IRC log of emotion on 2008-07-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:54:13 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #emotion
13:54:13 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:54:19 [marc]
zakim, this will be INC_EMOXG
13:54:20 [Zakim]
ok, marc; I see INC_EMOXG()10:00AM scheduled to start in 6 minutes
13:54:44 [Felix]
Felix has joined #emotion
13:54:59 [marc]
agenda+ Discuss first suggestions for specification of Requirement Core 2: Emotion categories
13:55:21 [marc]
agenda+ Date of next meeting
13:56:55 [Zakim]
INC_EMOXG()10:00AM has now started
13:57:03 [Zakim]
+ +49.381.402.aaaa
13:57:05 [Zakim]
13:57:34 [Zakim]
13:58:02 [Ian]
Marc I can only participate peripherally today
13:58:07 [Idoia]
Idoia has joined #emotion
13:58:12 [Ian]
I am listening on the phone
13:58:19 [Ian]
but I have no speech
13:58:21 [Zakim]
+ +49.892.892.aabb
13:58:29 [marc]
zakim, who is talking?
13:58:39 [Zakim]
marc, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: +49.381.402.aaaa (19%), ??P5 (90%), +49.892.892.aabb (29%)
13:58:54 [marc]
zakim, I am ??P5
13:58:54 [Zakim]
+marc; got it
13:58:58 [Idoia]
13:59:11 [Christian]
zakim, i am aaaa
13:59:11 [Zakim]
+Christian; got it
13:59:25 [Ian]
13:59:27 [Ian]
no mic
13:59:41 [Ian]
I am also in another meeting too
13:59:46 [Zakim]
13:59:56 [Bjoern]
zakim, I am aabb
13:59:58 [Zakim]
+Bjoern; got it
13:59:58 [Ian]
zakim I am aabb
14:00:02 [marc]
zakim, ??P11 is Jianhua
14:00:05 [Ian]
14:00:06 [Zakim]
+Jianhua; got it
14:00:12 [Ian]
who am i then?
14:00:19 [Zakim]
14:00:24 [Ian]
zakim i am P4
14:00:36 [marc]
zakim, ??P4 is Ian
14:00:36 [Zakim]
+Ian; got it
14:00:39 [Ian]
14:00:54 [Felix]
zakim i am Felix_Burkhardt
14:01:10 [marc]
Idoia, can you join on the phone?
14:01:18 [Felix]
zakim, i am Felix_Burkhardt
14:01:19 [Zakim]
ok, Felix, I now associate you with Felix_Burkhardt
14:01:35 [Ian]
she was here earlier
14:02:12 [marc]
ScribeNick: Bjoern
14:02:24 [Idoia]
here we are Nestor and Idoia and we are joining on the phone just now
14:02:43 [marc]
ok we'll wait for a moment
14:03:00 [marc]
next item
14:03:25 [marc]
14:04:48 [Bjoern]
Marc introduces the agenda and asks for other suggestions
14:05:01 [Christian]
Christian has joined #emotion
14:05:03 [Bjoern]
No other suggestions are added.
14:05:27 [marc]
1. First we stated that the simplest form, as used in EARL [2] so far (flat and implicit):
14:05:27 [marc]
14:05:27 [marc]
<emotion category="pleasure"/>
14:05:27 [marc]
has the charm of simplicity, but it has disadvantages:
14:05:27 [marc]
- the markup gives no hint regarding the set of categories to use
14:05:28 [marc]
- if you want to add meta-information (e.g., Meta 1: Confidence) specifically to the category, that is not straightforward to do.
14:07:11 [Bjoern]
Marc discusses issue 1 from the mail of Felix.
14:07:20 [Bjoern]
This is uncontroversial by all.
14:07:25 [marc]
2. An alternative would be
14:07:26 [marc]
14:07:26 [marc]
14:07:26 [marc]
14:07:26 [marc]
but the usage of plain text in elements (vs. attributes) is to be avoided because our ML will certainly be used in conjunction with text processing steps and we certainly wouldn't want to be left with the " pleasure " string when all markup gets removed.
14:08:32 [Zakim]
14:08:44 [Bjoern]
This item too is uncontroversial.
14:10:30 [marc]
3. We than thought about ways for making it explicit which set of categories is used and came up with three different ideas:
14:10:30 [marc]
3a. Category sets as the name of the element, e.g.:
14:10:31 [marc]
<emotion> <category> <BigSixEmotion name="joy"/> </category> </emotion> or, in a flatter version <emotion> <EverydayEmotionCategory name="pleasure" confidence="0.9"/> </emotion>
14:10:32 [Bjoern]
No controversion by new adds.
14:11:56 [Bjoern]
Marc explains joint advantage of 3a-c.
14:12:18 [marc]
3b. Category sets as the value of a apecial attribute attribute, e.g.:
14:12:19 [marc]
<emotion> <category set="everyday" name="pleasure" confidence "0.9"/> </emotion>
14:12:19 [marc]
3c. Category sets as the namespace of the <category> element, e.g.
14:12:19 [marc]
14:12:19 [marc]
14:12:20 [marc]
<everyday:category id="pleasure" confidence="0.9" />
14:12:21 [marc]
</emotionml: emotion>
14:14:38 [Bjoern]
Felix speaks against 3a.
14:14:56 [Bjoern]
Felix prefers 3b as easiest way.
14:15:34 [Bjoern]
Marc explains that the namespace variant is not necessarily more complex.
14:16:14 [Bjoern]
Marc states that namespace allows easier creation of outside of standard set.
14:16:52 [Bjoern]
Marc states that in 3b this will probably be possible, too.
14:17:26 [Bjoern]
Bjoern states that this is an important feature.
14:18:33 [Bjoern]
Marc stresses usability over technical "cleanness"
14:19:37 [Jianhua]
I prefer 3b too
14:19:57 [Bjoern]
Bjoern asks about certainness to provide sets and make them public in 3b.
14:20:15 [Bjoern]
Jianhua also prefers 3b for its simplicity.
14:20:35 [Bjoern]
Marc suggest providing an URL for this (wrt Bjoern's question).
14:21:02 [Bjoern]
Marc asks if 3b is ok for the moment.
14:21:15 [Bjoern]
This is agreed. It allows moving to 3c later on.
14:21:23 [Idoia]
we also agree with the simplicity of 3b option
14:21:38 [Bjoern]
agrees on 3b.
14:22:17 [Bjoern]
Marc suggests to have 3b as guideline for future items.
14:22:31 [Bjoern]
Marc stresses the importance of this decision.
14:22:45 [Bjoern]
Nobody objects...
14:23:21 [Bjoern]
Including Ian...
14:23:23 [Christian]
14:24:50 [Bjoern]
Marc reads list of volunteers and suggests to split items among them for draft versions for discussion.
14:25:15 [Bjoern]
Marc asks if moving quickly like this is ok.
14:25:29 [Bjoern]
Felix agrees.
14:27:01 [Zakim]
+ +95177aacc
14:27:02 [Bjoern]
Marc says that work should be split respecting similarities.
14:27:21 [marc]
zakim, aacc is Catherine
14:27:21 [Zakim]
+Catherine; got it
14:27:30 [cpelacha]
cpelacha has joined #emotion
14:27:46 [Zakim]
14:28:42 [Bjoern]
Marc explains made decisions to newly joints...
14:30:06 [Bjoern]
Felix suggests to discuss this online, first.
14:31:11 [Bjoern]
Marc asks others if they want to join the discussion on splitting requirements specs among volunteers.
14:32:04 [Bjoern]
Marc reminds of next meeting on 31st of July same time.
14:32:07 [Zakim]
14:32:09 [Zakim]
14:32:09 [Zakim]
14:32:12 [Zakim]
14:32:16 [Bjoern]
People not involved leave...
14:32:19 [Zakim]
14:32:53 [marc]
zakim, who is here?
14:32:53 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Ian, marc, Bjoern, Felix_Burkhardt
14:32:54 [Zakim]
On IRC I see cpelacha, Christian, Idoia, Felix, RRSAgent, Zakim, marc, Bjoern, Jianhua, Ian, trackbot
14:33:00 [Bjoern]
Marc asks Ian for lifesign.
14:33:15 [Idoia]
Idoia has left #emotion
14:34:53 [Bjoern]
Marc, Felix, and Bjoern discuss split of 13 remaining mandatory requirements.
14:34:57 [Ian]
sorry, switching between 2 meetings
14:35:28 [Ian]
very difficult
14:35:30 [Ian]
14:35:49 [Ian]
14:35:56 [Ian]
14:36:05 [Ian]
sounds like a good idea
14:36:11 [Ian]
14:36:13 [Bjoern]
Marc suggests Ian for Links to the rest of the world (1-3).
14:36:18 [Ian]
together is good
14:36:31 [Ian]
my XML knowledge is not great
14:36:31 [Bjoern]
Ian and Felix agree to work on this.
14:37:00 [Ian]
you have to make 1 action item per person
14:37:08 [Ian]
i dont think that works
14:37:23 [Ian]
14:37:34 [Ian]
14:37:51 [Bjoern]
ACTION: Felix and Ian to prepare examples for links to the rest of the world before 31st of July 2008.
14:37:51 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-23 - And Ian to prepare examples for links to the rest of the world before 31st of July 2008. [on Felix Burkhardt - due 2008-07-10].
14:37:53 [Ian]
so the same action item for each person
14:40:34 [Ian]
sounds good
14:42:02 [Ian]
14:42:08 [Zakim]
14:42:10 [Ian]
sorry I missed that
14:42:21 [marc]
oops, did I drop out?
14:42:25 [Ian]
14:42:44 [Zakim]
14:42:57 [marc]
zakim, I am ??P1
14:42:57 [Zakim]
+marc; got it
14:43:27 [Ian]
can you explain again, i missed it
14:43:30 [Ian]
14:43:38 [Ian]
no problem
14:43:50 [Ian]
ah ok
14:43:56 [Ian]
i looked at that one too
14:45:49 [Ian]
14:46:00 [Ian]
14:46:02 [Zakim]
14:46:05 [Zakim]
14:46:08 [Felix]
bye bagin
14:46:47 [Bjoern]
ACTION: Bjoern to provide examples for core 1 and core 6 before 31. July 2008
14:46:47 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - Bjoern
14:48:19 [bschulle]
bschulle has joined #emotion
14:48:35 [Bjoern]
Bjoern has joined #emotion
14:49:24 [Bjoern]
ACTION: Björn_Schuller to provide examples for core 1 and core 6 until 31.7.08
14:49:24 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - Björn_Schuller
14:49:36 [Bjoern]
ACTION: Björn_Schuller to provide examples for core 1 and core 6 until 31.7.08
14:49:36 [trackbot]
Sorry, couldn't find user - Björn_Schuller
14:49:54 [Bjoern]
ACTION: Björn to provide examples for core 1 and core 6 until 31.7.08
14:49:54 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-24 - Provide examples for core 1 and core 6 until 31.7.08 [on Björn Schuller - due 2008-07-10].
14:50:56 [Bjoern]
ACTION: Marc to provide examples for core 3,4,5,7 until 31.07.08
14:50:56 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-25 - Provide examples for core 3,4,5,7 until 31.07.08 [on Marc Schröder - due 2008-07-10].
14:52:50 [Bjoern]
ACTION: Myriam was volunteered to porvide meta 1,2 and global 0 examples due 2008-07-31
14:52:50 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-26 - Was volunteered to porvide meta 1,2 and global 0 examples due 2008-07-31 [on Myriam LAMOLLE - due 2008-07-10].
14:56:07 [marc]
14:58:09 [marc]
14:58:14 [marc]
14:58:18 [marc]
14:59:06 [Bjoern]
Scribe: Bjoern Schuller
14:59:18 [Bjoern]
Chair: Marc Schroeder
14:59:26 [marc]
Present: Felix, Björn, Ian, Christian, Andy, Catherine, Idoia, Nestor
14:59:45 [marc]
Present: Felix, Björn, Ian, Christian, Andy, Catherine, Idoia, Nestor, Jianhua
15:00:05 [marc]
15:00:28 [marc]
Regrets: Enrico, Myriam
15:00:53 [Bjoern]
Meeting: EMO ML discussion
15:01:16 [Bjoern]
rrsagent, make logs public
15:01:24 [Bjoern]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:01:24 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Bjoern
15:04:33 [Zakim]
15:04:37 [Zakim]
15:04:39 [Zakim]
INC_EMOXG()10:00AM has ended
15:04:43 [Zakim]
Attendees were +49.381.402.aaaa, +49.892.892.aabb, marc, Christian, Bjoern, Jianhua, Felix_Burkhardt, Ian, Myriam_Arrue, +95177aacc, Catherine, Andy_Breen
15:06:04 [marc]
zakim, bye
15:06:04 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #emotion
15:06:09 [marc]
rrsagent, bye
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
I see 4 open action items saved in :
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Felix and Ian to prepare examples for links to the rest of the world before 31st of July 2008. [1]
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Björn to provide examples for core 1 and core 6 until 31.7.08 [5]
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Marc to provide examples for core 3,4,5,7 until 31.07.08 [6]
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
recorded in
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
ACTION: Myriam was volunteered to porvide meta 1,2 and global 0 examples due 2008-07-31 [7]
15:06:09 [RRSAgent]
recorded in