Powder your data with trust

Protocol for Web Description Resources (POWDER) use cases

Kai Scheppe
Deutsche Telekom AG

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The concept and purpose of POWDER

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Design Goals and Constraints for grouping of resources

In designing a system to define sets of resources the following considerations were taken into account.

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Some aspects of POWDER

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An example Description Resource

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<powder xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2007/05/powder#" 
    <maker ref="http://authority.example.org/foaf.rdf#me" />
      <displaytext>Everything on example.com where the path starts with /foo
       and everything on example.org where the path starts with /bar is red and square</displaytext>
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Advantages of POWDER

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Potential first steps - a content provider's view

Migrating from regular meta information to DRs

Enrichment of meta information

Utilization of semantic information

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Example use cases for POWDER

Profile matching

Creation of trustmarks

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So what? - you may ask...How does it improve the Web?

Wouldn't it be nice if we could simply find
what we are looking for,
when we are looking for it?

See more at http://www.w3.org/2007/powder/

Companion documents
POWDER: Use Cases and Requirements
POWDER: Grouping of Resources
POWDER: Web Description Resources (WDR) Vocabulary
POWDER: Description Resources
POWDER: Web Description Resources Datatypes (WDRD)