13:22:13 RRSAgent has joined #backplane 13:22:14 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/30-backplane-irc 13:22:24 zakim, this will be rwab 13:22:24 ok, Charlie; I see INC_RWAB()10:00AM scheduled to start in 38 minutes 13:22:48 rrsagent, make log public 13:23:02 Meeting: Backplane XG teleconference 13:23:18 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2008May/0007.html 13:23:30 Chair: Charlie Wiecha 13:51:35 INC_RWAB()10:00AM has now started 13:51:42 +[IBM] 13:51:52 zakim, [IBM] is Charlie 13:51:52 +Charlie; got it 13:52:02 Chair: Charlie 13:52:28 Steven has joined #backplane 13:52:36 hi 13:52:39 hi steven! 13:52:57 I've been sitting in #rwab all afternoon :-) 13:53:07 agg 13:53:09 sorry 13:53:09 even set up zakim and rrsagent 13:53:16 No, my fault 13:53:37 well, it is inconsistent 13:54:57 can you stay on there too in case others go there? 13:58:30 +Gregory_Rosmaita 13:58:48 Kevin has joined #backplane 13:59:02 jsalvachua has joined #backplane 13:59:15 Hello 13:59:26 hi there...welcome 14:00:35 zakim, dial steven-617 14:00:35 ok, Steven; the call is being made 14:00:36 +Steven 14:00:52 hi 14:01:37 +Kevin_Kelly 14:01:57 oedipus has joined #backplane 14:02:22 + +34.91.549.aaaa 14:03:26 zakim, who is noisy? 14:03:37 Steven, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: Charlie (37%), +34.91.549.aaaa (76%) 14:04:02 zakim, mute aaaa temporarily 14:04:02 +34.91.549.aaaa should now be muted 14:04:18 +34.91.549.aaaa should now be unmuted again 14:04:47 zakim, aaa is 04jsalvachua01 14:04:47 sorry, Steven, I do not recognize a party named 'aaa' 14:05:03 zakim, aaaa is 04jsalvachua01 14:05:03 +04jsalvachua01; got it 14:05:49 zakim, who is muted 14:05:49 Steven, you need to end that query with '?' 14:06:11 zakim, who is muted? 14:06:11 I see 04jsalvachua01 muted 14:06:17 41# raise your hand 14:06:19 +John_Boyer 14:06:24 41# 14:06:38 ack 14:06:41 q? 14:06:44 ack 4 14:06:48 ack r 14:06:52 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2008May/0007.html 14:06:53 ack y 14:07:25 Scribe: Kevin 14:07:39 Topic: Introductions 14:08:02 John_Boyer has joined #backplane 14:08:10 Charlie Wiecha (chair) 14:09:52 Steven Pemberton 14:09:54 zakim, choose a victim 14:09:54 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Charlie 14:10:22 Chair: Charlie 14:10:27 Scribe: Kevin 14:10:32 scribenick: Kevin 14:10:36 John Boyer 14:11:48 ack jsalv 14:11:49 zakim, unmute jsalvachua 14:11:49 sorry, John_Boyer, I do not know which phone connection belongs to jsalvachua 14:11:56 zakim, who is here? 14:11:56 On the phone I see Charlie, Gregory_Rosmaita, Steven, Kevin_Kelly, 04jsalvachua01 (muted), John_Boyer 14:11:58 On IRC I see John_Boyer, oedipus, jsalvachua, Kevin, Steven, RRSAgent, Zakim, Charlie 14:12:02 zakim, unmute aaaa 14:12:02 sorry, oedipus, I do not know which phone connection belongs to aaaa 14:12:27 i think its me 14:12:49 zakim, 04jsalvachua01 is jsalvachua01 14:12:49 +jsalvachua01; got it 14:12:59 zakim, unmute jsalv 14:12:59 jsalvachua01 should no longer be muted 14:13:53 Gregory Rosmaita 14:14:21 Jaochim Salvachua 14:14:57 Kevin Kelly 14:15:13 s/Jao/Joa/ 14:16:17 zakim, who is here? 14:16:17 On the phone I see Charlie, Gregory_Rosmaita, Steven, Kevin_Kelly, jsalvachua01, John_Boyer 14:16:20 On IRC I see John_Boyer, oedipus, jsalvachua, Kevin, Steven, RRSAgent, Zakim, Charlie 14:16:53 Topic: Work leading up to formation of XG 14:17:12 Links posted in the agenda from Charlie 14:17:33 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xg-app-backplane/2008May/0007.html 14:17:36 [1] Panel at the 2006 Tech Plenary: 14:17:36 http://www.w3.org/2006/03/01-TechPlenAgenda.html 14:17:36 [2] W3C Note on the Backplane: http://www.w3.org/TR/backplane/ 14:17:36 [3] Amsterdam meeting minutes: 14:17:36 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/CoordGroup/2006/backplane-meeting.html 14:17:37 [4] Amsterdam meeting report: 14:17:40 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2007Jan/0035.html 14:17:41 [5] Backplane XG Charter: 14:17:43 http://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/app-backplane/charter-20080409.html 14:19:00 Present: John_Boyer, jsalvachua, Kevin, oedipus, Steven 14:19:20 Present+Charlie 14:19:41 oedipus = Gregory Rosmaita 14:20:16 Description of topics from Amsterdam level setting meeting. 14:21:24 jsalvachua = Joachim Salcachua 14:21:34 salvachua :) 14:21:36 Everyone has read the background material 14:21:43 Topic: Deliverables discussion 14:21:50 Not producing rec track documents 14:21:53 From minutes: 14:21:54 Task forces (with proposed champions, some not yet confirmed): 14:21:54 Submission (Klotz, Hofn, McGlashan, Birbeck(?)) 14:21:54 Model (McGlashan, Jansen, Wiecha, Boyer(?)) 14:21:54 Eventing (Hofn, Pemberton) 14:21:55 Access (Lewis) 14:21:57 Intent-based events (Lewis) 14:21:59 Navigation (Kelly(?)) 14:22:16 We are adopting the new patent policy 14:22:32 Flexibility on what constitutes the report at the end 14:23:01 Originally Charlie was thinking about a document, but an executable implementation would be more compelling 14:23:51 An open source activity taking the backplane ideas in a lightweight Ajax implementation (Ubiquity Excellence) could be leveraged 14:24:44 Could be a wiki and report. Work interactively with an executable delivery. 14:25:34 Gregory: Agrees with Charlie's proposal for examples and working implementation 14:26:10 John: bottom concrete example would manufacture need rather than just spec work 14:26:39 s/bottom/bottom-up 14:26:39 s/Salcachua/Salvachua 14:26:47 Charlei: a spec would look very top down and architecture driven 14:26:59 s/ei:/ie:/ 14:27:14 It's a bold approach 14:27:20 I hope we can achieve it 14:27:41 Charlie: show benefit by doing something that runs 14:28:28 Steven: bold approach, a year is a short time to get an implementation though. Incubator group idea is to create something a working group can work on. 14:29:07 Steven: is it more work than writing down what to do? 14:29:23 zakim, mute jsal 14:29:23 jsalvachua01 should now be muted 14:29:45 Gregory: objections and impracticalities could be cut out by doing this work 14:30:12 Charlie: Ubiquity Excellence code is a jump start for us to implement some of the Amsterdam report topics 14:30:42 Charlie: allows us to work in parallel on topics 14:30:52 Currently is "Ubiquity XForms" at http://code.google.com/p/ubiquity-xforms/ 14:31:46 Kevin: agrees and cites CDF example 14:32:03 Greogry: agrees and cites an Aria example 14:32:30 Gregory: parallel activity on implementation made a stronger spec 14:32:49 Charlie: tutorial by expressive disclosure 14:34:14 Charlie: where would we host implementation 14:35:09 FYI: http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria (latest public draft) - http://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/aria/ (latest editor's draft) 14:36:51 John: agrees, code can be used by developers as a jumpstart 14:37:16 Charlie: a blending of open source and standards 14:37:31 Charlie: there should be a W3C hosted wiki presence 14:39:30 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/XForms_Future_Features 14:39:49 Charlie: explains modularization that the Forms Group is doing 14:43:16 Gregory: example if the backplane can be specified then something like accessibility can be implemented easier 14:44:06 event flow and event cascade is addressed in ARIA ("politeness levels" amongst others) 14:44:33 John: pure XML events play event flow and the possibility for context info in events is a pretty cool delcarative way at the runtime level to do this 14:46:05 John: XForms integration example with events and bubble phase exposure of content info exposed through modularization 14:46:46 very strong support for xforms submission module and providing information about bubbling and events to assistive tech via standard syntax (ARIA intended for repair, WAI prefers native solutions over overlays 14:46:48 Charlie: eventing infrastructure can be a way for components to signal each other 14:48:03 Charlie: performance of and granularity of events should be addressed 14:48:46 FYI: working for Open A11y on "Expert Handlers" for specialized knowledge markup (CellML, MusicXML, etc.) to communicate with assistive technologies in the context of the content being handled (music, cellular structure, etc.) to provide I/O capability for assistive tech without the assistive tech having to be aware of every XML dialect 14:50:15 John: it might uncover better ways to do events in other specs and provide a better generalized integration/bridging/eventing model 14:50:56 Charlie: wrap this discussion, perhaps a continued discussion on the mail list can occur 14:51:07 Topic: Logistics 14:51:29 Charlie: what frequency for things do we want? 14:51:47 Charlie: if we want to meet weekly we need to find another timeslot 14:52:14 Charlie: do we want to meet weekly? what would be better time? 14:54:07 Charlie: 10am or 11am slot probably best 14:54:51 MIT (Eastern US) time 14:55:32 Charlie: proposes 11am US Eastern Thursday 14:56:09 Steven: conflict with RDFA call, Wed also is a clash 14:56:33 Charlie: proposes 11am US Eastern Teusday 14:56:59 Charlie: any opposition? 14:57:40 Me 14:57:43 +1 14:59:17 -Guest P12 7922 15:00:26 no opposition 15:00:36 -Gregory_Rosmaita 15:00:36 Charlie: should we meet next Teus 15:00:37 -Charlie 15:00:37 -Steven 15:00:41 Group: yes 15:00:47 -jsalvachua01 15:00:52 Charlie: I will schedule it 15:00:59 -Kevin_Kelly 15:01:01 INC_RWAB()10:00AM has ended 15:01:02 Attendees were Charlie, Gregory_Rosmaita, Steven, Kevin_Kelly, +34.91.549.aaaa, John_Boyer, jsalvachua01 15:01:15 jsalvachua has left #backplane 15:01:19 zakim, bye 15:01:19 Zakim has left #backplane 15:01:35 rrsagent, make minutes 15:01:35 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/30-backplane-minutes.html Charlie 15:01:39 rrsagent, bye 15:01:39 I see no action items