14:42:19 RRSAgent has joined #forms 14:42:19 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/04/30-forms-irc 14:42:24 rrsagent, make log public 14:42:41 John_Boyer has changed the topic to: Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Apr/0126.html 14:44:31 unl has joined #forms 14:44:36 Charlie has joined #forms 14:44:43 Meeting: Weekly Forms WG Teleconference 14:44:45 Chair:John 14:44:49 ebruchez has joined #forms 14:44:49 Scribe: Leigh 14:44:52 HTML_Forms()10:45AM has now started 14:44:55 scribenick: Leigh_Klotz 14:44:59 +[IBM] 14:45:05 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Apr/0126.html 14:45:07 zakim, [IBM] is Charlie 14:45:07 +Charlie; got it 14:45:20 +wellsk 14:45:50 +unl 14:46:07 zakim, mute me 14:46:07 unl should now be muted 14:46:10 +John_Boyer 14:46:48 Roger has joined #forms 14:47:25 zakim, code? 14:47:25 the conference code is 36767 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), markbirbeck 14:47:58 +??P4 14:48:03 zakim, i am ? 14:48:03 +markbirbeck; got it 14:48:50 +??P5 14:49:01 zakim, ??P5 is ebruchez 14:49:01 +ebruchez; got it 14:49:12 +Leigh_Klotz 14:49:23 klotz has joined #forms 14:49:44 zakim, who is here? 14:49:44 On the phone I see Charlie, wellsk, unl (muted), John_Boyer, markbirbeck, ebruchez, Leigh_Klotz 14:49:46 On IRC I see klotz, Roger, ebruchez, Charlie, unl, RRSAgent, Zakim, John_Boyer, wellsk, markbirbeck, trackbot-ng 14:50:19 + +03491211aaaa 14:50:30 zakim, 211aaaa is Roger 14:50:30 sorry, Roger, I do not recognize a party named '211aaaa' 14:50:57 zakim, +03491211aaaa is Roger 14:50:57 +Roger; got it 14:52:45 Regrets: Steven, Nick 14:53:03 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Apr/0126.html 14:55:46 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Forms/wiki/FtF_2008_06 15:00:40 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Apr/0125.html 15:03:20 "An important principle of Web architecture is that all important resources be identifiable by URI. The finding discusses the relationship between the URI addressability of a resource and the choice between HTTP GET and POST methods with HTTP URIs." 15:03:24 http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/whenToUseGet.html 15:16:23 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-forms/2008Apr/0107.html 15:16:46 ACTION: Mark Birbeck to raise issue of leaving XForms submission resource attribute alone and perhaps having RDFa document its semantics in a future version. 15:16:46 Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - Mark 15:16:46 Try using a different identifier, such as family name or username (eg. mseaborn, mbirbeck) 15:22:17 15:22:43 gets the value of blah and uses as IDREF overload of instance attr 15:22:44 but 15:22:52 15:23:04 would instead overload by pointing to actual instance data 15:23:42 if we had 'response-body' on xforms-submit-done, we could write 15:25:06 15:25:48 15:31:29 15:32:39 15:34:57 15:35:41 15:36:03 15:36:14 destino is destination in Spanish 15:36:22 ;-) 15:37:17 cible="..." 15:37:54 target1 15:38:11 instance-target 15:38:34 15:38:52 15:39:54 from spec: By default, the target node is the document element of the instance indicated by the instance attribute. 15:39:55 leigh, instance('foo')/foo/bar and /foo/bar are not equivalent 15:40:08 15:40:12 yes, beacuse of the first child rule, but i"m being lazy typing. 15:40:45 xforms-target 15:40:55 xf:target 15:40:58 oouch 15:40:59 xf:target 15:44:01 or "'foo'" 15:58:23 sounds like too much magic 15:59:16 why not rename replace="all" to replace="document"? when target is given, interpret it as IDREF, otherwise use document root. 16:02:16 RESOLUTION: We revoke our previous resolution and keep submission/@target as is, since we now understand that in the future we may take advantage of other attributes and XSLT 2.0 doc() function to refer to parts of the host document. 16:02:23 28 16:06:58 wasn't it for form startup? 16:21:34 think so 16:23:14 Charlie has left #forms 16:23:25 -wellsk 16:23:27 -ebruchez 16:23:28 -markbirbeck 16:23:28 -unl 16:23:29 -John_Boyer 16:23:30 -Leigh_Klotz 16:23:30 wellsk has left #forms 16:23:45 -Roger 16:23:48 -Charlie 16:23:49 HTML_Forms()10:45AM has ended 16:23:50 Attendees were Charlie, wellsk, unl, John_Boyer, markbirbeck, ebruchez, Leigh_Klotz, Roger 16:24:07 rrsagent, make minutes 16:24:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/30-forms-minutes.html John_Boyer 16:24:12 rrsagent, bye 16:24:12 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/30-forms-actions.rdf : 16:24:12 ACTION: Mark Birbeck to raise issue of leaving XForms submission resource attribute alone and perhaps having RDFa document its semantics in a future version. [1] 16:24:12 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2008/04/30-forms-irc#T15-16-46 16:24:18 John_Boyer has left #forms