14:45:59 RRSAgent has joined #forms 14:45:59 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/06/25-forms-irc 14:46:06 rrsagent, make log public 14:46:20 -??P10 14:46:21 ebruchez has joined #forms 14:46:38 + +1.919.254.aaaa 14:46:56 Meeting: Weekly Forms WG Teleconference 14:46:58 + +03491211aabb 14:47:01 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Jun/0063.html 14:47:03 +??P13 14:47:08 zakim, aaaa is wellsk 14:47:08 +wellsk; got it 14:47:09 zakim, 11aabb is Roger 14:47:09 sorry, Roger, I do not recognize a party named '11aabb' 14:47:15 Chair: John 14:47:17 zakim, ??P13 is ebruchez 14:47:17 +ebruchez; got it 14:47:22 Regrets: Uli, Leigh 14:47:30 zakim, 3491211aabb is Roger 14:47:30 sorry, Roger, I do not recognize a party named '3491211aabb' 14:47:31 +John_Boyer 14:47:35 +??P14 14:47:43 zakim, i am ? 14:47:43 +prb; got it 14:47:44 zakim, +034 is Roger 14:47:44 +Roger; got it 14:47:53 Scribe: Charlie 14:48:50 zakim, mute me 14:48:50 Roger should now be muted 14:49:49 I think Rafael is not coming, but anyway Thanks Charlie... 14:49:53 sure 14:50:09 Topic: John's dog 14:50:12 he has allergies 14:50:23 runs into things, poor devil 14:50:29 but is cute 14:50:47 moving along... 14:50:59 Topic: upcoming telecons 14:51:06 zakim, dial steven-617 14:51:06 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:51:07 +Steven 14:51:10 please fill out summer questionnaire 14:51:26 link is in the agenda 14:51:37 http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/32219/formssummer08/ 14:51:43 I'm going to be off for one week first or second week of august but not sure yet which week 14:51:49 July 16 most number away 14:52:01 should we cancel? 14:52:11 would need another chair since John is away too 14:52:16 poll: call on 16th? 14:52:20 -1 14:52:51 inick could chair july 16 if there's a call 14:52:55 s/inick/nick 14:53:11 could be enough people to have a useful discussion of modules 14:53:26 need work products to have useful conversation 14:53:43 conclusion: proceed with nick as chair for july 16 14:53:50 for july 23rd, need chair too 14:54:00 nick can do this one too 14:54:03 only 6 have replied 14:54:05 John: Thanks! 14:55:00 good demo at the backplane call on ubiquity integration in dojo...do we want a repeat demo on july 2? 14:55:12 thomas or i can do this if there's interest 14:57:31 perhaps yugma would work on opera since webdialogs seems not to support it 14:57:38 firefox on mac or windows is ok 14:57:47 conclusion is to use webdialogs 14:59:11 Topic: XForms event 14:59:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Jun/0032.html 14:59:34 Steven: enthusiastic response, content taking shape, nothing formal yet 14:59:46 W3C has expressed interest in some form of sponsorship 15:00:00 John: what's the anticipated size? 15:00:05 Steven: 250 "ish" 15:00:28 Steven: last time XForms event in London, oversold 100 slots within 2 days, anticipate response will be good 15:00:38 John: similar experience at NY emerging technologies group 15:00:54 John: normally draw 50-75, we got 300 or so for XForms 15:01:04 John: Just in NY State area 15:01:45 John: who are likely attendees? 15:02:07 Steven: insurance and finance industry last time had large turnouts, also local govts 15:02:22 Steven: have contacted folks doing impls for govt, they would like to demo 15:02:49 Steven: seeing lots of XML takeup in govt sites in the UK, e.g. RDFa 15:03:20 Steven: also, French implementation of XForms in progress, also expressed interest in coming. have asked for test suite for 1.1 15:03:35 Steven: Concentre is the name of the impl 15:03:45 John: should connect with Keith... 15:04:37 Topic: Input Mode Appx E 15:04:39 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Jun/0024.html 15:04:53 Steven: working on it...in progress 15:05:15 John: most other 1.1 issues have been worked on 15:05:23 John: Nick...could you regen the action item list? 15:05:33 Nick: yup...had some work impacts 15:05:56 Topic: XHTML2 access module 15:05:58 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Jun/0038.html 15:06:09 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Jun/0040.html 15:06:19 John: steven requested review from out group 15:06:23 s/out/our 15:06:34 Steven: we didn't get any LC comments 15:06:44 Steven: would like to at least point out folks have read it and are ok 15:06:51 John: NIck posted a response, thumbs up 15:06:59 Nick: yes, a quick read...didn't find any issues 15:07:13 John: Steven, could you give us the overview pls? 15:07:22 http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-xhtml-access-20080526/ 15:07:43 Steven: currently access key is mixed with the markup itself 15:08:10 Steven: Access creates an element for accessibility (or other purposes, e.g. phone) separately in the document 15:08:24 Steven: in principle could have different access methods for different devices 15:09:00 Steven: binds keys to roles as well as ids 15:09:40 Steven: also for other event types as well, not just keys 15:10:06 John: first question, is I notice key="s" if user hits s this takes to that element? 15:10:30 Steven: might be alt-s or some other escape key, depending on user agent 15:10:58 Steven: can't override std bindings for user agent, and all access points must be available even if there aren't key bindings (e.g. menus) 15:11:09 Nick: can be overridden in user agent? 15:11:16 Steven: these are hints, user agent has last word 15:11:24 Steven: in the sense of user preferences 15:11:48 John: user-specified settings override user agent defaults 15:12:00 John: or author-specified settings 15:13:10 John: what happens with conflicts? 15:13:18 John: does the user get notification? 15:13:38 Steven: no notification, but all access points must be available in some way or another... 15:13:43 John: no advice on how to achieve that? 15:13:52 Steven: no normative requirement on that, no 15:14:02 John: any known practices? 15:14:29 Steven: yes, one is accessibility binding is diffferent from the chrome binding to avoid clashes 15:14:36 s/diffferent/different 15:14:58 John: another question, in addition to role, can target id 15:15:14 Steven: role is for group of elements marked with role, id is for one particular element 15:15:26 John: how should target id behave in xforms repeat? 15:15:30 Steven: good question 15:15:49 Steven: for example, what about URLs ending with # and ID? 15:15:54 (how does this relate?) 15:16:15 zakim, mute me 15:16:15 Nick_van_den_Bleeken should now be muted 15:16:34 John: coming from outside document in, we'd use current index of each nested repeat 15:16:53 John: i.e. we'd apply indices implicitly 15:17:02 Steven: so this is an xforms semantics not access 15:17:29 Steven: up to markup languages also where they put this element, imagine it goes in head but not required 15:17:41 John: for xforms it matters where the ID reference is coming from. 15:18:23 John: does the actual keystroke behave as event dispatched to access element? 15:18:46 John: if you have access in repeat, which access would the event go to? 15:19:02 John: might be something we have to say in xforms, to pin down these issues for us 15:19:17 John: would this be worthwhile as LC feedback? 15:19:30 Steven: yes, but it's very xforms specific 15:20:05 Steven: same/similar problem in CSS 15:20:28 I always thought that the css selector matches all the repeated elements 15:20:51 John: if access inside repeat, are there other impacts? 15:21:07 Steven: pls send in this comment to let WG think about this 15:21:09 John: ok 15:21:43 Action: John_Boyer to submit LC comments about access relating to behavior in XForms 15:21:43 Sorry, couldn't find user - John_Boyer 15:22:14 tracker, status? 15:22:22 trackbut, status? 15:22:32 trackbot, status? 15:23:11 Topic: request for comments on XML Events 2 15:23:20 John: Charlie already posted, is this satisfactory 15:23:36 Steven: yes, except that today as a result of our call sent request for extra advice 15:23:49 Steven: given forms has lots of implementors 15:24:01 Steven: at what point should listeners be registered? what should we say? 15:25:24 John: seems like early registration for declared handlers is appropriate 15:25:40 John: then as processor is starting, new repeats are created which would then trigger their handlers 15:25:49 Steven: second part of the question is should XML events markup be live? 15:26:04 Steven: i.e. if the markup is changed somehow, should the registration follow those changes? 15:26:19 Steven: I could imagine this would cause problems... 15:26:27 John: it's not something we support now, no 15:26:43 John: we need action item for some of the implementors to comment on this... 15:26:48 we neither, but it could be an interested features ;) 15:26:53 John: any vounteers? 15:27:06 zakim, unmute me 15:27:06 Nick_van_den_Bleeken should no longer be muted 15:27:09 Paul: this would be quite difficult for us as we're not in control of the DOM 15:27:16 Nick: chiba doesn't do this either 15:27:26 Steven: I'd be happy with a clear "no"... 15:27:49 Steven: if you're scripting the DOM then you can just set up the listeners you want directly 15:28:18 Nick: there's a remove event listener in XML Events 2, right? 15:28:33 Steven: yes 15:28:48 Nick: but you can add it declaratively and then remove by script 15:29:10 s/remove/add 15:29:34 John: could it be re-added later on? if removed by script? 15:29:38 Steven: yes 15:29:54 Steven: XML Events markup is for registering handlers at some point early in document creation, then we're done 15:30:13 hmmm...it seemed to me that there was an interesting step toward move dynamic function in XML Events 2 15:30:19 s/move/more 15:30:47 John: if you add then remove a handler then persist, doesn't seem to be any record in the document? 15:30:53 Steven: right, this this is ok 15:30:59 s/this/but 15:31:17 John: can you declare a listener that is "off", i.e. declared but not connected? 15:31:20 Steven: no 15:31:36 Steven: but you can create a handler and then at some future time attach a listener 15:32:09 John: having a way to persist the current state of handlers and registrations is important 15:32:24 Nick: no worse than doing this in script 15:32:41 John: same problem i have with switch states... 15:33:12 John: current selected case of switch needs to hold across serialization 15:33:40 NIck: always registered, just uses "if" to decide if it's active so it will also be serialized 15:34:06 John: profiles of XML Events 2 applied to archival document formats...might want to give this guidance 15:34:30 John: action item to roll this up? 15:34:39 Nick: i can do it 15:35:00 Action: nick to respond to additional questions on XML Events 2 to XHMTL2 WG 15:35:00 Created ACTION-474 - Respond to additional questions on XML Events 2 to XHMTL2 WG [on Nick Van Den Bleeken - due 2008-07-02]. 15:35:52 Topic: Specifying initial value 15:35:54 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Mar/0097.html 15:36:05 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Mar/0053.html 15:36:15 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Mar/0052.html 15:36:29 Nick: gives overview... 15:36:56 John: i had assumed we'd use something like "default" attribute 15:37:25 Nick: we had also discussed "initialvalue" don't recall where we came out 15:37:59 John: aside from naming, other issue (see 0097.html) in streamlined syntax but the way it affects the canonical xform is to populate generated instance data 15:38:43 John: there's no MIP called default 15:38:59 John: doesn't translate well to canonical xforms 15:39:13 Paul: do you mean in existing xforms? 15:39:28 John: yes, we're looking at 1.2 as both streamlined and also extensions to regular xforms 15:39:45 John: those mods which are needed to support the streamlined syntax 15:40:14 John: e.g. the context attribute to get around ../ notation in calculates 15:41:49 Nick: when new item is inserted, does it get a default value too? 15:42:14 John: yes 15:43:05 John: also has implications on "row template"...see example in 0097.html 15:43:35 John: prototype row is easy place to put defaults for repeats 15:43:56 Nick: what about when node bindings change? 15:44:09 Nick: can bind to empty nodes, should defaults be applied then or stay empty? 15:44:31 John: my opinion is that default was imposed at creation time rather than rewiring 15:45:16 John: is default or initial value a feature of streamlined syntax only, at doc init, or a feature in core xforms as part of live running document? 15:45:28 seems like a big change for core xforms 15:46:16 zakim, pointer? 15:46:16 I don't understand your question, nick. 15:46:26 rssagent, pointer? 15:47:30 rssagent, make pointer 15:47:49 John: question to the group is: anybody uncomfortable with initial value for 1.2? importing it from streamlined syntax. those in core xforms would have instances with pre-seeded values 15:48:11 Paul: do you mean in core xforms the default attribute would do nothing? or insert these values if empty? 15:48:20 John: the former, default would not do anything 15:48:30 John: helps in the interpretation of name attribute 15:48:39 John: helps to generate the implied instance 15:48:56 John: if you want defaults in core xforms then you'd do this by writing out the starting instance explicitly 15:49:00 +1 15:49:24 Paul: i can see how it could be used in core xforms in lazy author mode 15:49:27 Paul: but i agree 15:50:05 rrsagent, here 15:50:05 See http://www.w3.org/2008/06/25-forms-irc#T15-50-05 15:50:44 John: we can revisit when we have spec-ready text, but it seems like we should write this up for now...need to decide on the attribute naming 15:51:12 John: did we decide on "initial-value"? 15:51:18 John: or "default"? 15:51:51 Paul: one issue with default, is if you delete data from this node and then delete it, would get reinitted before submission... 15:52:05 s/and then delete/and then submit 15:52:14 I updated http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/Add_support_for_default_values_without_the_need_of_an_instance_element to refelct what we've said until now 15:52:25 Paul: just "initial"? 15:52:53 I have nothing against initial-value ... 15:53:02 John: or maybe "initialize" but do we not like att names that are verbs, steven? 15:53:13 John: as opposed to dashed values 15:53:52 John: we do have "calculate" 15:54:20 John: any objections to "initialize"? 15:54:32 John: ok, let's use that 15:54:45 John: does seem better than initial-value 15:55:08 Topic: automate boolean-from-string() on the boolean MIPs (relevant, 15:55:08 readonly, constraint) 15:55:26 s/(relevant,/(relevant, readonly, constraint) 15:55:37 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Feb/0077.html 15:56:37 John: xpath has rule that string converts to boolean based on empty or not 15:56:47 John: not the common sense expectation 15:56:51 John: of the contents 15:57:14 John: leads to lots of frustration 15:57:34 Nick: i see this is hard to understand but see two problems in doing this automatically 15:57:55 Nick: first is if you're using an expression inside another one, need to do this explicitly since we can only impact the outermost expression 15:58:27 Nick: so we're also no longer backwards compatible with 1.1, also with other langs like xquery, xslt 15:58:35 Nick: for nodeset to boolean 15:59:15 Paul: although i agree, not sure if the standard meaning in xpath is what's expected 15:59:26 Paul: expert authors will still have workarounds 16:00:08 Erik: in the 0077.html email i wonder what is the idea of the implicit conversion, when does this happen? 16:01:06 Erik: in xslt 2.0, when adding attributes on variables, the value is guaranteed to be of that type 16:01:29 Erik: in xforms we don't assign with the type property an xpath type... 16:01:51 -Steven 16:02:14 Erik: if we had the ability to assign the type to a value (not only for boolean) then we could do automatic conversions when using them 16:02:26 Nick: there is a conversion from nodeset to boolean by using boolean function 16:02:45 Nick: some authors make assumption that string with "false" as values, this converts to false, not true 16:03:22 http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/WD-xquery-operators-20011220/#casting-boolean 16:03:36 switching to XPath 2.0 will fix our problem 16:04:04 Erik: should follow pattern from underlying w3c recommendations 16:05:07 John: problem is actually not false, but boolean when converting nodeset with children 16:05:27 John: how should we convert the nodeset for xforms? 16:05:39 Erik: not right that it doesn't make sense (current semantics) 16:05:55 Erik: clearly there are use cases for existence test 16:06:02 Erik: rather than value test 16:06:26 John: seems like that's the edge case 16:06:45 Charlie: worries about baking too much "policy" into xforms -- maybe put this in streamlined syntax? 16:07:59 Paul: also not backwards compat. 16:08:18 John: possibly attack with streamlined syntax 16:08:55 John: add the appropriate conversion function in accessing the implied instance 16:09:38 John: seems similar to ../ problem 16:10:00 Erik: funny construct, lots of magic 16:10:36 Erik: had to specify clearly 16:10:40 s/had/hard 16:11:11 John: can say it always applies boolean-to-string but again maybe we do this in streamlined syntax 16:11:29 16:11:35 convert to core XForms 16:11:47 relevant="boolean-from-string(y)" 16:12:19 boolean-from-string(true()) 16:12:31 returns true 16:13:08 Erik: when would a user write relevant in streamlined? 16:13:13 John: that's what they're usually writing 16:13:19 16:13:34 or 16:13:50 relevant="$isChild" 16:14:13 relevant="isChild" 16:14:28 Erik: in this case, perhaps the typing of the node goes further 16:14:45 Erik: we don't use the type in xpath expressions 16:15:27 Erik: we could do the right conversions given this type knowledge in either streamlined or core xforms syntax 16:15:45 Paul: that doesn't sound very streamlined, form author has to know about types 16:15:51 Nick: but it's automatic 16:18:00 -ebruchez 16:18:01 -Nick_van_den_Bleeken 16:18:02 -Charlie 16:18:03 -wellsk 16:18:04 -John_Boyer 16:18:09 Roger has left #forms 16:18:11 Charlie has left #forms 16:18:14 wellsk has left #forms 16:18:16 -Roger 16:19:12 zakim, who is here? 16:19:12 On the phone I see prb 16:19:13 On IRC I see RRSAgent, John_Boyer, Zakim, nick, Steven, trackbot 16:19:21 zakim, disconnect prb 16:19:21 prb is being disconnected 16:19:22 HTML_Forms()10:45AM has ended 16:19:23 Attendees were Nick_van_den_Bleeken, Charlie, +1.919.254.aaaa, +03491211aabb, wellsk, ebruchez, John_Boyer, prb, Roger, Steven 16:19:31 rrsagent, make minutes 16:19:31 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/25-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer 16:19:41 rrsagent, bye 16:19:41 I see 2 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/25-forms-actions.rdf : 16:19:41 ACTION: John_Boyer to submit LC comments about access relating to behavior in XForms [1] 16:19:41 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/25-forms-irc#T15-21-43 16:19:41 ACTION: nick to respond to additional questions on XML Events 2 to XHMTL2 WG [2] 16:19:41 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/25-forms-irc#T15-35-00