13:00:38 RRSAgent has joined #xhtml 13:00:38 logging to http://www.w3.org/2008/04/23-xhtml-irc 13:01:02 Zakim has joined #xhtml 13:04:15 Tina has joined #xhtml 13:36:14 Zakim, list 13:36:14 I see no active conferences 13:36:15 scheduled at this time are IA_XHTML2()9:45AM, Team_W3M()8:00AM 13:36:29 Zakim, this will be XHTML2 13:36:29 ok, Roland; I see IA_XHTML2()9:45AM scheduled to start in 9 minutes 13:36:48 rrsagent, make minutes 13:36:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/23-xhtml-minutes.html Roland 13:37:02 rrsagent, make log public 13:38:10 Meeting: XHTML2 WG Weekly Teleconference 13:38:28 Chair: Roland 13:38:45 Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0057.html 13:39:02 Regrets: Yam, Alessio 13:39:18 rrsagent, make minutes 13:39:18 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/23-xhtml-minutes.html Roland 13:40:10 Steven has joined #xhtml 13:45:37 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has now started 13:45:44 +Roland 13:45:58 Zakim, list 13:45:58 I see IA_XHTML2()9:45AM active 13:45:59 also scheduled at this time are SW_SWEO()10:00AM, Team_W3M()8:00AM, I18N_CoreWG()10:00AM 13:47:07 ShaneM has joined #xhtml 13:47:32 zakim, dial steven-617 13:47:32 ok, Steven; the call is being made 13:47:33 +Steven 13:47:46 +ShaneM 13:52:29 oedipus has joined #xhtml 13:55:05 +Gregory_Rosmaita 13:55:23 Scribe: steven 13:55:34 Topic: CSS Namespaces review 13:55:49 Steven: The reply was sent. Done 13:55:54 Topic: XML Base 13:56:00 Steven: Not done yet 13:56:12 Topic: FtF: 13:56:27 Roland: I see there is a registration questioniarre, and FtF page 13:56:33 ... please fill in everyone 13:57:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0061.html 13:57:27 http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/xhtml2/wiki/2008-06-Minneapolis-FtF 13:57:49 8-0 13:58:13 Topic: CURIE status 13:58:23 Roland: We worked through one set of comments last week 13:58:50 Steven: I sent a redraft last Friday 13:58:51 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0056.html 13:59:08 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0063.html 13:59:18 Steven: Today I sent a draft pf part 2 13:59:36 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0063.html 14:00:16 Steven: I would like an OK from the group on the content 14:00:19 ... of both 14:00:42 Shane: Please CC the issue tracking system, so that we have the DB trail too 14:00:44 Steven: OK 14:01:48 This is issue number 8035 in the tracking system. 14:02:11 Roland: OK with 2 mails? 14:02:21 Steven: I prefer it that way, general/specific 14:02:30 Roland: Any comments on these 14:02:43 s/these/these?/ 14:02:52 Roland: Hearing no objections... 14:02:54 no - send 'em 14:03:15 ACTION: Steven to send two replies to TAG (issue 8035) 14:03:52 -ShaneM 14:04:01 Roland: Does this mean we can go to last call 14:04:21 +ShaneM 14:04:53 s/call/call?/ 14:05:10 Steven: I believe we can, I see no hurdle 14:05:18 Roland: DO we need to add that to the reply? 14:05:22 s/DO/Do/ 14:06:38 Shane: In that case I think the reply to the TAG shouldn't ask them for more input. ("What more would you like to see?") 14:07:18 if you cc xhtml2-issues@mn.aptest.com with (PR#8032) in the subject line magic should occur. 14:07:48 [ ] 14:07:52 { } 14:08:54 ACTION: Steven to announce last call of CURIEs 14:09:31 Topic: Mime type 14:09:48 Roland: We should review this 14:09:59 ... and possibly send a message to the public list 14:12:38 SP: lot of discussions internal to w3c about mime-type; TBL doesn't see problem with text/html; got impression would address at AC meeting in Beijing; haven't checked those minutes yet; both TBL and DanC agree with us on this; TBL didn't realize how successful XHTML actually is -- only hearing "a complete flop" because no one using application/xml -- pointed out real usage statistics; some misunderstanding of role of new document; unreviewed at present, still 14:13:19 SP: Olivier complained that in XHTML 1.0 allowed text/html for docs that follow Appendix C - which is informative, but section normative; found difficult to decide if Appendix C informative or normative 14:13:26 Shane: we fixed that 14:13:50 SP: doesn't satisfy Olivier; could put stake in ground by reissuing 1.0 to make it clear 14:14:16 Shane: proposal - let's reissue PR 1.0 removing Appendix C and instead referencing XHTML Mime 14:14:28 SP: reissue 1.0 with those changes? works for me 14:14:38 Shane: eliminates possibility of confusion 14:14:59 SP: good for 2 reasons: 1) removes ambiguity and 2) puts our stake firmly in ground 14:15:09 SP: need to get some backing for XHTML Mime -- ready to review? 14:15:27 Shane: Roland had some concerns, but in terms of changes i've made, i think i've completed the work 14:16:01 ACTION - Everybody: review latest draft of XHTML Mime and consider RM's comments thereupon - due 2008/04/30 14:16:10 ACTION: Everybody - review latest draft of XHTML Mime and consider RM's comments thereupon - due 2008/04/30 14:16:28 Could someone remind me of the draft URI? 14:16:42 look in /Drafts tina 14:16:45 Shane: had been planning on updating Appendix C in context of XHTML Mime, until realized, why not just replace? 14:16:56 scribeNick+ oedipus 14:17:05 TOPIC: M12N 14:17:11 RM: anything from SteveBratt 14:17:36 SP: most people in beijing at moment; been very quiet week for email, meetings and IRC -- next week will follow up 14:17:57 scribe: Steven 14:18:44 recent email on Event from GJR: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0064.html 14:18:55 Topic: script/@implements 14:19:04 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0059.html 14:19:41 quote from shane from f2f: "We can also do that with an @if that checks HASFEATURE so @implements is then a shorthand" 14:20:20 Roland: Was I close? 14:20:31 GJR: +1 to RM's Question 1 14:20:54 Steven: Yes 14:21:07 @implements tells the system that if there is an implementation of that NS, to ignore this script, or, if no script is present, to use the @implements to point to the pertinent namespace URI for the markup dialect/version/module which the user agent or an expert handler -- a piece of middleware that provides context and the language's ontology -- to invoke that namespace in order to properly parse input and output interactions with specialized knowledge doma 14:21:12 Roland: Is namespace too coarse a level? 14:21:33 q+ to ask did you have specific granularity levels in mind when you posed the 14:21:33 question? 14:22:04 Roland: Consider Alessio's frames script 14:22:47 SP: might include several scripts for sub-parts - top-level or not? 14:23:15 Steven: I did intend it to be for namkespaces 14:23:34 ... but we could be more finely grained, if we could find a notation 14:25:37 ... consider a script that implemented href everywhere, or src everywhere 14:25:44 q? 14:26:23 Shane: And then there are problems with different versions of a spec (XForms 1.0 and 1.1, which are both in the same namesapce) 14:26:39 Roland: and then you have @role and access 14:27:11 SHane: What about a list of CURIEs? 14:27:16 s/SH/Sh/ 14:27:40 Shane: implements="xh:role xh:access" 14:28:24 Gregory: If there is an implementation of a dialect or module that the UA doesn't know, it needs some middleware to help interpret the input 14:34:03 q- 14:34:07 Steven: I think that @implements gives you exactly what you want, since your middleware then knows to ignore those bits of script 14:34:16 yes, you are correct 14:34:31 Gregory: WHat level of granularity were you thinking of ROland? 14:34:38 Roland: Well, maybe module 14:34:43 s/WH/Wh/ 14:34:57 Gergory: That is what I want too! 14:35:10 SHane: I think I agree 14:35:14 s/SH/Sh/ 14:35:47 Shane: I think that since that is our granularity level of definition, we should match that 14:36:07 Gregory: It also gives people a reason to use M12N and to implement it correctly 14:37:00 Roland: I would agree with Shane that CURIEs would then be associated with modules 14:37:24 Shane: So we just need to develop a naming scheme - name, revision 14:37:35 [general agreement] 14:38:10 s/Gerg/Greg/ 14:38:14 in case I was not clear, I think the datatype for @implements is URIorCURIEs.... 14:38:24 Roland: I will refine the rpoposal and send it for a later discussion 14:38:26 which should probably be renamed URIorSafeCURIEs 14:38:30 yes, URI or CURIE 14:39:02 Topic: Access 14:41:47 Gregory: The issue is on the PF agenda today 14:42:01 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0045.html 14:42:18 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xhtml2/2008Apr/0044.html 14:43:21 Gregory: This is a cross-group effort, so it is importnant we get it right in order to do just one review 14:43:38 ... it is also a focus of the UA guidelines, and on the agenda this week 14:44:25 Gregory: On the issue of boolena, I may have an answer by the end of today 14:44:37 ... on the issue of keys, maybe by Friday 14:44:52 s/boolena/boolean/ 14:46:21 Roland: Is the ARIA issue solved with HTML5? 14:46:26 Gregory: Not yet 14:47:43 [ADJOURN] 14:47:48 -ShaneM 14:47:52 -Steven 14:47:54 -Gregory_Rosmaita 14:47:57 I fell off the call again. gotta run. roland, I will catch you in a few minutes 14:48:08 -Roland 14:48:09 IA_XHTML2()9:45AM has ended 14:48:10 Attendees were Roland, Steven, ShaneM, Gregory_Rosmaita 14:48:15 rrsagent, make minutes 14:48:15 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2008/04/23-xhtml-minutes.html Roland 14:50:49 I will publish them later 14:50:59 ok 14:51:11 Zakim, please part 14:51:11 Zakim has left #xhtml 16:34:19 Lachy has joined #xhtml