IRC log of swd on 2008-04-01

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:52:37 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #swd
14:52:37 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:52:45 [marghe]
rrsagent, bookmark
14:52:45 [RRSAgent]
14:52:54 [marghe]
rrsagent, please draft minutes
14:52:54 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate marghe
14:53:22 [berrueta]
berrueta has joined #swd
14:53:36 [marghe]
Meeting: SWD WG
14:53:43 [marghe]
Chair: Tom Baker
14:53:49 [marghe]
Scribe: Margherita Sini
14:53:55 [marghe]
Scribenick: marghe
14:54:02 [marghe]
14:54:09 [marghe]
14:54:14 [marghe]
Regrets: Sean, Vit
14:55:17 [marghe]
rrsagent, please make record public
14:55:50 [Zakim]
SW_SWD()11:00AM has now started
14:55:57 [Zakim]
+ +039065705aaaa
14:56:17 [Zakim]
14:56:21 [marghe]
Zakim, +39065705aaaa is Marghe
14:56:23 [Zakim]
sorry, marghe, I do not recognize a party named '+39065705aaaa'
14:56:47 [Zakim]
14:56:50 [edsu]
edsu has joined #swd
14:58:32 [aliman]
aliman has joined #swd
14:58:54 [Zakim]
14:59:36 [qreul]
qreul has joined #swd
14:59:37 [marghe]
zakim, who's here?
14:59:37 [Zakim]
On the phone I see +039065705aaaa, Ralph
14:59:39 [Zakim]
On IRC I see qreul, aliman, edsu, berrueta, RRSAgent, Zakim, Ralph, TomB, marghe
15:00:13 [Zakim]
15:00:18 [marghe]
Zakim, aaaa is marghe
15:00:18 [Zakim]
+marghe; got it
15:00:26 [Zakim]
+ +0122427aabb
15:00:35 [Zakim]
15:00:56 [qreul]
Zakim, +0122427aabb is qreul
15:00:56 [Zakim]
+qreul; got it
15:01:05 [marghe]
zakim, who's here
15:01:08 [Zakim]
marghe, you need to end that query with '?'
15:01:13 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p10 is Alistair
15:01:13 [Zakim]
+Alistair; got it
15:01:29 [JonP]
JonP has joined #swd
15:02:32 [dlrubin]
dlrubin has joined #swd
15:02:55 [Zakim]
15:03:10 [Zakim]
15:03:12 [Zakim]
15:03:15 [Ralph]
zakim, lc is EdSu
15:03:22 [Zakim]
+EdSu; got it
15:03:27 [Ralph]
zakim, ??p43 is DLRubin
15:03:34 [Zakim]
+DLRubin; got it
15:03:39 [JonP]
zakim, Jon_Phipps is me
15:03:44 [Zakim]
+JonP; got it
15:04:44 [Ralph]
Regrets+ Simone
15:05:00 [Antoine]
Antoine has joined #swd
15:06:01 [marghe]
15:06:06 [Zakim]
15:06:17 [marghe]
Tom: Summertime started --> back to usual time
15:06:43 [marghe]
... March 18 conference: propose to accept
15:06:52 [marghe]
no objections
15:07:00 [marghe]
RESOLUTION: Minutes from March 18 accepted.
15:07:28 [marghe]
ACTION: Chairs to draft charter extension proposal for SKOS until July 1st [recorded in]
15:07:31 [marghe]
15:07:46 [marghe]
Tom: Face-to-face meeting
15:08:10 [marghe]
... looks is Washington a good choice except for Alistar
15:08:39 [marghe]
... so maybe better in Europe?
15:09:20 [marghe]
Tom: we come back to that later
15:09:26 [marghe]
TOPIC: SKOS primer
15:09:36 [marghe]
ACTION: Alistair and Guus to check the text in the primer on relationship between Concept Schemes and OWL Ontologies. [recorded in]
15:09:40 [marghe]
15:09:49 [marghe]
ACTION: Guus to write primer text re: broaderGeneric and equivalence w/r/t subclass [recorded in]
15:09:52 [marghe]
15:10:09 [marghe]
topic: SKOS Reference
15:10:25 [marghe]
Tom: raised issues regarding NL definition
15:10:44 [marghe]
... if SKOS no use NL --> join 2005 definition?
15:11:19 [marghe]
Alistar: on one hand having short definition is good for translation
15:12:01 [marghe]
... however no in the current skos because need revision (?)
15:12:14 [marghe]
... maybe we can add 2005 definition
15:12:35 [marghe]
... wonder if we can put the NL definition as comments?
15:12:53 [marghe]
Tom: possible to move NL def to primer?
15:13:05 [marghe]
Alistar: same challenge...
15:13:13 [marghe]
Antoine: will be the same problem
15:13:23 [marghe]
... if we agree we can use old definitions
15:13:32 [Zakim]
15:14:32 [edsu]
david booth's email ->
15:14:42 [marghe]
Tom: i prefere to have definitions so seems an editorial / technical issue
15:15:08 [Guus]
Guus has joined #swd
15:15:14 [marghe]
... short definitions like owl will be good. Can we have an agreement ?
15:15:33 [Guus]
zakim, ??p42 is me
15:15:33 [Zakim]
+Guus; got it
15:15:51 [aliman]
I think tom said owl has *no* per-term definitions
15:16:15 [Guus]
sorry, seem to be muted
15:16:18 [Zakim]
15:16:20 [marghe]
s/will be good/has no per-term definitions
15:16:21 [Guus]
one sec
15:16:23 [berrueta]
zakim, Encarna is me
15:16:23 [Zakim]
+berrueta; got it
15:16:52 [Zakim]
15:17:18 [benadida]
benadida has joined #swd
15:18:48 [marghe]
??: in favour of descritpion of short paragraph with one example
15:18:57 [marghe]
... including definition
15:19:29 [marghe]
15:21:18 [marghe]
Alistar: in addition to the text of the reference will have a RDFS comment / URI
15:21:40 [TomB]
Guus: we threw out the "comments" in OWL
15:21:53 [dlrubin]
dlrubin has left #swd
15:22:00 [TomB]
...would be in favor of putting short descriptions into an appendix
15:22:28 [TomB]
Alistair: rdfs:comment is an annotation property in OWL
15:23:03 [TomB]
Alistair: agrees with Guus that schema is for a machine so doesn't really need comments
15:23:49 [TomB]
Alistair: Guus says we can have links to fragment identifiers
15:24:23 [marghe]
Tom: are we in agreement? or should we have an issue?
15:24:29 [Guus]
yes, link to frag id of the definition
15:24:38 [marghe]
short text is necessary but point is wehere to put it?
15:24:43 [Elisa]
Elisa has joined #swd
15:24:47 [marghe]
15:25:20 [marghe]
Alistar: I support multilinguality possiblities
15:25:21 [Zakim]
15:25:28 [Zakim]
15:26:01 [marghe]
ACTION: Sean to propose a way to handle deprecated properties
15:26:04 [marghe]
15:26:16 [marghe]
ACTION: Ralph to check whether the common interpretation of rdfs isDefinedBy fits the reasoning that was made in
15:26:20 [marghe]
15:26:27 [marghe]
topic: Relationships between labels
15:26:39 [marghe]
[action] eXtension for Labels
15:26:45 [marghe]
15:26:53 [marghe]
topic: "Open" SKOS Issues
15:27:05 [marghe]
[action] Issue-40
15:27:08 [marghe]
15:27:12 [marghe]
15:27:21 [marghe]
ACTION: Alistair to make a proposal for Issue 40
15:27:26 [marghe]
15:27:55 [marghe]
Alistar: due to multiple dimension ...
15:28:00 [edsu]
Graham Klyne's comments ->
15:28:10 [Zakim]
15:28:12 [Ralph]
-> "Comment on OWL formalism used in SKOS core" [Graham Klyne 2008-03-31]
15:28:22 [marghe]
topic: RDFa
15:28:28 [Guus]
zakim, ??p40 is me
15:28:28 [Zakim]
+Guus; got it
15:28:41 [marghe]
ACTION: Ben to prepare draft implementation report for RDFa
15:28:48 [marghe]
15:29:46 [marghe]
??:implementation report easy to put it together
15:29:50 [Ralph]
15:30:20 [marghe]
.. primer is going to be put together, revised approch--> keep it simple, draft in the wiki
15:30:36 [marghe]
15:31:22 [marghe]
??: got a review from yahoo
15:31:33 [marghe]
... got good comments, no significant change
15:31:47 [marghe]
topic: RECIPES
15:31:57 [Ralph]
15:31:59 [edsu]
benadida: have you seen the recent tag minutes re: CURIE?
15:32:07 [marghe]
ACTION: Diego, Jon and Ralph to coordinate Recipes examples for w3c site [recorded in]
15:32:08 [Ralph]
15:32:40 [marghe]
15:33:33 [marghe]
Diego?: will be good have a uri containing the date? to have examples consistent with the document
15:33:56 [JonP]
15:34:58 [marghe]
agreed in principle
15:35:27 [marghe]
Diego?: changes will effect this files
15:35:35 [berrueta]
15:36:43 [marghe]
ACTION: Ralph propose resolution to ISSUE-16 "Default behavior" [recorded in]
15:36:48 [marghe]
15:36:52 [marghe]
ACTION: Ralph/Diego to work on Wordnet implementation [of Recipes implementations] [recorded in]
15:36:57 [marghe]
15:37:05 [marghe]
ACTION: Recipes editors to clarify and write some sentences for the title that spells out points Ed made for .htaccess and Apache [recorded in]
15:38:05 [marghe]
15:38:40 [marghe]
Jon?: plan a new editor draft release today
15:38:57 [marghe]
... should we wait we solve other issues first?
15:39:26 [marghe]
Diego: prefer wait a week, to fix typos, etc.
15:39:49 [marghe]
15:40:06 [Guus]
[i can hear]
15:40:09 [Ralph]
Topic: F2F Meeting
15:40:19 [Ralph]
-> May F2F poll results
15:40:42 [Guus]
availability of key editors
15:40:51 [Guus]
15:41:11 [marghe]
Tom: problem of a US f-2-f meeting is Alistar participation
15:41:15 [Guus]
alistair, antoine, ed, sean
15:41:19 [marghe]
... but can join remotely
15:41:33 [Guus]
alistair has to be there, I think, in person
15:41:49 [Ralph]
Ralph: yes, having Alistair in person seems critical to me
15:41:52 [marghe]
??: Sean cannot make that week
15:41:58 [Ralph]
15:42:12 [marghe]
Alistar: telecon may be one option
15:42:35 [Guus]
if sean cannot make it, alistair has to be there in person
15:43:02 [marghe]
Tom: EU option for 6-7 are reasonable, but 7-8 only few people can be there
15:43:25 [Guus]
I propose Tue-Wed 6-7 in A'dam
15:43:33 [marghe]
... Amsterdam Tuesd + wed seems better than 7-8
15:43:49 [marghe]
Alistar: will look for US feasibility
15:43:55 [Guus]
let's decide 6-7, venue either Adam or Wash
15:44:19 [Guus]
we should fix at least the date
15:44:33 [marghe]
Clay and Jon cannot do Amsterdam (?)
15:44:44 [marghe]
decision: 6-7 Amsterdam ?
15:44:59 [Guus]
first pref Washinton, 2nd pref A'dam
15:45:24 [marghe]
Tom: either Amst or Wash on 6-7
15:45:41 [Guus]
[alistair: US is very cheap now :-)]
15:47:24 [marghe]
Jon, Ralph and Clay no in Amsterdam --> pref. remote or in person Alistar in Wash
15:47:35 [Guus]
Propose to fix date 6-7
15:48:12 [Guus]
agre with Tom
15:48:27 [marghe]
15:48:48 [marghe]
Tom: last week 2 reviewers (Diego and Marc)
15:49:01 [Guus]
[i'm calling Mark now]
15:49:32 [marghe]
Ton: we need Marc review as well
15:50:25 [marghe]
... in terms of process will be good to have signs at f-2-f meeting
15:50:56 [edsu]
aliman: not sure if it'll make any difference but BWI is a possible destination airport for DC area
15:51:03 [marghe]
Elisa: can go in W'ton 6-7
15:51:25 [marghe]
... hard if Am'dam
15:51:35 [Guus]
mark has agreed
15:51:37 [marghe]
... can do remotely in Am'dam
15:51:53 [Guus]
hopefully in a week; t most 2 weeks
15:52:10 [marghe]
RESOLVED: Mark will do the review
15:52:55 [Guus]
[sry, have to go]
15:52:59 [marghe]
Elisa: situation is good
15:53:03 [Ralph]
ACTION: Guus to ask Mark van Assem to review VM Editor's Draft [recorded in]
15:53:04 [Ralph]
-- done
15:53:13 [TomB]
[thanks Guus]
15:53:21 [marghe]
... will appreciate attention to v1.1
15:53:55 [marghe]
... is time for other people to have a look
15:54:00 [Zakim]
15:54:22 [marghe]
Tom: meeting adjourned.
15:54:22 [Ralph]
Elisa: for those who care about OWL Full -- and I think this WG does -- it's time to look more closely at the OWL WG
15:54:23 [Zakim]
15:54:28 [Zakim]
15:54:38 [Zakim]
15:54:39 [Zakim]
15:54:39 [Zakim]
15:54:41 [Zakim]
15:54:42 [Zakim]
15:54:42 [Zakim]
15:54:44 [Zakim]
15:55:57 [Ralph]
zakim, list attendees
15:55:57 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been +039065705aaaa, Ralph, marghe, Tom_Baker, qreul, Alistair, EdSu, DLRubin, JonP, Antoine_Isaac, Guus, berrueta, Ben_Adida, Elisa_Kendall
15:56:05 [Ralph]
rrsagent, draft minutes
15:56:05 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate Ralph
16:02:12 [Zakim]
16:02:14 [Zakim]
16:02:24 [Zakim]
16:02:25 [Zakim]
SW_SWD()11:00AM has ended
16:02:26 [Zakim]
Attendees were +039065705aaaa, Ralph, marghe, Tom_Baker, qreul, Alistair, EdSu, DLRubin, JonP, Antoine_Isaac, Guus, berrueta, Ben_Adida, Elisa_Kendall
16:06:03 [edsu]
edsu has left #swd
16:22:10 [JonP]
JonP has left #swd
16:45:36 [marghe]
marghe has left #swd
18:07:18 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #swd