07:42:14 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 07:42:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-irc 07:42:20 Zakim has joined #xhtml 07:42:27 zakim, this will be xhtml 07:42:27 ok, Steven_; I see IA_XHTML2()4:00AM scheduled to start in 18 minutes 07:42:38 rrsagent, make log public 07:43:13 Meeting: XHTML2 WG Virtual FtF, Day 2 07:43:16 Chair: Roland 07:43:50 Agenda: 04http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2008-06-FtF-Agenda01 07:44:03 04rrsagent, make minutes 07:44:40 rrsagent, make minutes 07:44:40 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 07:48:18 mu irc UA copies colours with cut and paste, and they end up as escape sequences in the log which rrsagent doesn't recognise 07:48:23 s/mu/my/ 07:49:03 drag... can you disable that? 07:51:20 Not as far as I know 07:52:14 no substitute for good old command line *nix irc 07:54:02 yep, I guess 07:58:10 emailed Access Module comment requests to UbiWeb, UAAG and SVG 07:59:03 IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has now started 07:59:10 +Roland 08:00:13 zakim, dial steven-617 08:00:13 ok, Steven; the call is being made 08:00:18 yamx has joined #xhtml 08:00:18 +Steven 08:00:46 +Gregory_Rosmaita 08:03:07 +??P2 08:03:39 zakim, ??P2 is yamx 08:03:39 +yamx; got it 08:04:24 It seems like the microphone with my handsets have some problems. I have to take the handset manually to release hand-free mode to speak... 08:09:43 omw 08:12:16 IFRAME Accessibility Inquiry: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2008Jun/0061.html 08:14:02 +ShaneM 08:14:11 zakim, who is here? 08:14:11 On the phone I see Roland, Steven, Gregory_Rosmaita, yamx, ShaneM 08:14:12 On IRC I see yamx, Zakim, RRSAgent, oedipus, Roland, ShaneM, Lachy, Steven 08:14:58 poetic justice? 08:15:44 Scribe? 08:16:03 scribeNick: oedipus 08:16:17 RM: review of yesterday; new review of CURIE received today 08:16:40 TOPIC: CURIEs 08:17:31 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2008AprJun/0048.html 08:17:39 RM: model response on that submitted on behalf of XForms? 08:17:43 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-html-editor/2008AprJun/0049.html 08:18:22 RM: personal comment from leigh: "We will clear up the wording to help reduce any potential confusion. We 08:18:22 will also clarify that host languages are only required to use XMLNS for 08:18:22 prefix definition if the language supports XML Namespaces. Thanks! 08:18:22 " 08:19:29 SM: saw new comments last night; no DTD because the DTD is in M12n - 08:19:53 RM: we make it clear that there is a separate pointer to one or the other 08:20:15 RM: put pointer to say definitive definition is pointed to and provide pointer 08:20:36 RM: defined in one place - need to reference elsewhere 08:20:40 SM: ok 08:21:11 SM: comment continues - confused as to why normative - perhaps whole section should be informative 08:21:31 RM: normative schema can be found here and the normative DTD can be found here, but section not normative itself 08:21:46 SP: normative bit is syntax - DTDs and schemas just informative 08:21:50 RM: mixture in section 08:22:04 SP: either make DTD and schemas normative both or informative both 08:22:15 RM: normative reference in M12n 08:22:25 SM: and point to it from informative section 08:22:46 SM: in the m12n implementation, but is not in modularization itself 08:23:00 SM: didn't went m12n have dependency on CURIEs 08:23:37 SP: think good not to link to m12n - people should be able to use CURIEs regardless of implementation method 08:23:48 SP: DTD and schema informative is ok 08:23:56 SM: don't mind relaxNG thing 08:24:21 RM: more general point on what to do with RelaxNG for future - syntax for constraint, not type definitions 08:24:42 SP: Relax uses schema datatypes to find datatypes - used for program structure 08:25:03 RM: avoid RelaxNG now 08:25:21 SP: XHTML2 spec has RelxNG - future will include, but too late to add now 08:25:43 RM: informative definition of RelaxNG might enhance readability - very editorial, not real request for RelaxNG 08:26:03 SM: intend to do work on RelaxNG in future, but want to address in cohesive fashion in very near future 08:26:28 SM: should i redirect comment into tracking system so is logged as LC comment 08:26:32 RM & SP: yes 08:27:54 TOPIC: XHTML Mime Type 08:28:14 RM: draft available; email about new tool from olivier 08:28:26 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtmlmime-20080423/ 08:28:38 SM: how to approach 08:28:44 RM: work our way through document 08:29:19 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2008-06-FtF-Agenda 08:29:21 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtmlmime-20080423/ 08:30:40 SM: took old one, put in pub system; made least number of changes possible; added appendix and that's where things stand 08:30:53 SM: diff marked version from previous 08:30:53 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtmlmime-20080423/xhtmlmime-diff.html 08:31:01 SM: will help other people 08:31:13 SM: should approach as new document today 08:31:23 RM: start at introduction and work our way forwards 08:31:36 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtmlmime-20080423/#intro 08:32:47 SP: see part of our implementation strategy for XHTML2 going via script route; scripts that implement XHTML2 part and runs down tree making necessary changes so works within existing HTML browsers 08:33:04 SP: in that case, many UAs will have to receive as text/html just to serve, so... 08:33:23 SP: when we say "use of text/html should be limited to HTML-compatible..." -- wonder if that is too strong 08:34:22 SP: media type is being used to deliver stuff to UA just to get it in there, then - due to scripting - deliver XForms - UA thinks is HTML, and then script does what is necessary to compile into HTML 08:34:46 SP: want to deliver documents to UAs as text/html, but want to be very careful about definition of HTML-compatible 08:35:02 RM: distinction not between documents, but capacities of browser; 08:35:13 SM: browsers that explicitly accept that mime-type 08:35:41 RM: focus on document negotiating with browser and serving most appropropriate - if wants text/html, give it 08:36:00 RM: this is XML and that is what we are 08:36:10 SM: disconnect by the way Roland & Steven 08:36:40 RM: UA only meant to parse well formed XML, should deliver xml mime-type - you take XML, we have XML, here it is 08:37:02 SM: if FF claims to accept XML and XHTML, why serve text/html 08:37:17 SP: no if UA accepts application/xml give it that 08:37:33 SP: hiccup is use of text/html should be limited to HTML-compatible family documents 08:37:47 SM: right -- it does say that 08:37:49 the use of 'text/html' SHOULD be limited to HTML-compatible XHTML Family documents intended for delivery to user agents that do not explcitly accept 'application/xhtml+xml'. 08:37:51 "the use of 'text/html' SHOULD be limited to HTML-compatible XHTML Family documents" 08:38:17 SM: a SHOULD not a MUST 08:38:53 SM: thought intent was not to irritate constituencies using XHTML1 - transitional thing; has to be HTML-compatible, or target UA may not accept it 08:39:03 SP: depends on our definition of HTML-compatible 08:39:22 SM: try to explain in Appendix C of XHTML 1.0 - Appendix A of this document 08:39:46 RM: if UA asks for page and prefers XML, serve as XML; if UA doesn't support XML only HTML, then serve text/html 08:39:59 RM: document agnostic - can do either thing and respond based on what UA wants 08:40:16 RM: not document constraint per se, but browser constraint, which we handle 08:40:52 SP: explicitly mention cases where people doing stuff - implementing XML based languages via scripting; in that case, acceptable to deliver as text/html just to get to UA 08:41:09 RM: not sure right justification - doc should state what should be done, not justify 08:41:33 SP: don't want to get into current situation where people claim not XML because being delivered via text/html 08:41:40 SP: in past didn't care about media types 08:41:56 RM: this is where should be strong - not about media types, but whether passes series of constraints 08:42:11 RM: mandating particular doctypes wrong approach 08:42:22 SP: doctype only current way to declare restraints 08:42:38 RM: can make assertion against a document through validation - 08:43:07 RM: can write a doc where all markup valid against mobile profile, xhtml10 and xhtml11 - why have to pick one 08:43:14 Tina has joined #xhtml 08:43:35 SM: possible to craft doc that can validate against any of our markup family, but this WG has said "have to have doc type" 08:44:18 SP: if want to declare doc as mobile OK, document has to have basic DTD in front - if someone else declares as foo, need another DTD even if document satisfies both standards, can't validate as both 08:44:41 SP: rule about doctype to use constrains authors from authoring once and declaring valid for a number of profiles 08:44:44 RM: correct 08:45:02 SM: not clear how relevant to document or what we can do 08:45:44 RM: perfectly acceptable to deliver as XHTML1.0, XHTML1.1, Mobile Profile, HTML5 -- pipe stream can then use text/html or application/xml 08:45:58 RM: assertion part of document not metadata 08:46:46 RM: is byte stream acceptable as text/html in HTML4x browser; same byte stream delivered to valid mobile device, then deliver as application/xml; not implicit to byte stream 08:47:09 SM: media type tells the consumer how to evaluate document - what internal engine to use 08:47:20 RM: that's not intrinsic to document, but how bind 2 together 08:47:57 RM: can take same byte stream into FF and whether served as text/html or application/xml works 08:48:03 SM: side-effects: changes the DOM 08:48:15 SM: is there anything in doc that is in conflict with your points 08:48:51 RM: turn around question - how respond to request from UA, not something intrinsic in document - document can legitimately be multiple form (valid in more than one langauge) 08:49:07 SM: hope that that behavior is encouraged by this doc 08:49:31 RM: document-centric approach (what to push to browser) rather than responding to UA requests - push-pull or pull-push 08:49:49 RM: what UA asks for or is capable of understanding determines how we act 08:49:57 SM: first paragraph of abstract says that 08:50:19 alessio has joined #xhtml 08:50:46 RM: if browser asks for application/xml send as that - serve what UA prefers; negotiation in pike 08:51:26 RM: XML higher fidelity, but if only understands one or other, then that is the constraint, not the document 08:51:50 RM: response from negotiation with UA; this is what i can accept, give me the highest fidelity 08:52:13 TH: without a DOCTYPE many tools beome impossible to write, such as accessibility checkers 08:52:22 Without a DOCTYPE many tools becomes impossible to write such that they can deliver trustworthy results. Accessibility checkers is one such example. 08:52:30 +1 to Tina's comment 08:53:16 Yam: as mobile UA manufacturer, don't want to be bound to any mime-type - process what we can; interested in using mime-type to advertise browser capability; media type specification or note? 08:54:23 Wouldn't it be far more useful to continue the work on CC/PP instead of using the mime-type, since the mime-type, looked at pragmatically, doesn't really say anything about capability? 08:55:02 Yam: if note, emphasize 1.0 or 1.1 - from mobile UA viewpoint, this module will clarify how to handle XHTML Basic as well as other XHTML flavors; 2 editorial points: status of document (have to make sure consistent); second in 3.5 say HTML, should be HTML4 other places HTML-compatible; need to define HTML compatible or explicitly state HTML4-compatible 08:55:10 tina, yes to CC/PP 08:55:10 My comment was not that DOCTYPE should not be used but that a single document can conform to more than one DOCTYPE. 08:55:23 Yam: profile 08:55:36 SM: need strategy for that - came up on RDFa discussion this week 08:56:35 Yam: mimetype profile should require specification of DTD -- can clarify have to use profile + foo; my assumption is have to use profile parameter and in doing so have to specify DTD 08:57:21 SM: haven't developed concrete strategy there; markB has other ideas; had other suggestions; reasonable to use mimetype but need to do in rec track document or m12n, otherwise, not normative 08:57:30 Yam: happy with informative 08:58:07 SM: issue with HTML-compatible and HTML4 - HTML4-compatible would explicitly exclude HTML5 for better or worse 08:58:22 GJR +1 to HTML4-compatible 08:58:30 SP: too early to say HTML5 08:58:43 Yam: don't know anything about HTML5 compatibility 08:58:47 SM: absolutely right 08:58:57 SM: HTML4-compatible ok? 08:58:58 GJR: yes 08:59:03 Yam: yes 09:00:06 +??P8 09:00:10 RESOLVED: in mimetype document use HTML4-compatible and HTML4-foo wherever appears in document to remove confusion 09:00:23 zakim, ??P8 is Alessio 09:00:23 +Alessio; got it 09:00:23 zakim, ??P8 is Alessio 09:00:24 I already had ??P8 as Alessio, Steven 09:00:56 RM: what should abstract say that currently doesn't? 09:01:37 RM: how to make as easy as possible for authors to develop content so can be delivered in multiple mimetypes 09:02:01 SM: something about title? 09:02:26 RM: title itself doesn't get to heart of what trying to do - guide for authors on how to develop content so can be served as multiple media types 09:02:36 SM: understand, but title already well-know 09:03:07 RM: title - XML Media Type sub-title: Serving XML in an HTML World 09:03:19 SP: Serving XHTML in Legacy UAs? 09:03:28 RM: Serving XHTML to Multiple User Agents 09:04:14 Delivering XHTML to XHTML and HTML User Agents 09:04:16 Serving the Most Appropriate Content to Multiple User Agents from a Single Document Source 09:04:24 RM: who is expected to read? 09:04:29 SP: olivier 09:04:51 That was intended as a joke, for the record 09:05:08 SM: consumers of document: all people who hang out on freenode #web who say don't use XHTML because doesn't work 09:05:40 SM: if can get them to understand ok to serve XHTML to current UAs, then that is a huge win 09:06:37 Yam: reason document more implemented on mobile browser is no way to specify XHTML Basic or other/multiple host language support; W3C note will gratify my constituency 09:07:43 I find that hard to agree to. Most authors appear not to know how to use XHTML. It wouldn't do the "XHTML Case" any good to have an even larger amount of invalid documents out there that people believe are "just fine" 'cause they render as HTML. 09:07:56 RM: that's what we were trying to discuss earlier - what UA is capable or ready to accept - i accept A, B, C, D, and E so give me the best one you have 09:08:33 RM: capability of browser and then if document fits multiple profiles; basic 1 and basic 1.1 - UA conforms to basic 1.0, takes that 09:09:30 SM: logical conclusion means need to specify somewhere a syntax for the accept headers profile parameter -- markB has proposal; UA has to say in precise and concise way all of the things it accepts 09:10:00 SM: tokens specified for implements in XML Events 2 - could be that sort of mechanism 09:10:15 Yam: no other document specifies that 09:10:31 SM: agree - might push into update of RFC if part of media spec 09:10:48 RM: should consult with UbiWeb and CC/PP 09:10:51 +Tina 09:11:50 RM: break off as topic that needs attention - problem about UA advertising capabilities and preferences and serving the appropriate content 09:12:03 SM: markB should be in on discussion 09:13:11 SM: how to make abstract get to point RM wants reword "documents intended for delivery to user agents that do not explcitly accept 'application/xhtml+xml'. 'application/xml' and 'text/xml' MAY also be used, but whenever appropriate, 'application/xhtml+xml' or 'text/html' SHOULD be used rather than those generic XML media types." 09:13:42 RM: question of persepective - how to respond to UA's capabilities and preferences 09:13:45 XHTML Family documents intended for delivery to user agents that do not explcitly state in their HTTP-Accept header that they 09:13:45 accept 'application/xhtml+xml' 09:14:04 SM: that what you mean, Roland? 09:14:06 RM: yes 09:15:15 Tina: problem with it is that everyone knows that an accept head is often misleading - tend to ignore accept headers and HTTP requests; not a road we should formally go down - should not ignore accept 09:15:45 Tina: understand pragmatic reasons, but uneasy with exception for HTML-family document; should talk with HTTP people 09:15:54 SP: don't understand what you think we are ignoring 09:16:17 Tina: UAs use accept header that says "i'll accpet everything no matter what" - then how to decide what to give it? 09:17:07 SP: accept header should give list of what can actually accept, but with a terminal star to cache ("Save As.." dialog is an example - not refused, but check accept headers to check if can natively deal with it 09:17:38 SM: according to HTTP spec, permisible to accept *.* -- we're telling people to ignore that 09:18:04 Tina: formal point of view would mean we are telling people to ignore part of HTTP spec 09:18:12 SP: not saying that 09:18:16 SM: think we are, actually 09:18:53 SM: term "explicitly state" - unless UA explicitly says it accepts application/xhtml+xml don't give it xhtml - that's inconsistent with spirit of HTTP spec 09:20:02 SP: by saying *.* how do you get xhtml documents in to browsers and parse them correctly; all UAs accept *.*, which means "don't exclude anything" 09:20:20 RM: these are things UA might say - if this is X do Y, if this is Q do W 09:20:31 Tina: need to check on *.* support in UAs 09:20:57 Tina: usual way of writing accept header parsers haven't come across many that accept anything 09:21:20 Tina: need to investigate further - can we delay discussion so can dig into it a bit? 09:21:24 Here Tina: http://pgl.yoyo.org/http/browser-headers.php 09:21:30 Lachy has joined #xhtml 09:21:43 Opera sends: Accept: text/html, application/xml;q=0.9, application/xhtml+xml, image/png, image/jpeg, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, */*;q=0.1 09:22:18 RM: peice that is missing; talk about things in abstract not covered in detail - detail goes into media type uses, but don't say what requests might come form UA; accept headers not mentioned in body, just in abstract 09:22:31 in our list of explicit rules.... how about if we say "if an Accept header only contains */*, documents SHOULD be sent using media type text/html if they are HTML4 compatible, or as application/xhtml+xml if they are not" or something. 09:22:40 Safari sends: Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 09:22:45 RM: in media type usage, should say "which is the most appropriate" 09:23:01 TH: worth noting that ones tested so far send a Qvalue with *.* 09:23:19 TH: who set up yoyo.org? 09:23:47 yoyo: "Welcome to Yoyo Internet Services. We pride ourselves on consistency of service and quality of workmanship. Founded in 1996 by Matt Saunders and Neil Levine, Yoyo has gone from strength to strength despite its overwhelming vacuousity." 09:23:51 Mozilla: Accept: text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5 09:24:18 "Our mission is to consistently conjugate through dynamism, surrealism and semanticism in order to further our goals of hysterical servlet hypotenae. This autonomy cultivates our duplicitous mercenary valetism in the eclectic dot org arena." 09:24:21 Amaya: 09:24:21 Accept: 09:24:21 09:24:21 */*;q=0.1,image/svg+xml,application/mathml+xml,application/xhtml+xml 09:24:34 RM: accept header fallback for browser detect 09:24:38 Tina: not useable 09:24:42 GJR: easily forged 09:25:08 Tina: need to point out that should do that 09:25:23 Lets add a section for dealing with content negotiation via accept headers explicitly 09:25:24 RM: process accept headers to determine which of possible types to send - not addressed in detail 09:25:37 alessio has joined #xhtml 09:25:40 RM: give accept header and respond 09:26:45 Yam: OMA specifies that UA should advertise their supported mimetypes - send QValues because of *.* - at end smallest QValue 09:26:53 RM: please send us a pointer 09:26:59 Lynx sends: Accept: text/html, text/plain, application/x-bittorrent, 09:26:59 application/x-troff-man, message/partial, message/external-body, 09:26:59 application/x-tar, application/x-gtar, application/msword, 09:26:59 text/richtext, text/enriched, application/ms-tnef, text/*, 09:26:59 application/x-debian-package, audio/basic, */*;q=0.01 09:27:07 SM: i introduced that before OMA was OMA 09:27:26 My local Lynx sends text/html, text/plain, text/css, text/sgml, */*;q=0.01 09:28:03 s/ s/<\/nobr>// 09:28:24 i often change my lynx settings in response to browser sniffing so i can get into certain sites 09:28:30 SP: fifteen minute break? 09:28:42 === 15 MINUTE BREAK === 09:28:49 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:28:49 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 09:28:53 -ShaneM 09:28:55 -yamx 09:28:57 -Steven 09:28:57 -Tina 09:28:59 -Gregory_Rosmaita 09:29:00 -Alessio 09:31:29 Steven has joined #xhtml 09:33:44 IFrame Accessibility Query: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2008Jun/0061.html 09:34:15 first response (S Schnabel of SAP): http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/wai-xtech/2008Jun/0062.html 09:34:19 rrsagent, draft minutes 09:34:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 09:35:53 Lachy has joined #xhtml 09:37:37 alessio has joined #xhtml 09:41:20 Roland has left #xhtml 09:46:06 Roland has joined #xhtml 09:47:35 ok 09:47:41 zakim, dial steven-617 09:47:41 ok, Steven; the call is being made 09:47:42 +Steven 09:47:45 +Gregory_Rosmaita 09:47:55 +ShaneM 09:48:41 +??P8 09:49:05 I joined, but Zakim said nothing... 09:49:06 +Tina 09:49:15 Zakim, ??P8 is yamx 09:49:15 +yamx; got it 09:49:37 +??P12 09:49:44 zakim, ??P12 is Alessio 09:49:44 +Alessio; got it 09:50:00 rrsagent, make minutes 09:50:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html Steven 09:50:16 FYI - updated CURIEs as per mail from Leigh and our discussion today. 09:51:09 RM: appendix on capacity guidelines for authors to deliver documents as valid XHTML or XML 09:52:13 TH: reread HTTP spec - no provision in 14.4 for accept header - only send if explicitly stated, so withdraw my objection 09:52:33 Section 14.1 on the HTTP specification does not explicitly prohibit sending content to an UA which explicitly mention support for a MIME type 09:52:41 http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.1 09:52:44 http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.1 09:52:56 s/provision in 14.4/provision in 14.1 09:54:03 TH: content negotioation is feasible again - since accept explicitly, like to add - please convert XHTML to HTML when delivering to HTML UA; problem is that those using XHTML are doing so poorly in belief that if use XHTML, UA will alert them if something wrong, and then send as text/html 09:54:26 RM: how should one write one's content to minimize those problems 09:54:55 TH: do it on server before sending down the pipe; a lot of authors mis-using XHTML - no idea of concepts behind it 09:55:07 RM: a lot of content generated directly from databases as XML 09:55:19 RM: automatically emit XML, not XHTML 09:55:24 TH: technical limitation 09:55:42 RM: many database servers only support XML, not XHTML -- 09:55:50 TH: can't send structured data to UA 09:55:53 RM: you can 09:55:59 TH: not if won't accept it 09:56:21 TH: won't be structured data you think it is; if send XHTML to HTML user agent will not be interpreted as XHTML 09:57:00 TH: won't help people structure data - the "out" is that XHTML will be ok when served as HTML and if something was wrong, something would notify me 09:57:22 SP: people so used to idea to check document source by loading into UA and seeing if looks "right" 09:57:40 TH: XHTML is an XML langauage - problem with not with code but delivery mechanism 09:58:14 SP: trying to say, if UA accepts XML media types, use that - fall back to HTML media type as a recourse of last resort 09:58:22 TH: if fall back to HTML, please transform it 09:58:28 SP: what to transform? 09:58:41 SM: if develop according to compatibility guidelines, no need to transform 09:59:07 TH: trying to up the ante so get people to send valid XHTML to HTML user agents 09:59:35 RM: document in general write as XHTML and if valid, XML-based browser will serve it 10:00:14 SM: if not going to follow guidelines, then ensure that you transform your content before delilvery to HTML browser? 10:00:57 TH: please transform to language browser supports - can automatically transform XML 10:01:22 old test page with server content negotiation: http://www.terrafertile.ch/w3/xhtml2/index.php 10:01:24 SP: saying that, but not quite in those words; compatability guidelines - if serve as text/html, text should be in this form 10:01:50 RM: 2 alternatives: write to compatability GL to ensure XHTML can be parsed by HTML UA, if not, then need to transform into HTML 10:01:56 TH: want it to be VERY explicit 10:02:17 RM: can make explicit that one can write to GL or transform XHTML to HTML 10:02:38 TH: matter of finding good tech solution - which exist, so not the major problem 10:02:43 ACTION: Shane craft text to about transformation of XHTML to HTML. 10:03:55 SP: why an Appendix A and then Appendix 2? 10:03:58 SM: odd... 10:04:23 SM: first one Processing Instructions should be A1 10:04:45 s/should be A1/should be a 1 10:05:17 SM: attempted to take old guidelines, port them here, and clarify style - want to recast as clear instructions as to what should and should not do 10:05:31 SM: original text still in draft for WG review 10:06:04 SM: problem with way written previously, not clear what one supposed to do -- explained compatiblity risks and ways to work around them 10:06:20 SM: don't use processing instructions PERIOD etc. 10:06:36 SM: questions about approach or my take on problem? 10:07:14 RM: need good example illustrating all principles - second, when state "do not" include a "do" 10:07:34 RM: need to be crystral clear about what should do and not do 10:07:43 SM: not a corresponding "do" for first guideline 10:08:00 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtmlmime-20080423/#compatGuidelines 10:08:01 RM: general principle: not leaving to people to infer what one should do and not do 10:08:08 SM: the "do" should come first 10:08:10 RM: yes 10:08:19 SM: objections to GL1? 10:08:44 SP: no objection - use of word of "legacy" potentially distraction 10:09:28 "Processing Instructions and the XML Declaration" should be A.1 10:09:57 RM: break out a warning - stronger than "remember, however..." - pull out and make clearer and stronger 10:10:42 SM: next one "A.2. Empty Elements" - Roland, you requested i change this 10:10:48 RM: can't remember what i said 10:10:54 SM: combined A.2 and A.3 10:11:19 SP: A.2 about elements that can only be empty and A.3 about elements that normally aren't empty, but can be 10:11:28 RM: have to know certain elements can only be empty 10:11:44 RM: about a dozen 10:11:59 SM: will paste in "live" URL 10:12:24 FYI: A.3. Element Minimization and Empty Element Content 10:12:47 Tina: no comments on A.1, and A.2 seems reasonable 10:13:11 SP: interesting to note that A.2 in "normal" UAs isn't an issue 10:13:26 Tina: older agents need space 10:13:42 SP: not advocating deletion, just noting a peculiarity 10:13:51 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtmlmime-20080618/ 10:14:01 s/peculiarity/improvement/ 10:14:14 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xhtmlmime-20080618/#compatGuidelines 10:14:48 SM: A.2 is now entitled: "Elements with no content" and combined with old A.3 10:14:57 RM: useful to have them there 10:15:07 SM: will have to update when introduce new elements 10:15:31 TH: big question: compatability GL for HTML4 and less 10:15:39 TH: won't be added in HTML5 10:15:59 SM: if introduce new elements in XHTML2 have to revisit this document 10:16:22 SM: don't want to discuss today, but need to think about how to serve to "classic" browsers 10:16:36 TH: probability of sending XHTML2 to legacy agents 10:16:44 SP: people do that nowadays 10:16:50 rrsagent, draft minutes 10:16:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 10:17:11 SP: XForms scripts convert XForm into HTML, but delivered XForms 10:17:16 TH: using javascript, i assume 10:17:18 SP: yes 10:17:28 TH: accessibility part of it - what to do with javascript 10:17:53 RM: are people happy with A.2 "Elements with no content" 10:18:16 SP: personally prefered old form with separation between empty elements and those which can be empty 10:18:45 TH: A.3 more of a problem - should keep separate; 10:19:19 SP: liked fact that pointed out that XML allowed

doesn't mean anything 10:19:27 RM: can go into rationale - doesn't change rules 10:19:57 Original A.3 text: "Include a space before the trailing / and > of empty elements, e.g.
and Karen. Also, use the minimized tag syntax for empty elements, e.g.
, as the alternative syntax

allowed by XML gives uncertain results in many existing user agents." 10:20:13 TH: clearer we are, the better the results when authors write it 10:20:43 RM: A.2 what should do is
what should not do is

10:21:05 SP: good example is script - if script src= have to have /script 10:21:10 Alessio: yes 10:21:35 SP: let's use scripts there - that is poster-child example of why have to do this way 10:21:57 RM: concrete do this and don't do this in CSS columns 10:21:59 This was spotted "in the wild" last week:
10:22:10 SM: 2 votes for restoring A.3 10:22:29 RM: don't object, but understand distinction WG members making, but not sure authors care about 10:22:39 SP: then say "elements that can only be empty" 10:23:00 RM: some elements can only be empty; list them and what can do with them 10:23:07 SM: elements that can never have content? 10:23:10 SP: works for me 10:23:15 +1 10:23:35 SM: Elements that can never have content versus Elements that may not contain content 10:23:40 +1 10:23:44 GJR +1 10:24:01 RM: when do scripting, do certain things (but that topic for later) 10:24:11 SM: script example in restored A.3? 10:24:28 SM: trying to capture ideas in draft - will update later 10:24:53 SM: A.4 "A.4. Embedded Style Sheets and Scripts" say "do" but not "do not" 10:24:58 RM: needs balance 10:25:35 TH: why not say use external stylesheets and scripts - XHTML in HTML compatability mode, use external scripts 10:25:49 SM: unreasonable burden if all one is doing is adding a few localized styles 10:26:01 RM: override one style with another for single document instance 10:26:38 RM: example would be helpful - if use pointy brackets have to do like this in order to work, but easier to create and maintain external stylesheets 10:27:27 SP: problem can arise if content gets fed through XSLT first - protecting documents; what we warn about could happen - authors should be aware 10:28:03 GJR notes that FireVox cannot process external stylesheets but only embedded or inline CSS3-speech values 10:28:29 SM: A.5 A.5. Line Breaks within Attribute Values - dont' know why anyone would care 10:28:59 TH: some probably process new lines specially 10:29:13 TH: as long as is CDATA should ignore new lines 10:29:24 SM: so if datatypes IDREFs wouldn't be legal 10:29:34 SM: fine guideline, but don't know origin -- needs a do 10:29:36 RM: yes 10:30:26 RM: has this problem been mitigated over the years? 10:30:44 RM: perhaps confusion is that problem was limited and long time ago 10:30:57 SM: not a bad rule, but next rule is candidate for deletion 10:31:10 SM: A.6. isindex - who uses them? 10:31:18 GJR: deprecated in HTML4 anyway 10:31:45 SM: original text wrong - no more than one ISINDEX element is a no brainer 10:31:50 SM: would remove A.6 10:31:52 SP: ok 10:31:56 Alessio: ok 10:31:59 GJR: ok 10:32:27 SM: kept these consistent with Appendix C - even down to fragment IDs 10:32:35 RM: can log changed 10:32:43 SM: change number? 10:33:04 TH: use DEL to show A.6 no longer applicable 10:33:16 SM: renumber 10:33:18 SP: good 10:33:35 SM: A.7. The lang and xml:lang Attributes - may be controversial 10:34:10 TH: tool looks at doctype then tries to figure out lang attribute 10:34:19 -Gregory_Rosmaita 10:34:56 I have no problem with the lang and xml:lang 10:35:11 scribe: Steven 10:35:35 TH: I'm worried that tools that see it's HTML: will go looking for @lang 10:35:38 dropped the phone - must have disconnected 10:36:06 ATs key off of lang - if try just xml:lang, won't switch natural langauges - can log as bug with GNOME's Orca 10:36:14 Yam: I'm not sure about this issue 10:36:35 +Gregory_Rosmaita 10:36:37 ... we are thinking about removing @lang 10:36:47 ... but CSS selectors may use it (for instance) 10:36:54 ... we have no strong position though 10:37:14 scribe: oedipus 10:37:59 need to find CSS selector example that uses aria live regions to change language of text 10:38:09 SM: need portable way to indicated language change 10:38:36 Yam: existing UA implementations use @lang for CSS selectors - we discourage use of that for XHTML family of languages consistency of use 10:39:07 RM: people using lang specifically, can't write XHTML 1.1 or 1.2 document with @lang 10:39:23 SM: want to ensure rule works before ship XHTML2 10:39:30 SM: could reintroduce lang 10:39:34 RM: perhaps target 10:39:59 GJR: AT problem is DOM calls and limitations AT-side on what it relies upon to key natural language switches 10:40:28 SP: if need compatability GLs to serve as HTML need lang, but in XHTML lang means nothing and is just there for convenience 10:40:52 SM: normatively state allow @lang but if doc served as XHTML @lang must be ignored? 10:41:17 SP: yes, no meaning in XHTML - only there for convenience of being able to serve XHTML documents to legacy browsers 10:41:21 RM: synonyms? 10:41:30 SP: then people might stop using xml:lang 10:41:37 RM: rammifications? 10:42:32 SM: CSS selectors based on lang when have both lang and xml:lang - XHTML 1.1 document, for example, serving document in either media type, how to craft css selectors to make everything in latin pink and italic given i'm using lang and xml:lang 10:43:07 SP: no, use coma as delimeter -- CSS doesn't select on attribute - in HTML uses lang, in XHTML uses xml:lang, so only one rule in CSS 10:43:17 TH: could use CSS rule to key on @lang specifically 10:44:21 SP: CSS has knowledge of language text is in due to selector - language comes from parent element of current element; if current element is in latin, do this - only way to do in CSS anyway 10:44:56 SP: no selector that says if parent of current element has @blah ... 10:45:58 TH: selecing on lang attribute correct thing to do according to CSS 10:46:07 SP: can have select on lang and xml:lang 10:46:27 TH: people today select on lang - problem is HTML compatibility GLs 10:46:38 SP: why i'm suggesting we add lang back into the languages 10:46:48 GJR plus 1 to readding @lang 10:46:57 q+ about how we support @lang via M12N 10:47:22 TH: if people transformed to HTML would be easier 10:47:38 TH: if transform from xml:lang to lang 10:47:50 SP: what is easier 10:48:01 TH: don't need to put lang into XHTML Base 10:48:42 SM: 2 sets of constituents to serve: one of them is "the great unwashed" - just have a simple site who want simple solutions; then there are sites such as amazon, which have FAR more resources can bring to bear 10:48:56 SP: but don't want to transform everytime serve page 10:49:07 SM: cache it 10:49:21 RM: can i? if getting weather updated every 5 seconds, may never be cached 10:49:27 q+ to discuss how we support @lang via M12N 10:49:28 SM: cached for 5 seconds 10:49:48 RM: a lot of transformation for 5 seconds 10:50:30 SM: if permit lang along lines SP discussed - technically, how do we do that? 10:50:44 SM: or introduce new lang module? 10:51:10 SP: yeah, or may need other attributes, in which case a "compatability module" would be the answer 10:51:20 Yam: have legacy module, right? 10:51:29 SP: don't want to allow BLINK along with @lang 10:51:42 -yamx 10:51:59 SM: lang not in legacy module now, so wouldn't be conflict if introduced elsewhere 10:52:23 SM: could introduce an HTML compatibility module as update to 1.1 10:52:24 +??P4 10:52:34 i killed line by mistake 10:52:37 zakim, ??P4 is Yam 10:52:37 +Yam; got it 10:52:38 Zakim, ??P4 is yamx 10:52:39 I already had ??P4 as Yam, yamx 10:52:50 OK, zakim, thanks. 10:52:53 SM: compatibility GLs wouldn't be useful for 1.1 10:53:03 SP: better off using 1.2 anyway 10:53:08 RM: definitely 10:53:44 SM: for this GL, "do use lang" - or "do use both" - realize can't if doing 1.1, Basic, +RDFa, etc 10:54:04 TH: need to put responsibility on author - use both 10:54:13 GJR: same thing authors do with name and id 10:54:52 SM: will update appropriately and then need to figure out how to help languages support both of these, but that is independent discusssion 10:55:08 SM: "A.8. Fragment Identifiers" - not controversial 10:55:10 TH: no 10:55:40 SP: when wrote A.8 there were UAs that didn't recognize ID, but that has changed 10:55:44 SM: and i changed the doc 10:56:09 SM: "A.9. Character Encoding" 10:56:14 SM: interesting problem 10:56:26 Yam: Japanese example would be useful 10:56:29 SM: true 10:56:56 SP: including mediatype and encoding in same metadata bad choice made way back when 10:57:22 RM: there is a default - if satisfied with default, don't need to do this 10:58:06 TH: back to HTTP spec - not possible - HTTP content type can be set as much as you want, but often receive US ASCII from server 10:58:25 SM: if accessing document in filesystem not possible 10:58:34 TH: author can't change content type served by server 10:59:20 And some protocol;s don't support encodings, eg ftp, file: 10:59:28 s/;/'/ 10:59:28 TH: can't change content type set by server; practical problem; really ought to set on server - should stress 10:59:43 s/protocol's/protocols/ 11:00:05 SM: if doc coming from server, character encoding is specified in response, so is authoritative, and may even override XML declaration 11:00:07 TH: yes 11:00:17 SM: telling people not to use XML declaratoin 11:00:33 TH: bigger problem if send as XHTML and don't have control over encoding and content type 11:01:35 SM: serious problem - compatability GLs and content negotiation only relevant when have access to server and ability to control headers otherwise nothing we say matters 11:01:52 TH: some think HTTP-EQUIV panacea; still sending as text/html 11:02:02 really true 11:02:28 SP: HTML4 spec says that server should look at HTTP-EQUIV and send appropriate, but never implemented 11:02:51 SP: GL should be "when serving a document, putting anything in the document that is unlikely to help because server always has priority" 11:02:58 TH: also not to expect something else 11:03:08 SP: META unlikely to help you at all 11:03:12 SM: maybe not mention 11:03:17 SP: should to make explicit 11:03:29 RM: first item similar 11:04:00 SM: suggestion: could we have 2 rules: when document being sent from server, do this 11:04:12 SM: when document being accessed directly do this 11:04:31 Default for XML is UTF-8, right? 11:04:41 TH: even when served by HTTP daemon, even if proper content type served, save as HTML 11:04:55 yes, steven 11:05:32 TH: legacy issue; if not serving direct from server, use HTTP-EQUIV as per spec, but if set content type and char encoding on server 11:05:39 RM: not an isolated issue 11:06:00 SM: why don't we just say - ifyou want to be compatible encode as UTF-8 or UTF-16 11:06:03 RM: agree 11:06:13 SP: and state ensure that server serves it as UTF-8 11:06:14 +1 11:06:19 plus 1 11:06:43 RM: happy with that solution 11:06:58 SM: if want docs to be protable, encode in UTF-8 or UTF-16 11:07:21 s/protable/portable 11:07:40 SP: people should use UTF-8 everywhere ideally 11:08:23 TH: make sure server announces correctly needs to be in GL 11:09:10 http://www.w3.org/html/wg/html5/#charset 11:09:34 HTML5: "If the document contains a meta element with a charset attribute or a meta element in the Encoding declaration state, then the character encoding used must be an ASCII-compatible character encoding. " 11:10:09 SM: HTML5 talking about default when no server - we say use META HTTP-EQUIV 11:10:24 HTML5: "If the document does not start with a BOM, and if its encoding is not explicitly given by Content-Type metadata, then the character encoding used must be an ASCII-compatible character encoding, and, in addition, if that encoding isn't US-ASCII itself, then the encoding must be specified using a meta element with a charset attribute or a meta element in the Encoding declaration state. " 11:10:46 SP: anyone actually look at HTTP-EQUIV 11:10:51 SM: browsers do 11:11:00 TH: most commonly used browsers do 11:11:27 TH: issue is what is use they make of it - some ignore content type based on extension 11:11:45 Yam: use META HTTP-EQUIV to ensure japanese encoding 11:12:04 Yam: all Japanese encoding should be in meta http-equiv 11:12:11 SM: that overrides HTTP headers? 11:12:32 Yam: not sure; easier for carrier to serve 11:12:59 SM: A.10. Boolean Attributes 11:13:04 SM: controversy? 11:13:10 RM: looks good 11:13:29 SM: A.11. Document Object Model and XHTML 11:13:49 Alessio: can get to HTML DOM as well 11:14:05 SM: will remove "if is really true" editorial note 11:14:18 TH: as long as works with HTML4 UAs don;t have problem 11:14:33 SM: A.12. Using Ampersands 11:14:57 fine with GJR 11:15:14 SP: sentence difficult to read - AND in all caps 11:15:24 SP: change AND to lower case 11:15:30 TH: possibly STRONG? 11:15:49 TH: if possible, use semi-colon instead of ampersands in URIs 11:16:35 SM: made change to case of "and" 11:17:16 deane has joined #xhtml 11:17:20 GJR: plus an abbr expansion for & & 11:17:52 SM: when using ampersand in URI use its escaped form 11:17:53 SM: A.13. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and XHTML 11:18:01 SM: may have over-simplified 11:18:10 RM: may want to make comment on lang here 11:18:23 SP: CSS selector on xml:lang rather than lang 11:18:45 SM: do nots needed? 11:18:50 RM: inverse fairly obvious 11:19:09 SM: added thing about style HTML element 11:19:30 SM: in HTML style on body becomes style for entire viewport; in XML does not 11:19:45 TH: change Do rule - if need to set, then... 11:20:46 SP: special rule in CSS is because early versions of IE didn't have style for HTML element, so CSS states, style BODY element 11:20:52 SM: do style HTML element? 11:21:06 SP: no, for compatability reasons, style BODY rather than HTML element 11:21:28 SM: style applies only to block not whole window 11:22:04 SP: if you want to remove styling put on HTML, have to define style for HTML, but this might be the ocassion to say "this is an old rule" 11:22:26 SP: when wrote, were browsers that didn't support HTML 11:22:30 SM: just added this 11:22:54 RM: implications - example of consequences - we need to make clear what consequences are 11:23:44 SM: good point, Roland; maybe not even necessary to say this; authors put style on BODY, not HEAD; and when served as HTML style on BODY apply to entire window 11:24:00 SP: what CSS spec says, but not reality; 2px margin around HTML element 11:24:37 SP: why can't i get rid of margin around my HTML document - reason: have to explicitly state padding:0;margin:0 11:24:42 SM: do we need this rule? 11:24:44 SP: no 11:25:06 TH: need rule to point this out 11:25:28 RM: rationale needs more work - particularly important for this appendix a section 11:25:36 SM: will try to update so can revisit later 11:26:14 SM: had been telling people to use xml style declarations, and i think we should tell people not to use them for compatibility 11:26:37 SM: A.15. White Space Characters in HTML vs. XML 11:26:57 SM: should change name from "white space" 11:27:00 SP: agreee 11:27:08 SM: A.16. The Named Character Reference ' 11:27:36 TH: typographcally, is right single quote - no problem with A.16, but shouldn't get into typography side of it 11:27:37 SM: ok 11:28:14 ===== ADJOURN FOR LUNCH - RETURN in 77 Minutes (quarter to next hour ====== 11:28:19 rrsagent, make minutes 11:28:19 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 11:28:19 -ShaneM 11:28:20 -Steven 11:28:24 -Yam 11:28:25 -Tina 11:28:26 -Gregory_Rosmaita 11:28:26 -Roland 11:28:28 -Alessio 11:28:30 IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has ended 11:28:32 Attendees were Roland, Steven, Gregory_Rosmaita, yamx, ShaneM, Alessio, Tina, Yam 11:39:17 oedipus_laptop has joined #xhtml 12:20:26 alessio has joined #xhtml 12:30:40 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 12:44:07 IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has now started 12:44:14 +Roland 12:44:42 +ShaneM 12:45:12 OK, I will join, too. 12:45:34 zakim, dial steven-617 12:45:34 ok, Steven; the call is being made 12:45:36 +Steven 12:45:49 +Gregory_Rosmaita 12:45:53 +??P8 12:46:06 zakim, ??P8 is Yam 12:46:06 +Yam; got it 12:46:17 Thanks. 12:46:18 +??P9 12:46:22 zakim, ??P9 12:46:22 I don't understand '??P9', alessio 12:46:22 my pleasure 12:46:26 zakim, ??P9 is Alessio 12:46:26 +Alessio; got it 12:46:35 +Tina 12:47:21 SP: complete discussion of media types? 12:47:28 SM: enough to create a new draft 12:47:42 RM: one other thing: validator thing olivier brought up 12:47:49 Olivier says: Good. How about: 12:47:49 - [now] updating the tool to match the draft guidelines in the ED of xhtmlmime 12:47:49 - [soon] including the checks into the validator, mark them as [experimental], informative, whatever. That will provide us with better and more feedback than just a WD. 12:47:56 SM: his proposal to me this morning appears above 12:48:29 RM: something we'd like to see, isn't it? 12:49:05 RM: do we believe running through validator to get info if suitable to be served? 12:49:24 GJR thinks would promote awareness 12:49:29 yes 12:50:29 SM: concern is "validator as holy writ" -- good or bad, depending upon whether it works; would be more comfortable if could provide WG resources to work on that 12:50:47 (that being validator and control over changes) 12:51:08 SP: depends on how they present information -- warnings versus errors 12:51:16 RM: that is what they did 12:51:55 SM: get document updated to reflect discussion today; respond to olivier that WG ok with warnings 12:52:20 GJR would like a STRICT mode where errors are reported as errors 12:52:39 SM: open source tool 12:52:57 RM: anyone can hack anytime want to; what is in w3c validator he takes care of 12:53:37 ACTION: Shane to finish the updating the XHTMLMIME draft then respond to Olivier's proposal. 12:53:45 RM: anything anyone wants to mention in closing on mime doc? 12:54:06 TOPIC: XHTML 1.n (Follow on to 1.1) 12:54:46 RM: have 1.1 spec waiting for modularization; proposed change adding target attribute back in, which is considered not in scope of what should do in new edition 12:54:51 RM: what do we do next? 12:54:59 RM: drop from second edition? 12:55:11 RM: release XHTML 1.n and if so what would be in it? 12:55:49 SP: adding @target to 1.1 is that Basic needs -- 1.1 should be considered full Basic with all facets of Basic 12:56:13 TH: @target to open frame or new window? 12:56:22 TH: no reason to put into declarative markup language 12:56:28 SM: why is target not useful 12:56:37 TH: authors shouldn't force new windows 12:56:45 TH: if in XFrames, ok, but not in Basic 12:57:08 GJR notes that handling of @target is user agent control issue being addressed in UAAG2.0 12:57:23 TH: opening windows outside scope of declarative language 12:57:49 Yam: against using target, but made compromise with CDF or another WG who demanded it be restored; don't think we need it 12:57:55 SP: SVG or CDF? 12:58:02 SP: doesn't SVG need it in some way? 12:58:24 RM: compatability guide question -- html mime --- inhibiter for those trying to move from HTML to XML 12:58:32 SP: reasonalbe use cases for @target 12:58:54 SP: list of search results - click on a search result to get result without changing underlying doc 12:58:59 TH: UA has built in 12:59:11 TH: those that can spawn new windows have that feature 12:59:18 Q+ 12:59:31 GJR author proposes, user disposes 12:59:50 SM: @target has different semantics in SVG? 13:00:35 Yam: against @target in 1.2 -- agree that natural that have in 1.1, but from practical POV it is a mess -- HTML5, XHTML2, etc. 13:00:50 SP: talking about 1.1 -- issue 1.1 as proper superset of basic 13:01:09 SM: if don't add anything to 1.1 can release as PER 13:01:12 with schema 13:01:21 SM: would not be superset of Basic 13:01:23 SP: why not 13:01:30 SM: not including @target 13:01:46 SM: those who care about input mode and @target will be affected - who are they? 13:02:02 Yam: don't care if 1.1 is superset or not 13:02:33 SM: very good point: explanation of XHTML family would be fine to support 1.1 second edition or first edition -- basic 1.1 document 13:02:59 SM: @target is single-most requested feature in our public wish list 13:03:21 TH: any UA used today that allows user not to open @target-ed windows 13:03:43 RM: a lot of users don't know that can click on link and open new window 13:04:55 TH: @target specifies UA behavior in practice 13:05:02 SP: a "hook" for use by 13:05:02 you're right, gregory 13:05:20 GJR: render unto User Agent what is user agent... 13:05:41 TH: going to be used to open new windows - removed to prevent that so shouldn't go back in 13:06:07 SP: didn't remove - never in STRICT and 1.1 is a revised version of STRICT, but didn't revise version of transitional DTD b/c nothing to revise 13:06:21 SP: one thing people have asked for is to use @target in 1.1 13:06:43 SP: not clear why we should say people shouldn't do that - perhaps should give arguments for people not opening windows 13:06:48 TH: why put back? 13:06:52 SP: popular demand 13:07:01 TH: what purpose does @target fill in XHTML? 13:07:34 people reintroduces it with dom injection... 13:07:38 TH: know complaints, but purpose aren't for frames mostly but for forcing open new windows 13:07:49 SP: XFrames - target a document onto a frame 13:08:13 SP: XFrames does NOT need @target - that's why need in HTML - if environment that needs this, here are the hooks you use 13:08:45 Alessio: @target should not be in 1.1 -- regard @target as action 13:08:58 SP: SVG uses @target, i believe -- trying to locate 13:09:41 Alessio: 2 diff roles for target - 1. to open new window; 2. to point at a frame in a frameset or multimedia concept 13:10:02 RM: if we don't have @target, what is effect? going to write scripts to force open scripts 13:10:19 RM: inhibitor to go to 1.1 or will just write script 13:10:36 TH: include despite bad practice because people going to do it anyway 13:11:01 GJR notes that BLOCKQUOTE deprecated for layout purposes in HTML4x but you can find it used for layout on W3C site 13:11:42 TH: why @target in HTML? to open new windows - compromise: use to target fragments that already exist - not to open new windows because that is not role of markup langauge 13:11:53 TH: say "is NOT to be used to open new windows" 13:11:59 "The target attribute is designed to be a general hook for binding to an external environment" 13:12:04 see http://www.w3.org/TR/2007/CR-xhtml-basic-20070713/#s_xhtmlmodules for explanation of Target Module 13:12:24 another use of "target" attribute: http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/REC-SMIL2-20050107/extended-linking.html 13:12:50 @target itself could be repurposed to a new tab, a sidebar by user agent 13:13:08 TH: user agent problem that persists - @target simply opens new window/browser instance 13:13:18 TH: why cave in to an illegitimate request? 13:13:30 SP: what is wrong with clicking on things to open windows 13:13:36 SM: explicit user action 13:13:43 GJR: that is point of UAAG1 and UAAG2 13:13:48 target in SMIL: "This attribute defines either the existing display environment in which the link should be opened (e.g., a SMIL region, an HTML frame or another named window), or triggers the creation of a new display environment with the given name. Its value is the identifier of the display environment. If no currently active display environment has this identifier, a new display environment is opened and assigned the identifier of the target." 13:13:55 TH: open in same window or another window 13:14:01 SP: programming problem with browser 13:14:09 TH: support a11y by suppressing @target 13:14:27 TH: take stand that every problem due to poor user agents 13:14:35 TH: opens unpleasant can of worms 13:14:48 SP: agree with removing features that have no raison d'etre 13:14:57 SP: open windows all day long by clicking on things 13:15:09 GJR: @target should be treated as an option, not an absolute 13:15:38 TH: if going to say has good uses, have to also note problems 13:15:58 SP: both cases UA problem 13:16:06 TH: in one case SHOULD in other SHOULD NOT 13:16:41 I don't think this argument is productive... If we don't like target (I am not a fan of target), we should discuss in XHTML Basic 1.1., not in XHTML 1.n 2nd edition... 13:17:21 @target should be treated as an option by UAs until explicit user action determines what to do 13:17:30 Whatever it is. XHTML 1.n 2nd ed should be a super set of XHTML Basic 1.1., which is the starting point of this discussion. 13:17:50 RM: applications in windows environment still open windows that are accessible 13:17:56 TH: don't agree 13:18:13 TH: far larger probability if opens in new window won't know 13:18:15 q+ 13:18:27 q+ 13:18:39 TH: authors shouldn't make assumptions 13:18:46 GJR: author proposes, user disposes 13:19:01 SP: opposite is never open another link in another window - non sequitor 13:19:03 maybe the UA could help, alerting when a new window is prospected 13:19:50 TH: problem include link and target to open in new window, have no idea what happens when link gets to user - author wants to open new window, user will be surprised by uncertainty and unexpected behavior 13:20:33 SP: filling in long form, don't understand something, click on help link, tells me what to do, but hasn't destroyed context of form and other helps open in same popup window 13:20:45 TH: if 800% magnification, where does window open? 13:20:58 target has an interoperability problem in mobile domain, certainly, but we have to accept @target for compromising SVG group... 13:21:13 there is a queue 13:21:39 AT should alert the user that new window being opened or new pane / tab being opened 13:21:52 TH: shou ld be user's choice, not authors 13:22:17 q- 13:23:26 q- 13:24:15 TH: screen magnifiers - simply blow up what is on screen - too dumb an app 13:24:32 GJR: if no @target will end up with raw javascripted links which are a WCAG violation 13:24:34 -Alessio 13:25:08 RM: not language purity - from author and/or user -- what do constituents want: authors creating material, and users interacting with that 13:25:37 RM: if in there could treat @target as an option - if have javascript won't have single standard hook 13:25:46 TH: to this point no UA has implemented that 13:26:16 TH: user agents include options to open new windows and tabs from context menues; not bothered to use @target to give users an option 13:26:25 +??P0 13:26:27 RM: will just use javascript to do anyway 13:26:31 zakim, ??P0 is Alessio 13:26:31 +Alessio; got it 13:26:56 q+ 13:27:14 q+ 13:27:15 The more things are forbidden, the more popular they become. -- Mark Twain 13:27:25 TH: why not restore MARQUEE 13:27:30 We have had no requests to put marquee back in 13:27:30 TH: same rationale 13:27:52 there is a queue 13:27:55 GJR: put @target in with strict limitations -- that is an option that should be a programmatic flag 13:28:05 +1 13:28:11 +1 13:28:13 +1 13:28:17 RM: if target has characteristics, what hooks can we provide what options are available 13:29:00 SP: hear TH's problems with @target, also hear a lot of complaints that @target not in 1.1 so use 1.0 13:29:15 SP: thing i like about target is gives us control - can put conditions on its use 13:29:42 SP: can say, if use it user agent should do this and that -- XHTML Basic accepts but ignores it which is perfectly acceptable behavior 13:30:15 SP: serious and valuable use cases for @target - if in markup, is under control - if don't have it, people will use javascript to do it with all the rammifications of that 13:30:22 q? 13:30:28 ack Steven 13:30:32 ack ShaneM 13:32:05 SM: UAAG exist - to extent they exist, don't know if UA devs pay any attention to or authors pay attention to or anyone pays attention to - no control over those guidelines, but do have control over our own spec; proposal in IRC to put limitations on target - need to define; value in doing that independent of decision vis a vis 1.1.; regardless of what we do with @target, poeplewil want to create new windows 13:32:27 SM: need to give authors a consistent way to do it, and provide documentation for UA devs 13:32:45 SM: people always going to be generating new windows - should put conditions on it 13:33:28 TH: keeping it out is a signal as much as putting it back in - shouldn't be allowing authors to engage in improper behavior under cover of standards 13:33:36 SP: for people to use "as they see fit" 13:33:56 TH: try other way around - put @target back in but say DO NOT use to open new windows 13:34:29 SP: can point to UAAG and WCAG 13:34:58 GJR: win win - WCAG also against raw javascripted links and stripping chrome 13:35:13 http://www.section508.gov/ 13:35:46 RM: EU reference WCAG directly 13:36:07 RM: procurment in most european countries and will become EU wide 13:36:24 Yam: if prohibit use of @target to open new window, then ok to include 13:36:56 Alessio: some government sites forced to use XHTML 1.0 Strict so cannot open new windows declaratively 13:37:08 AC: people will use javascript to work around that though 13:37:12 yes, the stanca act 13:37:22 RM: conclusions? 13:37:57 RM: looked at target but where to be reintroduced and how? 13:38:33 AC: @target for support of SVG elements - think need to point out how NOT to use @target 13:38:58 AC: need to know interoperability with UAs; what do UAs need to do to warn user? 13:39:07 http://www.w3.org/TR/uaag20 13:39:23 also a requirements document at http://www.w3.org/WAI/UA 13:39:40 yes, thanks gregory 13:39:50 SM: Yam, you felt 1.1 could be superset of Basic 1.1 13:39:58 Yam: starting point of discussion, i think 13:40:06 Yam: do we need second edition? 13:40:20 SM: need to republish to add schema implementation - no extension, 13:40:29 Yam: ambivalent 13:40:31 -Yam 13:40:43 Oh, I kill the line by mistake, too. 13:40:56 SP: don't care very much - 1.2 more interesting bit 13:41:19 SP: if issue as PER, people would rationalize that @target and input mode should be in 1.0 as well 13:41:31 +??P1 13:41:33 SP: only counter argument is that XHTML2 coming to fix these things 13:41:34 I am back. 13:41:40 Zakim, ??P1 is yamx 13:41:40 +yamx; got it 13:42:06 SP: similar with Print - family of MLs trhat arent' constrained to each other either way 13:42:52 RM: second edition just add schema - or add schema and a couple of attributes? 13:43:07 SM: couldn't do in second edition 13:43:19 RM: 1.1 second edition that adds schema is only thing to do 13:43:25 SM: agree -- if want to reissue 1.1 13:43:38 SM: low-impact, so can do it logistically 13:44:01 SP: unchanged 1.1 a better approach; 1.2 where expend energy on combining existing specifications 13:44:26 SM: Yam not to interested in 1.2 - should go directly to XHTML2 - need to have discussion on that 13:44:42 RM: 1.1 take to second edition that simply adds schema and errata 13:44:46 fine 13:45:02 SM: same thing with Print at same time 13:45:03 no objection. 13:45:08 +1 13:45:08 RM: objections? 13:45:10 +1 13:45:13 GJR no objection 13:45:19 my +1 was to the 1.1 suggestion 13:45:38 RESOLVED: take XHTML 1.1 to Second Edition by simply adding Schema and Errata 13:45:39 agree. 13:45:46 rrsagent, make minutes 13:45:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 13:46:07 RM: can we/should we do a 1.2 and if so why and what would be in it? 13:46:33 SP: created something people using not backed up by spec XHTML1.1+RDFa 13:46:39 SM: references DTD 13:46:50 SP: oh - then it's not as bad as i thought 13:47:15 SP: option 1 is take all specs being produced seperately as part of m12n 13:47:18 SM: ARIA 13:47:20 RM: yes 13:47:30 XHTML+RDFa is defined at http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-rdfa-syntax-20080616/#s_xhtmlrdfa 13:47:48 SP: wrap all those up into a language called XHTML 1.2 so people can refer to markup language that uses these things 13:47:57 SP: another reason, makes step to XHTML2 that much smaller 13:48:22 SP: community needs to be led step-by-step to XHTML2 rather than just being presented with it - get used to concepts 13:48:45 RM: XML Events and ???? 13:49:06 SP: step to XHTML2 is XForms, HREF everywhere and SRC everywhere 13:49:35 SP: on the other hand, people out there already using XHTML11+ without doctype - not backed up by single spec, but rather widely used 13:49:47 SP: another option - do it all at one go 13:50:04 I think stepping directly to XForms for xhtml 1.2 would be too far. 13:51:04 RM: how to introduce Access, ARIA, Role as first class citizen and validatable -- small step but huge gain - point release rationale is to add a11y features -- good advertising 13:51:07 plus 1 13:51:51 SM: anything put into XHTML 1.2 should work in browsers today 13:51:58 RM: agree with that 13:52:07 idem 13:52:09 SP: wou ld mean not including Access 13:52:15 RM: right 13:52:20 SM: yep 13:52:44 SP: so 2 options there: 1. only bit remaining to be implemented 13:52:58 XHTML2 also has meta and link everywhere 13:53:02 SP: could make effor to do implementation of Access in javascript 13:53:07 SM: started a few weeks ago 13:53:18 GJR: PF needs to submit support for Access to HTML5 13:53:24 GJR: was in initial request to HTML5 13:53:36 I'd done last year a test for Access 13:53:51 RM: XML Events - adding @implements on SCRIPT 13:53:58 SP: no problem because works already 13:54:00 SM: yes 13:54:04 GJR: huge plus 1 13:54:14 SM: not all XML Events 13:54:23 RM: no, just to enable @implements feature 13:55:21 RM: proposal for release and its content 13:55:33 SM: yes, and a timetable - dependencies on things not yet completed 13:56:35 RM: agree in principle to create proposal for XHTML 1.2 including @implements 13:57:00 Yam: don't object, but W3C may - agree under condition to make transition market for XML short, not long 13:57:03 oedipus, alessio, please add agreemetns like that to the record! 13:57:05 RM: most definitely 13:57:17 GJR: @implements is going to be VERY useful 13:57:20 @implements++ 13:57:38 s/XML/XHTML2/ 13:58:03 RESOLVED: Proposal for XHTML 1.2 - Content and Timescale as outlined here 13:58:22 ACTION: Steven - draft proposal for XHTML 1.2 - Content and Timescale 13:58:29 rrsagent, make minutes 13:58:29 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 13:58:45 It is 23:00 in Japan. 13:58:49 RM: good discussion- made progress 13:59:12 OK. 13:59:14 RM: XML Events 2 and Features after break? 13:59:18 -ShaneM 13:59:19 see you later. 13:59:21 -Steven 13:59:22 ===== 15 MINUTE BREAK ====== 13:59:23 -Tina 13:59:25 -Alessio 13:59:26 -yamx 13:59:39 -Gregory_Rosmaita 14:15:04 +Gregory_Rosmaita 14:15:49 +??P6 14:16:11 zakim, ??p6 is yamx 14:16:11 +yamx; got it 14:16:27 zakim, mute Gregory_Rosmaita 14:16:27 Gregory_Rosmaita should now be muted 14:17:03 +ShaneM 14:18:48 +[IPcaller] 14:18:54 zakim, IPcaller is Alessio 14:18:54 +Alessio; got it 14:19:01 TOPIC: XML Events 2 14:19:03 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/ 14:19:04 +Tina 14:19:46 zakim, unmute me 14:19:46 sorry, oedipus, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you 14:19:52 zakim, unmute Gregory_Rosmaita 14:19:52 Gregory_Rosmaita should no longer be muted 14:21:09 zakim, mute Gregory_Rosmaita 14:21:09 Gregory_Rosmaita should now be muted 14:21:33 zakim, dial steven-617 14:21:33 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:21:35 +Steven 14:21:49 RM: XML Events 2 - http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/ 14:22:05 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/xml-events-rec-diff.html 14:22:23 RM: number of updates since last face2face - would like to get to LC - what needs to be done? 14:22:47 RM: did see some comments in XForms group, but don't know what happened to them - their status 14:23:02 RM: comments sent to XForms group, but not XHTML2 list(s) 14:23:08 SP: researches the matter 14:23:23 http://www.w3.org/2008/06/11-forms-minutes.html#item03 14:23:29 RM: felt XML Events doc should be more self contained 14:23:46 RM: people shouldn't have to go to DOM3 spec, for instance charlie commented 14:24:03 SP: long discussion but no action item; most comments editorial, spec overall good 14:24:16 SP: will ping him to send comments to us 14:24:24 RM: editorial things not too much of a problem 14:24:45 RM: start with abstract 14:25:11 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#s_intro 14:25:29 RM: differences from DOM3 and @target 14:25:47 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#s_event_module_conformance 14:25:54 RM: conformance - not much change at all 14:26:12 RM: addition was to allow chameleon version should ML allow 14:26:37 SM: what does this mean given our new understanding of "null namespace"? 14:26:48 SM: bring in Events Module? 14:26:57 SP: not sure have new understanding of "null namespace" 14:27:12 SP: terminology used in certain circles not backed by any spec 14:27:24 SM: lets call it "no namespace" 14:27:49 SM: are we suggesting ok to bring XML Events into a language and use XML Event attributes in "no namespace" 14:28:06 RM: unless someone uses chameleon, including events 14:28:37 SP: not syntaxically the same, but semantically the same 14:28:48 SM: don't access from DOM in same way 14:29:57 SM: in a Compound Document, HTML uses Events in chameleon form - bring into HTML elements with no qualifiers, but SVG does not - in a Compound Document, do we expect the action attribute or event attribute will have same semantic on HTML p element as ??? 14:30:32 We will write 14:30:43 instead of 14:31:19 this 14:31:37 s/???/ev:event="circle" 14:31:38 but the meaning will be the same 14:31:50 rrsagent, make minutes 14:31:50 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 14:32:42 We should coordiante with Forms WG on this 14:32:55 s/ante/nate/ 14:32:56 RM: been discussed at forms WG meetings i believe 14:33:08 RM: namespaces discussed in Forms f2f last week? 14:33:22 SP: consults minutes from Forms f2f 14:34:30 SP: not in detail 14:34:44 RM: specifics of what is in XML Events Module 14:34:51 RM: listener element 14:35:10 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-listener-element 14:35:21 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-listener-observer 14:35:25 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-listener-handler 14:35:34 RM: diff with DOM3 is QNames? 14:35:38 SM: essential difference 14:35:47 RM: observer element 14:35:56 RM: handler element 14:36:11 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#s_handler_module_elements 14:36:17 RM: default is target 14:36:34 RM: event propogates or continues - default should be performed or not 14:36:47 RM: not too diff from XML Events 1 - same principle 14:37:09 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#sec_3.2.1. 14:37:20 attributes for observer 14:37:39 RM: can add attribute to handler itself - http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-attributedefaulting 14:37:55 RM: not much different from XML Events 1 - comments? 14:38:05 no 14:38:08 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#s_handler_module_elements 14:38:14 RM: XML Handlers 14:38:21 action element: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-action-element 14:38:49 RM: similar to XForms, can use as container for potential actions 14:39:10 RM: condition - only true if XPath expression true 14:39:20 RM: can finally have xml:id 14:39:22 action 4= 14:39:56 RM: script element - http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-script-element 14:40:09 RM: refined SCRIPT - important diff is @implements 14:40:41 RM: will discuss @implements in detail later 14:40:52 the dispatch element: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-dispatchEvent-element 14:41:17 addEventListener: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-addEventListener-element 14:41:31 RM: very similar - can register eventListener 14:41:42 RM: can stop bubbling 14:41:50 RM: can prevent default defined for event 14:41:54 RM: straightforward 14:42:02 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-removeEventListener-element 14:42:08 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-stopPropagation-element 14:42:12 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-preventDefault-element 14:42:20 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-event-naming 14:42:30 RM: XPath Expressions: http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#section-xpath-expressions 14:42:37 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#xpath-function-library 14:42:50 RM: XPath to describe context information (XPath context) 14:43:01 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#xpath-event-function 14:43:14 RM: @implements 14:43:30 RM: optional - this script should only be loaded if UA doesn't have implementation of feature 14:43:43 RM: key thing is how to describe features 14:44:06 RM: safe URI or safe CURIE ok, but how to define features 14:44:25 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/ED-xml-events-20080508/#xpath-event-function - names event and where dispatched to 14:44:44 RM: events predefined by DOM3, can create own events and dispatch those 14:44:54 RM: XPath Expressions ahs extra note 14:45:18 RM: not setting particular context mode 14:45:48 RM :what necessary to define context - what would someone find useful - don't currently have idea of context 14:46:08 RM: 6.1.1.XPath event Function 14:46:24 RM: "Function event returns the value of a property of the current event object, as determined by the string argument. " 14:46:49 RM: identify feature for @implements - URI but represents what? 14:47:03 RM: comments? observations? questions? 14:47:16 SP: anticipate fight over XPath 14:47:29 SP: last version didn't have XPath, now it is required 14:47:59 SP: XBL2 fight over XPath or CSS - in end hixie said "do CSS or i take spec to whatwg and do it there" 14:48:39 SM: some way to do that doesn't require XPath? 14:48:50 SM: conditionals without way of referencing? 14:48:57 RM: could do in script 14:49:16 RM: definition of what conditionals are 14:49:30 SP: conditionals need to be in some langauge 14:49:43 SP: maybe call section 6 "Expressions" 14:49:56 SP: expressions that happen to be the ones in XPath 14:50:16 SP: not asking to implement XPath, but syntax derived from XPath - serious difference 14:50:30 RM: what is the core we need? what subset of XPath 14:50:40 RM: not a big dependency on XPath 14:51:17 SM: 2 modules - XML Events and XML Handlers - do we envision world where one can have handlers without events 14:51:27 SP: people write scripts today without XML Events 14:51:47 SM: XML Handler Module needs all of what is defined in XML Events 14:51:57 RM: except for SCRIPT element 14:51:59 SM: true 14:52:37 SM: might be useful to have SCRIPT and @implements independent of XML Events - applies to Handlers as well 14:52:52 +1 14:52:59 +1 14:53:01 SM: wonder if shouldn't have a module in specificiation - XML Events, Handler Element, Script ELement 14:53:07 plus 1 14:53:16 RM: agree 14:53:38 RM: a convenience that in one document, but they are separate -- 14:53:58 SM: imagin e there is a Script Module without dependency on other 2 modules 14:54:02 RM: does not appear so 14:54:15 SM: new Handler module without new Events module doesn't make sense 14:54:31 RM: some actions could be useful without events 14:54:54 SM: if anything has dependency on events, then depenency on events module 14:54:56 RM: yes 14:55:08 RM: only exception is script - no dependence on other 2 14:55:14 SM: then separate it out 14:55:30 SM: make sense to have XML Events Module without XML Handlers Module? 14:55:51 RM: XML Events 1 are used today and there are no handlers, so must have some value without handlers 14:56:20 SP: didn't define handlers because wanted people to use handlers already had on XML Events 14:56:41 SM: require people to use XML Events Module AND XML Handlers Modlue? 14:56:43 SP: no 14:56:47 SM: good 14:57:29 RM: proposal: split into 3 modules - XML Events, XML Handlers, and Script plus change in wording about use of XPath 14:57:36 SM: minor editorial stuff too 14:58:27 RESOLVED: will break into 3 Modules: XML Events Module, XML Handlers Module, and Script Module 14:58:43 rrsagent, make minutes 14:58:43 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 14:58:57 SM: accept Yam's proposal 14:59:15 Yam: change attribution/acknowledgement 14:59:27 RM: needs to describe who we are today and who is doing the work today 15:00:14 TOPIC: Features of XML Events 15:00:59 RM: namespaces - should be dealing with someting more fine grained in namespace 15:01:17 RM: there is another namespace option 15:01:17 -Gregory_Rosmaita 15:01:20 s/Features/Feature identification in/ 15:01:31 scribe: Steven 15:01:57 RM: So a namespace is rather too coarse grain to define the features that will be implemented 15:02:24 SM: The spec says CURIEs are used for identification 15:02:37 ... the CURIE spec allows for reserved values 15:03:07 ... but doesn't allow for multiple default prefixes 15:03:25 +Gregory_Rosmaita 15:04:19 ... so if we are to define a separate vocab document, it *can't* be another default vocab 15:04:35 implements="m12n:hrefeverywhere" 15:04:59 SM: So you may as well just use the URI 15:05:03 thought was supposed to be able to use URI 15:05:29 RM: You're only going to write this once, so it isn't a major problem having to write it 15:05:36 http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/modules#FEATURE 15:05:48 perfick 15:06:02 SM: That was what I had in mind 15:06:05 RM: Me too 15:06:42 10 01http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/modules#i18n 15:07:04 RM: So if I implemented XML Events 2, what would it say? 15:07:28 http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/features#xmlevents-2 15:07:41 implements="m12n:events m12n:handlers" ? 15:07:50 SM: Right, so we mneed to define the term for each module 15:08:14 s/mneed/need/ 15:08:32 RM: Can we agregate features? 15:08:42 Steven: I hope so; eg XForms 15:08:48 ... or even XHTML2 15:08:52 me too 15:10:21 RM: core - first features XML Events 15:10:35 RM: XML Events not in xmlns 15:10:43 scribe: oedipus 15:10:47 RM: URI probablly different 15:10:58 SM: keep conflating namespaces and vocabulary spaces 15:10:58 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/features#xmlevents-2 15:11:18 -Alessio 15:11:20 RM: would break linkage to NS 15:11:45 RM: using namespace name suggest something that isn't true - or a linkage that isn't there 15:12:02 SM: in feature space can put anywhere we want, but makes sense to coollect in single place 15:12:10 +??P2 15:12:15 zakim, ??P2 is Alessio 15:12:15 +Alessio; got it 15:12:25 SM: is XForms in this document or will they incorporate? 15:12:35 RM: can go anywhere URI can point to 15:13:16 ACTION: Shane create an initial features document that includes the features from XML Events 2. 15:13:32 GJR: point about conflating namespaces and vocab spaces very pertinent (for building expert handlers) 15:13:45 SM: should point to XML Events - so good BP in document 15:14:06 RM: in script element, could show how to point to other parts of document -- could in fact, implement itself 15:14:11 RM: could be bootstrapped in 15:14:30 SM: could.... but not sure for first version 15:14:38 RM: showing how implments handler events 15:14:58 RM: any other thoughts on this topic? 15:15:12 SP: action shane has is list names of features and module feature represents, right? 15:15:27 RM: assign names to features and make clear that named features are modules in question 15:15:46 SM: have a vision of it - linked together and back to base spec 15:16:05 SM: want meaningful triples - should have best practices 15:16:16 RM: not just in spec, but in position to develop solution that does it 15:16:19 SM: definitely 15:16:31 RM: other comments? 15:16:34 no from me. 15:16:52 RM: conclude this topic - anything else to go back over from earlier today? 15:17:09 RM: have some catch-up time tomorrow morning 15:18:06 Yam: yesterday mark mentioned HTML5 group have security issues - relevant for any ML - if devise good mechansim for wwindow shouold be seperate spec 15:19:38 http://www.w3.org/2008/06/17-xhtml-minutes.html 15:19:58 http://www.w3.org/2008/06/17-xhtml-minutes.html#action02 15:20:00 RM: action number 2 - immediately after mark's comments 15:20:01 http://www.w3.org/2008/06/17-xhtml-minutes.html#action02 15:21:08 RM: idea was MarkB go back on items and our reply should be consistent with / coordinate with XForms response on this 15:21:41 SP: moved comments up into section where topic discussed 15:22:04 RM: Yam correct, do want to ensure coordinated response 15:22:21 Yam: don't agree with justifications 15:23:46 ========= ADJOURN ============ 15:23:54 -ShaneM 15:23:57 -yamx 15:23:59 -Tina 15:24:05 -Steven 15:24:07 -Gregory_Rosmaita 15:24:07 -Alessio 15:24:09 -Roland 15:24:10 IA_XHTML2()4:00AM has ended 15:24:11 Attendees were Roland, ShaneM, Steven, Gregory_Rosmaita, Yam, Alessio, Tina, yamx 15:24:18 rrsagent, make minutes 15:24:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-minutes.html oedipus 15:24:41 Lachy has joined #xhtml 15:25:00 rrsagent, please part 15:25:00 I see 5 open action items saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-actions.rdf : 15:25:00 ACTION: Shane craft text to about transformation of XHTML to HTML. [1] 15:25:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-irc#T10-02-43 15:25:00 ACTION: Shane to finish the updating the XHTMLMIME draft then respond to Olivier's proposal. [2] 15:25:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-irc#T12-53-37 15:25:00 ACTION: Steven - draft proposal for XHTML 1.2 - Content and Timescale [3] 15:25:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-irc#T13-58-22 15:25:00 ACTION: [4] 15:25:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-irc#T14-38-21 15:25:00 ACTION: Shane create an initial features document that includes the features from XML Events 2. [5] 15:25:00 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/06/18-xhtml-irc#T15-13-16