IRC log of bpwg on 2008-03-27

Timestamps are in UTC.

14:55:43 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #bpwg
14:55:43 [RRSAgent]
logging to
14:55:45 [trackbot-ng]
RRSAgent, make logs public
14:55:45 [Zakim]
Zakim has joined #bpwg
14:55:47 [trackbot-ng]
Zakim, this will be BPWG
14:55:47 [Zakim]
ok, trackbot-ng; I see MWI_BPWG()11:00AM scheduled to start in 5 minutes
14:55:48 [trackbot-ng]
Meeting: Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference
14:55:48 [trackbot-ng]
Date: 27 March 2008
14:55:56 [srowen]
srowen has joined #bpwg
14:57:06 [abel]
abel has joined #bpwg
14:57:16 [Zakim]
MWI_BPWG()11:00AM has now started
14:57:23 [Zakim]
+ +1.585.278.aaaa
14:57:51 [cgi-irc]
cgi-irc has joined #bpwg
14:58:25 [Zakim]
- +1.585.278.aaaa
14:58:29 [Zakim]
MWI_BPWG()11:00AM has ended
14:58:35 [Zakim]
Attendees were +1.585.278.aaaa
14:58:45 [Zakim]
MWI_BPWG()11:00AM has now started
14:58:55 [Zakim]
14:59:07 [Zakim]
+ +0207881aaaa
15:00:04 [francois]
zakim, code?
15:00:04 [PhilA]
PhilA has joined #bpwg
15:00:05 [Zakim]
15:00:29 [Zakim]
the conference code is 2794 (tel:+1.617.761.6200 tel:+ tel:+44.117.370.6152), francois
15:00:34 [Zakim]
+ +1.585.278.aabb
15:00:40 [Zakim]
+ +1.339.525.aacc
15:01:06 [dom]
zakim, list attendees
15:01:06 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Sean_Owen, +0207881aaaa, francois, +1.585.278.aabb, +1.339.525.aacc
15:01:09 [jeffs]
Zakim: , mute me please
15:01:10 [dom]
zakim, aacc is me
15:01:10 [Zakim]
+dom; got it
15:01:18 [cgi-irc]
zakim, aaaa is me
15:01:18 [Zakim]
+cgi-irc; got it
15:01:23 [jeffs]
Zakim, mute me please
15:01:23 [Zakim]
sorry, jeffs, I do not know which phone connection belongs to you
15:01:29 [Zakim]
15:01:45 [PhilA]
zakim, mute me
15:01:45 [Zakim]
Phil_Archer should now be muted
15:01:56 [jeffs]
zakim, 1.585.278.aabb is me
15:01:58 [Zakim]
sorry, jeffs, I do not recognize a party named '1.585.278.aabb'
15:02:03 [dom]
zakim, aabb is jeffs
15:02:03 [Zakim]
+jeffs; got it
15:02:30 [francois]
Regrets: MartinJ, Jo, Murari, rob, AlanTai, Magnus, SeanP, Jason, AlanC, chaals, nacho, Kai, kemp
15:02:34 [dom]
zakim, mute jeffs
15:02:34 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
15:02:56 [Zakim]
15:03:16 [dom]
zakim, list attendees
15:03:16 [Zakim]
As of this point the attendees have been Sean_Owen, +0207881aaaa, francois, +1.585.278.aabb, +1.339.525.aacc, dom, cgi-irc, Phil_Archer, jeffs, Bryan_Sullivan
15:03:22 [dom]
zakim, who's on the call?
15:03:22 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Sean_Owen, cgi-irc, francois, jeffs (muted), dom, Phil_Archer (muted), Bryan_Sullivan
15:03:46 [hgerlach]
hgerlach has joined #bpwg
15:05:24 [mgarcia]
mgarcia has joined #BPWG
15:05:32 [Zakim]
+ +049211aadd
15:05:43 [dom]
zakim, aadd is Heiko
15:05:43 [Zakim]
+Heiko; got it
15:05:57 [hgerlach]
15:06:13 [drooks]
drooks has joined #bpwg
15:06:29 [Zakim]
15:06:44 [Zakim]
+ +0783371aaee
15:06:48 [miguel]
Zakim, [CTIC] is me
15:06:48 [Zakim]
+miguel; got it
15:07:05 [miguel]
Zakim, abel is with me
15:07:05 [Zakim]
+abel; got it
15:07:06 [drooks]
zakim, +0783371aaee is me
15:07:06 [Zakim]
+drooks; got it
15:07:17 [manrique]
manrique has joined #bpwg
15:07:21 [dom]
zakim, cgi-irc is really adam
15:07:21 [Zakim]
+adam; got it
15:07:25 [miguel]
Zakim, manrique is with me
15:07:25 [Zakim]
+manrique; got it
15:07:33 [DKA]
DKA has joined #bpwg
15:07:51 [Zakim]
15:07:53 [Zakim]
15:07:54 [DKA]
15:08:02 [edm]
edm has joined #bpwg
15:08:03 [Zakim]
+ +1.781.267.aaff
15:08:15 [skarim]
skarim has joined #bpwg
15:09:09 [dom]
15:09:34 [DKA]
zakim, who is here?
15:09:34 [Zakim]
On the phone I see Sean_Owen, adam, francois, jeffs (muted), dom, Phil_Archer (muted), Bryan_Sullivan, Heiko, miguel, drooks, DKA, Ed_Mitukiewicz, +1.781.267.aaff
15:09:36 [dom]
zakim, aaff is probably Shahriar
15:09:37 [Zakim]
miguel has miguel, abel, manrique
15:09:41 [Zakim]
On IRC I see skarim, edm, DKA, manrique, drooks, miguel, hgerlach, PhilA, cgi-irc, abel, srowen, Zakim, RRSAgent, jeffs, JonathanJ, Bryan, matt, francois, trackbot-ng, dom
15:09:44 [Zakim]
+Shahriar?; got it
15:09:55 [dom]
ScribeNick: srowen
15:10:03 [PhilA]
zakim, unmute me
15:10:03 [Zakim]
Phil_Archer should no longer be muted
15:10:13 [matt]
Present- Matt
15:10:32 [dom]
Topic: mobileOK Pro
15:10:37 [hgerlach]
hgerlach has joined #bpwg
15:10:38 [srowen]
DKA: Phil, updates on pro?
15:10:56 [srowen]
PhilA: had a meeting yesterday. Working through tests, looking at past work, and preparing to write more
15:11:10 [srowen]
are the changes that we've already made addressing the issues of wanting to make the tests more repeatable?
15:11:19 [Zakim]
15:11:20 [srowen]
we've made them as repeatable as possible
15:11:32 [srowen]
the posted version on the site is up to date
15:11:43 [JonathanJ]
zakim, +??P27 is me
15:11:43 [Zakim]
sorry, JonathanJ, I do not recognize a party named '+??P27'
15:11:45 [srowen]
latest version was attached to a recent mail from Kai on the list
15:11:59 [srowen]
we wonder whether we're heading down the right track -- are the tests repeatable enough?
15:12:07 [dom]
-> mobileOK Pro latest draft
15:12:15 [dom]
-> Kai's announcement
15:12:28 [francois]
zakim, ??P27 is JonathanJ
15:12:28 [Zakim]
+JonathanJ; got it
15:12:39 [PhilA]
15:12:55 [srowen]
we think the first dozen tests are repeatable, solid
15:13:00 [srowen]
that's the kind of approach we're taking
15:13:08 [srowen]
we will use these as a template for more tests
15:13:34 [srowen]
DKA: people took actions to write more tests yesterday
15:13:39 [srowen]
PhilA: Dan has the first twenty...
15:13:50 [srowen]
we're trying to listen to comments while making rapid progress
15:13:55 [srowen]
DKA: comments, anyone?
15:14:07 [srowen]
(none heard)
15:14:39 [srowen]
we can look forward to a future draft where more tests are fleshed out
15:14:45 [srowen]
if we can get lazy people like myself to complete their ACTIONs
15:14:49 [PhilA]
zakim, mute me
15:14:49 [Zakim]
Phil_Archer should now be muted
15:14:55 [srowen]
next topic is content transformation. Francois?
15:14:57 [dom]
Topic: Content Tranformation guidelines
15:15:01 [JonathanJ]
zakim, mute me
15:15:01 [Zakim]
JonathanJ should now be muted
15:15:20 [srowen]
francois: was going to say we need to delay another week, but after another look, there is little left to address
15:15:35 [srowen]
there will be points to address in the future
15:15:51 [srowen]
the 2-3 remaining issues concern altering header values,
15:15:57 [srowen]
we're having trouble finding a clean solution
15:16:05 [srowen]
so maybe we can agree on a 'dirty' one
15:16:13 [srowen]
for example, when the proxy changes the User-Agent header
15:16:20 [srowen]
DKA: what are the 'dirty' options?
15:16:34 [srowen]
francois: clean solution would have been to embed original headers using some multipart format
15:16:43 [srowen]
but that isn't transparent for content providers
15:16:58 [srowen]
the dirty solutions are to create an "X-" HTTP header and use it for this purpose,
15:17:18 [srowen]
or use the ?? HTTP header (what was this?)
15:17:26 [srowen]
final option is to not embed anything
15:17:45 [srowen]
send modified HTTP request if needed
15:17:55 [srowen]
need to agree on one of the the three options
15:18:02 [srowen]
DKA: what's the plan to pick an option?
15:18:13 [srowen]
francois: we'll agree on the next task force call on Tuesday
15:18:32 [srowen]
there are minor issues -- changing wording ins ome parts of the doc
15:18:41 [srowen]
it won't change the doc meaning, just make it more readable
15:18:47 [srowen]
DKA: editorial changes, yes
15:19:15 [srowen]
will we be in a position to implement changes by Wednesday, for review on Wednesday, and resolve to move to working draft next Thursday?
15:19:31 [srowen]
francois: will check with Jo to see if he is available on Wednesday
15:19:37 [srowen]
I hope so
15:20:06 [srowen]
DKA: shall we forget this and bless the 'manifesto'?
15:20:26 [srowen]
francois: saw some discussion on the lists, and I wrote a post on the MWI blog
15:20:34 [srowen]
maybe we can move to BPWG blog
15:20:40 [francois]
-> fd's post
15:20:56 [Bryan]
fyi I will be switching to mobile so I can drive kids to school
15:21:01 [Zakim]
15:21:09 [srowen]
it just notes that the CT taskforce exists and explains its work
15:21:22 [srowen]
maybe would be more visible on the BPWG blog
15:21:43 [srowen]
DKA: don't think we need a public reply or anything; good to have this post on the BPWG blog
15:21:48 [srowen]
let's post along with the first working draft
15:22:07 [DKA]
15:22:17 [srowen]
francois: yeah, but if the draft is delayed we lose time; it would be nice to wait, if less than 2 more weeks
15:22:19 [Zakim]
15:22:35 [srowen]
DKA: group resolution? don't think it's needed unless there is an objection
15:22:43 [srowen]
francois: will proceed if there are no objections
15:22:44 [srowen]
(none heard)
15:23:10 [srowen]
DKA: you have thoughts on what if anything could be used from the manifesto document?
15:23:21 [srowen]
francois: yes, the ideas are already present in the draft for the most part
15:24:00 [srowen]
"never change the User-Agent header" -- I wish we could say such things but it's not possible, so we can't use ideas like that
15:24:08 [srowen]
many ideas make sense
15:24:22 [srowen]
many ideas are heuristics for proxy to figure out whether it needs to transform page or not
15:24:45 [srowen]
but hard to write rules like "must not transform" because few easy cases truly exist
15:25:11 [srowen]
for example, not converting XHTML pages ever is not a practical idea
15:26:07 [srowen]
won't review this next Tuesday, as we have other issues, but can take these issues up after that
15:26:14 [srowen]
DKA: next topic is BP2
15:26:29 [srowen]
Bryan: I sent an update and emailed about it, including input from Jeff
15:26:35 [srowen]
also text about classification of devices
15:26:37 [srowen]
those are the only changes
15:26:40 [dom]
-> new draft of BP2 from bryan
15:27:09 [dom]
-> Diff since previous version
15:27:34 [srowen]
DKA: lots of items in the ACTION queue that may relate to further input
15:27:45 [srowen]
Bryan are there particular things we should pay attention to in the new draft?
15:28:07 [srowen]
Bryan: two sections from Jeff -- group should review and provide comments
15:28:23 [srowen]
I've seen an exchange on the list but not sure how it changes the text
15:28:39 [srowen]
this addresses script "tuning", matching to capabilities, and the same for CSS
15:29:03 [srowen]
the other input is on classification of devices. I pulled text from our developer site with examples of device classification
15:29:18 [srowen]
if this looks good, great, otherwise input is requested
15:29:22 [DKA]
15:29:28 [srowen]
DKA: any comments from the group?
15:29:35 [srowen]
anyone want an action to review this?
15:30:03 [srowen]
We'll have to approach this in a more structured way
15:30:14 [srowen]
Bryan: we have good material in there -- how long to wait until we go to a public draft?
15:30:25 [srowen]
DKA: Dom, francois, thoughts?
15:30:26 [dom]
ack me
15:30:49 [srowen]
dom: yes I think we should move to a public draft, as it will trigger review
15:31:06 [srowen]
maybe 1 more week of review, and with no objection, resolve next week to publish as a public draft
15:31:17 [srowen]
DKA: sounds good
15:31:19 [srowen]
srowen: +1
15:31:39 [srowen]
Bryan: two weeks would be fine too
15:31:54 [dom]
Bryan, I think the mention of "mobileOK" in should be removed
15:32:05 [srowen]
even if the doc is incomplete, with working notes, it's better to get it into the public view
15:32:10 [dom]
15:32:49 [srowen]
DKA: next topic is the proposal regarding the Korean task force
15:33:00 [srowen]
this came from the Seoul F2F meeting
15:33:11 [srowen]
clear that it may be a good idea to set up a separate task force
15:33:20 [dom]
Topic: Korean TF
15:33:44 [srowen]
This TF will facilitate more communication input from Korea on BPs, from Mobile Web 2.0 forum
15:33:53 [srowen]
translating language and requirements for Korean market
15:34:22 [dom]
-> Korean TF charter proposal
15:34:35 [srowen]
I will take the liberty of walking people through the doc, Jonathan
15:35:49 [JonathanJ]
Proposal document :
15:36:09 [srowen]
TF leaders are Seungyun, Jonathan is a member
15:36:16 [srowen]
also Soonho Lee
15:36:39 [achuter]
achuter has joined #bpwg
15:36:48 [srowen]
Jonathan maybe you can answer on IRC -- is the proposal that one or both task force leaders would represent the task force in the main working group calls?
15:37:04 [JonathanJ]
15:37:31 [srowen]
I think this is a good proposal and I support it
15:37:40 [srowen]
I characterize this as an experiment
15:37:49 [srowen]
maybe useful to set up additional task forces in local markets
15:37:50 [Zakim]
15:38:01 [achuter]
zakim, ??P12 is me
15:38:01 [Zakim]
+achuter; got it
15:38:19 [srowen]
particularly supportive of this because of W3C Korea's and MW 2.0 forum's support
15:38:23 [srowen]
want to continue this relationship
15:38:28 [srowen]
make it more productive
15:38:30 [srowen]
other comments?
15:38:30 [DKA]
15:38:45 [srowen]
I propose we resolve to accept this charter
15:39:03 [JonathanJ]
15:39:07 [jeffs]
15:39:15 [francois]
15:39:18 [DKA]
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We accept the proposed task force charter document for a Korean task force and work with all speed to set up the task force as part of the BP group.
15:39:30 [DKA]
PROPOSED RESOLUTION: We approve the proposed task force charter document for a Korean task force and work with all speed to set up the task force as part of the BP group.
15:39:56 [DKA]
RESOLUTION: We approve the proposed task force charter document for a Korean task force and work with all speed to set up the task force as part of the BP group.
15:40:47 [srowen]
We'll be in touch about setting up mailing lists and other infrastructure
15:41:07 [srowen]
DKA: next topic, mobility and accessibility
15:41:09 [dom]
Topic: Accessibility document
15:41:19 [srowen]
comments from Sean Henry from WAI outreach -- can you summarize?
15:41:47 [srowen]
achuter: I took an action to reorganize the document after our conversation
15:42:15 [srowen]
I just sent a message to both groups, a mockup to illustrate how the information has moved around
15:42:18 [srowen]
there is some feedback so far
15:42:45 [srowen]
some have suggested it is too complicated and a simple version is needed
15:42:56 [srowen]
things are moving ahead, slowly
15:43:17 [srowen]
DKA: can we take decisions today that would help move that along?
15:43:27 [achuter]
15:43:29 [srowen]
achuter: no, just have a look at the reorganized document and see if it makes sense
15:44:03 [achuter]
15:44:31 [srowen]
this document is for someone familiar with BP, and is now moving to WCAG
15:44:53 [srowen]
for each WCAG criteria, this specifies how it relates to mobile, and enumerates success criteria
15:45:12 [srowen]
further on, a section on BPs, which describes how BPs help meet WCAG success criteria
15:45:58 [srowen]
DKA: who can take an action to review?
15:46:21 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
15:46:21 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
15:47:05 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
15:47:05 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
15:47:07 [DKA]
15:47:39 [srowen]
DKA: let's create an ISSUE around this
15:48:40 [srowen]
next item is actions and issues review
15:49:04 [dom]
Topic: action items and issue review
15:49:25 [dom]
-> Open action items
15:49:41 [dom]
-> Actions on BP2
15:49:46 [srowen]
let's start with MWBP 2 actions
15:49:53 [dom]
15:49:53 [srowen]
ACTION-618 on Ed
15:49:53 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-618 -- Edward Mitukiewicz to review Scope of BP1 to see what it tells us about scope of BP2 -- due 2008-01-17 -- OPEN
15:49:53 [trackbot-ng]
15:50:12 [srowen]
edm: guilty as charged, I don't have time lately...
15:51:02 [srowen]
DKA: let's strike this?
15:51:43 [dom]
close ACTION-618
15:51:43 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-618 Review Scope of BP1 to see what it tells us about scope of BP2 closed
15:52:04 [dom]
15:52:04 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-665 -- Alan Chuter to talk to Jeffs about what support they can provide on examples -- due 2008-02-28 -- OPEN
15:52:04 [trackbot-ng]
15:52:38 [srowen]
DKA: should be against accessibility doc, right?
15:52:46 [dom]
-> context for the action
15:54:09 [dom]
15:54:09 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-691 -- Daniel Appelquist to raise issue and start discussion on main page, external resources and so on -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:54:09 [trackbot-ng]
15:54:33 [dom]
-> context for ACTOIN-691
15:54:50 [srowen]
DKA: haven't done this yet
15:55:41 [Zakim]
15:55:42 [dom]
15:55:42 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-692 -- Sunghan Kim to provide some example BP statements based on the presentation he gave at Korea F2F -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:55:42 [trackbot-ng]
15:56:06 [dom]
15:56:08 [dom]
15:56:08 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-693 -- Daniel Appelquist to raise issue with Dave Raggett in UWA and see if they will take forward from where we leave off -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:56:08 [trackbot-ng]
15:56:10 [dom]
-> context for ACTION-693
15:56:16 [dom]
15:56:16 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-694 -- Daniel Appelquist to review apple document and summarise the parts that might be applicable to BP2 -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:56:16 [trackbot-ng]
15:56:19 [srowen]
DKA: haven't done it
15:56:30 [dom]
15:56:30 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-695 -- Jonathan Jeon to extract BP statements from K MWBP 1.5 document for consideration in BP 2.0 -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:56:30 [trackbot-ng]
15:57:24 [srowen]
DKA: if there are contributions to BP 2, now would be a good time
15:57:26 [srowen]
thank you
15:57:29 [dom]
15:57:29 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-697 -- Daniel Appelquist to summarize the points he can glean from examination of the frost library -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:57:29 [trackbot-ng]
15:58:05 [dom]
15:58:05 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-699 -- Bryan Sullivan to insert an Appendix listing the Device properties that BP2 is dependent upon -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:58:05 [trackbot-ng]
15:58:45 [srowen]
Bryan: appendix has been added, but there are no details yet
15:59:24 [dom]
close ACTION-699
15:59:24 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-699 Insert an Appendix listing the Device properties that BP2 is dependent upon closed
15:59:30 [dom]
15:59:30 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-700 -- Bryan Sullivan to introduce a BP on classification of devices into High, Mid, Low etc on a per application basis - with an extended non-normative example, pethaps -- due 2008-03-11 -- OPEN
15:59:30 [trackbot-ng]
15:59:34 [dom]
close ACTION-700
15:59:34 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-700 Introduce a BP on classification of devices into High, Mid, Low etc on a per application basis - with an extended non-normative example, pethaps closed
15:59:51 [dom]
15:59:51 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-712 -- Yeliz Yesilada to review ARIA to see what could be relevant to BP2 -- due 2008-03-20 -- OPEN
15:59:51 [trackbot-ng]
16:00:21 [dom]
ack me
16:00:21 [skarim]
skarim has left #bpwg
16:00:49 [Zakim]
16:00:51 [PhilA]
PhilA has left #bpwg
16:01:07 [dom]
16:01:07 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-704 -- Kai Scheppe to ensure that mobileOK Pro Tests doc is put on BPWG agenda -- due 2008-03-12 -- OPEN
16:01:07 [trackbot-ng]
16:01:14 [dom]
close ACTION-704
16:01:14 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-704 Ensure that mobileOK Pro Tests doc is put on BPWG agenda closed
16:02:04 [dom]
16:02:04 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-712 -- Yeliz Yesilada to review ARIA to see what could be relevant to BP2 -- due 2008-03-20 -- OPEN
16:02:04 [trackbot-ng]
16:02:39 [dom]
16:02:39 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-713 -- Sean Owen to review the AJAX contribution or ask Adam to do so -- due 2008-03-20 -- OPEN
16:02:39 [trackbot-ng]
16:02:45 [dom]
close ACTION-713
16:02:45 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-713 Review the AJAX contribution or ask Adam to do so closed
16:02:46 [srowen]
srowen: done
16:03:19 [Zakim]
16:03:21 [dom]
-> Sean's review of AJAX resources
16:03:43 [srowen]
srowen: Bryan has digested it and incorporated what seems useful
16:04:45 [srowen]
DKA: any checker updates?
16:05:22 [srowen]
srowen: no, keep fixing bugs -- report some more issues for us
16:05:32 [srowen]
DKA: how about the issue on communicating with Korea?
16:05:41 [jeffs]
zakim, unmute me
16:05:41 [Zakim]
jeffs should no longer be muted
16:05:47 [dom]
16:05:47 [trackbot-ng]
ACTION-719 -- Jeffrey Sonstein to take a look at the ref in 5.9.4 and summarize it -- due 2008-03-27 -- OPEN
16:05:47 [trackbot-ng]
16:05:51 [srowen]
srowen: not sure, but nothing specific: everyone should be reviewing now, not later. It will be too late in a few weeks
16:06:21 [srowen]
jeffs: will send some more code by emai (?)
16:06:33 [srowen]
5.9.4 and 5.9.5 in latest draft
16:06:43 [dom]
-> Jeff's contribution
16:06:51 [jeffs]
will send better-formatted-for-html versions today for posting
16:06:52 [dom]
-> Jeff's contribution on ACTION-719
16:06:57 [jeffs]
zakim, mute me
16:06:57 [Zakim]
jeffs should now be muted
16:07:19 [srowen]
DKA: no more actions to review today, any others?
16:07:32 [srowen]
let's switch to ISSUEs
16:07:33 [dom]
-> open issues
16:08:02 [dom]
16:08:02 [trackbot-ng]
ISSUE-237 -- What is the definition of a "Mobile Web Application" for the purposes of BP2? -- OPEN
16:08:02 [trackbot-ng]
16:08:27 [dom]
[29 messages exchanged on ISSUE-237]
16:08:52 [DKA]
16:09:28 [dom]
-> Scope of BP2 describes mobile web applications
16:10:15 [dom]
16:10:24 [dom]
ack me
16:10:48 [DKA]
ack d
16:11:11 [srowen]
DKA: how about mobileOK Basic tests issues?
16:11:20 [srowen]
srowen: Think they are errata for 1.1 -- can leave on the shelf
16:11:27 [srowen]
dom: not sure, may need 1.0 discussion
16:11:57 [dom]
[typically, I don't think we can leave mobileOK Basic with ISSUE-230 not resolved]
16:12:29 [dom]
16:12:29 [trackbot-ng]
ISSUE-229 -- Scope of mobile web applications best practices -- OPEN
16:12:29 [trackbot-ng]
16:12:40 [dom]
+1 to closing ISSUE-229
16:12:52 [DKA]
16:12:56 [DKA]
16:13:38 [srowen]
DKA: ISSUE-226 -- resolved by chartering of Korea TF, so close this
16:13:41 [DKA]
16:13:45 [dom]
16:13:45 [trackbot-ng]
ISSUE-226 -- Recommendations on how to improve relevance of BPs to Korean market -- OPEN
16:13:45 [trackbot-ng]
16:14:39 [srowen]
DKA: checker issues?
16:14:44 [srowen]
srowen: no, don't need group discussion
16:14:49 [srowen]
DKA: CT issues?
16:15:03 [srowen]
francois: "Jo's CT Shopping List" is the important issue but Jo's not here, not on the agenda
16:15:14 [dom]
[I think ISSUE-210 should be moved to the checker bugzilla]
16:15:52 [srowen]
(srowen: OK with that --- this is an enhancement request and not really an issue, yes)
16:16:00 [srowen]
(also happy to close ISSUE-214 with 'no')
16:16:09 [DKA]
16:16:32 [srowen]
dom: I'll move it into bugzilla now
16:16:43 [srowen]
DKA: any other business?
16:16:45 [srowen]
(none heard)
16:16:59 [Zakim]
16:17:01 [Zakim]
16:17:02 [Zakim]
16:17:02 [Zakim]
16:17:03 [Zakim]
16:17:03 [Zakim]
16:17:05 [Zakim]
16:17:05 [srowen]
srowen has left #bpwg
16:17:05 [Zakim]
16:17:07 [Zakim]
16:17:08 [abel]
abel has left #bpwg
16:17:09 [Zakim]
16:17:10 [Zakim]
16:17:11 [JonathanJ]
16:17:32 [Zakim]
16:17:33 [Zakim]
MWI_BPWG()11:00AM has ended
16:17:34 [Zakim]
Attendees were Sean_Owen, +0207881aaaa, francois, +1.585.278.aabb, +1.339.525.aacc, dom, Phil_Archer, jeffs, Bryan_Sullivan, +049211aadd, Heiko, miguel, abel, drooks, adam,
16:17:36 [Zakim]
... manrique, Ed_Mitukiewicz, DKA, +1.781.267.aaff, Shahriar?, JonathanJ, achuter
16:17:48 [JonathanJ]
JonathanJ has left #bpwg
16:19:10 [dom]
RRSAgent, draft minutes
16:19:10 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate dom
16:19:17 [dom]
zakim, bye
16:19:17 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #bpwg