15:46:53 RRSAgent has joined #soap-jms 15:46:53 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/05/20-soap-jms-irc 15:47:15 zakim, list 15:47:15 I see SW_RIF()11:00AM, SW_SWD()11:00AM, XML_ET-TF()11:00AM, VB_VBWG()10:00AM active 15:47:17 also scheduled at this time are MWI_TSWG()11:00AM, WS_SAWSDL()12:00PM, WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM, SW_HCLS(Chairs)12:00PM, SW_DAWG()10:30AM, SW_HCLS(Bio-Ont WG)11:00AM 15:47:37 Zakim, this will be WS_SOAP-JM 15:47:37 ok, RolandMerrick; I see WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM scheduled to start in 13 minutes 15:55:45 Chair: Roland 15:56:09 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has now started 15:56:16 + +0138687aaaa 15:56:32 Zakim, aaaa is Roland 15:56:32 +Roland; got it 15:56:34 + +1.919.742.aabb 15:57:11 Zakim, aabb is alewis 15:57:11 +alewis; got it 15:57:13 +[IBM] 15:57:37 PhilAdams has joined #soap-jms 15:58:13 Zakim, IBM is PhilAdams 15:58:13 +PhilAdams; got it 15:58:33 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2008May/0012.html 15:58:49 Meeting: SOAP-JMS WG teleconference 15:59:16 rrsagent, make minutes 15:59:16 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/20-soap-jms-minutes.html Roland 15:59:21 markphillips has joined #soap-jms 15:59:29 rrsagent, make log public 16:00:03 + +1.708.246.aacc 16:00:24 + +1.781.999.aadd 16:00:42 Zakim, aacc is Derek 16:00:42 +Derek; got it 16:00:56 Zakin, aadd is Peter 16:01:08 Zakim, aadd is Peter 16:01:08 +Peter; got it 16:01:33 + +0196270aaee 16:02:02 eric has joined #soap-jms 16:02:03 Derek has joined #soap-jms 16:02:08 +[Sun] 16:02:19 Zakim, aaee is markphillips 16:02:19 +markphillips; got it 16:02:50 bhakti has joined #soap-jms 16:02:59 Zakim, Sun is Bhakti 16:02:59 +Bhakti; got it 16:03:04 -Peter 16:03:33 +Peter 16:03:59 +[TIBCO] 16:04:20 Zakim, TIBCO is eric 16:04:20 +eric; got it 16:05:10 Scribe: Peter 16:07:53 peaston has joined #soap-jms 16:08:17 Namespace: 16:08:21 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-soap-jms/2008May/0009.html 16:14:40 discussion of NS and where it is used 16:14:54 we should not expect to change NS 16:16:05 we do have soapjms:bindingVersion message property that defines the SOAP-JMS version 16:16:37 are we ok with http://www.w3.org/2008/SOAPJMS ? 16:16:59 +Derek 16:17:05 general agreement 16:17:06 +1 16:17:29 RESOLUTION: namespace is http://www.w3.org/2008/SOAPJMS 16:22:06 Once we have CVS access we will make the editorial changes identified. 16:22:19 These should be done by end of June. 16:22:32 -Roland 16:22:35 Testing and Conformance 16:22:59 can someone scribe while I cal in again 16:23:23 yes I will 16:24:19 + +386.8.7.aaff 16:24:29 Zakim, aaff is Roland 16:24:29 +Roland; got it 16:27:24 I've got to sign off - sorry. 16:27:32 need to develop tests in the form of client app that sends requests 16:27:36 -eric 16:29:50 need to identify all the assertions in the binding spec. 16:30:26 alewis has joined #soap-jms 16:30:30 decide how to test each of the assertions 16:32:17 Action: Peter and Phil will take a first pass of the spec to identify assertions 16:32:18 Created ACTION-5 - And Phil will take a first pass of the spec to identify assertions [on Peter Easton - due 2008-05-27]. 16:33:16 identify assertions on a section by section basis 16:33:20 consolidate later 16:36:12 we should ask Yves to give suggestions on how to construct a test plan and test assertions 16:37:32 anything else to discuss today? 16:38:09 -Bhakti 16:38:10 -PhilAdams 16:38:11 -markphillips 16:38:11 -Peter 16:38:14 -Derek 16:38:15 -alewis 16:38:21 -Roland 16:38:22 WS_SOAP-JM()12:00PM has ended 16:38:24 Attendees were +0138687aaaa, Roland, +1.919.742.aabb, alewis, PhilAdams, +1.708.246.aacc, +1.781.999.aadd, Derek, Peter, +0196270aaee, markphillips, Bhakti, eric, +386.8.7.aaff 16:38:49 Regrets: Yves 16:39:03 rrsagent, make minutes 16:39:03 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/20-soap-jms-minutes.html Roland 16:39:56 zakim, please part 16:39:56 Zakim has left #soap-jms 16:40:11 rrsagent, make minutes 16:40:11 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/05/20-soap-jms-minutes.html Roland 16:41:04 rrsagent, please part 16:41:04 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/20-soap-jms-actions.rdf : 16:41:04 ACTION: Peter and Phil will take a first pass of the spec to identify assertions [1] 16:41:04 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/05/20-soap-jms-irc#T16-32-17