, Marc 15:11:07 Regrets: Andy, Jianhua 15:11:38 ACTION: Marc to specify Meta 1 - due 15 August 15:11:39 Created ACTION-28 - specify Meta 1 [on Marc Schröder - due 2008-08-15]. 15:11:49 ACTION: Enrico to specify Meta 2 - due 15 August 15:11:52 Created ACTION-29 - specify Meta 2 [on Enrico Zovato - due 2008-08-15]. 15:12:10 ACTION: Felix to specify Global 0 - due 15 August 15:12:10 Created ACTION-30 - specify Global 0 [on Felix Burkhardt - due 2008-08-15]. 15:12:24 rrsagent, make logs public 15:12:30 rrsagent, draft minutes 15:12:30 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/07/31-emotion-minutes.html marc 15:12:57 rrsagent, bye 15:12:57 I see 3 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/31-emotion-actions.rdf : 15:12:57 ACTION: Marc to specify Meta 1 - due 15 August [1] 15:12:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/31-emotion-irc#T15-11-38 15:12:57 ACTION: Enrico to specify Meta 2 - due 15 August [2] 15:12:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/31-emotion-irc#T15-11-49 15:12:57 ACTION: Felix to specify Global 0 - due 15 August [3] 15:12:57 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/07/31-emotion-irc#T15-12-10 15:13:01 zakim, bye 15:13:01 Zakim has left #emotion