IRC log of xhtml on 2008-06-19
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 07:45:12 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #xhtml
- 07:45:12 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 07:45:20 [Steven]
- rrsagent, make log public
- 07:45:27 [Steven]
- zakim, this will be xhtml
- 07:45:27 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; I see IA_XHTML2()4:00AM scheduled to start in 15 minutes
- 07:45:51 [Steven]
- Meeting: XHTML2 WG Virtual FtF Day 3
- 07:45:55 [Steven]
- Chair: Roland
- 07:50:34 [Steven]
- Agenda:
- 07:50:43 [Steven]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 07:50:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Steven
- 07:54:00 [oedipus]
- oedipus has joined #xhtml
- 07:55:03 [Roland]
- Roland has joined #xhtml
- 08:01:01 [Zakim]
- IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has now started
- 08:01:08 [Zakim]
- +Roland
- 08:01:14 [Steven]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 08:01:16 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; the call is being made
- 08:01:16 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 08:01:33 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 08:02:17 [Zakim]
- +Tina
- 08:03:59 [ShaneM]
- omw
- 08:04:36 [Zakim]
- +ShaneM
- 08:04:51 [Steven]
- 08:06:05 [yamx]
- yamx has joined #xhtml
- 08:06:13 [yamx]
- Sorry, late. I will call in.
- 08:06:48 [Zakim]
- +??P4
- 08:07:06 [yamx]
- Zakim, ??P4 is yamx
- 08:07:06 [Zakim]
- +yamx; got it
- 08:08:20 [oedipus]
- 08:10:27 [Steven]
- Topic: HTML5 and XHTML 1.*
- 08:10:42 [oedipus]
- associated issue:
- 08:11:44 [ShaneM]
- 08:11:54 [ShaneM]
- is all the issues
- 08:13:08 [Steven]
- 08:13:25 [oedipus]
- HTML5 Diff From HTML4 WG Note:
- 08:13:45 [Steven]
- The word "XHTML" doesn't appear in their charter
- 08:13:51 [oedipus]
- "The HTML 5 language has a "custom" HTML syntax that is compatible with HTML 4 and XHTML1 documents published on the Web, but is not compatible with the more esoteric SGML features of HTML 4, such as <em/content/. Documents using this "custom" syntax must be served with the text/html MIME type"
- 08:14:21 [oedipus]
- The other syntax that can be used for HTML 5 is XML. This syntax is compatible with XHTML1 documents and implementations. Documents using this syntax need to be served with an XML MIME type and elements need to be put in the namespace following the rules set forth by the XML specifications. [XML]
- 08:14:21 [oedipus]
- Below is an example document that conforms to the XML syntax of HTML 5. Note that XML documents must have an XML MIME type such as application/xhtml+xml or application/xml.
- 08:22:01 [yamx]
- I am wondering... hmmm..
- 08:22:10 [Steven_]
- Steven_ has joined #xhtml
- 08:22:19 [yamx]
- Their notification is not productive...
- 08:24:08 [Steven_]
- "XHTML 1.1 - Module-based XHTML (REC) - track errata, publish third edition as required"
- 08:25:28 [oedipus]
- "This specification is intended to replace XHTML 1.0 as the normative definition of the XML serialisation of the HTML vocabulary. [XHTML10]"
- 08:28:04 [ShaneM]
- I believe our charter is clear - we are responsible for maintaining and evolving XHTML 1 and XHTML 2. The HTML Working Group's charter does not mention XHTML at all.
- 08:28:16 [yamx]
- I agree with Shane.
- 08:29:09 [Steven_]
- Scribe: Steven
- 08:29:26 [oedipus]
- HTML WG charter states: "An extensible, serialized form of such a language, using XML"
- 08:29:45 [oedipus]
- "The HTML WG is encouraged to provide a mechanism to permit independently developed vocabularies such as Internationalization Tag Set (ITS), Ruby, and RDFa to be mixed into HTML documents. Whether this occurs through the extensibility mechanism of XML, whether it is also allowed in the classic HTML serialization, and whether it uses the DTD and Schema modularization techniques, is for the HTML WG to determine."
- 08:29:48 [Steven_]
- Roland: Our charter mentions work on XHTML, inbcluding 1.0
- 08:29:54 [Steven_]
- s/inb/in/
- 08:30:24 [Steven_]
- Roland: So if we create a 1.2 that would crystalise the situation
- 08:30:29 [Steven_]
- Shane: I agree
- 08:30:42 [Steven_]
- ... I have it in writing from Chris Lilley that we can do a 1.2
- 08:31:34 [oedipus]
- institutional angst is but the tip of the existential iceberg
- 08:32:57 [Steven_]
- Roland: We should raise it at the HCG
- 08:33:06 [Steven_]
- ... it is clearly in the charters
- 08:33:22 [Steven_]
- Tina: Regarding 1.2
- 08:34:01 [Steven_]
- ... quoting above, it says that HTML5 replaces XHTML 1.0
- 08:34:27 [Steven_]
- ... so what about XHTML2?
- 08:34:27 [yamx]
- They cannot replace XHTML2...
- 08:34:43 [Steven_]
- Shane: They are trying to orphan XHTML2
- 08:35:08 [yamx]
- They will change "Relationship to XHTML 1.x" to "Relationship to XHTML m.n". :-)
- 08:35:57 [Steven_]
- ... we need to respond forcefully
- 08:36:27 [Steven_]
- Shane: By charter we are responsible for the XHTML series, and HTML5 is not chartered to do that
- 08:37:09 [oedipus]
- tina, the quote about superseding is in the "Status of this Document" section of html5 editor's draft (
- 08:37:55 [Steven_]
- Tina: Is Mike's response a formal one from the WG?
- 08:38:07 [Steven_]
- Gregory: We haven't discussed it in the group
- 08:38:18 [Steven_]
- Shane: So they made a change without discussion
- 08:38:24 [Steven_]
- s/ a / the /
- 08:38:38 [Steven_]
- Tina: We should reply that we are chartered to do that work
- 08:38:40 [yamx]
- ... I just cannot understand how they work in HTML5....
- 08:39:03 [Steven_]
- Roland: We should keep it short, and not debate the points
- 08:39:06 [oedipus]
- root of problem: (from Status of this Document) - "The latest stable version of the editor's draft of this specification is always available on the W3C CVS server and in the WHATWG Subversion repository. The latest editor's working copy (which may contain unfinished text in the process of being prepared) is available on the WHATWG site. "
- 08:39:42 [Steven_]
- Shane: We should reply that they should remove all text that gives the impression that they are producing XHTML
- 08:40:47 [yamx]
- I agree.
- 08:40:52 [oedipus]
- amen
- 08:41:01 [yamx]
- I support the resolution.
- 08:41:41 [ShaneM]
- Rationale... they are introducing confusion in the marketplace and damaging the brand that is XHTML. This is harmful and misleading.
- 08:41:53 [Steven_]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION: The WG recognises that we are chartered to maintain and develop the XHTML series, and the HTML5 specification should therefore not contain text that makes it appear differently
- 08:42:09 [yamx]
- yes.
- 08:42:10 [Steven_]
- RESOLUTION: The WG recognises that we are chartered to maintain and develop the XHTML series, and the HTML5 specification should therefore not contain text that makes it appear differently
- 08:42:15 [oedipus]
- +1
- 08:42:17 [Tina]
- +1
- 08:42:25 [ShaneM]
- In particular, HTML5 is NOT empowered to supercede XHTML *anything*
- 08:42:37 [Steven_]
- ACTION: Roland to reply to HTML5 WG to communicate our resolution on XHTML naming
- 08:42:43 [Steven_]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 08:42:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Steven_
- 08:43:26 [Steven_]
- s/Scribe: Steven/Scribe: Steven_/
- 08:43:32 [Steven_]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 08:43:32 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Steven_
- 08:43:57 [Steven]
- Scribe: Steven
- 08:44:55 [ShaneM]
- Proposal: Re-issue XHTML 1.0 removing appendix C and pointing to XHTMLMIME.
- 08:44:57 [oedipus]
- that will be VERY helpful
- 08:45:14 [Steven]
- Shane: Would that be a good idea?
- 08:45:19 [Steven]
- Gregory: Yes
- 08:45:32 [Steven]
- Steven: We are chartered to do it
- 08:46:19 [Steven]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 08:46:19 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Steven
- 08:46:45 [Steven]
- Topic: RDFa
- 08:46:55 [Steven]
- Roland: What do we have to do?
- 08:47:17 [ShaneM]
- Proposed CR end date for RDFa is 18 July
- 08:48:12 [Steven]
- Steven: There are lots of implementations
- 08:48:21 [Steven]
- ... so the CR period will be short
- 08:48:30 [Steven]
- ... we have XHTML 1.1+RDFa
- 08:48:44 [Steven]
- ... and we can merge that with @role and so on, and create 1.2
- 08:50:38 [Steven]
- Roland: Is the media type issue resolved?
- 08:50:43 [Steven]
- Shane: Maybe not
- 08:51:19 [Steven]
- Steven: Not clear. TimBL has sent a new message; not clear if that reopens the issue
- 08:52:04 [Lachy]
- Lachy has joined #xhtml
- 08:52:10 [alessio]
- alessio has joined #xhtml
- 08:52:13 [Steven]
- Shane: He has an issue about how you ask the server for the RDF involved with a document
- 08:52:28 [Steven]
- ... but I think the media type issue is solved
- 08:53:02 [Steven]
- ... the peripheral issue is about 'announcement'; how an author says that a document contains RDF
- 08:53:50 [Steven]
- ... Ralph in his recent message
- 08:53:56 [oedipus]
- "If saying SHOULD for *any* of the 3 document conformance options 4, 5, or 6 leaves the reader with the impression that NOT doing any of the three means the author has NOT intended to state these triples then I would agree with your concern. However, these SHOULDs are there for 3 different reasons."
- 08:54:01 [Steven]
- ...
- 08:54:15 [Steven]
- ... suggests that authors MAY add version information
- 08:54:21 [Steven]
- ... any opinions?
- 08:55:17 [Steven]
- ... I've never used MAY in this context
- 08:56:04 [Steven]
- Steven: I have trouble understanding what Tim really wants
- 08:56:10 [oedipus]
- RFC2119 def of MAY: This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", mean that an item is truly optional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a particular marketplace requires it or because the vendor feels that it enhances the product while another vendor may omit the same item. An implementation which does not include a particular option MUST be prepared to interoperate with another implementation which does include the option, though perhaps with red
- 08:56:17 [Steven]
- Shane: I mean more generally, what does it mean to say MAY for the author
- 08:56:53 [ShaneM]
- 08:57:12 [oedipus]
- GJR thinks SHOULD should remain SHOULD
- 08:59:59 [Steven]
- Steven: Ralph seems to want to be able to extract RDF from a doc without a DOCTYPE, or a version, or a profile
- 09:00:05 [Steven]
- Shane: Yes, and he thinks Tim does too
- 09:00:14 [yamx]
- I agree with Steven on putting "MAY" for author conformance... But maybe it is because usually we avoid any document conformance....
- 09:00:15 [oedipus]
- 09:00:24 [Steven]
- Shane: But I don't agree that that is what Tim wants
- 09:00:38 [Steven]
- ... he seems to be a big supporter of GRDDL
- 09:01:56 [oedipus]
- "You could say, (2) "All servers MUST put the namespace GRDDL, and clients MAY use namespace GRDDL, or may use inherent knowledge of the spec." That would work in all cases." [...] "So I suspect you want go with (2). To define RDFa conformance. Obviously, people might want to make documents in the short term which work equally well by conforming to the GRDDL spec (document profile method) and by RDFa but that is a distraction."
- 09:01:59 [Steven]
- Steven: GRDDL is not harmful to RDFa
- 09:02:30 [Steven]
- Shane: CR may be held up by Tim's comment
- 09:02:56 [Steven]
- ... we may be asked to quickly decide on changes to the conformance clause to fix this objection
- 09:06:04 [yamx]
- see you later.
- 09:06:07 [Steven]
- ... the TF has been told verbally that the changes they had made would satisfy Tim's objection.
- 09:06:10 [Zakim]
- -ShaneM
- 09:06:12 [Steven]
- ==== 2 min break ===
- 09:06:18 [Zakim]
- -yamx
- 09:06:23 [Steven]
- === bacl at xx:25 ===
- 09:06:27 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 09:06:33 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 09:10:32 [oedipus]
- if i don't use a speaker phone, i often inadvertantly cover the mouthpiece so it is easier for others if i use speakerphone
- 09:23:28 [Roland]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 09:23:28 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Roland
- 09:24:25 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 09:25:20 [Zakim]
- +??P3
- 09:25:30 [alessio]
- zakim, PP3 is Alessio
- 09:25:30 [Zakim]
- sorry, alessio, I do not recognize a party named 'PP3'
- 09:25:36 [alessio]
- zakim, ??PP3 is Alessio
- 09:25:36 [Zakim]
- sorry, alessio, I do not recognize a party named '??PP3'
- 09:25:43 [alessio]
- zakim, ??P3 is Alessio
- 09:25:43 [Zakim]
- +Alessio; got it
- 09:26:20 [Zakim]
- +??P4
- 09:26:35 [Steven]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 09:26:35 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; the call is being made
- 09:26:37 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 09:26:38 [Zakim]
- +ShaneM
- 09:26:46 [yamx]
- alessio, p3!
- 09:26:58 [Steven]
- zakim, who is here?
- 09:26:58 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Roland, Steven, Tina, Gregory_Rosmaita, Alessio, ??P4, ShaneM
- 09:27:00 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see alessio, Lachy, Steven, yamx, Roland, oedipus, RRSAgent, Zakim, Tina, deane, ShaneM
- 09:27:06 [Steven]
- zakim, ??P4 is Yam
- 09:27:06 [Zakim]
- +Yam; got it
- 09:27:11 [yamx]
- Thanks.
- 09:27:15 [Steven]
- rrsgent, make minutes
- 09:27:21 [Steven]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 09:27:21 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Steven
- 09:28:07 [Steven]
- zakim, who is here?
- 09:28:07 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Roland, Steven, Tina, Gregory_Rosmaita, Alessio, Yam, ShaneM
- 09:28:07 [oedipus]
- FYI: open accessibility (open a11y) uses XHTML 1.0 strict but is migrating to 1.1+RDFa for specifications and documents
- 09:28:09 [Zakim]
- On IRC I see alessio, Lachy, Steven, yamx, Roland, oedipus, RRSAgent, Zakim, Tina, deane, ShaneM
- 09:28:16 [Steven]
- Present: Roland, Steven, Tina, Gregory_Rosmaita, Alessio, Yam, ShaneM
- 09:31:07 [Steven]
- ACTION: Steven to start an implementation page on the wiki
- 09:33:13 [oedipus]
- FY:
- 09:33:24 [oedipus]
- s/FY:/FYI:
- 09:33:37 [alessio]
- gregory, as IWA/HWG we are present in that WG with three people :)
- 09:33:46 [oedipus]
- hooray!
- 09:33:47 [Steven]
- Topic: XHTML2
- 09:34:35 [Roland]
- Venice:
- 09:35:00 [Steven]
- 09:36:39 [oedipus]
- GJR would like to make some specific suggestions (e.g. use global @src on Q for URI/IDREF and redefine @cite to contain human parseable info of the type of info encased in CITE element )
- 09:36:58 [Steven]
- Roland: We still need to do some work
- 09:37:09 [Steven]
- Steven: RDFa has been the main gating factor
- 09:37:12 [oedipus]
- q+ to ask what is most efficacious feedback stream for XHTML2?
- 09:37:30 [Steven]
- ... since we reference RDFa normatively, we have to follow it one step behind
- 09:37:32 [oedipus]
- scribe: oedipus
- 09:37:42 [oedipus]
- SM: haven't put out PWD in 2 years
- 09:38:05 [oedipus]
- SM: everytime propose new PWD, get objections -- need to get a snapshot up
- 09:38:14 [oedipus]
- SM: updates from 2 years ago need to be effected
- 09:38:26 [oedipus]
- RESOLVED: Issue a new XHTML2 Public Working Draft
- 09:38:28 [yamx]
- no objection from me.
- 09:38:33 [oedipus]
- +1
- 09:38:44 [oedipus]
- RM: next steps after publication?
- 09:38:49 [Steven]
- +1
- 09:38:56 [alessio]
- +1
- 09:38:59 [Tina]
- +1
- 09:39:01 [oedipus]
- RM: do we want XHTML2 to be all-encompasing or refer to modules
- 09:39:15 [oedipus]
- SP: refer to modules - actually, depends on what you mean
- 09:39:41 [Steven]
- Yes, modules
- 09:39:50 [Steven]
- + refer to XForms 1.1
- 09:39:52 [oedipus]
- RM: XML Events on spec track, Access on spec track, etc. -- don't want to have to go through last call again - XHTML2 should incorporate modules externally defined
- 09:39:57 [Steven]
- RDFa
- 09:40:02 [oedipus]
- SP: include RDFa and XForms 1.1
- 09:40:15 [Steven]
- + access + role
- 09:41:04 [Steven]
- + XML Events
- 09:42:20 [oedipus]
- SM: had rule that XHTML author should be able to use XHTML2 spec to get enough info to write documents; should be able to find content model and syntax in XHTML2 - misguided - people write books to do that - can point to other specs to help keep in sync
- 09:42:44 [Steven]
- I can live with that if there are good enough links to definitions of elements and attributes elsewhere
- 09:42:45 [oedipus]
- RM: Events, Handlers and Script modules (new XML Events in 3 Modules)
- 09:43:04 [ShaneM]
- 09:43:08 [oedipus]
- SM: if want to change philosophy of what ought to be in spec, should do consciously
- 09:43:44 [oedipus]
- SM: need to update section cited above and remove some other chapters - should be sufficient
- 09:44:03 [oedipus]
- RM: minimal work to publish new PWD that refers to latest state of things been driving forward
- 09:44:33 [oedipus]
- ACTION: ShaneM - incorporate Access, Role, XML Events (in 3 modules: Events, Handlers, Script), and RDFa modules through external reference to XHTML2?
- 09:44:39 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 09:44:39 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 09:44:43 [Steven]
- q+
- 09:44:49 [oedipus]
- RM: how long will that take, shane?
- 09:44:59 [oedipus]
- SM: can have by monday
- 09:45:07 [oedipus]
- RM: new PWD by end of june
- 09:45:10 [oedipus]
- SM: perfect
- 09:45:12 [oedipus]
- ack me
- 09:45:12 [Zakim]
- oedipus, you wanted to ask what is most efficacious feedback stream for XHTML2?
- 09:46:04 [yamx]
- q+
- 09:46:20 [oedipus]
- SP: send to WG as email with suggestions and examples
- 09:46:51 [oedipus]
- SP: one implementation strategy is to try and create set of javascripts that implement XHTML2 - XHTML2 with script to work in existing browsers
- 09:47:35 [oedipus]
- SP: half of that is on the way with IBM's ubiquity -- XForms, but the heart of it - a lot can be done with CSS in XHTML2 that authors are familiar with, remaining hard bits are HREF and SRC everywhere
- 09:47:58 [oedipus]
- SP: good place to start working is to create bit of script or script library that supports HREF and SRC everywhere
- 09:48:07 [oedipus]
- Alessio: i will try to write one
- 09:48:27 [oedipus]
- Alessio: Access module support in XBL - can transfer solution
- 09:48:40 [oedipus]
- SM: XML Events 2 another challanging bit
- 09:48:59 [oedipus]
- SP: XForms does XML Events, so ubiquity will move to XML Events 2
- 09:49:05 [oedipus]
- SM: uses Events, not Handlers
- 09:49:12 [oedipus]
- SP: Handlers derived from XForms
- 09:49:22 [oedipus]
- SP: conditionals form XForms 1.1
- 09:49:34 [oedipus]
- s/form/from
- 09:49:47 [oedipus]
- SP: should be referencing XForms 1.1 rather than XForms 1.0
- 09:50:00 [oedipus]
- SP: XML Events is difficult, but ubiquity will help us
- 09:50:14 [oedipus]
- RM: implementation of SCRIPT tag through javascript?
- 09:50:35 [oedipus]
- SP: danger is UA gets to SCRIPT tag before XHTML2 script does
- 09:50:45 [oedipus]
- Alessio: interesting point
- 09:50:55 [oedipus]
- SP: may be ok - proof will be in the proverbial pudding
- 09:51:12 [oedipus]
- SM: things in scripts don't do inline functions - should declare, not execute
- 09:51:38 [oedipus]
- RM: move it all into a single namespace?
- 09:51:45 [oedipus]
- RM: make author's life as easy as can make it
- 09:51:58 [oedipus]
- SM: what would that encompass "all"?
- 09:52:15 [oedipus]
- RM: XML Events, XML Handlers - take as chameleon to XML namespace
- 09:52:35 [oedipus]
- s/to XML/to XHTML
- 09:52:35 [Steven]
- 09:53:02 [oedipus]
- SP: let's do it and see what reaction is
- 09:53:15 [oedipus]
- RM: ARIA Module - should be in here
- 09:53:40 [oedipus]
- SM: absolutely think should include ARIA (as aria- ) in XHTML2
- 09:53:43 [oedipus]
- Alessio: agree
- 09:53:45 [oedipus]
- GJR: agree
- 09:54:48 [Steven]
- 09:55:44 [oedipus]
- RM: our view is that we will do aria-
- 09:56:44 [oedipus]
- SM: wrt XHTML2, ARIA spec will be rolled in - should add reference to XHTML2.0 doctype chapter
- 09:56:54 [oedipus]
- 09:56:58 [oedipus]
- 09:57:02 [oedipus]
- 09:57:05 [oedipus]
- 09:57:51 [oedipus]
- latest drafts 18 june 2008
- 09:57:54 [ShaneM]
- Let's offer to help ARIA create a DTD and Schema for their spec that conforms to M12N 1.1
- 09:58:10 [oedipus]
- yes, shane - i will work with you on that if you like
- 09:58:39 [oedipus]
- RM: discussion aroiund Alessio's work - viewports in source as well as from elsewhere - fact of life need to talk out how to address
- 09:59:21 [oedipus]
- RM: what to do with certain types of elements - XHTML2 include H1 - H6 - should be using H for headings and H1 to H6 in another place
- 09:59:24 [oedipus]
- SP: legacy module
- 09:59:27 [oedipus]
- SM: agree
- 09:59:30 [oedipus]
- Alessio: yes
- 09:59:32 [oedipus]
- Yam; yes
- 09:59:35 [oedipus]
- GJR: yes
- 09:59:50 [oedipus]
- SM: can migrate things to legacy module; rather not craft new module for next week
- 10:00:11 [yamx]
- Yam; yes? yes :-)
- 10:00:25 [oedipus]
- RM: agree - this is future work - raising bar and dealing with structural and clean authoring - adapting to needs of a11y, ubiquitous, etc
- 10:00:50 [oedipus]
- Yam: any enumerated list of issues to resolve for LC of XHTML2?
- 10:01:02 [oedipus]
- SP: interesting questoin: have a list of issues that have been raised about XHTML2
- 10:01:17 [oedipus]
- Yam: make sub-set of issues we have to clear - work on both sets of issues
- 10:01:29 [oedipus]
- SP: shane can provide a URI to tthe database of issues
- 10:01:51 [oedipus]
- SP: strictly speaking, we are a different WG than those addressed to us prior to split of MarkUp
- 10:02:07 [oedipus]
- Yam: still need to attend to them
- 10:02:23 [oedipus]
- RM: we should start to work through old issues during next hour
- 10:02:52 [oedipus]
- SM: 82 issues in incoming bucket that have never been filed
- 10:03:25 [oedipus]
- SM: trying to get URI that includes old and newer issues
- 10:03:39 [ShaneM]
- 10:04:05 [oedipus]
- SM: not marked "implemented" - means hasn't been fixed
- 10:04:22 [oedipus]
- SM: suggest we do in alphabetic order
- 10:04:24 [oedipus]
- RM: ok
- 10:04:41 [Steven]
- 10:05:23 [oedipus]
- SM: constrain attribute groups together - could extend syntax to show that was my response, but seems an abstract issue (4 year old comment - 7661)
- 10:05:38 [oedipus]
- SP: issue for M12n, not XHTML2 per se
- 10:05:52 [oedipus]
- SM: M12n 2 is direct product of work on XHTML2
- 10:06:26 [oedipus]
- RM: explainations in prose to schema - might have to switch to RelaxNG
- 10:06:33 [oedipus]
- SP: not necessarily -
- 10:06:48 [oedipus]
- RM: if want to put in as implementation, need to use RelaxNG - will become issue in LC
- 10:07:15 [oedipus]
- SM: marked as "suspended"
- 10:07:26 [oedipus]
- SP: add note to say think is good thing for M12n 2
- 10:07:34 [oedipus]
- SM: ok
- 10:08:22 [oedipus]
- SM: issue 7783 - already improved - need to add text to @src to clarify when dir applies to source
- 10:08:38 [oedipus]
- SP: believe specificied dir only in regard CSS properties
- 10:08:47 [oedipus]
- SP: that would answer question
- 10:08:50 [oedipus]
- SM: does it?
- 10:09:13 [oedipus]
- SP: if say @dir defined this way and reference CSS - only affects content of element
- 10:09:38 [oedipus]
- SM: misconception may arise from @src treated as object
- 10:09:51 [oedipus]
- SM: use of @src to provide inline text
- 10:10:14 [oedipus]
- SM: @src doesn't say thing brought in is in its own context - there is a resolution somewhere, but change yet to be effected to draft
- 10:10:43 [oedipus]
- 10:11:49 [oedipus]
- SP: feature request to sysreq - use ID for resolutions in perl script that generates minutes
- 10:11:58 [oedipus]
- SP: will send in issue request now
- 10:12:03 [ShaneM]
- 10:12:59 [ShaneM]
- 10:13:06 [oedipus]
- SM: ISSUE 7799 Jim Ley points out that not clear how deal with quality values in regards source - "Please clarify the section to explain how document quality values, and user agent quality values combine."
- 10:13:55 [oedipus]
- SM: comment reflects on @sourcetype - clarify in text what we mean by intersection
- 10:14:11 [oedipus]
- s/@sourcetype/@srctype
- 10:14:23 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 10:14:24 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 10:15:55 [oedipus]
- SP: explanation: in HTML4, one could say type="foo" to specify type of thing pointing at -- doesn't do anything, just a hint - no garuntee that it is true - comment more than anything; made more useful to merge type into HTTP-REQUEST sent for resource; allows one to specify the RDF version of a document - gives control over content negotiation
- 10:16:02 [oedipus]
- SP: haven't specified for quality values
- 10:16:09 [oedipus]
- SP: no answer off top of my head
- 10:16:21 [oedipus]
- RM: @src and @srctype - example of a handler element
- 10:16:23 [oedipus]
- SM: used to
- 10:16:42 [oedipus]
- SM: good catch -will fix now
- 10:16:56 [oedipus]
- SP: needs some brainwork
- 10:17:32 [oedipus]
- SM: started to address in XHTMLMIME doc last night in regards requests in general and use of profile parameter as media selector - all dovetail
- 10:17:53 [oedipus]
- ACTION: Steven - devote brain cycles to solving quality values question
- 10:18:00 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 10:18:00 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 10:18:16 [oedipus]
- SM: ISSUE 7799 is "open" then
- 10:18:44 [oedipus]
- SM: next issue in same section also from Jim Ley
- 10:18:45 [oedipus]
- 10:19:14 [oedipus]
- SM: "intersection of mime-types" - what does asterisk mean when creating intersections
- 10:19:30 [oedipus]
- SP: similar issue - answer fairly obvious - will combine with previous action item
- 10:19:56 [oedipus]
- ACTION: Steven - combine answer to ISSUE 7800 with answer to ISSUE 7799
- 10:20:01 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 10:20:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 10:20:13 [oedipus]
- 10:20:24 [oedipus]
- SM: "attributes without values"
- 10:21:07 [oedipus]
- SM: from issue: "class attribute is defined as NMTOKENS, which in turn is defined as one or more whitespace separated NMTOKEN... but I think it is always legal to specify an attribute with no value. Isn't it? We should make that clear."
- 10:21:13 [oedipus]
- SM: thought this was closed
- 10:21:34 [oedipus]
- SM: marked "The working group intended this be NMTOKENS, and that an empty value be not
- 10:21:34 [oedipus]
- permitted.
- 10:21:50 [oedipus]
- SM: WG did not want use for class
- 10:22:46 [oedipus]
- 10:23:09 [oedipus]
- RM: need to start devoting significant time and effort on this
- 10:23:24 [oedipus]
- SM: biggest criticism WG has had is non-responsiveness to public issues
- 10:23:42 [oedipus]
- 10:24:02 [oedipus]
- SM: one of family of comments from Jim Ley - please specify something when something goes bad
- 10:24:39 [oedipus]
- ISSUE 7730: "If the user aborts downloading whilst the chicken.xhtml resource is only partially downloaded, is the chicken.xhtml resource successful or not? And what should be rendered, the parts of chicken.xhtml that had been downloaded and rendered so far, or should the fallback content be rendered instead? Is the behaviour any different if instead of a user initiated abort, there's an abort caused by the network?"
- 10:24:47 [oedipus]
- TH: similar to conversation yesterday
- 10:24:54 [Steven]
- (Feature request for id on RESOLUTIONS sent)
- 10:25:09 [oedipus]
- TH: if download document that is perfectly valid, document shouldn't be rendered by UA
- 10:25:21 [oedipus]
- TH: if embed fragment, and collection is lost - what then?
- 10:25:54 [oedipus]
- SM: diff by the way separate documents (OBJECT or IFRAME) and embedded documents
- 10:26:10 [oedipus]
- SP: good question - gut feeling is that any failure should be counted as a failure
- 10:26:20 [oedipus]
- SM: what does it mean when fails -- falls back?
- 10:26:55 [oedipus]
- SP: if loading of resource fails, fallback content should be used - that's what @src states - if network fails during download, fallback to fallback content
- 10:27:21 [alessio]
- +1
- 10:27:30 [oedipus]
- +1
- 10:27:38 [Tina]
- +1
- 10:28:14 [oedipus]
- RM: unpredictable - did or didn't - if succeed, get it, if fails, don't get it and get fallback (which is what it is there for)
- 10:28:20 [oedipus]
- SP: need to state explicitly
- 10:28:30 [oedipus]
- SM: same argument applies to ISSUE 7731
- 10:28:37 [oedipus]
- 10:28:53 [oedipus]
- RM: marking as closed?
- 10:28:58 [oedipus]
- SM: marking as go
- 10:29:05 [oedipus]
- RM: don't want to have to revisit in a few months
- 10:29:12 [oedipus]
- 10:29:22 [oedipus]
- SM: 7731 same as 7730
- 10:30:29 [oedipus]
- SP: different - when talking about @src - if have PDF as target of @src, but if PDF not available/supported should not be an error; errors in @src should ONLY refer to network errors in retrieving source
- 10:31:21 [oedipus]
- TH: agree that if you link embedded PDF and is handed off to third-party app, not a failure, but in jimL's example, compromise entire document
- 10:31:58 [oedipus]
- TH: XHTML fragment with host document suddenly becomes invalid host document; processing directive "this has been embedded with @src shouldn't text that for validity"
- 10:32:53 [oedipus]
- SP: when process top-level XHTML2 document, and XHTML2 processor not aware/agnostic of mediatype - goes and gets resource; if retrieving resource successful, hands off to plug-in; if not delivered (failure to load remote resource)
- 10:33:09 [oedipus]
- RM: not clear from reading def of @src what DOM looks like after it has succeded
- 10:33:15 [oedipus]
- RM: what happens?
- 10:33:29 [oedipus]
- TH: embedding mechanism @src doesn't care about content-type or resource?
- 10:33:40 [oedipus]
- SP: in loading it, doesn't do anything special for diff mediatypes
- 10:33:58 [oedipus]
- TH: separate processor - if resource in form of XML, does XML become part of host document
- 10:34:03 [oedipus]
- SM: answer is no
- 10:34:08 [oedipus]
- SP: like IMG @src now
- 10:34:17 [oedipus]
- TH: can't access that segment via the DOM
- 10:34:24 [oedipus]
- RM: that is what is unclear in @src def
- 10:34:59 [oedipus]
- SM: intent - anything included by @src works as OBJECT element should - separate entity in displayed document (has own security context, DOM, etc.)
- 10:35:02 [Steven]
- Yes, it is a shoprtcut for object, good description
- 10:35:11 [oedipus]
- RM: syntaxic shortcut for OBJECT element? need to make that clear
- 10:35:11 [Steven]
- s/prt/rt/
- 10:35:12 [alessio]
- true
- 10:35:24 [oedipus]
- SM: if that is what it is, not entirely sure is useful
- 10:35:36 [oedipus]
- RM: still going to write HTTP-REQUESTs
- 10:35:51 [oedipus]
- SP: reason good is that solves problem with LONGDESC - moving longdesc into document
- 10:36:20 [oedipus]
- SP: keeping separate docs up to date with LONGDESC model very difficult; in this way, keep longdesc in document itself and have best of both worlds
- 10:36:38 [oedipus]
- SM: agree that very difficult to maintain LONGDESC, but if only use case, very heavy handed solution
- 10:36:50 [oedipus]
- SP: not only use case, but a REALLY good solution for LONGDESC
- 10:37:06 [oedipus]
- RM: if want @src to appear in DOM, don't use this - need to clarify
- 10:37:32 [oedipus]
- RM: to have in DOM and manipulate, use HTTP-REQUEST
- 10:37:34 [oedipus]
- SP: XForms
- 10:37:41 [oedipus]
- SM: no XHR or server-side includes
- 10:37:43 [alessio]
- +1 for an embedded LONGDESC
- 10:38:00 [oedipus]
- SP: XHR is derived from XForms
- 10:38:10 [oedipus]
- +1 for embedded LONGDESC (on user configuration)
- 10:38:15 [oedipus]
- RM: don't think so
- 10:38:28 [oedipus]
- RM: restrictions and restraints lacking
- 10:38:42 [oedipus]
- SP: should discuss, but XForms instance gives us what we want
- 10:38:56 [oedipus]
- SM: if that is the case, it is a non-obvious solution to this problem
- 10:39:24 [oedipus]
- RM: if XForms 1.1 isolates network module for getting and putting resources will be easier than XForms today
- 10:39:31 [oedipus]
- SP: why? load some resource then use part of them
- 10:39:47 [oedipus]
- RM: no, load resource inline in DOM no referencing - just there
- 10:40:00 [oedipus]
- SM: mash-up use case -
- 10:40:08 [oedipus]
- SP: XForms addresses that in my opinion
- 10:40:23 [oedipus]
- SM: text doesn't make it clear and needs clarification - who owns section?
- 10:40:27 [oedipus]
- SP: suspect it is me
- 10:40:48 [oedipus]
- RM: known issues
- 10:41:20 [oedipus]
- SM: @src content embedded, so needs own styling
- 10:41:31 [oedipus]
- TH: needs to be stressed as well
- 10:42:01 [oedipus]
- SM: SP owns section
- 10:42:35 [oedipus]
- PRPOSED ACTION: Steven - add text to make clear that item not in DOM and clarify styling implications
- 10:43:02 [oedipus]
- SM: strong argument, RM for other sort of include - proposal would be good
- 10:43:08 [ShaneM]
- 10:43:24 [oedipus]
- ACTION: Steven add text to @src section to make clear that item not in DOM and clarify styling implications
- 10:43:28 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 10:43:28 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 10:43:59 [oedipus]
- SM: ISSUE 7732 - clarify intersection of what author is asking for and what UA can handle
- 10:44:20 [oedipus]
- "Please remove this constraint.
- 10:44:20 [oedipus]
- "
- 10:44:32 [oedipus]
- TH: Needs clarification
- 10:44:40 [oedipus]
- SM: clarified somewhere - discussed multiple times
- 10:44:50 [oedipus]
- TH: if what JimL quotes is correct, then "OUCH!"
- 10:45:42 [oedipus]
- SP: trouble is thing is being embedded, so the surrounding XHTML2 processor not going to be displaying it; what XHTML2 processor can display non-issue - encoding matters to what is used to process that doctype
- 10:45:49 [markbirbeck]
- markbirbeck has joined #xhtml
- 10:45:56 [oedipus]
- RM: does same issue apply to OBJECT?
- 10:46:08 [oedipus]
- SM: don't think is same
- 10:46:09 [ShaneM]
- 10:46:26 [markbirbeck]
- Apologies again guys...can't join today. Sorry. :(
- 10:46:36 [markbirbeck]
- Will stay on IRC for as long as I can.
- 10:46:37 [oedipus]
- TH: seems like matter of semantics - intent of section is to say author may suggest what to request, but UA chooses what can understand
- 10:46:38 [Steven]
- 10:47:16 [oedipus]
- SP: charset attribute used on A, LINK, SCRIPT in HTML4 - renamed at request of i18n
- 10:47:36 [oedipus]
- SP: HTML4 says "this attribute specifies character encoding specified by link" so HTML4 has same problem
- 10:48:17 [oedipus]
- TH: fundamental difference - in HTML4 resource specified by link; objection is to "user agent must use this list to indicate what accepts"
- 10:49:11 [oedipus]
- SP: HTML4 to XHTML2 - HTML4 @charset specifies character encoding of source specified by link; what if UA doesn't know encoding; no prose about refusing if UA cannot accept - just says "that's the encoding"
- 10:49:15 [oedipus]
- TH: prlbem with any link
- 10:49:22 [oedipus]
- s/prlbem/problem
- 10:49:54 [oedipus]
- SP: XHTML2 adds to accept headers - asks for specific resource and sent off in request headers
- 10:49:58 [Zakim]
- -Alessio
- 10:50:10 [oedipus]
- SP: shoujld we use encoding in request, or in accordance with what UA says it accepts
- 10:50:34 [oedipus]
- SP: if answer is yes, combine with what UA can accept, means excluding resources not natively supported by UA (PDF example)
- 10:50:57 [oedipus]
- SP: not issue of UA can handle UTF-8, but if PDF parser can handle UTF-8
- 10:51:08 [oedipus]
- TH: still back to semantics - need to sort out -
- 10:51:36 [oedipus]
- TH: not clear to me or authors - doesn't solve problem of what happens if host UA is rendering what it serves
- 10:51:51 [Steven]
- So, there is nothing wrong with <img src="foo.pdf" srctype="app/pdf" encoding="utf-8"/>
- 10:52:18 [oedipus]
- SP: no business of UA whether can handle UTF-8
- 10:52:24 [oedipus]
- TH: that's what needs to be clarified
- 10:52:28 [alessio]
- alessio has joined #xhtml
- 10:52:47 [oedipus]
- "The user agent must use this list as the field value of the accept-charset request header when requesting the resource using HTTP"
- 10:53:05 [oedipus]
- RM: what is use case of putting source of PDF in there?
- 10:53:06 [Zakim]
- +??P3
- 10:53:09 [oedipus]
- SP: just an example
- 10:53:14 [alessio]
- zakim, ??P3 is Alessio
- 10:53:14 [Zakim]
- +Alessio; got it
- 10:53:24 [oedipus]
- RM: what is the "real" motivating use case for this
- 10:53:36 [oedipus]
- SM: just think OBJECT - think about it in that context
- 10:53:41 [oedipus]
- RM: so applies to OBJECT
- 10:53:43 [oedipus]
- SM: yes
- 10:53:50 [oedipus]
- SP: and attribute is used by OBJECT
- 10:53:59 [oedipus]
- SM: meant in HTML4
- 10:54:03 [oedipus]
- SP: ah
- 10:54:18 [oedipus]
- SM: if specified on OBJECT element currently, UA would constrain request
- 10:54:21 [oedipus]
- SP: not in HTML4
- 10:54:51 [oedipus]
- SP: design error in definition of @srctype and @encoding in HTML4 - useless comments from which nothing is gained
- 10:54:51 [alessio]
- yes
- 10:55:12 [oedipus]
- TH: sort out JimL's issue by clarifying his misunderstanding -
- 10:55:29 [oedipus]
- TH: need to sort issues out -
- 10:55:32 [Steven]
- 10:56:44 [oedipus]
- SP: i don't think there is very much of use case for @encoding attribute - most people don't and won't use it; purely a comment in HTML4; XHTML2 tightening it up for a use, but barely a reason why one would want to use
- 10:57:00 [oedipus]
- TH: if use on OBJECT in HTML4, can provided basis for content negotiation
- 10:57:13 [oedipus]
- SP: how does UA know what thing which is doing embedding can accept?
- 10:57:28 [oedipus]
- SP: when use OBJECT for a video, not UA that does video, hands off to plug-in
- 10:57:42 [oedipus]
- SM: and no way for UA to tell not supported so give me fallback
- 10:58:02 [oedipus]
- TH: UA doesn't know what plugin can handle
- 10:58:20 [ShaneM]
- How about saying "The encoding applies to retrieving a specific version of a resource to hand off to a resource processor for an embedded attribute. It has nothing to do, per se, with the capabilities of the user agent. We will make it clear in the text that this is the case."
- 10:58:25 [oedipus]
- TH: make 8.1 explicit that this is what processor can handle, not User Agent
- 10:58:37 [ShaneM]
- s/8.1/18.1/
- 10:58:49 [Steven]
- tina breaking up
- 10:58:54 [oedipus]
- GJR plus 1 to shaneM suggestion
- 10:59:38 [Tina]
- If we can clear up 18.1 to make it explicit that it is the processor that handles the embedded content which use this encoding, and NOT the embedding UA, then we can close the issue.
- 11:00:04 [oedipus]
- SM: information that a UA would give to the plugin - handler for associated mediatype - plugin should know to retreive resource or accept resource using this encoding
- 11:00:51 [oedipus]
- RM: still have problem figuring out why useful - embedding attribute module
- 11:01:10 [oedipus]
- SM: larger question - even if atts only expressed in relation to OBJECT would still ahve same issues
- 11:01:15 [oedipus]
- s/ahve/have
- 11:01:24 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 11:01:24 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 11:01:44 [oedipus]
- RM: trouble understanding value of putting this everywhere
- 11:02:01 [oedipus]
- SM: issue 7733 -;user=guest;statetype=-3;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
- 11:02:38 [oedipus]
- SM: response is "embedded content is not in the stream"
- 11:02:51 [oedipus]
- Steven: +1
- 11:02:56 [oedipus]
- GJR +1
- 11:03:20 [yamx]
- Yam: +1 (quite natural)
- 11:03:31 [oedipus]
- RESOLVED: Issue 7733 closed by responding "embedded content is not in the stream"
- 11:03:31 [alessio]
- +1
- 11:03:44 [oedipus]
- 11:04:15 [oedipus]
- SM: also from Jim Ley - visited previously but still open - how to know if a "successful failure" - don't think should say anthing about http
- 11:04:19 [oedipus]
- SP: agree
- 11:04:56 [ShaneM]
- This specification should not specify anything about how the underlying protocols associated with a URI scheme report success or failure.
- 11:05:01 [oedipus]
- SP: http spec already says what is and isn't failure - what begins with a 4 is failure, what begins with 3 is success
- 11:05:41 [oedipus]
- s/with 3/with 2 or 3
- 11:05:57 [oedipus]
- TH: leave to separate protocols to determine what is successful and what is failure
- 11:07:06 [oedipus]
- 11:07:15 [oedipus]
- SM: 7735 closed
- 11:07:29 [oedipus]
- SM: ISSUE 7736 - what happens when an HREF and an SRC
- 11:07:38 [oedipus]
- TH: would embedded content be linkable
- 11:07:50 [oedipus]
- SM: content from HREF replaces SRC
- 11:08:01 [oedipus]
- SP: no - if a P remains a P
- 11:08:16 [oedipus]
- TH: so embedded content linkable - don't see problem
- 11:08:17 [Steven]
- I think that <a id="donkey" href="donkey.html" src="chicken.xhtml>chickens</a>
- 11:09:06 [oedipus]
- TH: embedded content used as the link, which seems reasonable; some styles to apply to embedded images (A with IMG)
- 11:09:11 [oedipus]
- TH: replace content with CSS
- 11:09:15 [Steven]
- is equiv to the present <a id="donkey" href="donkey.html"><img src="chicken.xhtml" alt="chickens"/></a>
- 11:09:44 [oedipus]
- SM: anything brought in by @src in own dom tree not in doc tree, but styleable itself, not covered by host document's styling
- 11:10:05 [oedipus]
- TH: authors going to assume can still style image used as a link
- 11:10:20 [oedipus]
- SM: styling box in which image is contained - effectively defining border
- 11:10:37 [oedipus]
- TH: border is part of image element, because img doing the embedding
- 11:10:44 [oedipus]
- TH: not sure going to be clear to authors
- 11:10:53 [oedipus]
- SM: counterintuative
- 11:11:30 [oedipus]
- TH: issue raises another thing: if embedded content not in DOM and not styled by host, can it be linked?
- 11:11:38 [ShaneM]
- Content brought in via the src attribute is placed *within* the surrounding element, so any annotation on the surrounding element would apply to that element. In this case, the href attribute would make the surrounding element (the a) linkable.
- 11:11:56 [oedipus]
- TH: use an A element and @src to embed content - what happens to the link?
- 11:12:04 [Steven]
- see above example
- 11:12:16 [oedipus]
- sounds reasonable
- 11:12:22 [Steven]
- zakim, mute alessio
- 11:12:22 [Zakim]
- Alessio should now be muted
- 11:12:39 [oedipus]
- TH: like shane's example
- 11:12:40 [alessio]
- zakim, mute me
- 11:12:40 [Zakim]
- Alessio was already muted, alessio
- 11:12:48 [oedipus]
- SM: capture that for edit
- 11:13:11 [oedipus]
- TH: not eager to explain to author when tries to style inline elements in an A that content is actually embedded
- 11:13:22 [oedipus]
- RM: share that concern - need to return to as BIG ISSUE
- 11:13:35 [oedipus]
- SM: ISSUE;user=guest;statetype=-3;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
- 11:13:56 [oedipus]
- SM: ISSUE 7737 - if iframe has link and click on it, what is replaced
- 11:14:00 [oedipus]
- SP: not a new problem
- 11:14:12 [oedipus]
- TH: IFRAMEs separate content
- 11:14:22 [oedipus]
- SP: content of IFRAME gets place
- 11:14:29 [oedipus]
- TH: what happens to OBJECT?
- 11:14:43 [alessio]
- yes
- 11:14:44 [oedipus]
- SM: would need OBJECT to work correctly
- 11:14:57 [oedipus]
- RM: Alessio has contribution/suggestions that help
- 11:15:03 [alessio]
- my example had a fallback
- 11:15:09 [oedipus]
- SP: link will only be activated in context of embedding
- 11:15:12 [oedipus]
- SM: agree
- 11:15:21 [oedipus]
- TH: then embedded content works as OBJECT?
- 11:15:26 [oedipus]
- SM: how OBJECT should work
- 11:15:39 [oedipus]
- RM: should container be able to determine where action taken
- 11:15:58 [oedipus]
- SM: today UAs don't permit embedded actions in embedded content
- 11:16:04 [oedipus]
- SP: browser doesn't get events
- 11:16:14 [oedipus]
- SM: go to PDF document with FF and try closing windo
- 11:16:19 [oedipus]
- s/windo/window
- 11:16:29 [oedipus]
- SP: same with embedded YouTube clips
- 11:16:34 [oedipus]
- TH: need to clarify this
- 11:16:35 [alessio]
- true
- 11:16:57 [oedipus]
- RM: irritating implementation bug
- 11:17:06 [alessio]
- zakim, unmute me
- 11:17:06 [Zakim]
- Alessio should no longer be muted
- 11:17:11 [oedipus]
- SP: don't have control over communication mech between plugin and browser
- 11:17:22 [oedipus]
- s/mech/mechanism
- 11:17:28 [ShaneM]
- Embedded content is in an independent context, so any links within that content would replace the embedded content, and not effect the surrounding document.
- 11:17:44 [oedipus]
- Alessio: why HTML5 created VIDEO and AUDIO elements -- mediatype specific
- 11:18:19 [oedipus]
- 11:19:12 [oedipus]
- SM: still need to finish 7737 - "both behavior desireable - please suggest to author what happens when executed"
- 11:19:31 [oedipus]
- SM: would like to leave open while discuss what @src does and how to provide both functionalities
- 11:19:50 [oedipus]
- TH: author choice and consistency - implemented easier if one handling model
- 11:20:45 [ShaneM]
- Embedded content is in an independent context, so any links within that content would replace the embedded content, and not effect the surrounding document. We will examine providing functionality to embed content inline in a specification separately.
- 11:20:45 [oedipus]
- SP: agree that there are 2 use cases, but disagree that same mechanism should do both - server side includes, XML includes - do they solve use case or not - one reason why haven't made equivalency - if tech is defined elseshere then don't duplicate
- 11:21:26 [Steven]
- 11:21:33 [yamx]
- thanks.
- 11:21:37 [Steven]
- 11:22:18 [oedipus]
- SM: 7738 editorial request - think should just do it
- 11:22:24 [oedipus]
- 11:22:46 [oedipus]
- SP: example chosen to show can do for any source of element type
- 11:23:13 [oedipus]
- SP: styling problem - CSS has no selector to tell you if something replaced or not
- 11:23:40 [oedipus]
- SP: would be good for image - when resource fails, style thusly; when resource embedded, style in this manner
- 11:23:48 [oedipus]
- TH: can't style embedded content anyway
- 11:24:14 [oedipus]
- SP: if an image has been replaaced want a thick border around it; one that has replaced want @alt value in bold
- 11:24:24 [oedipus]
- SP: how image element to be displayed when there and when not there
- 11:25:03 [oedipus]
- SM: how would you do that? if provide fallback and want styled differently, wouldn't i put styling on embedded atttribute?
- 11:25:37 [oedipus]
- SM: object to JimL's example?
- 11:25:55 [oedipus]
- SP: he's right, but that's not point of example - example just shows can do on TABLE if want
- 11:26:02 [oedipus]
- TH: remind JimL this is an example
- 11:26:08 [oedipus]
- SP: only there to illustrate an option
- 11:26:38 [oedipus]
- SP: probably had genesis in response to question "can i do this with TABLE?"
- 11:27:22 [oedipus]
- TH: what happens if embed image - doesn't replace TABLE, but fills TABLE with image, but TABLE can't directly embed an image
- 11:27:35 [oedipus]
- TH: how is embedding UA to deal with this in content model - an empty table?
- 11:27:47 [oedipus]
- TH: embedding happens through DOM, won't get to content of TABLE
- 11:28:04 [oedipus]
- SM: all the necessary stuff to is in DOM; DOM created before @src processed
- 11:28:21 [oedipus]
- TH: first child node of TABLE node what do you get?
- 11:28:26 [oedipus]
- 11:28:43 [oedipus]
- SP: replaced elements in CSS-terms -- CSS talks about replaced elements
- 11:28:57 [oedipus]
- SP: content in DOM not replaced -content in presentation changed
- 11:29:18 [oedipus]
- RM: complicated, styling implications need to be clarified, as well as what is in the DOM at any point in time
- 11:30:07 [oedipus]
- TH: not directly related to issue, but need to investigate - people use javascript to change appearance after DOM loaded
- 11:30:40 [oedipus]
- SP: if you change a piece of DOM that isn't displayed, still isn't displayed; if change parent to cause content to be displayed will be displayed
- 11:30:59 [oedipus]
- SM: one way to look at this is that we haven't specified how one can tell a @src is successful via the DOM
- 11:31:14 [oedipus]
- SP: problem with image already as argued before
- 11:32:09 [oedipus]
- TH: can't get to it thorugh DOM - people are going to be confused - will take DIV and first child element TABLE and change, but can't get to TABLE
- 11:32:25 [oedipus]
- SP: if they do that will discover what embedding really is
- 11:32:45 [oedipus]
- SP: why spending so much time worrying about @src for HTML @src for anything at all
- 11:32:58 [oedipus]
- RM: really only for opaque blocks - not what i exected
- 11:33:22 [oedipus]
- SP: should discuss cases of embedding bits of XML and see if XMLInclude solves use case - tool for embedding fragments
- 11:33:40 [alessio]
- +1
- 11:33:42 [oedipus]
- RM: also DISELECT which is intended to run client side and takes expressions so can change at runtime
- 11:33:50 [oedipus]
- 11:34:29 [oedipus]
- SM: embedded resources styled with CSS - "If the embedded resource is an XHTML 2 document that is styled with CSS, such that content is positioned at top:-100px;left:-100px, must this content be rendered by a CSS supporting user agent, or is it implementation dependant:"
- 11:34:42 [oedipus]
- SM: embedded resource in its block and everything related to that
- 11:34:49 [oedipus]
- RM: high-grade with own anchor
- 11:35:24 [oedipus]
- 11:35:43 [oedipus]
- SP: new WG inherited these issues
- 11:35:54 [oedipus]
- SM: tabled pending resolution of other stuff, but now back on this
- 11:36:07 [oedipus]
- SM: ISSUE 7734 - motivation for embedding attributes
- 11:36:31 [oedipus]
- RM: most convincing (and perhaps only) case is LONGDESC
- 11:36:48 [oedipus]
- SM: should say we can provide addditinoal examples and use cases
- 11:37:27 [oedipus]
- SP: 2 examples are equivalent, but that isn't a problem
- 11:37:28 [oedipus]
- <p>
- 11:37:28 [oedipus]
- <img src="holiday" srctype="image/png, image/gif;q=0.5">
- 11:37:28 [oedipus]
- An image of us on holiday
- 11:37:28 [oedipus]
- </img>
- 11:37:28 [oedipus]
- </p>
- 11:37:41 [oedipus]
- equivalent to:
- 11:37:41 [oedipus]
- <img src="temperature-graph.png" srctype="image/png">
- 11:37:41 [oedipus]
- <table>
- 11:37:41 [oedipus]
- <caption>Average monthly temperature over the last 20
- 11:37:41 [oedipus]
- years</caption>
- 11:37:42 [oedipus]
- <tr><th>Jan</th><th>Feb</th><th>Mar</th><th>Apr</th><th>May</th><th>Jun</th>
- 11:37:44 [oedipus]
- <th>Jul</th><th>Aug</th><th>Sep</th><th>Oct</th><th>Nov</th><th>Dec</th>
- 11:37:46 [oedipus]
- </tr>
- 11:37:48 [oedipus]
- <tr><td> 4</td><td> 2</td><td>
- 11:37:50 [oedipus]
- 7</td><td>
- 11:37:52 [oedipus]
- 9</td><td>13</td><td>16</td>
- 11:37:54 [oedipus]
- <td>17</td><td>17</td><td>14</td><td>11</td><td>
- 11:37:56 [oedipus]
- 7</td><td> 4</td>
- 11:37:58 [oedipus]
- </tr>
- 11:38:00 [oedipus]
- </table>
- 11:38:02 [oedipus]
- </img>
- 11:38:04 [oedipus]
- SM: comments abour @srclang
- 11:38:18 [oedipus]
- SP: for consistency, @src and @href should be aligned
- 11:38:35 [oedipus]
- SP: @hreflang equiv: @srclang
- 11:38:38 [oedipus]
- TH: add to Core?
- 11:38:45 [oedipus]
- SP: embedding applies to everything
- 11:39:21 [oedipus]
- 11:39:44 [yamx]
- 66 minutes?
- 11:39:52 [oedipus]
- 11:40:10 [yamx]
- see you later.
- 11:40:15 [oedipus]
- RM: start at quarter to hour
- 11:40:17 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 11:40:18 [Zakim]
- -ShaneM
- 11:40:18 [Zakim]
- -Tina
- 11:40:19 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutesx
- 11:40:19 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutesx', oedipus. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 11:40:20 [Zakim]
- -Alessio
- 11:40:21 [Zakim]
- -Yam
- 11:40:22 [Zakim]
- -Roland
- 11:40:24 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 11:40:26 [Zakim]
- IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has ended
- 11:40:27 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Roland, Steven, Gregory_Rosmaita, Tina, ShaneM, yamx, Alessio, Yam
- 11:41:07 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutesx
- 11:41:07 [RRSAgent]
- I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutesx', oedipus. Try /msg RRSAgent help
- 11:41:22 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 11:41:22 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 11:55:44 [oedipus_laptop]
- oedipus_laptop has joined #xhtml
- 12:01:00 [oedipus_laptop]
- oedipus_laptop has joined #xhtml
- 12:14:04 [alessio]
- alessio has joined #xhtml
- 12:44:13 [Zakim]
- IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has now started
- 12:44:20 [Zakim]
- +Roland
- 12:45:43 [yamx]
- yamx has joined #xhtml
- 12:51:42 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 12:52:23 [Zakim]
- +??P21
- 12:52:42 [yamx]
- zakim, ??P21 is yamx
- 12:52:42 [Zakim]
- +yamx; got it
- 12:53:14 [Zakim]
- +??P15
- 12:53:22 [alessio]
- zakim, ??P15 is Alessio
- 12:53:22 [Zakim]
- +Alessio; got it
- 12:53:50 [Steven]
- Steven has joined #xhtml
- 12:54:03 [yamx]
- yah
- 12:54:15 [Steven]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 12:54:16 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; the call is being made
- 12:54:17 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 12:54:20 [oedipus]
- it's 8:54 AM local time
- 12:56:29 [Steven]
- zakim, who is on the phone?
- 12:56:29 [Zakim]
- On the phone I see Roland, Gregory_Rosmaita, yamx, Alessio, Steven
- 12:58:33 [ShaneM]
- omw
- 12:58:52 [Zakim]
- +ShaneM
- 13:00:23 [Steven]
- good plan
- 13:00:38 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 13:01:10 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 13:01:20 [oedipus]
- RM: afternoon session start continuing with XHTML2 review
- 13:01:36 [oedipus]
- 13:02:05 [oedipus]
- SM: completed looking at embedding buckets
- 13:02:32 [oedipus]
- 13:02:49 [oedipus]
- SP: no, special markup for that called ITS and people should use that if want to
- 13:02:53 [oedipus]
- SM: references ITS
- 13:02:58 [oedipus]
- SM: so what are we missing?
- 13:03:26 [oedipus]
- SP: use case - google translates pages automatically, some terms need to be handled specially
- 13:03:31 [oedipus]
- SM: that's what ITS is for
- 13:03:48 [oedipus]
- SM: if knows about ITS, then what need for TRANSLATE
- 13:03:57 [oedipus]
- SP: became ITS rec in 2007
- 13:04:06 [oedipus]
- RM: comment 15 months before that
- 13:04:11 [oedipus]
- SM: include ITS in XHTML2?
- 13:04:35 [oedipus]
- SM: don't see why not - wouldn't roll into namespace - can point to ITS with namespace independence
- 13:04:46 [oedipus]
- SM: already created schema and implementation for it
- 13:04:59 [oedipus]
- SP: is there a translate attribute in ITS - yes, they do
- 13:05:07 [oedipus]
- SP: in own namespace
- 13:05:26 [yamx]
- if you do, no objection.
- 13:05:35 [oedipus]
- RESOLVED: Incorporate ITS (International Tag Set) into XHTML2
- 13:05:45 [oedipus]
- SP: won't delay CR
- 13:05:47 [oedipus]
- +1
- 13:05:49 [ShaneM]
- ACTION: Shane to add ITS into the XHTML 2 Doctype section
- 13:05:51 [alessio]
- +1
- 13:05:56 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:05:56 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 13:06:24 [oedipus]
- s/into XHTML2/into XHTML2 Doctype Section
- 13:06:27 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:06:27 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 13:06:39 [oedipus]
- 13:08:18 [oedipus]
- SM: Issue 7887 -
- 13:08:27 [oedipus]
- q+
- 13:08:57 [oedipus]
- SP: thought: within XForms, have label, help, hint, and alert - MarkB oft proposed allowing everywhere in XHTML2 as well as XForms
- 13:09:05 [oedipus]
- RM: think made that proposal at last f2f
- 13:09:13 [Zakim]
- +Tina
- 13:09:24 [oedipus]
- SP: <img label="blah blah blah">
- 13:09:32 [oedipus]
- SM: doesn't solve internationalization problem
- 13:09:56 [Steven]
- It is <label>Foobar</label>
- 13:09:56 [oedipus]
- SP: it is an element
- 13:10:01 [oedipus]
- SM: doesn't make sense
- 13:10:09 [oedipus]
- GJR like LABEL for FORM in HTML4?
- 13:10:36 [oedipus]
- <img alt="blah" src="blach.png"><label>Blah</label></img>
- 13:10:51 [oedipus]
- RM: if use title everywhere,
- 13:11:12 [oedipus]
- GJR isn't @title for tooltip-type hints and alt for labelling in HTML4?
- 13:11:52 [oedipus]
- RM: write same in ALT and TITLE because no garuntee of what will happen
- 13:12:04 [Steven]
- Roland meant <title>My picture</title>
- 13:12:07 [oedipus]
- RM: html doc has TITLE element
- 13:12:23 [oedipus]
- RM: how displayed is separate question
- 13:12:42 [Steven]
- that is <img src="..."><title>My house</title></img>
- 13:12:46 [oedipus]
- SP: reason for not using title - confusion between @title and TITLE
- 13:12:57 [oedipus]
- RM: why XForms has the 4 different elements
- 13:13:23 [alessio]
- agree
- 13:13:41 [oedipus]
- RM: 1 meant to be rendered, 1 available for reuse, 1 meant to be rendered on user action, visible when error ocurs
- 13:13:53 [oedipus]
- s/RM: 1/SP: 1
- 13:13:58 [oedipus]
- SM: what is our plan
- 13:14:28 [alessio]
- misunderstanding with alt and title started with IE
- 13:14:29 [oedipus]
- RM: opened out - slightly broader - if do here, where else?
- 13:14:44 [alessio]
- and the alt showed as a tooltip
- 13:15:18 [oedipus]
- SP: within XForms answer is: it is used everywhere - could say is allowed anywhere text content is allowed
- 13:15:33 [oedipus]
- RM: the "it" in the circumstance are the 4 elements
- 13:15:53 [oedipus]
- RM: do we need/want all 4 elements everywhere - have an H for purpose
- 13:16:01 [oedipus]
- SM: disagree - don't think H is purpose
- 13:16:23 [oedipus]
- RM: 1 of 4 will always be rendered - what if have H and LABEL
- 13:17:48 [oedipus]
- Explicit Association Pattern Collisions need to be straightened out - cascade or politeness order
- 13:18:28 [oedipus]
- 13:18:46 [oedipus]
- SM: lost thread
- 13:19:14 [oedipus]
- RM: what to do with this - open up for 4 state solution
- 13:19:24 [Tina]
- Zakim: mute Tina
- 13:19:34 [oedipus]
- RM: what are ramifications? what is resolution?
- 13:19:50 [oedipus]
- SM: should open up - will mark issue as "suspended" while we deal with it
- 13:20:07 [oedipus]
- RM: should we introduce the 4 from XForms into XHTML2
- 13:20:22 [oedipus]
- RM: resolution of that will effect resolution of this issue
- 13:20:25 [Steven]
- zakim, mute tina
- 13:20:25 [Zakim]
- Tina should now be muted
- 13:21:05 [oedipus]
- 13:21:18 [oedipus]
- 13:21:31 [oedipus]
- SM: suspended until LC
- 13:21:36 [oedipus]
- SM: style attribute
- 13:21:53 [oedipus]
- SP: personally, don't think style attribute should be in XHTML
- 13:21:58 [oedipus]
- Alessio: agree totally
- 13:22:03 [Tina]
- zakim, unmute tina
- 13:22:03 [Zakim]
- Tina should no longer be muted
- 13:22:53 [yamx]
- it is ok to remove @style attr.
- 13:23:31 [oedipus]
- GJR: forms-based web needs inline styles - <span style="speak:spell-out">USA</span>
- 13:23:50 [oedipus]
- SP: widely used by spammers to hide stuff
- 13:23:59 [oedipus]
- RM: want ability to control some things inline
- 13:24:11 [oedipus]
- TH: reminds me of yesterday's discussion of @target
- 13:24:24 [oedipus]
- RM: just because one can misuse, shouldn't preclude valid use
- 13:24:48 [oedipus]
- SP: requirement from GJR is that can markup but doesn't need style
- 13:24:58 [oedipus]
- s/need style/need @style
- 13:25:26 [oedipus]
- SP: style and presentation should be separate
- 13:25:35 [oedipus]
- GJR: agree, but need to use tools we have
- 13:25:53 [oedipus]
- SP: better to say want to specify things can be spoken - don't require CSS
- 13:26:03 [oedipus]
- RM: we don't but a given author might have CSS around
- 13:26:38 [oedipus]
- RM: example: assembly of fragments - need to specify by STYLE to define a fragment so has style definition and content
- 13:26:53 [Zakim]
- -Alessio
- 13:27:09 [oedipus]
- RM: need ability to associate style is a use case, but not necessarily for @style
- 13:27:34 [oedipus]
- RM: through SCRIPT want to define my script in my block and STYLE (element) inline
- 13:27:46 [oedipus]
- RM: not case in older MLs - can't put outside of HEAD
- 13:28:20 [oedipus]
- RM: use STYLE element so can make relevant to discrete blocks of content
- 13:28:28 [alessio]
- alessio has joined #xhtml
- 13:29:02 [oedipus]
- PROPOSED RESOLUTION?: @style is deprecated/eliminated; STYLE element can be used outside HEAD
- 13:29:41 [alessio]
- +1
- 13:30:03 [Zakim]
- +[IPcaller]
- 13:30:08 [ShaneM]
- +1
- 13:30:12 [alessio]
- zakim, IPcaller is Alessio
- 13:30:12 [Zakim]
- +Alessio; got it
- 13:30:14 [Steven]
- I can live with that
- 13:30:16 [oedipus]
- RESOLVED: @style is deprecated/eliminated; STYLE element can be used outside HEAD
- 13:30:19 [yamx]
- fine.
- 13:30:43 [oedipus]
- TH: users will have use cases for it - this attribute (@style) will continue to be used - what do we do about that
- 13:30:44 [Steven]
- zakim, mute alessio temporarily
- 13:30:44 [Zakim]
- Alessio should now be muted
- 13:30:59 [oedipus]
- RM: is it in draft?
- 13:31:00 [Zakim]
- Alessio should now be unmuted again
- 13:31:01 [oedipus]
- SP: yes
- 13:31:08 [oedipus]
- RM: to be resolved?
- 13:31:25 [oedipus]
- SP: always in that state - in, out, in, out, then marked "this is an issue"
- 13:31:31 [oedipus]
- SM: marked as issue in draft right now
- 13:31:44 [ShaneM]
- 13:33:03 [oedipus]
- TH: support resolution, but should be consistent in how we deal with controversial attributes (such as @target) - why not give authors option of having it there
- 13:33:12 [oedipus]
- TH: consistent if we can
- 13:33:28 [oedipus]
- SM: same argument put forward at f2f 4 years ago at TP -
- 13:33:50 [oedipus]
- SM: deprecated in XHTML1
- 13:34:09 [yamx]
- if it is already deprecated, we can eliminate it.
- 13:34:49 [oedipus]
- s/RESOLVED: @style is deprecated/eliminated/RESOLVED: @style is eliminated
- 13:34:54 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:34:54 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 13:35:10 [ShaneM]
- s/XHTML1/XHTML1.1/
- 13:35:36 [oedipus]
- RM: does that satisfy you, tina?
- 13:35:41 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:35:41 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 13:35:46 [yamx]
- "deprecate" is a fair warning for future elimination.
- 13:36:03 [oedipus]
- TH: taking out some controversial things and leaving in others
- 13:36:20 [oedipus]
- RM: for what has been taken out, have done so because needs been addressed otherwise
- 13:36:31 [oedipus]
- RM: not just style for individual element, but grouping of elements
- 13:36:59 [oedipus]
- SM: agree a separate issue - but don't want to return to today
- 13:37:05 [oedipus]
- TH: need policy, not adress ad hoc
- 13:37:38 [oedipus]
- SM: do have policy about when things are deprecated or removed - remove when suitable replacement that can be recommended
- 13:37:52 [oedipus]
- (scribe's note - consult Yam's comment above, as well)
- 13:38:13 [oedipus]
- SP: if can show use case can be solved in better way
- 13:38:31 [oedipus]
- SM: when features deprecated only done when other things to point to -- good statement to make
- 13:39:17 [oedipus]
- ACTION: ShaneM - Draft policy statement on migration and evolution
- 13:39:23 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:39:23 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 13:39:31 [yamx]
- done deal..
- 13:39:34 [oedipus]
- SM: next comment is "please leave @style in"
- 13:39:41 [oedipus]
- SP: bimodal issue
- 13:39:54 [oedipus]
- RM: here we have is what we believe is an alternative
- 13:40:04 [oedipus]
- GJR: example BLOCKQUOTE for formatting in HTML4
- 13:40:16 [oedipus]
- SM: 2 options for specifying styles (link)
- 13:40:27 [oedipus]
- SM: recording resolutions in tracking system
- 13:41:03 [oedipus]
- tables bucket:;statetype=-3;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
- 13:41:10 [oedipus]
- 13:41:23 [oedipus]
- SM: never understood this comment (issue 7828)
- 13:41:45 [oedipus]
- question: "Why no nested colgroup or rowgroup?"
- 13:41:55 [oedipus]
- Alessio: don't understand either
- 13:42:21 [oedipus]
- Yam: cannot shed light on it either
- 13:42:37 [oedipus]
- SM: reason not to?
- 13:42:42 [oedipus]
- TH: semantic reason why?
- 13:42:48 [oedipus]
- SP: implementation?
- 13:42:59 [oedipus]
- SM: colgroup and rowgroup not supported now
- 13:43:43 [oedipus]
- TH: use case described says common use, but sounds like manipulation of data, not valid markup
- 13:44:01 [oedipus]
- RM: need to be able to have aggregation of set of columns
- 13:44:09 [oedipus]
- TH: can you do with col today?
- 13:44:26 [oedipus]
- RM: dojo tables include sorting of rows
- 13:44:41 [oedipus]
- GJR notes that this affects @scope (scope="colgroup")
- 13:44:52 [oedipus]
- RM: why not just reject
- 13:44:56 [oedipus]
- SM: rationale?
- 13:45:07 [oedipus]
- SP: don't understand how the markup would help your use case
- 13:45:37 [oedipus]
- TH: can do what want to do today with col and id - don't see why would want to nest THEAD and TFOOT
- 13:45:43 [oedipus]
- SM: not semantically sensible
- 13:46:16 [oedipus]
- RM: suggestion doesn't solve use case - tell us problem, not your idea of solution - what are requirements
- 13:46:21 [oedipus]
- SM: ok
- 13:46:35 [oedipus]
- SM: leave in state of feedback - send and await answer
- 13:46:46 [oedipus]
- 13:47:34 [oedipus]
- SM: question is "what is the scope of a header" = note that we need a better explanation - think this is in wrong bucket - move to structural
- 13:47:48 [oedipus]
- s/= note/-- note
- 13:48:56 [oedipus]
- SM: person responsible for TABLE chapter hasn't been active for a few years - would like to reassign - volunteer?
- 13:49:05 [oedipus]
- zakim, pick a victim
- 13:49:05 [Zakim]
- Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose yamx
- 13:49:28 [oedipus]
- TH: i volunteer, but swamped with work - cannot garuntee complete attention
- 13:49:30 [yamx]
- Victim..
- 13:50:03 [oedipus]
- SP: if no one else wants it i will take it
- 13:50:08 [oedipus]
- RM: list of open sections?
- 13:50:27 [oedipus]
- SM: master list in control system
- 13:50:45 [oedipus]
- SM: only see if admin
- 13:51:28 [oedipus]
- ACTION: ShaneM - create and maintain ownership of wiki page listing who owns what bucket
- 13:51:35 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 13:51:35 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 13:51:49 [oedipus]
- 13:52:31 [oedipus]
- SM: Issue 7881 related to 7828
- 13:52:32 [oedipus]
- 13:52:43 [oedipus]
- SM: already asked for more info and a description
- 13:53:18 [oedipus]
- SM: follow-ups to public discussion list, so other people chime in
- 13:53:50 [oedipus]
- SM: claims can put in multiple TBODY elements and magic ocurs
- 13:54:43 [oedipus]
- SM: will examine more
- 13:54:54 [oedipus]
- SM: text bucket;statetype=-3;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
- 13:55:20 [oedipus]
- SM: Issue 7876 agreed but marked as open
- 13:55:33 [oedipus]
- 13:55:45 [oedipus]
- 13:55:56 [oedipus]
- SM: requested example of L versus BR from submiter
- 13:56:04 [oedipus]
- SM: many requests to have BR reinstated
- 13:56:12 [oedipus]
- SP: thought agreed to do it
- 13:56:23 [oedipus]
- SM: ok
- 13:57:17 [oedipus]
- (Shane experiences technical difficulties)
- 13:57:29 [oedipus]
- TH: use case for 7882 doesn't make sense
- 13:57:48 [oedipus]
- SM: agree
- 13:58:13 [oedipus]
- SM: example spurious, but number of people including DanC and TBL who want it back in, so don't really have choice
- 13:58:20 [oedipus]
- SP: did agree to restore a while ago
- 13:58:30 [oedipus]
- RM: should be implementable in existing browsers
- 13:58:53 [oedipus]
- TH: other use cases for BR - so don't mind having back
- 13:59:01 [oedipus]
- 13:59:21 [oedipus]
- SM: 7885 - DFN
- 13:59:57 [oedipus]
- TH: nothing to do with italics and i and typography - has specific semantic interpretation
- 14:00:12 [oedipus]
- TH: argument is "traditional typographers"
- 14:00:20 [oedipus]
- SP: means don't want just I
- 14:00:42 [oedipus]
- RM: agree to put DFN in?
- 14:00:48 [oedipus]
- SP: don't remember removing it?
- 14:00:52 [oedipus]
- SP: why would we have?
- 14:01:03 [oedipus]
- GJR: think still there
- 14:01:13 [oedipus]
- SP: think just missed it - don't think we ever took it out
- 14:01:22 [oedipus]
- RM: be happy
- 14:01:30 [oedipus]
- SP: which module?
- 14:01:30 [alessio]
- agree, dfn has a scope
- 14:01:32 [oedipus]
- SM: text
- 14:01:45 [oedipus]
- SM: probably inline - PCDATA or text
- 14:01:56 [oedipus]
- SM: can't have DFN that is a DIV
- 14:02:26 [yamx]
- I have access to w3c.
- 14:02:49 [oedipus]
- SM: 7899 already agreed
- 14:02:59 [oedipus]
- 14:03:05 [oedipus]
- SM: section on XForms
- 14:03:18 [oedipus]
- SM:;user=guest;statetype=-3;upostype=-1;changetype=-1;restype=-1
- 14:03:40 [oedipus]
- SM: states: "they are presentational and shouldn't be in structural langauge"
- 14:03:52 [oedipus]
- SP: misunderstanding of XForms
- 14:04:11 [oedipus]
- SM: not permitted to sub-set XForms, and if didn't have, would compromise XForms
- 14:04:21 [oedipus]
- RM: bring up with XForms group
- 14:04:39 [oedipus]
- SM: reject request - go tell Forms
- 14:04:54 [oedipus]
- SM: autocomplete attribute
- 14:04:54 [oedipus]
- 14:05:19 [oedipus]
- SP: not our issue, please consult Forms WG
- 14:05:26 [oedipus]
- RM: already replied that
- 14:05:38 [oedipus]
- RM: you added question - what would they do?
- 14:05:51 [oedipus]
- RM: not in our scope
- 14:05:55 [oedipus]
- SM: agree and marked as such
- 14:06:04 [alessio]
- +1
- 14:06:13 [oedipus]
- 14:06:20 [oedipus]
- 14:06:36 [oedipus]
- SM: Issue 674 suspended - decided to use parameter on mediatype
- 14:06:45 [oedipus]
- SM: have to do something about it
- 14:07:06 [oedipus]
- SP: if want to do that, have to update RFC, so is our responsibility
- 14:07:08 [oedipus]
- SM: ok
- 14:07:22 [oedipus]
- RM: who can work IETF process
- 14:08:02 [oedipus]
- ACTION: ShaneM - write up how WG believes parameters should work on media type and talk with Mark Baker about how to get RFC updated
- 14:08:33 [oedipus]
- SP: RFC 3236 -
- 14:09:12 [oedipus]
- SP: application+xml has optional profile parameter - section 8 says "this parameter solves short-term problem of ... used only in content negotiation"
- 14:09:19 [oedipus]
- SM: XHTML Basic doesn't use it
- 14:09:23 [oedipus]
- SP: thought it did
- 14:09:38 [yamx]
- we use profile in OMA.
- 14:09:44 [oedipus]
- SP: XHTML Basic usage in OMA has different specifications
- 14:09:47 [yamx]
- yes.
- 14:09:54 [yamx]
- in XHTML Mobile Profile.
- 14:10:11 [oedipus]
- SP: looks to me like don't have to update 3236 - can use profile and say "this is the value of profile"
- 14:10:16 [oedipus]
- SM: put in language specs?
- 14:10:25 [oedipus]
- SM: if want this, use profile X
- 14:10:40 [oedipus]
- SM: M12n - which families of XHTML you support
- 14:10:49 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:10:49 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 14:11:14 [oedipus]
- SM: want to address 7726
- 14:11:15 [oedipus]
- 14:11:38 [oedipus]
- SM: Issue 7726 - Add XInclude module
- 14:11:50 [oedipus]
- SM: requestor wants XInclude
- 14:12:01 [oedipus]
- SM: think he is wrong - won't replace FRAME or IFRAME
- 14:12:19 [oedipus]
- SP: bit complicated, but would solve what TH and i discussed earlier
- 14:12:33 [oedipus]
- 14:12:43 [oedipus]
- 14:12:43 [ShaneM]
- The working group is considering this in the context of the larger issue of embedding resources in documents.
- 14:12:55 [oedipus]
- SM: proposed comment
- 14:13:04 [oedipus]
- SM: when have answer, return to issue
- 14:13:09 [oedipus]
- RM: reasonable
- 14:13:14 [oedipus]
- (no objections logged)
- 14:13:40 [oedipus]
- ACTION: Roland - investigate what would be involved by adding XInclude
- 14:13:54 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:13:54 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 14:14:17 [oedipus]
- SM: next issue: MediaDesc with CSS3
- 14:14:18 [oedipus]
- 14:14:26 [oedipus]
- SM: CSS3 not going to be ready soon
- 14:14:40 [oedipus]
- SP: been in CR since june 2007
- 14:14:49 [oedipus]
- 14:15:01 [oedipus]
- SP: not against this, but not rec so can't quote yet
- 14:15:17 [oedipus]
- SM: why labelled as open
- 14:15:44 [oedipus]
- SM: notes for Issues 7659 and 7656 need to be broken into individual issues
- 14:15:55 [oedipus]
- TH: nothing need to do until broken down
- 14:16:03 [oedipus]
- SM: we need to do the breaking down
- 14:16:38 [oedipus]
- ACTION: ShaneM - break Issues 7659 and 7656 into individual issues so can be addressed
- 14:16:45 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:16:45 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 14:17:07 [oedipus]
- SM: handful of items in XML Events
- 14:17:38 [oedipus]
- RM: this is what you do now
- 14:17:49 [oedipus]
- SM: should put in spec, right?
- 14:17:53 [oedipus]
- RM: in new Script Module
- 14:18:29 [oedipus]
- SP: 8018 - NOSCRIPT is there because of Document.Write - if can't do document.write, don't need NOSCRIPT - insert NOSCRIPT into document and let SCRIPT get rid of it
- 14:18:50 [oedipus]
- RM: what i used to do, what i do now, what i can expect when serve to legacy UA
- 14:19:13 [oedipus]
- SM: requirement for NOSCRIPT
- 14:19:31 [oedipus]
- SP: replied to guy and he thinks he understands it
- 14:20:07 [oedipus]
- SM: i'll find it
- 14:20:22 [oedipus]
- SP: explained and said this issue can be closed by mutual agreement
- 14:20:45 [oedipus]
- SP: reply to him, WG and wg-issues
- 14:21:15 [oedipus]
- 14:21:27 [oedipus]
- SM: not in issue tracking sytem - will close issue
- 14:21:31 [Steven_]
- Steven_ has joined #xhtml
- 14:21:53 [Steven_]
- 14:22:05 [Steven_]
- 14:22:31 [oedipus]
- SM: John Boyer submitted a couple of issues
- 14:23:01 [oedipus]
- 8029 - Issue with phase attribute in XML Events 2
- 14:23:06 [oedipus]
- 14:23:12 [oedipus]
- SM: additional @target
- 14:23:15 [oedipus]
- SP: done that
- 14:23:21 [oedipus]
- RM: yes
- 14:23:33 [oedipus]
- Issue 8029 closed
- 14:23:39 [oedipus]
- 14:24:02 [oedipus]
- SM: if and while attributes - evaluation not defined - we have done with XPath section
- 14:24:15 [oedipus]
- SM: context is there is no context
- 14:24:24 [Steven_]
- s/evaluation/evaluation context/
- 14:24:44 [oedipus]
- Issue 8031 - XML Events with repeated content
- 14:24:45 [oedipus]
- 14:24:57 [oedipus]
- SM: thought Forms WG discussed, but don't know how to fix
- 14:25:29 [oedipus]
- "Now, we would like to be able to say that the item element is the target of the xforms-hint event so that one can provide item-specific events. Yet"
- 14:25:59 [oedipus]
- RM: done a lot of updates to XML Events 2 covering this, so should suggest they take another look
- 14:26:21 [oedipus]
- SP: think his problem is that markup doesn't match DOM tree
- 14:26:33 [oedipus]
- SP: due to repeats expanding DOM tree
- 14:27:00 [oedipus]
- SP: think this is XForms
- 14:27:20 [oedipus]
- s/XForms/XForms'' problem
- 14:28:02 [oedipus]
- SP: XForms has to define triggering - element repeats causes DOM tree to expand, need to find out what happens with Events - do handlers get duplicated for every repeated sub-tree
- 14:28:26 [oedipus]
- SM: should ask to look at document again
- 14:28:39 [oedipus]
- RM: DOM tree events are choices they made
- 14:28:55 [oedipus]
- SM: assigning XML Events bucket to you
- 14:29:02 [oedipus]
- SP: end?
- 14:29:12 [oedipus]
- SM: save for the massive "incoming" bucket
- 14:29:37 [oedipus]
- RM: 15 minute break then go through other agenda items (update requests) and if time and energy can attack incoming
- 14:29:53 [oedipus]
- SM: data point: RDFa group meeting in 3 minutes time - someone from this WG needs to be there
- 14:29:58 [oedipus]
- SP: i have to leave at 5
- 14:30:20 [Zakim]
- -ShaneM
- 14:30:23 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 14:30:26 [oedipus]
- ======== FIFTEEN MINUTE BREAK =============
- 14:30:28 [Zakim]
- -Tina
- 14:30:33 [yamx]
- ok, see you later.
- 14:30:36 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 14:30:39 [Zakim]
- -yamx
- 14:32:20 [Zakim]
- -Alessio
- 14:42:52 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:42:53 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 14:45:05 [Zakim]
- +ShaneM
- 14:45:30 [yamx]
- yamx has joined #xhtml
- 14:45:38 [Steven_]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 14:45:39 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven_; the call is being made
- 14:45:40 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 14:46:20 [Zakim]
- +??P6
- 14:46:22 [Zakim]
- +??P7
- 14:46:26 [alessio]
- zakim, ??P6 is Alessio
- 14:46:26 [Zakim]
- +Alessio; got it
- 14:46:29 [ShaneM]
- CURIE further update:
- 14:46:35 [yamx]
- zakim, ??P7 is yamx
- 14:46:35 [Zakim]
- +yamx; got it
- 14:46:54 [Zakim]
- +Gregory_Rosmaita
- 14:47:18 [oedipus]
- ok
- 14:47:34 [yamx]
- This is the first time to make any intensive XHTML2 issue discussion in my 2-year XHTML2 experinece.
- 14:47:44 [alessio]
- :)
- 14:47:54 [yamx]
- :-)
- 14:48:05 [oedipus]
- TOPIC: CURIEs Update
- 14:48:16 [oedipus]
- SM: new update in response to latest comments
- 14:48:17 [ShaneM]
- 14:48:25 [oedipus]
- 14:49:20 [oedipus]
- SM: incorporated all changes discussed on tuesday; brief discussion wednesday morning, and updated appendix a to be informative, pointed to normative datatype module, and
- 14:49:39 [Steven]
- Are people talking? I hear nothing
- 14:49:55 [oedipus]
- SM: not sure what to do about declaring normative
- 14:50:05 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 14:50:11 [Steven]
- zakim, dial steven-617
- 14:50:11 [Zakim]
- ok, Steven; the call is being made
- 14:50:13 [oedipus]
- RM: inferred? do we want to define a normative def
- 14:50:13 [Zakim]
- +Steven
- 14:50:27 [oedipus]
- SM: M12n doesn't know about CURIEs yet
- 14:50:57 [oedipus]
- SM: think we should just go for it
- 14:51:16 [oedipus]
- SM: suggestion is change this so those are normative definitions?
- 14:51:47 [oedipus]
- GJR, ok with me
- 14:51:59 [alessio]
- +1
- 14:52:00 [yamx]
- PR, no objection.
- 14:52:01 [oedipus]
- SM: can we move forward to PR transition based on this draft?
- 14:52:20 [yamx]
- CR, no objection.
- 14:52:25 [oedipus]
- RESOLVED: transition CURIEs to CR
- 14:52:31 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 14:52:31 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 14:52:44 [oedipus]
- RM: good - one down
- 14:52:53 [Zakim]
- +Tina
- 14:52:54 [Steven]
- ACTION: Steven to organise CURIEs CR
- 14:53:04 [oedipus]
- 14:53:23 [oedipus]
- SM: decided to postpone access
- 14:53:27 [oedipus]
- 14:53:30 [ShaneM]
- 14:53:46 [oedipus]
- SM: update based on f2f discussions - prepared for CR
- 14:54:21 [oedipus]
- SM: incorporate all changes we discussed except links to examples from ARIA - wasn't comfortable putting in at top of Section 3
- 14:54:34 [oedipus]
- SM: tried to remember what we were trying to demonstrate
- 14:54:48 [oedipus]
- RM: bad practice <div role="paragraph">
- 14:54:58 [oedipus]
- i can get a better example
- 14:55:24 [Tina]
- Where was the best-practice bit added?
- 14:55:34 [oedipus]
- tina, top of sectoin 3
- 14:55:59 [oedipus]
- 14:56:11 [Tina]
- I'm fine with the wording
- 14:56:41 [oedipus]
- SM: example in here now role="navigation sitemap" -- should fix - don't define navigation sitemap
- 14:56:46 [oedipus]
- 'SM: other examples?
- 14:57:28 [oedipus]
- GJR: a real list versus a bunch of lines separated by <br /> or using div /div instead of l /l
- 14:57:35 [alessio]
- what about role="video" or role="presentation" ?
- 14:57:40 [oedipus]
- RM: appropriate and then inappropriate example
- 14:58:15 [oedipus]
- ACTION: ShaneM - provide appropriate and then inappropriate example for Section 3
- 14:58:29 [oedipus]
- GJR will help ShaneM - there are better examples i can provide
- 14:58:42 [oedipus]
- RM: Shane, leaving for RDFa call?
- 14:58:49 [oedipus]
- SM: if i can be spared
- 14:58:53 [oedipus]
- RM: scheduling
- 14:59:05 [alessio]
- and I'll help shane + gregory ;)
- 14:59:24 [oedipus]
- RM: how long to take to get thorugh CR transitions?
- 14:59:36 [oedipus]
- SP: which ones - depends on how long have to wait for implementations
- 14:59:42 [oedipus]
- 14:59:57 [oedipus]
- SP: RDFa providing implementations
- 15:00:11 [oedipus]
- RM: roadmap POV - get to CR before july
- 15:00:22 [oedipus]
- RM: CURIEs and Role into CR in July 2008
- 15:00:24 [oedipus]
- SP: yes
- 15:00:27 [oedipus]
- SM: works for me
- 15:00:39 [oedipus]
- RM: new draft of XHTML2 by end of next week or end of month
- 15:00:40 [oedipus]
- SM: sure
- 15:00:50 [oedipus]
- RM: other significant roadmapping items?
- 15:00:55 [Steven]
- Future meetings?
- 15:01:01 [oedipus]
- RM: 2 gone to PR - Basic and M12n
- 15:01:14 [oedipus]
- SM: 30 day period
- 15:01:21 [oedipus]
- SP: out of our hands - happens or doesn'
- 15:01:23 [oedipus]
- t
- 15:01:32 [oedipus]
- RM: Role Module to CR timeframe?
- 15:01:38 [oedipus]
- RM: July 2008?
- 15:01:46 [oedipus]
- SP: take CURIEs and Role at same call
- 15:01:58 [oedipus]
- RM: Access Module holdup?
- 15:02:04 [oedipus]
- RM: waiting for feedback
- 15:02:22 [oedipus]
- RM: XML Events 2
- 15:02:32 [oedipus]
- RM: Last Call for XML Events 2 in July
- 15:02:37 [oedipus]
- SP: sounds good if we can
- 15:03:09 [oedipus]
- RM: anything else to discuss? will update roadmap this week
- 15:03:15 [Steven]
- future meetings
- 15:03:24 [oedipus]
- RM: schedule block of time on next few calls to go through rest of XHTML2 issues
- 15:03:28 [oedipus]
- SP: future meetings
- 15:03:47 [oedipus]
- RM: next scheduled one is at TPAC in south of france (october 2008)
- 15:04:12 [oedipus]
- SM: are we meeting next wednesday?
- 15:04:14 [oedipus]
- RM: yes
- 15:04:20 [oedipus]
- SM: would prefer we do
- 15:04:41 [Zakim]
- -ShaneM
- 15:04:50 [oedipus]
- SP: adjournment?
- 15:04:55 [oedipus]
- SP: great meeting
- 15:05:01 [oedipus]
- RM: thanks everybody
- 15:05:14 [Zakim]
- -Steven
- 15:05:15 [oedipus]
- RM: lets keep the momentum -- until next week...
- 15:05:15 [Zakim]
- -Roland
- 15:05:17 [Zakim]
- -yamx
- 15:05:19 [Zakim]
- -Tina
- 15:05:24 [oedipus]
- ========= ADJOURN ==========
- 15:05:30 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:05:30 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:05:34 [Steven]
- thanks Gregory for minuting today
- 15:05:36 [Zakim]
- -Alessio
- 15:05:51 [Zakim]
- -Gregory_Rosmaita
- 15:05:52 [Zakim]
- IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has ended
- 15:05:53 [Zakim]
- Attendees were Roland, Gregory_Rosmaita, yamx, Alessio, Steven, ShaneM, Tina
- 15:05:55 [Tina]
- oedipus: thank you :)
- 15:05:59 [Steven]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:05:59 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate Steven
- 15:06:02 [oedipus]
- you are welcome
- 15:06:15 [oedipus]
- it's a pleasure to be in a WG that actually lives up to its name!
- 15:06:30 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:06:30 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:07:56 [oedipus]
- s/@style is deprecated/eliminated/@style is eliminated
- 15:07:59 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:07:59 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:09:06 [oedipus]
- s/@style is deprecated/eliminated/@style is eliminated/
- 15:09:09 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:09:09 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:10:04 [oedipus]
- s/RESOLVED: @style is deprecated/eliminated/RESOLVED: @style is eliminated
- 15:10:06 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:10:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:11:00 [oedipus]
- is ]] the escape for sed?
- 15:11:26 [oedipus]
- trying to change s/RESOLVED: @style is deprecated/eliminated to RESOLVED: @style is eliminated
- 15:12:08 [oedipus]
- s/RESOLVED: @style is deprecated/RESOLVED: @style is eliminated
- 15:12:13 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, make minutes
- 15:12:13 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate oedipus
- 15:13:33 [oedipus]
- grrrr
- 15:17:22 [oedipus]
- rrsagent, please part
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- I see 14 open action items saved in :
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Roland to reply to HTML5 WG to communicate our resolution on XHTML naming [1]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Steven to start an implementation page on the wiki [2]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ShaneM - incorporate Access, Role, XML Events (in 3 modules: Events, Handlers, Script), and RDFa modules through external reference to XHTML2? [3]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Steven - devote brain cycles to solving quality values question [4]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Steven - combine answer to ISSUE 7800 with answer to ISSUE 7799 [5]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Steven add text to @src section to make clear that item not in DOM and clarify styling implications [6]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Shane to add ITS into the XHTML 2 Doctype section [7]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ShaneM - Draft policy statement on migration and evolution [8]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ShaneM - create and maintain ownership of wiki page listing who owns what bucket [9]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ShaneM - write up how WG believes parameters should work on media type and talk with Mark Baker about how to get RFC updated [10]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Roland - investigate what would be involved by adding XInclude [11]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ShaneM - break Issues 7659 and 7656 into individual issues so can be addressed [12]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: Steven to organise CURIEs CR [13]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- ACTION: ShaneM - provide appropriate and then inappropriate example for Section 3 [14]
- 15:17:22 [RRSAgent]
- recorded in