14:36:22 RRSAgent has joined #backplane 14:36:22 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/06/24-backplane-irc 14:36:41 zakim, this will be rwab 14:36:41 ok, Charlie; I see INC_RWAB()11:00AM scheduled to start in 24 minutes 14:36:54 rrsagent, make log public 14:37:10 Meeting: app backplane XG teleconference 14:37:18 Chair: Charlie Wiecha 14:37:33 Regrets: Kevin, Uli 14:37:58 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2008Jun/0016.html 14:55:47 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has now started 14:55:54 +[IBM] 14:56:02 zakim, [IBM] is Charlie 14:56:02 +Charlie; got it 14:58:10 jackjansen has joined #backplane 14:58:40 rahul has joined #backplane 15:01:41 + +31.20.616.aaaa 15:01:53 John_Boyer has joined #backplane 15:02:20 oedipus has joined #backplane 15:02:29 +John_Boyer 15:02:52 +Gregory_Rosmaita 15:03:20 Scribe: Gregory_Rosmaita 15:03:25 ScribeNick: oedipus 15:03:33 jsalvachua has joined #backplane 15:03:39 Hello, good morning 15:04:11 CW: markup examples - embedding in dojo 15:05:38 + +34.91.549.aabb 15:05:55 CW: First example of using ubiquity modules in AJAX: xforms model and submission in Dojo 15:06:03 http://www.webexamples.com 15:06:11 webdialogs.com 15:06:16 meeting code is 801862 15:06:28 s/webexamples.com/webdialogs.com 15:06:40 Steven has joined #backplane 15:06:49 zakim, dial steven-617 15:06:49 ok, Steven; the call is being made 15:06:50 +Steven 15:07:07 zakim, who is here? 15:07:14 On the phone I see Charlie, +31.20.616.aaaa, John_Boyer, Gregory_Rosmaita, +34.91.549.aabb, Steven 15:07:14 zakim, wh is here? 15:07:18 zakim, who is here? 15:07:19 CW: welcome to Jack - joining us today 15:07:22 On IRC I see Steven, jsalvachua, oedipus, John_Boyer, rahul, jackjansen, RRSAgent, Zakim, Charlie 15:07:26 sorry, Steven, I do not understand your question 15:07:27 CW: brief introductions 15:07:30 On the phone I see Charlie, +31.20.616.aaaa, John_Boyer, Gregory_Rosmaita, +34.91.549.aabb, Steven 15:07:43 zakim, wh ois talking? 15:07:48 On IRC I see Steven, jsalvachua, oedipus, John_Boyer, rahul, jackjansen, RRSAgent, Zakim, Charlie 15:07:49 zakim, who is talking? 15:07:53 Jack: member of SYMM WG work on SMIL; SMIL state 15:07:58 I don't understand your question, Steven. 15:08:12 Steven, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Charlie (4%), +31.20.616.aaaa (9%), +34.91.549.aabb (40%) 15:08:17 JJ: integration into web apps for SMIL states 15:08:32 CW: welcome 15:08:57 i think the noise its me 15:09:02 zakim, aaaa is probably jackjansen 15:09:02 +jackjansen?; got it 15:09:13 oedipus, I am +31.20 15:09:16 CW: background 15:09:19 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_Future_Features 15:09:22 zakim, country code 34? 15:09:22 I don't understand your question, Steven. 15:09:32 TOPIC: XForms Face2Face Update 15:09:50 CW: spent good chunk of times refactoring XForms spec into modules 15:09:56 CW: XForms 1.2 M12n 15:10:07 CW: different from original backplane note (2006 Amsterdam) 15:10:08 34 spain 15:10:43 CW: modulized XForms with finer grade modules; trying to reflect XHTML m12n 15:11:07 CW: backplane - implementing modules into host languages 15:11:25 CW: started in XG investigating ubiquity xforms (google code) 15:11:45 http://code.google.com/p/ubiquity-xforms/ 15:12:01 JJ: had quick look - needs serious study 15:12:16 CW: Forms POV and Backplane POV is digestable in small pieces 15:12:42 For developers (consumers) of ubiquity, here is a google interest group: http://groups.google.com/group/ubiquity-xforms 15:12:54 CW: what if author just interested in Data Model and want to support in Web 2.0 application; just need to use relevant modules 15:13:15 JJ: ubiquity forms stuff very very interesting; no support on Safari 15:13:24 agrees with steven 15:13:32 CW: by virtue of AJAX implementation, get out of plug-ins 15:13:54 CW: hope is twofold: 1) cross-platform implementation; 2) beyond the desktop (mobile, etc.) 15:14:24 CW: ubiquity and XG symbiotic relationship to extend ubiquity model with non-traditional types of content (beyond forms and HTML) 15:14:40 rrsagent, make minutes 15:14:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/24-backplane-minutes.html oedipus 15:14:58 JB: couple of google groups for developers - consult URIs pasted above - 15:15:08 JB: how to use, rather how to develop 15:15:16 oedipus@hicom.net 15:15:55 Here is a link to a group that will be focused on consumers of the new ubiquity library: http://groups.google.com/group/ubiquity-xforms 15:16:00 CW: goal - sense of direction to drive examples - using ubiquity library for other purposes 15:16:08 CW: dojo data provider 15:16:25 CW: discuss support of custom controls in dojo with XForms wrappers 15:16:43 This is different than contributing to the ubiquity library, which has this other group: http://groups.google.com/group/ubiquity-xforms-eng 15:16:47 CW: what would be something to implement - email client? who are we addressing 15:16:50 q+ 15:17:13 CW: 1) who are we trying to impact and 2) choosing an example to code 15:17:24 q? 15:18:11 I am 15:18:25 I know 15:18:35 JB: CW has to relaunch before everyone can join 15:18:39 Once Charlie launches: www.webdialogs.com/join code 801862 15:18:40 I was waiting to be invited to talk 15:19:15 meeting is up you can rejoin 15:20:18 Steven: question who are we trying to impact - ourselves are the customers - all W3C WGs doing things with similar use cases but weork independently so all end up slightly different and think use cases different, see W3C and its WGs prime candidates - makes W3C Submit standard; XML Events 2 library; put as much in core as possible 15:20:42 CW: rather than focusing on AJAX integration and dojo integration - mix and match with other XML namespaces? 15:21:39 SP: that should be our aim; dojo as an implementation of concept and no more than that; in end, ideally, use cases should become markup without need to program out - find way to declaratively markup so can be supported natively or through script, but in the end gives you what you want 15:21:45 CW: return to SP's point after demo 15:22:34 "Your Web browser does not meet the requirements 15:22:34 for joining a presentation." 15:22:44 Doesn't work for me 15:23:24 SP: doesn't work with opera 15:23:29 CW: do you have FF? 15:26:26 : follows dojo api which allow any dojo widget (XForms data module) do things server side to process; allows one to export data model, dojo stores model and uses DOM; 15:27:13 ??: XForms data module - accept data, on javascript side create adjacent object with data model id, formation id, and custom ??? id - uses XPath to add to bucket 15:27:45 ??: dojo object registered through DOM 15:28:26 ??: demo does search on picassa - used modular extensions and mozilla data model extension 15:29:06 ??: if type "XForms" and do a search, returns XML document; use dojo data storage to put image into thumbnail anchor 15:29:37 ??: can use title as well as thumbnail - if click on it, you get the image 15:30:11 ??: all done by dojo widget - data model allows dojo widget to crunch data from XForm - any dojo widget that could use this as way to send data up the web 15:30:49 ??: also have another example - how easy to use - picassa example 15:31:34 TL: bunch of images - one library lists - only thing diff between 2 is data model and call for item and call for form 15:31:57 s/: follows/TL: follows/ 15:32:06 s/??:/TL:/G 15:32:14 JB: traditional dojo author would write script that wouldn't capture differences between picassa and flickr - 2 different declarative statements 15:32:22 s/??:/TL: 15:32:39 TL: XPath retrieves data (images) to show picture 15:32:56 rrsagent, make minutes 15:32:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/24-backplane-minutes.html oedipus 15:33:03 s/picassa/picasa/G 15:33:34 CW: Use case - differentiate interfaces using dojo - is it the kind of thing trhat has "legs" - injects some XForms modules into AJAX framework 15:33:48 q+ 15:34:01 JB: piece of XForms markup not very big so not doing much - just doing submission - what would look like without XForms markup? 15:34:33 TL: if don't have XForms markup, have to use data storage which has to fetch from web server - implementation in dojo that does that 15:34:52 CW: doing comparission might be a good thing - declarative layer boiled out of code 15:35:18 JJ: very excited - touches on demo i'm working on - can point to demo if keep confidential 15:35:54 smil state demo: http://homepages.cwi.nl/~jack/NoBudget/ 15:36:13 JJ: only works in safari on mac 15:36:37 JJ: integrating SMIL and googlemaps and XForms and web content - big problem: tying all the stuff together 15:36:47 JJ: dojo would have made life easier 15:37:27 CW: backplane POV would prefer XML Event notification between model and ticker; complete backplane compliance should have XForms value change ond notification events 15:37:42 CW: data model piece simplifies even if databinding is custom 15:37:53 q- 15:37:59 q- 15:38:53 JB: what does this look like without the XForms markup? if have XForms markup for submission piece alone, what if using YUI or other library - benefit of standardization - AJAX programmers don't all use dojo; want to standardize states and submission which makes them available to mujltiple application languages - actual markup languages as well 15:39:27 CW: get certain amount of simplification through declarative markup, but still framework issues if differences show through programming model 15:40:10 JB: more backplane - submission working in demo, even though not using Events; chunk of markup that could be used by dojo programmer or YUI programmer, or in SMIL app 15:40:21 CW: can capture results and use own notification 15:40:34 q? 15:40:55 CW: would a dojo programmer want to use this? 15:40:59 CW: how to invest effort? 15:41:16 CW: build assets and compelling examples to motivate AJAX community to pay attention to our work 15:41:27 CW: helpful exercise for that? should that be our agenda? 15:41:34 CW: who are our audiences 15:42:04 JB: think is right tack 15:42:27 JB: excited by demo and want a copy to demonstrate 15:43:27 JB: even with small part of big picture - what is CW's comment about "smothering" related - markup could be reused if someone crteated the right "glue" could be used by dojo user, glue determines library 15:43:51 CW: misunderstood - want output useable by dojo and YUI user 15:44:25 JB: even this little demo shows benefit of encoding most important pieces - don't have to change dojo widget (strength of dojo) - gives dojo neew capaibility to provide data sources 15:44:39 CW: don't have to change script to go from flickr to picassa 15:44:51 CW: do YUI implementation to show binding to diff script objects 15:44:54 JB: right 15:45:18 CW: Events not burried in script - can register own listeners if use submit 15:45:34 CW: mix-and-match - element semantics in parallell with dojo widgets and listeners 15:46:19 TL: already added some but used dojo callback - in model argument, specify what kind of code you want 15:46:31 CW: listening directly with XML listener along with DOM listener 15:46:50 JB: if have SOAP based web server, could do some clever bits when information came back 15:47:17 JB: TL's code uses events (submitDone, submitError) in glue codes to tell dojo when and what info available 15:47:32 JB: backplane - events are key to how components talk to each other 15:47:41 CW: return to JJ's use case? 15:47:55 JJ: suggest people have a look at it if can 15:48:37 JJ: question: always looked at XBL for glue language - particularly gluing changes in data model to javascript - does XBL have part to play here? 15:49:00 SP: XBL has good chance of enhancing work - seen excellent examples linking XHTML, XForms and SVG together 15:49:05 JJ: sample URI? 15:49:17 SP: XForms+SVG version of googlemaps 15:49:27 SP: not currently working; will ping author again 15:49:59 CW: ubiquity library in FF uses XBL to add behaviors to each XForms namespaced elements in page - calls conventional javascript object 15:50:04 SP: that's what XBL does 15:50:29 CW: yes, but use object attached with XBL - javascript could be used to manipulate DOM 15:50:37 SP: does ubiquity use XBL? 15:50:39 CW: no 15:51:06 CW: not too much XForms in XBL directly due to javascript limitations 15:51:25 CW: postpone custom controls discussion until next week 15:51:34 CW: what examples should we build? 15:51:38 I vote for Google maps in XForms 15:51:47 CW: something more complete? 15:51:54 CW: agree? ideas? 15:52:40 SP: i vote for google maps in XForms - hundreds of thousands of lines in javascript - shrunk dramatically when put into declarative form (XForms) 15:52:50 SP: combine more than 1 W3C tech into example 15:53:47 SP: splitting google maps into functional part (looking at latitue and longitude at particluar zoom level) - rest presentational on top of essential function - just chaning latitude, longitude and zoom 15:53:55 CW: overlays, pinpointe, etc. 15:54:17 CW: other mashups? 15:54:52 CW: like example - clear separation of backplane from UI 15:55:19 CW: Silverlight in XForms in backplane - navigator for olympics as good as Silverlight? 15:55:43 GJR: Silverlight port to linux underway by mono project at novell 15:55:50 JB: no depository for demos 15:56:31 TL: picassa allows to create album 15:56:39 CW: google docs - calanders and such 15:57:12 GJR: would like to "see" one non-visually dependent example or an example of using declarative markup to reuse data stream 15:57:59 CW: feed reader example might be good - google example would be good too - entry point into data 15:58:20 CW: discuss on list components and stictch together next call 15:58:41 s/picassa/picasa/G 15:58:55 JB: with JJ on call and expertise with SMIL and SYMM - binding media presentations with underlying data - short presenation possible? 15:59:32 JJ: be gone for 4 weeks begining next week - submitted paper and if i can share, will post URI on list, otherwise will have to wait until presentatoin formally given 15:59:40 CW: pick up next week with custom controls 15:59:45 -Steven 15:59:46 -jackjansen? 15:59:46 -John_Boyer 15:59:46 -Charlie 15:59:48 - +34.91.549.aabb 15:59:52 -Gregory_Rosmaita 15:59:53 INC_RWAB()11:00AM has ended 15:59:54 Attendees were Charlie, +31.20.616.aaaa, John_Boyer, Gregory_Rosmaita, +34.91.549.aabb, Steven, jackjansen? 16:00:08 rahul has left #backplane 16:00:08 John_Boyer has left #backplane 16:00:14 rrsagent, make minutes 16:00:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/24-backplane-minutes.html oedipus 16:00:20 zakim, please part 16:00:20 Zakim has left #backplane 16:00:33 rrsagent, make minutes 16:00:33 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/24-backplane-minutes.html oedipus 16:01:20 present- jackjansen? 16:01:27 present+ Jack_Jansen 16:01:32 present- +31. 16:01:35 rrsagent, make minutes 16:01:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/24-backplane-minutes.html oedipus 16:01:56 present- .aaaa 16:02:00 rrsagent, make minutes 16:02:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/24-backplane-minutes.html oedipus 16:06:06 rrsagent, please part 16:06:06 I see no action items