11:10:13 RRSAgent has joined #eiif 11:10:13 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/07/17-eiif-irc 11:10:29 Zakim has joined #eiif 11:12:02 zakim, this will be INC_EIIF 11:12:02 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, renato 11:12:18 zakim, this will be EIIF 11:12:18 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, renato 11:37:19 chamindra has joined #eiif 11:37:30 hi Renato 11:37:38 just testing IRC 12:06:14 Hi Chamindra 12:06:32 zakim, this will be EIIF 12:06:32 ok, renato; I see INC_EIIF XG()9:00AM scheduled to start in 54 minutes 12:50:41 Meeting: EIIF XG Teleconference 12:50:52 Chair: renato 12:53:45 scheduled to start in 30 mins 12:53:48 sorry 7 mins 12:56:15 yes! 12:56:42 Chamindra, can you scribe some notes in IRC for the meeting? 12:57:30 INC_EIIF XG()9:00AM has now started 12:57:37 +Olle 12:58:42 +[IPcaller] 12:59:12 I just joined is anyone there 12:59:44 dialling now 12:59:52 + +1.301.424.aaaa 13:00:45 olleo has joined #eiif 13:01:04 + +1.301.424.aabb 13:01:10 can anyone hear me or is there something wrong with my mic 13:01:18 +??P2 13:01:48 Hi olle 13:01:52 can you hear me 13:02:05 no 13:02:06 looks like my mic is not working 13:02:10 I will call direct 13:02:13 + +1.425.392.aacc 13:02:13 ok 13:02:26 -[IPcaller] 13:03:26 +??P9 13:04:39 scribe: chamindra 13:05:46 - +1.301.424.aaaa 13:06:36 + +1.604.303.aadd 13:07:23 +??P10 13:08:10 M:Added an agenda item to discuss the final report 13:11:29 M: Main work item is the framework document 13:11:46 M: with a focus on the two use-cases 13:15:17 M: Who is the audience for this document? 13:16:07 M: Take the framework document at a high level from a strategic point of view and also something very specific that an implementor can use 13:18:19 + +1.212.963.aaee 13:20:16 M: The specification model will have a recommendation of XML interop standards for implementors 13:25:22 M: Need to flexible and aware about integration between use-cases 13:26:02 A: Hillman will be looking into the missing person use-case 13:26:15 A: Mandena will look into the 3W use-case 13:30:30 A: Put a specification model on both use-cases from Sahana 13:31:12 A: OCHA in the process of changing the Schema 13:31:47 M: Paola has sent the schema to the mailing list 13:33:05 - +1.301.424.aabb 13:38:41 -??P10 13:40:10 M: The final report needs to state who should benefit, how we should further this work and so forth 13:40:26 A: Olle to write those comments in that page 13:40:41 M: neet to keep in mind who are we targetting 13:46:41 A: add who the target audience for each of the output documents 13:47:43 +??P8 13:55:53 M: We will not be having another F2F this year 13:56:12 M: We will continue with teleconferences monthly 13:57:03 M: Renato will keep OASIS and W3C in sync 13:57:31 A: Check with IEMA if there are some interop group - Hillman 14:03:17 -??P2 14:03:23 - +1.212.963.aaee 14:03:33 zakim, bye 14:03:33 leaving. As of this point the attendees were Olle, [IPcaller], +1.301.424.aaaa, +1.301.424.aabb, +1.425.392.aacc, +1.604.303.aadd, +1.212.963.aaee 14:03:33 Zakim has left #eiif 14:03:41 rrsagent, make log public 14:03:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 14:03:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/07/17-eiif-minutes.html renato 14:04:01 rrsagent, bye 14:04:01 I see no action items