15:56:58 RRSAgent has joined #css 15:56:58 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/28-css-irc 15:57:01 Zakim has joined #css 15:57:02 krijnh has joined #css 15:57:07 RRSAgent, make logs public 15:57:09 Zakim, this will be style 15:57:09 ok, dbaron, I see Style_CSS FP()12:00PM already started 15:57:15 Zakim, who is on the phone? 15:57:15 On the phone I see dsinger 15:57:21 that's me 15:57:22 + +1.760.741.aaaa 15:57:45 zakim, +1.760.741 is plinss 15:57:45 +plinss; got it 15:58:36 glazou has joined #css 15:59:15 +Daniel_Glazman 15:59:20 I may have to leave at the half hour today. 16:01:08 + +47.21.64.aabb 16:01:16 +David_Baron 16:01:52 + +95380aacc 16:02:06 zakim, aacc is me 16:02:07 +Bert; got it 16:02:11 + +1.703.265.aadd 16:02:49 +??P42 16:03:33 howcome has joined #css 16:03:42 zakim, +1.703 is jason_cranfordtea 16:03:44 +jason_cranfordtea; got it 16:04:06 zakim, +47 is howcome 16:04:06 +howcome; got it 16:04:33 zakim, who is on the phone? 16:04:33 On the phone I see dsinger, plinss, Daniel_Glazman, howcome, David_Baron, Bert, jason_cranfordtea, ??P42 16:04:42 myakura has joined #css 16:04:52 alexmog has joined #css 16:05:10 what IS a ??P42 number? 16:05:23 I think that is Saloni 16:05:39 +fantasai 16:06:08 +[Microsoft] 16:08:26 uuuh ? 16:11:06 zakim, [Microsoft] is alex 16:11:06 +alex; got it 16:12:43 ScribeNick: fantasai 16:12:45 Topic: Charter 16:12:58 Peter: Sent out charter list yesterday. 16:13:16 Peter: Got some feedback on Generated Content, Marquee 16:13:35 Peter: Are there any modules people can't live without? 16:13:43 Jason: List coincides with AOL's direction 16:13:56 dbaron: A little upset that flexbox was dropped 16:14:09 dbaron: We have two prefixed implementations 16:14:14 dbaron: don't know if they are interoperable 16:15:19 Peter: I'm concerned that people don't think we will get anything to REC 16:15:35 fantasai: CSS Namespaces will go to REC. Selectors should be able to get there 16:15:39 dbaron: Color 16:15:43 howcome: Media Queries 16:16:01 dbaron: we have two implementations of that, soon to be three 16:17:47 Peter: CSS2.1? 16:19:13 fantasai: I wouldn't expect that. Good chance we won't make it to REC. 16:19:54 Jason: Requirements for PR? 16:20:15 fantasai: complete test suite, for each test 2 implementations that pass 16:20:24 Zakim, who's noisy? 16:20:35 glazou, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: fantasai (79%), Daniel_Glazman (26%), Bert (32%) 16:22:29 zakim, mute me 16:22:29 Bert should now be muted 16:22:49 fantasai: I think we'll have a better idea of where we are with the test suite at the end of this year 16:23:45 fantasai: not in time for the charter 16:23:56 peter: anything else? 16:24:13 dsinger: I need to consult with people here at Apple wrt animations and transitions 16:24:18 and transformations 16:25:17 howcome: I think MultiCol is ready 16:26:33 zakim, unmute me 16:26:33 Bert should no longer be muted 16:26:35 fantasai: It needs work. Some parts are underdefined. I have some comments on that, can help 16:26:52 fantasai: We should be able to get it to CR soon, though 16:26:59 -Bert 16:27:05 fantasai: And if we can get together resources for a test suite, to REC within 2 years 16:27:35 peter: Anything we can't get to CR? 16:27:42 fantasai: Text and Text Layout 16:28:27 fantasai: CR for those would be very ambitious... Paul and I don't have time to work on them this year 16:28:44 I keep wanting to know, for each module, who the primary proponent is, and who responded to the survey saying that they could put resources on it...is that list available? 16:30:11 peter: Paged Media? 16:30:15 fantasai: CR this year 16:30:22 fantasai: HP is working on a test suite, so shouldn't have a problem there 16:30:37 fantasai: Will need implementations. We should have implementations for all features soon 16:30:55 fantasai: but the older drafts had many things underspecified, and we fixed those up 16:31:01 I have a conflicting meeting now (hopefully only this week, although maybe next week too). I'll still be on IRC. 16:31:06 fantasai: so defects would be what keeps us from REC there 16:31:11 -David_Baron 16:32:20 fantasai: I think it needed some edits, not much. Paul won't be able to work on it this year 16:32:42 fantasai: One of Mozilla's devs was interested in implementing. Not sure where it's going to go, though. 16:32:48 Peter: Stuck in CR then 16:32:54 Peter: GCPM? 16:33:04 howcome: I think it's useful spec, 16:33:06 ... 16:33:09 Peter: Fonts? 16:33:20 Jason: Good progress there. I think we can get to CR pretty quickly. 16:33:34 Jason: Our only concern is the nature of downloadable fonts. 16:33:47 Jason: I don't think we're proposing anything else that is controversial 16:33:58 howcome: You're putting Web Fonts back in the Fonts specification? 16:34:04 Jason: Yes. 16:34:33 howcome: The subset that's implemented or everything? 16:34:36 Jason: everything 16:35:06 Daniel: From discussion with Chris Lilley, most font descriptors were unimplemented.. panose, etc. 16:35:29 Daniel: So only a subset, not everything, should be in the spec 16:36:00 Daniel: Fonts spec will be edited by Chris Lilley, Jason, and John Daggett 16:36:11 Daniel: Small overhead in getting both WG to agree on publication 16:36:28 Jason: John and I would be willing to split them back out if merging leads to a roadblock 16:36:36 Jason: I think font properties should be good to go 16:37:24 Jason: Some issues came up in the design community about being able to suppress synthesized fonts 16:38:30 Jason: And being able to style different fonts differently 16:38:59 fantasai: You can use multiple fonts in the same elements because of what glyphs are available. That means you'd style individual glyphs differently 16:39:13 Peter cuts off technical conversation and redirects to charter 16:39:18 Peter: Expect CR? 16:39:18 this seems very detailed here, but I am not sure I agree with the question. it falsl into the case "doctor, it hurts when I do this" and the reply "don't do that, then" seems appealing 16:39:23 Jason: Yes 16:39:39 Peter: REC? 16:39:43 Jason: don't know 16:40:26 ok, my 9:30 was thankfully quite short... calling back in now. 16:40:27 +Bert 16:40:32 Peter: Template Layout? 16:40:34 +David_Baron 16:41:00 fantasai: I think CR might be possible, not sure about implementations.. but there remains a lot of work to be done in that spec 16:41:09 Bert: I think we can get to CR 16:41:16 Bert: But I haven't heard anybody talk about implementations 16:41:30 Peter: Tables? 16:42:51 dbaron: your (?) question where there was a mix of fonts with different intrinsic styles in a fallback list. but it can wait. 16:43:06 dsinger, I wasn't on the phone then, so it wasn't my question... 16:43:30 fantasai: MS is not likely to have much time to work on it until after IE8 releases. They usually spend time on specs right after the release 16:43:36 dbaron: I'm also interested in Tables. 16:43:46 dbaron: We'd probably want test suite drafts along with working drafts 16:44:08 dbaron: since it's not about features as about refining definitions 16:44:24 Peter: CSS Variables 16:44:32 Daniel: I think we should be able to get this to REC 16:44:45 safari and who else has this in implementation? 16:45:05 s/REC/CR/ 16:45:05 Bert, all that work on the old size algorithm was really only a small part of it... 16:45:16 Daniel: It does not seem to be that complex 16:45:17 -Daniel_Glazman 16:45:34 Peter: Box Model 16:45:42 Bert: Box Model needs implementations 16:45:47 Bert: of vertical layout 16:46:04 Bert: It's the same as CSS2.1 for horizontal 16:46:26 Bert: So maybe CR 16:46:51 Peter: Extended Box Model 16:46:53 Bert: WD at most 16:46:58 Peter: CSSOM View 16:47:12 fantasai: Need to ask Anne. I would guess REC, but should ask him. 16:47:16 Peter: Values and Units 16:47:25 howcome: Kinda sitting there 16:47:36 dbaron: We agreed to add cycle(), and it's not there. 16:47:46 dbaron: But I really do want to move this forward 16:48:24 dbaron: I would hope that we'd have an implementation within 2 years. Maybe not all of it. But there are a bunch of features that I do want to implement. 16:48:34 Peter: So commitment to CR 16:48:51 Peter: Grid Positioning? 16:49:02 fantasai: I suspect WD 16:49:35 Alex: I would hope for CR. 16:49:44 Peter: Lists? 16:49:55 Probably WD 16:50:31 maybe CR if the tests suite is done early 16:50:35 Peter: Generated Content? 16:50:37 fantasai: CR 16:50:55 Peter: Cascading and Inheritance 16:51:15 howcome: not much changes there. Can probably go to CR 16:51:26 dbaron: Anything new beyond 2.1? 16:51:31 howcome: I don't think so 16:51:39 dbaron: If there's nothing new, why bother? 16:52:17 Peter: If there's nothing beyond 2.1, why do we add this? 16:52:27 Specificity had to change for CSS 3 selectors didn't it? 16:52:33 + +1.408.881.aaee 16:52:45 Arron, specificity is defined in Selectors 16:52:58 dbaron: Can point to 2.1 16:53:03 s/dbaron/fantasai/ 16:53:43 fantasai: if it's needed for references 16:53:55 Peter proposes to drop from list 16:54:06 That seems to be ok 16:54:23 Peter: Marquee? 16:54:23 dino has joined #css 16:54:32 Zakim, +1.408.881.aaee is Dean_Jackson 16:54:32 +Dean_Jackson; got it 16:54:49 Bert: We need to finish that one 16:54:55 Bert: We have to do that for the mobile profile 16:55:04 Bert: CR certainly. REC, I'm not sure 16:55:15 Bert: There are implementations in Mobile, not sure how good they are 16:56:48 fantasai: I'd aim for CR. Dependency on 2.1 can hold that back 16:56:55 Peter: FlexBox? 16:57:03 dbaron: I'd like to at least get working drafts out 16:57:09 dbaron: CR would be nice, but I'd say working drafts 16:57:46 Peter: Ok, I will go through list and come up with a new list that reflects what we think we can deliver 16:58:33 Dean Jackson: I think we can get Animations and Transitions to CR. 16:58:42 and Transforms 16:58:46 http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/Tracker/actions/44 16:59:53 dbaron: I think in some cases we might have said that if we want to count 2 implementations they have to pass the same test.. if we're going through the "equivalent test" route 17:00:19 ... where the implementations are passing two different versions of the same test 17:01:14 dbaron: If we don't require that, then we need to review the equivalent tests very carefully 17:02:06 -plinss 17:02:32 RESOLVED: adopt proposed wording for CR exit criteria 17:02:39 (assuming peter was in favor) 17:02:55 -dino 17:02:56 -howcome 17:02:56 -??P42 17:02:56 -jason_cranfordtea 17:03:00 bye, thx, see you in late june 17:03:00 -alex 17:03:01 -David_Baron 17:03:02 -fantasai 17:03:06 -dsinger 17:03:08 -Bert 17:03:09 Style_CSS FP()12:00PM has ended 17:03:10 Attendees were dsinger, +1.760.741.aaaa, plinss, Daniel_Glazman, +47.21.64.aabb, David_Baron, +95380aacc, Bert, +1.703.265.aadd, jason_cranfordtea, howcome, fantasai, alex, dino 17:04:00 Zakim, bye 17:04:00 Zakim has left #css 17:07:53 plinss has joined #css 17:08:43 Sorry, had a power failure here. Too many CPUs, not enough UPSes... 17:11:26 plinss_ has joined #css 17:35:35 RRSAgent: make logs public 17:35:38 RRSAgent: make minutes 17:35:38 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/28-css-minutes.html fantasai 17:58:43 dbaron has joined #css 18:06:18 krijnh has joined #css 18:30:51 dbaron has joined #css 19:33:59 great, got my redirect :) 19:43:33 bjoern has joined #css 21:12:29 howcome has left #css 22:28:34 Bert, the specgen doesn't support WG-NOTE 22:29:11 Bert, it has some weird requirements, WG-NOTE is the style sheet, NOTE is the this version URI, and "Working Group Note" is the text for

23:58:41 Anne, it might work now. 23:59:15 (And if not, sorry, you'll have to edit by hand for a few weeks...)